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synced 2025-03-02 08:58:33 +03:00
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134 lines
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package output::html;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new($$$$) {
my ($class, $dirname, $statistics) = @_;
my $self = {
dirname => $dirname,
statistics => $statistics,
active_test => undef,
msg => ""
open(INDEX, ">$dirname/index.html");
print INDEX "<html>\n";
print INDEX "<body>\n";
print INDEX "<table>\n";
print INDEX "<tr><td>Test</td><td>Environment</td><td>Result</td><td>Duration</td></tr>\n";
$self->{INDEX} = *INDEX;
bless($self, $class);
sub output_msg($$$);
sub start_testsuite($$)
my ($self, $state) = @_;
$state->{HTMLFILE} = "$state->{NAME}.html";
$state->{HTMLFILE} =~ s/[:\t\n ]/_/g;
open(TEST, ">$self->{dirname}/$state->{HTMLFILE}");
print TEST "<html>\n";
print TEST "<body>\n";
sub output_msg($$$)
my ($self, $state, $output) = @_;
unless (defined($self->{active_test})) {
print TEST "$output<br/>";
} else {
$self->{msg} .= "$output<br/>";
sub end_testsuite($$$$$)
my ($self, $state, $expected_ret, $ret, $envlog) = @_;
print TEST "</body>\n";
print TEST "</html>\n";
print INDEX "<tr><td><a href=\"$state->{HTMLFILE}\">$state->{NAME}</a></td><td>$state->{ENVNAME}</td>";
if ($ret == $expected_ret) {
print INDEX "<td bgcolor=\"green\">OK</td>";
} else {
print INDEX "<td bgcolor=\"red\">FAIL</td>";
print INDEX "<td>" . (time() - $state->{START_TIME}) . "</td>\n";
print INDEX "</tr>\n";
sub start_test($$$)
my ($self, $state, $testname) = @_;
print TEST "<h3>$testname</h3>\n";
$self->{active_test} = $testname;
$self->{msg} = "";
sub end_test($$$$$)
my ($self, $state, $testname, $result, $unexpected) = @_;
if ($result eq "skip") {
print TEST "<div bgcolor=\"yellow\">\n";
} elsif ($unexpected) {
print TEST "<div bgcolor=\"red\">\n";
print TEST $self->{msg};
print TEST "</div>\n";
$self->{active_test} = undef;
sub summary($)
my ($self) = @_;
print INDEX "</table>\n";
print INDEX "FAILED ($self->{statistics}->{TESTS_UNEXPECTED_FAIL} failures and $self->{statistics}->{TESTS_ERROR} errors in $self->{statistics}->{SUITES_FAIL} testsuites)\n";
print INDEX "</body>\n";
print INDEX "</html>\n";
sub missing_env($$$)
my ($self, $name, $envname) = @_;
print "FAIL: $name (ENV[$envname] not available!)\n";
sub skip_testsuite($$)
my ($self, $name) = @_;
print INDEX "<tr><td>$name</td><td>N/A</td><td bgcolor=\"yellow\">SKIPPED</td><td>N/A</td></tr>\n";