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synced 2025-02-04 17:47:26 +03:00
TestCase.assertEquals() is an alias for TestCase.assertEqual() and has been deprecated since Python 2.7. When we run our tests with in python developer mode (`PYTHONDEVMODE=1 make test`) we get 580 DeprecationWarnings about this. Signed-off-by: Douglas Bagnall <douglas.bagnall@catalyst.net.nz> Reviewed-by: Noel Power <npower@samba.org>
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# Test 'samba-tool domain passwordsettings' sub-commands
# Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org> 2018
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import ldb
from samba.tests.samba_tool.base import SambaToolCmdTest
from samba.tests.pso import PasswordSettings, TestUser
class PwdSettingsCmdTestCase(SambaToolCmdTest):
"""Tests for 'samba-tool domain passwordsettings' subcommands"""
def setUp(self):
super(PwdSettingsCmdTestCase, self).setUp()
self.server = "ldap://%s" % os.environ["DC_SERVER"]
self.user_auth = "-U%s%%%s" % (os.environ["DC_USERNAME"],
self.ldb = self.getSamDB("-H", self.server, self.user_auth)
system_dn = "CN=System,%s" % self.ldb.domain_dn()
self.pso_container = "CN=Password Settings Container,%s" % system_dn
self.obj_cleanup = []
def tearDown(self):
super(PwdSettingsCmdTestCase, self).tearDown()
# clean-up any objects the test has created
for dn in self.obj_cleanup:
def check_pso(self, pso_name, pso):
"""Checks the PSO info in the DB matches what's expected"""
# lookup the PSO in the DB
dn = "CN=%s,%s" % (pso_name, self.pso_container)
pso_attrs = ['name', 'msDS-PasswordSettingsPrecedence',
'msDS-LockoutThreshold', 'msDS-LockoutDuration']
res = self.ldb.search(dn, scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=pso_attrs)
self.assertEqual(len(res), 1, "PSO lookup failed")
# convert types in the PSO-settings to what the search returns, i.e.
# boolean --> string, seconds --> timestamps in -100 nanosecond units
complexity_str = "TRUE" if pso.complexity else "FALSE"
plaintext_str = "TRUE" if pso.store_plaintext else "FALSE"
lockout_duration = -int(pso.lockout_duration * (1e7))
lockout_window = -int(pso.lockout_window * (1e7))
min_age = -int(pso.password_age_min * (1e7))
max_age = -int(pso.password_age_max * (1e7))
# check the PSO's settings match the search results
plaintext_res = res[0]['msDS-PasswordReversibleEncryptionEnabled'][0]
self.assertEqual(str(plaintext_res), plaintext_str)
self.assertEqual(int(res[0]['msDS-MinimumPasswordAge'][0]), min_age)
self.assertEqual(int(res[0]['msDS-MaximumPasswordAge'][0]), max_age)
# check we can also display the PSO via the show command
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "show"), pso_name,
"-H", self.server,
self.assertTrue(len(out.split(":")) >= 10,
"Expect 10 fields displayed")
# for a few settings, sanity-check the display is what we expect
self.assertIn("Minimum password length: %u" % pso.password_len, out)
self.assertIn("Password history length: %u" % pso.history_len, out)
lockout_str = "lockout threshold (attempts): %u" % pso.lockout_attempts
self.assertIn(lockout_str, out)
def test_pso_create(self):
"""Tests basic PSO creation using the samba-tool"""
# we expect the PSO to take the current domain settings by default
# (we'll set precedence/complexity, the rest should be the defaults)
expected_pso = PasswordSettings(None, self.ldb)
expected_pso.complexity = False
expected_pso.precedence = 100
# check basic PSO creation works
pso_name = "test-create-PSO"
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "create"), pso_name,
"100", "--complexity=off",
"-H", self.server,
# make sure we clean-up after the test completes
self.obj_cleanup.append("CN=%s,%s" % (pso_name, self.pso_container))
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.assertIn("successfully created", out)
self.check_pso(pso_name, expected_pso)
# check creating a PSO with the same name fails
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "create"), pso_name,
"100", "--complexity=off",
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdFail(result, "Ensure that create for existing PSO fails")
self.assertIn("already exists", err)
# check we need to specify at least one password policy argument
pso_name = "test-create-PSO2"
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "create"), pso_name,
"100", "-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdFail(result, "Ensure that create for existing PSO fails")
self.assertIn("specify at least one password policy setting", err)
# create a PSO with different settings and check they match
expected_pso.complexity = True
expected_pso.store_plaintext = True
expected_pso.precedence = 50
expected_pso.password_len = 12
day_in_secs = 60 * 60 * 24
expected_pso.password_age_min = 11 * day_in_secs
expected_pso.password_age_max = 50 * day_in_secs
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "create"), pso_name,
"50", "--complexity=on",
"-H", self.server,
self.obj_cleanup.append("CN=%s,%s" % (pso_name, self.pso_container))
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.assertIn("successfully created", out)
self.check_pso(pso_name, expected_pso)
# check the PSOs we created are present in the 'list' command
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "list"),
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertIn("test-create-PSO", out)
self.assertIn("test-create-PSO2", out)
def _create_pso(self, pso_name):
"""Creates a PSO for use in other tests"""
# the new PSO will take the current domain settings by default
pso_settings = PasswordSettings(None, self.ldb)
pso_settings.name = pso_name
pso_settings.password_len = 10
pso_settings.precedence = 200
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "create"), pso_name,
"200", "--min-pwd-length=10",
"-H", self.server,
# make sure we clean-up after the test completes
pso_settings.dn = "CN=%s,%s" % (pso_name, self.pso_container)
# sanity-check the cmd was successful
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.assertIn("successfully created", out)
self.check_pso(pso_name, pso_settings)
return pso_settings
def test_pso_set(self):
"""Tests we can modify a PSO using the samba-tool"""
pso_name = "test-set-PSO"
pso_settings = self._create_pso(pso_name)
# check we can update a PSO's settings
pso_settings.precedence = 99
pso_settings.lockout_attempts = 10
pso_settings.lockout_duration = 60 * 17
(res, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "set"), pso_name,
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(res, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.assertIn("Successfully updated", out)
# check the PSO's settings now reflect the new values
self.check_pso(pso_name, pso_settings)
def test_pso_delete(self):
"""Tests we can delete a PSO using the samba-tool"""
pso_name = "test-delete-PSO"
# check we can successfully delete the PSO
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "delete"), pso_name,
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.assertIn("Deleted PSO", out)
dn = "CN=%s,%s" % (pso_name, self.pso_container)
# check the object no longer exists in the DB
self.ldb.search(dn, scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=['name'])
self.fail("PSO shouldn't exist")
except ldb.LdbError as e:
(enum, estr) = e.args
self.assertEqual(enum, ldb.ERR_NO_SUCH_OBJECT)
# run the same cmd again - it should fail because PSO no longer exists
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "delete"), pso_name,
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdFail(result, "Deleteing a non-existent PSO should fail")
self.assertIn("Unable to find PSO", err)
def check_pso_applied(self, user, pso):
"""Checks that the correct PSO is applied to a given user"""
# first check the samba-tool output tells us the correct PSO is applied
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "show-user"),
user.name, "-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
if pso is None:
self.assertIn("No PSO applies to user", out)
self.assertIn(pso.name, out)
# then check the DB tells us the same thing
if pso is None:
self.assertEqual(user.get_resultant_PSO(), None)
self.assertEqual(user.get_resultant_PSO(), pso.dn)
def test_pso_apply_to_user(self):
"""Checks we can apply/unapply a PSO to a user"""
pso_name = "test-apply-PSO"
test_pso = self._create_pso(pso_name)
# check that a new user has no PSO applied by default
user = TestUser("test-PSO-user", self.ldb)
self.check_pso_applied(user, pso=None)
# add the user to a new group
group_name = "test-PSO-group"
dn = "CN=%s,%s" % (group_name, self.ldb.domain_dn())
self.ldb.add({"dn": dn, "objectclass": "group",
"sAMAccountName": group_name})
m = ldb.Message()
m.dn = ldb.Dn(self.ldb, dn)
m["member"] = ldb.MessageElement(user.dn, ldb.FLAG_MOD_ADD, "member")
# check samba-tool can successfully link a PSO to a group
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "apply"), pso_name,
group_name, "-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.check_pso_applied(user, pso=test_pso)
# we should fail if we try to apply the same PSO/group twice though
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "apply"), pso_name,
group_name, "-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdFail(result, "Shouldn't be able to apply PSO twice")
self.assertIn("already applies", err)
# check samba-tool can successfully link a PSO to a user
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "apply"), pso_name,
user.name, "-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.check_pso_applied(user, pso=test_pso)
# check samba-tool can successfully unlink a group from a PSO
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "unapply"), pso_name,
group_name, "-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
# PSO still applies directly to the user, even though group was removed
self.check_pso_applied(user, pso=test_pso)
# check samba-tool can successfully unlink a user from a PSO
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "unapply"), pso_name,
user.name, "-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.check_pso_applied(user, pso=None)
def test_pso_unpriv(self):
"""Checks unprivileged users can't modify PSOs via samba-tool"""
# create a dummy PSO and a non-admin user
pso_name = "test-unpriv-PSO"
user = TestUser("test-unpriv-user", self.ldb)
unpriv_auth = "-U%s%%%s" % (user.name, user.get_password())
# check we need admin privileges to be able to do anything to PSOs
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "set"), pso_name,
"--complexity=off", "-H",
self.server, unpriv_auth)
self.assertCmdFail(result, "Need admin privileges to modify PSO")
self.assertIn("You may not have permission", err)
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "create"), "bad-perm",
"250", "--complexity=off",
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdFail(result, "Need admin privileges to modify PSO")
self.assertIn("Administrator permissions are needed", err)
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "delete"), pso_name,
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdFail(result, "Need admin privileges to delete PSO")
self.assertIn("You may not have permission", err)
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "show"), pso_name,
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdFail(result, "Need admin privileges to view PSO")
self.assertIn("You may not have permission", err)
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "apply"), pso_name,
user.name, "-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdFail(result, "Need admin privileges to modify PSO")
self.assertIn("You may not have permission", err)
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "unapply"), pso_name,
user.name, "-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdFail(result, "Need admin privileges to modify PSO")
self.assertIn("You may not have permission", err)
# The 'list' command actually succeeds because it's not easy to tell
# whether we got no results due to lack of permissions, or because
# there were no PSOs to display
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"pso", "list"), "-H",
self.server, unpriv_auth)
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertIn("No PSOs", out)
self.assertIn("permission", out)
def test_domain_passwordsettings(self):
"""Checks the 'set/show' commands for the domain settings (non-PSO)"""
# check the 'show' cmd for the domain settings
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"show"), "-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
# check an arbitrary setting is displayed correctly
min_pwd_len = self.ldb.get_minPwdLength()
self.assertIn("Minimum password length: %s" % min_pwd_len, out)
# check we can change the domain setting
self.addCleanup(self.ldb.set_minPwdLength, min_pwd_len)
new_len = int(min_pwd_len) + 3
min_pwd_args = "--min-pwd-length=%u" % new_len
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"set"), min_pwd_args,
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.assertIn("successful", out)
self.assertEqual(new_len, self.ldb.get_minPwdLength())
# check the updated value is now displayed
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"show"), "-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.assertIn("Minimum password length: %u" % new_len, out)
def test_domain_passwordsettings_pwdage(self):
"""Checks the 'set' command for the domain password age (non-PSO)"""
# check we can set the domain max password age
max_pwd_age = self.ldb.get_maxPwdAge()
self.addCleanup(self.ldb.set_maxPwdAge, max_pwd_age)
max_pwd_args = "--max-pwd-age=270"
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"set"), max_pwd_args,
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.assertIn("successful", out)
self.assertNotEquals(max_pwd_age, self.ldb.get_maxPwdAge())
# check we can't set the domain min password age to more than the max
min_pwd_age = self.ldb.get_minPwdAge()
self.addCleanup(self.ldb.set_minPwdAge, min_pwd_age)
min_pwd_args = "--min-pwd-age=271"
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"set"), min_pwd_args,
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdFail(result, "minPwdAge > maxPwdAge should be rejected")
self.assertIn("Maximum password age", err)
# check we can set the domain min password age to less than the max
min_pwd_args = "--min-pwd-age=269"
(result, out, err) = self.runsublevelcmd("domain", ("passwordsettings",
"set"), min_pwd_args,
"-H", self.server,
self.assertCmdSuccess(result, out, err)
self.assertEqual(err, "", "Shouldn't be any error messages")
self.assertIn("successful", out)
self.assertNotEquals(min_pwd_age, self.ldb.get_minPwdAge())