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@First draft
@Thread-safe API
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\begin_layout Title
TDB2: A Redesigning The Trivial DataBase
\begin_layout Author
Rusty Russell, IBM Corporation
\begin_layout Date
\begin_layout Abstract
The Trivial DataBase on-disk format is 32 bits; with usage cases heading
towards the 4G limit, that must change.
This required breakage provides an opportunity to revisit TDB's other design
decisions and reassess them.
\begin_layout Section
\begin_layout Standard
The Trivial DataBase was originally written by Andrew Tridgell as a simple
key/data pair storage system with the same API as dbm, but allowing multiple
readers and writers while being small enough (< 1000 lines of C) to include
The simple design created in 1999 has proven surprisingly robust and performant
, used in Samba versions 3 and 4 as well as numerous other projects.
Its useful life was greatly increased by the (backwards-compatible!) addition
of transaction support in 2005.
\begin_layout Standard
The wider variety and greater demands of TDB-using code has lead to some
organic growth of the API, as well as some compromises on the implementation.
None of these, by themselves, are seen as show-stoppers, but the cumulative
effect is to a loss of elegance over the initial, simple TDB implementation.
Here is a table of the approximate number of lines of implementation code
and number of API functions at the end of each year:
\begin_layout Standard
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Year End
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\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
API Functions
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\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Lines of C Code Implementation
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\begin_layout Standard
This review is an attempt to catalog and address all the known issues with
TDB and create solutions which address the problems without significantly
increasing complexity; all involved are far too aware of the dangers of
second system syndrome in rewriting a successful project like this.
\begin_layout Section
API Issues
\begin_layout Subsection
tdb_open_ex Is Not Expandable
\begin_layout Standard
The tdb_open() call was expanded to tdb_open_ex(), which added an optional
hashing function and an optional logging function argument.
Additional arguments to open would require the introduction of a tdb_open_ex2
call etc.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "attributes"
\begin_layout Standard
tdb_open() will take a linked-list of attributes:
\begin_layout LyX-Code
enum tdb_attribute {
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct tdb_attribute_base {
\begin_layout LyX-Code
enum tdb_attribute attr;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
union tdb_attribute *next;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct tdb_attribute_log {
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct tdb_attribute_base base; /* .attr = TDB_ATTRIBUTE_LOG */
\begin_layout LyX-Code
tdb_log_func log_fn;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
void *log_private;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct tdb_attribute_hash {
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct tdb_attribute_base base; /* .attr = TDB_ATTRIBUTE_HASH */
\begin_layout LyX-Code
tdb_hash_func hash_fn;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
void *hash_private;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout LyX-Code
union tdb_attribute {
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct tdb_attribute_base base;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct tdb_attribute_log log;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct tdb_attribute_hash hash;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout Standard
This allows future attributes to be added, even if this expands the size
of the union.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
tdb_traverse Makes Impossible Guarantees
\begin_layout Standard
tdb_traverse (and tdb_firstkey/tdb_nextkey) predate transactions, and it
was thought that it was important to guarantee that all records which exist
at the start and end of the traversal would be included, and no record
would be included twice.
\begin_layout Standard
This adds complexity (see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "Reliable-Traversal-Adds"
) and does not work anyway for records which are altered (in particular,
those which are expanded may be effectively deleted and re-added behind
the traversal).
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "traverse-Proposed-Solution"
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
Abandon the guarantee.
You will see every record if no changes occur during your traversal, otherwise
you will see some subset.
You can prevent changes by using a transaction or the locking API.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
Delete-during-traverse will still delete every record, too (assuming no
other changes).
\begin_layout Subsection
Nesting of Transactions Is Fraught
\begin_layout Standard
TDB has alternated between allowing nested transactions and not allowing
Various paths in the Samba codebase assume that transactions will nest,
and in a sense they can: the operation is only committed to disk when the
outer transaction is committed.
There are two problems, however:
\begin_layout Enumerate
Canceling the inner transaction will cause the outer transaction commit
to fail, and will not undo any operations since the inner transaction began.
This problem is soluble with some additional internal code.
\begin_layout Enumerate
An inner transaction commit can be cancelled by the outer transaction.
This is desirable in the way which Samba's database initialization code
uses transactions, but could be a surprise to any users expecting a successful
transaction commit to expose changes to others.
\begin_layout Standard
The current solution is to specify the behavior at tdb_open(), with the
default currently that nested transactions are allowed.
This flag can also be changed at runtime.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
Given the usage patterns, it seems that the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
behavior of disallowing nested transactions should become the default.
Additionally, it seems the outer transaction is the only code which knows
whether inner transactions should be allowed, so a flag to indicate this
could be added to tdb_transaction_start.
However, this behavior can be simulated with a wrapper which uses tdb_add_flags
() and tdb_remove_flags(), so the API should not be expanded for this relatively
-obscure case.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1298979572
Incomplete; nesting flag is still defined as per tdb1.
\change_inserted 0 1298979584
Complete; the nesting flag has been removed.
\begin_layout Subsection
Incorrect Hash Function is Not Detected
\begin_layout Standard
tdb_open_ex() allows the calling code to specify a different hash function
to use, but does not check that all other processes accessing this tdb
are using the same hash function.
The result is that records are missing from tdb_fetch().
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
The header should contain an example hash result (eg.
the hash of 0xdeadbeef), and tdb_open_ex() should check that the given
hash function produces the same answer, or fail the tdb_open call.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
tdb_set_max_dead/TDB_VOLATILE Expose Implementation
\begin_layout Standard
In response to scalability issues with the free list (
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "TDB-Freelist-Is"
) two API workarounds have been incorporated in TDB: tdb_set_max_dead()
and the TDB_VOLATILE flag to tdb_open.
The latter actually calls the former with an argument of
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\begin_layout Standard
This code allows deleted records to accumulate without putting them in the
free list.
On delete we iterate through each chain and free them in a batch if there
are more than max_dead entries.
These are never otherwise recycled except as a side-effect of a tdb_repack.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
With the scalability problems of the freelist solved, this API can be removed.
The TDB_VOLATILE flag may still be useful as a hint that store and delete
of records will be at least as common as fetch in order to allow some internal
tuning, but initially will become a no-op.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
TDB_VOLATILE still defined, but implementation should fail on unknown flags
to be future-proof.
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "TDB-Files-Cannot"
TDB Files Cannot Be Opened Multiple Times In The Same Process
\begin_layout Standard
No process can open the same TDB twice; we check and disallow it.
This is an unfortunate side-effect of fcntl locks, which operate on a per-file
rather than per-file-descriptor basis, and do not nest.
Thus, closing any file descriptor on a file clears all the locks obtained
by this process, even if they were placed using a different file descriptor!
\begin_layout Standard
Note that even if this were solved, deadlock could occur if operations were
nested: this is a more manageable programming error in most cases.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
We could lobby POSIX to fix the perverse rules, or at least lobby Linux
to violate them so that the most common implementation does not have this
This would be a generally good idea for other fcntl lock users.
\begin_layout Standard
Samba uses a wrapper which hands out the same tdb_context to multiple callers
if this happens, and does simple reference counting.
We should do this inside the tdb library, which already emulates lock nesting
internally; it would need to recognize when deadlock occurs within a single
This would create a new failure mode for tdb operations (while we currently
handle locking failures, they are impossible in normal use and a process
encountering them can do little but give up).
\begin_layout Standard
I do not see benefit in an additional tdb_open flag to indicate whether
re-opening is allowed, as though there may be some benefit to adding a
call to detect when a tdb_context is shared, to allow other to create such
an API.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
TDB API Is Not POSIX Thread-safe
\begin_layout Standard
The TDB API uses an error code which can be queried after an operation to
determine what went wrong.
This programming model does not work with threads, unless specific additional
guarantees are given by the implementation.
In addition, even otherwise-independent threads cannot open the same TDB
(as in
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "TDB-Files-Cannot"
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
Reachitecting the API to include a tdb_errcode pointer would be a great
deal of churn
\change_inserted 0 1298979557
, but fortunately most functions return 0 on success and -1 on error: we
can change these to return 0 on success and a negative error code on error,
and the API remains similar to previous.
The tdb_fetch, tdb_firstkey and tdb_nextkey functions need to take a TDB_DATA
pointer and return an error code.
It is also simpler to have tdb_nextkey replace its key argument in place,
freeing up any old .dptr.
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1298979438
; we are better to guarantee that the tdb_errcode is per-thread so the current
programming model can be maintained.
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1298979438
This requires dynamic per-thread allocations, which is awkward with POSIX
threads (pthread_key_create space is limited and we cannot simply allocate
a key for every TDB).
\begin_layout Standard
Internal locking is required to make sure that fcntl locks do not overlap
between threads, and also that the global list of tdbs is maintained.
\begin_layout Standard
The aim is that building tdb with -DTDB_PTHREAD will result in a pthread-safe
version of the library, and otherwise no overhead will exist.
Alternatively, a hooking mechanism similar to that proposed for
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "Proposed-Solution-locking-hook"
could be used to enable pthread locking at runtime.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\change_inserted 0 1298979681
; API has been changed but thread safety has not been implemented.
\change_deleted 0 1298979669
\begin_layout Subsection
*_nonblock Functions And *_mark Functions Expose Implementation
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Clustered TDB, see http://ctdb.samba.org
wishes to operate on TDB in a non-blocking manner.
This is currently done as follows:
\begin_layout Enumerate
Call the _nonblock variant of an API function (eg.
If this fails:
\begin_layout Enumerate
Fork a child process, and wait for it to call the normal variant (eg.
\begin_layout Enumerate
If the child succeeds, call the _mark variant to indicate we already have
the locks (eg.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Upon completion, tell the child to release the locks (eg.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Indicate to tdb that it should consider the locks removed (eg.
\begin_layout Standard
There are several issues with this approach.
Firstly, adding two new variants of each function clutters the API for
an obscure use, and so not all functions have three variants.
Secondly, it assumes that all paths of the functions ask for the same locks,
otherwise the parent process will have to get a lock which the child doesn't
have under some circumstances.
I don't believe this is currently the case, but it constrains the implementatio
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "Proposed-Solution-locking-hook"
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
Implement a hook for locking methods, so that the caller can control the
calls to create and remove fcntl locks.
In this scenario, ctdbd would operate as follows:
\begin_layout Enumerate
Call the normal API function, eg tdb_lockall().
\begin_layout Enumerate
When the lock callback comes in, check if the child has the lock.
Initially, this is always false.
If so, return 0.
Otherwise, try to obtain it in non-blocking mode.
If that fails, return EWOULDBLOCK.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Release locks in the unlock callback as normal.
\begin_layout Enumerate
If tdb_lockall() fails, see if we recorded a lock failure; if so, call the
child to repeat the operation.
\begin_layout Enumerate
The child records what locks it obtains, and returns that information to
the parent.
\begin_layout Enumerate
When the child has succeeded, goto 1.
\begin_layout Standard
This is flexible enough to handle any potential locking scenario, even when
lock requirements change.
It can be optimized so that the parent does not release locks, just tells
the child which locks it doesn't need to obtain.
\begin_layout Standard
It also keeps the complexity out of the API, and in ctdbd where it is needed.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
tdb_chainlock Functions Expose Implementation
\begin_layout Standard
tdb_chainlock locks some number of records, including the record indicated
by the given key.
This gave atomicity guarantees; no-one can start a transaction, alter,
read or delete that key while the lock is held.
\begin_layout Standard
It also makes the same guarantee for any other key in the chain, which is
an internal implementation detail and potentially a cause for deadlock.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
It would be nice to have an explicit single entry lock which effected no
other keys.
Unfortunately, this won't work for an entry which doesn't exist.
Thus while chainlock may be implemented more efficiently for the existing
case, it will still have overlap issues with the non-existing case.
So it is best to keep the current (lack of) guarantee about which records
will be effected to avoid constraining our implementation.
\begin_layout Subsection
Signal Handling is Not Race-Free
\begin_layout Standard
The tdb_setalarm_sigptr() call allows the caller's signal handler to indicate
that the tdb locking code should return with a failure, rather than trying
again when a signal is received (and errno == EAGAIN).
This is usually used to implement timeouts.
\begin_layout Standard
Unfortunately, this does not work in the case where the signal is received
before the tdb code enters the fcntl() call to place the lock: the code
will sleep within the fcntl() code, unaware that the signal wants it to
In the case of long timeouts, this does not happen in practice.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
The locking hooks proposed in
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "Proposed-Solution-locking-hook"
would allow the user to decide on whether to fail the lock acquisition
on a signal.
This allows the caller to choose their own compromise: they could narrow
the race by checking immediately before the fcntl call.
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
It may be possible to make this race-free in some implementations by having
the signal handler alter the struct flock to make it invalid.
This will cause the fcntl() lock call to fail with EINVAL if the signal
occurs before the kernel is entered, otherwise EAGAIN.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
The API Uses Gratuitous Typedefs, Capitals
\begin_layout Standard
typedefs are useful for providing source compatibility when types can differ
across implementations, or arguably in the case of function pointer definitions
which are hard for humans to parse.
Otherwise it is simply obfuscation and pollutes the namespace.
\begin_layout Standard
Capitalization is usually reserved for compile-time constants and macros.
\begin_layout Description
TDB_CONTEXT There is no reason to use this over 'struct tdb_context'; the
definition isn't visible to the API user anyway.
\begin_layout Description
TDB_DATA There is no reason to use this over struct TDB_DATA; the struct
needs to be understood by the API user.
\begin_layout Description
\begin_inset space ~
TDB_DATA This would normally be called 'struct tdb_data'.
\begin_layout Description
\begin_inset space ~
TDB_ERROR Similarly, this would normally be enum tdb_error.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
Introducing lower case variants would please pedants like myself, but if
it were done the existing ones should be kept.
There is little point forcing a purely cosmetic change upon tdb users.
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "tdb_log_func-Doesnt-Take"
tdb_log_func Doesn't Take The Private Pointer
\begin_layout Standard
For API compatibility reasons, the logging function needs to call tdb_get_loggin
g_private() to retrieve the pointer registered by the tdb_open_ex for logging.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
It should simply take an extra argument, since we are prepared to break
the API/ABI.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
Various Callback Functions Are Not Typesafe
\begin_layout Standard
The callback functions in tdb_set_logging_function (after
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "tdb_log_func-Doesnt-Take"
is resolved), tdb_parse_record, tdb_traverse, tdb_traverse_read and tdb_check
all take void * and must internally convert it to the argument type they
were expecting.
\begin_layout Standard
If this type changes, the compiler will not produce warnings on the callers,
since it only sees void *.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
With careful use of macros, we can create callback functions which give
a warning when used on gcc and the types of the callback and its private
argument differ.
Unsupported compilers will not give a warning, which is no worse than now.
In addition, the callbacks become clearer, as they need not use void *
for their parameter.
\begin_layout Standard
See CCAN's typesafe_cb module at http://ccan.ozlabs.org/info/typesafe_cb.html
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST Must Be Specified On All Opens, tdb_reopen_all Problematic
\begin_layout Standard
The TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST flag to tdb_open indicates that the TDB file should
be cleared if the caller discovers it is the only process with the TDB
However, if any caller does not specify TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST it will not
be detected, so will have the TDB erased underneath them (usually resulting
in a crash).
\begin_layout Standard
There is a similar issue on fork(); if the parent exits (or otherwise closes
the tdb) before the child calls tdb_reopen_all() to establish the lock
used to indicate the TDB is opened by someone, a TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST opener
at that moment will believe it alone has opened the TDB and will erase
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
Other workarounds are possible, but see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST-Imposes-Performance"
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1298979699
Incomplete, TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST still defined, but not implemented.
\change_inserted 0 1298979700
\begin_layout Subsection
Extending The Header Is Difficult
\begin_layout Standard
We have reserved (zeroed) words in the TDB header, which can be used for
future features.
If the future features are compulsory, the version number must be updated
to prevent old code from accessing the database.
But if the future feature is optional, we have no way of telling if older
code is accessing the database or not.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
The header should contain a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
format variant
\begin_inset Quotes erd
value (64-bit).
This is divided into two 32-bit parts:
\begin_layout Enumerate
The lower part reflects the format variant understood by code accessing
the database.
\begin_layout Enumerate
The upper part reflects the format variant you must understand to write
to the database (otherwise you can only open for reading).
\begin_layout Standard
The latter field can only be written at creation time, the former should
be written under the OPEN_LOCK when opening the database for writing, if
the variant of the code is lower than the current lowest variant.
\begin_layout Standard
This should allow backwards-compatible features to be added, and detection
if older code (which doesn't understand the feature) writes to the database.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
Record Headers Are Not Expandible
\begin_layout Standard
If we later want to add (say) checksums on keys and data, it would require
another format change, which we'd like to avoid.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
We often have extra padding at the tail of a record.
If we ensure that the first byte (if any) of this padding is zero, we will
have a way for future changes to detect code which doesn't understand a
new format: the new code would write (say) a 1 at the tail, and thus if
there is no tail or the first byte is 0, we would know the extension is
not present on that record.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
TDB Does Not Use Talloc
\begin_layout Standard
Many users of TDB (particularly Samba) use the talloc allocator, and thus
have to wrap TDB in a talloc context to use it conveniently.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
The allocation within TDB is not complicated enough to justify the use of
talloc, and I am reluctant to force another (excellent) library on TDB
Nonetheless a compromise is possible.
An attribute (see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "attributes"
) can be added later to tdb_open() to provide an alternate allocation mechanism,
specifically for talloc but usable by any other allocator (which would
ignore the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\begin_layout Standard
This would form a talloc heirarchy as expected, but the caller would still
have to attach a destructor to the tdb context returned from tdb_open to
close it.
All TDB_DATA fields would be children of the tdb_context, and the caller
would still have to manage them (using talloc_free() or talloc_steal()).
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Section
Performance And Scalability Issues
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST-Imposes-Performance"
TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST Imposes Performance Penalty
\begin_layout Standard
When TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST is specified, a 1-byte read lock is placed at offset
4 (aka.
While these locks never conflict in normal tdb usage, they do add substantial
overhead for most fcntl lock implementations when the kernel scans to detect
if a lock conflict exists.
This is often a single linked list, making the time to acquire and release
a fcntl lock O(N) where N is the number of processes with the TDB open,
not the number actually doing work.
\begin_layout Standard
In a Samba server it is common to have huge numbers of clients sitting idle,
and thus they have weaned themselves off the TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST flag.
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
There is a flag to tdb_reopen_all() which is used for this optimization:
if the parent process will outlive the child, the child does not need the
This is a workaround for this very performance issue.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
Remove the flag.
It was a neat idea, but even trivial servers tend to know when they are
initializing for the first time and can simply unlink the old tdb at that
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1298979837
Incomplete; TDB_CLEAR_IF_FIRST still defined, but does nothing.
\change_inserted 0 1298979837
\begin_layout Subsection
TDB Files Have a 4G Limit
\begin_layout Standard
This seems to be becoming an issue (so much for
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
!), particularly for ldb.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
A new, incompatible TDB format which uses 64 bit offsets internally rather
than 32 bit as now.
For simplicity of endian conversion (which TDB does on the fly if required),
all values will be 64 bit on disk.
In practice, some upper bits may be used for other purposes, but at least
56 bits will be available for file offsets.
\begin_layout Standard
tdb_open() will automatically detect the old version, and even create them
if TDB_VERSION6 is specified to tdb_open.
\begin_layout Standard
32 bit processes will still be able to access TDBs larger than 4G (assuming
that their off_t allows them to seek to 64 bits), they will gracefully
fall back as they fail to mmap.
This can happen already with large TDBs.
\begin_layout Standard
Old versions of tdb will fail to open the new TDB files (since 28 August
2009, commit 398d0c29290: prior to that any unrecognized file format would
be erased and initialized as a fresh tdb!)
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
TDB Records Have a 4G Limit
\begin_layout Standard
This has not been a reported problem, and the API uses size_t which can
be 64 bit on 64 bit platforms.
However, other limits may have made such an issue moot.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
Record sizes will be 64 bit, with an error returned on 32 bit platforms
which try to access such records (the current implementation would return
TDB_ERR_OOM in a similar case).
It seems unlikely that 32 bit keys will be a limitation, so the implementation
may not support this (see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "sub:Records-Incur-A"
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
Hash Size Is Determined At TDB Creation Time
\begin_layout Standard
TDB contains a number of hash chains in the header; the number is specified
at creation time, and defaults to 131.
This is such a bottleneck on large databases (as each hash chain gets quite
long), that LDB uses 10,000 for this hash.
In general it is impossible to know what the 'right' answer is at database
creation time.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "sub:Hash-Size-Solution"
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
After comprehensive performance testing on various scalable hash variants
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
http://rusty.ozlabs.org/?p=89 and http://rusty.ozlabs.org/?p=94 This was annoying
because I was previously convinced that an expanding tree of hashes would
be very close to optimal.
, it became clear that it is hard to beat a straight linear hash table which
doubles in size when it reaches saturation.
Unfortunately, altering the hash table introduces serious locking complications
: the entire hash table needs to be locked to enlarge the hash table, and
others might be holding locks.
Particularly insidious are insertions done under tdb_chainlock.
\begin_layout Standard
Thus an expanding layered hash will be used: an array of hash groups, with
each hash group exploding into pointers to lower hash groups once it fills,
turning into a hash tree.
This has implications for locking: we must lock the entire group in case
we need to expand it, yet we don't know how deep the tree is at that point.
\begin_layout Standard
Note that bits from the hash table entries should be stolen to hold more
hash bits to reduce the penalty of collisions.
We can use the otherwise-unused lower 3 bits.
If we limit the size of the database to 64 exabytes, we can use the top
8 bits of the hash entry as well.
These 11 bits would reduce false positives down to 1 in 2000 which is more
than we need: we can use one of the bits to indicate that the extra hash
bits are valid.
This means we can choose not to re-hash all entries when we expand a hash
group; simply use the next bits we need and mark them invalid.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "TDB-Freelist-Is"
TDB Freelist Is Highly Contended
\begin_layout Standard
TDB uses a single linked list for the free list.
Allocation occurs as follows, using heuristics which have evolved over
\begin_layout Enumerate
Get the free list lock for this whole operation.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Multiply length by 1.25, so we always over-allocate by 25%.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Set the slack multiplier to 1.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Examine the current freelist entry: if it is > length but < the current
best case, remember it as the best case.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Multiply the slack multiplier by 1.05.
\begin_layout Enumerate
If our best fit so far is less than length * slack multiplier, return it.
The slack will be turned into a new free record if it's large enough.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Otherwise, go onto the next freelist entry.
\begin_layout Standard
Deleting a record occurs as follows:
\begin_layout Enumerate
Lock the hash chain for this whole operation.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Walk the chain to find the record, keeping the prev pointer offset.
\begin_layout Enumerate
If max_dead is non-zero:
\begin_layout Enumerate
Walk the hash chain again and count the dead records.
\begin_layout Enumerate
If it's more than max_dead, bulk free all the dead ones (similar to steps
4 and below, but the lock is only obtained once).
\begin_layout Enumerate
Simply mark this record as dead and return.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Get the free list lock for the remainder of this operation.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "right-merging"
Examine the following block to see if it is free; if so, enlarge the current
block and remove that block from the free list.
This was disabled, as removal from the free list was O(entries-in-free-list).
\begin_layout Enumerate
Examine the preceeding block to see if it is free: for this reason, each
block has a 32-bit tailer which indicates its length.
If it is free, expand it to cover our new block and return.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Otherwise, prepend ourselves to the free list.
\begin_layout Standard
Disabling right-merging (step
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "right-merging"
) causes fragmentation; the other heuristics proved insufficient to address
this, so the final answer to this was that when we expand the TDB file
inside a transaction commit, we repack the entire tdb.
\begin_layout Standard
The single list lock limits our allocation rate; due to the other issues
this is not currently seen as a bottleneck.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
The first step is to remove all the current heuristics, as they obviously
interact, then examine them once the lock contention is addressed.
\begin_layout Standard
The free list must be split to reduce contention.
Assuming perfect free merging, we can at most have 1 free list entry for
each entry.
This implies that the number of free lists is related to the size of the
hash table, but as it is rare to walk a large number of free list entries
we can use far fewer, say 1/32 of the number of hash buckets.
\begin_layout Standard
It seems tempting to try to reuse the hash implementation which we use for
records here, but we have two ways of searching for free entries: for allocatio
n we search by size (and possibly zone) which produces too many clashes
for our hash table to handle well, and for coalescing we search by address.
Thus an array of doubly-linked free lists seems preferable.
\begin_layout Standard
There are various benefits in using per-size free lists (see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "sub:TDB-Becomes-Fragmented"
) but it's not clear this would reduce contention in the common case where
all processes are allocating/freeing the same size.
Thus we almost certainly need to divide in other ways: the most obvious
is to divide the file into zones, and using a free list (or table of free
lists) for each.
This approximates address ordering.
\begin_layout Standard
Unfortunately it is difficult to know what heuristics should be used to
determine zone sizes, and our transaction code relies on being able to
create a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
recovery area
\begin_inset Quotes erd
by simply appending to the file (difficult if it would need to create a
new zone header).
Thus we use a linked-list of free tables; currently we only ever create
one, but if there is more than one we choose one at random to use.
In future we may use heuristics to add new free tables on contention.
We only expand the file when all free tables are exhausted.
\begin_layout Standard
The basic algorithm is as follows.
Freeing is simple:
\begin_layout Enumerate
Identify the correct free list.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Lock the corresponding list.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Re-check the list (we didn't have a lock, sizes could have changed): relock
if necessary.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Place the freed entry in the list.
\begin_layout Standard
Allocation is a little more complicated, as we perform delayed coalescing
at this point:
\begin_layout Enumerate
Pick a free table; usually the previous one.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Lock the corresponding list.
\begin_layout Enumerate
If the top entry is -large enough, remove it from the list and return it.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Otherwise, coalesce entries in the list.If there was no entry large enough,
unlock the list and try the next largest list
\begin_layout Enumerate
If no list has an entry which meets our needs, try the next free table.
\begin_layout Enumerate
If no zone satisfies, expand the file.
\begin_layout Standard
This optimizes rapid insert/delete of free list entries by not coalescing
them all the time..
First-fit address ordering ordering seems to be fairly good for keeping
fragmentation low (see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "sub:TDB-Becomes-Fragmented"
Note that address ordering does not need a tailer to coalesce, though if
we needed one we could have one cheaply: see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "sub:Records-Incur-A"
\begin_layout Standard
Each free entry has the free table number in the header: less than 255.
It also contains a doubly-linked list for easy deletion.
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "sub:TDB-Becomes-Fragmented"
TDB Becomes Fragmented
\begin_layout Standard
Much of this is a result of allocation strategy
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
The Memory Fragmentation Problem: Solved? Johnstone & Wilson 1995 ftp://ftp.cs.ute
and deliberate hobbling of coalescing; internal fragmentation (aka overallocati
on) is deliberately set at 25%, and external fragmentation is only cured
by the decision to repack the entire db when a transaction commit needs
to enlarge the file.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
The 25% overhead on allocation works in practice for ldb because indexes
tend to expand by one record at a time.
This internal fragmentation can be resolved by having an
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
bit in the header to note entries that have previously expanded, and allocating
more space for them.
\begin_layout Standard
There are is a spectrum of possible solutions for external fragmentation:
one is to use a fragmentation-avoiding allocation strategy such as best-fit
address-order allocator.
The other end of the spectrum would be to use a bump allocator (very fast
and simple) and simply repack the file when we reach the end.
\begin_layout Standard
There are three problems with efficient fragmentation-avoiding allocators:
they are non-trivial, they tend to use a single free list for each size,
and there's no evidence that tdb allocation patterns will match those recorded
for general allocators (though it seems likely).
\begin_layout Standard
Thus we don't spend too much effort on external fragmentation; we will be
no worse than the current code if we need to repack on occasion.
More effort is spent on reducing freelist contention, and reducing overhead.
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "sub:Records-Incur-A"
Records Incur A 28-Byte Overhead
\begin_layout Standard
Each TDB record has a header as follows:
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct tdb_record {
\begin_layout LyX-Code
tdb_off_t next; /* offset of the next record in the list */
\begin_layout LyX-Code
tdb_len_t rec_len; /* total byte length of record */
\begin_layout LyX-Code
tdb_len_t key_len; /* byte length of key */
\begin_layout LyX-Code
tdb_len_t data_len; /* byte length of data */
\begin_layout LyX-Code
uint32_t full_hash; /* the full 32 bit hash of the key */
\begin_layout LyX-Code
uint32_t magic; /* try to catch errors */
\begin_layout LyX-Code
/* the following union is implied:
\begin_layout LyX-Code
union {
\begin_layout LyX-Code
char record[rec_len];
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct {
\begin_layout LyX-Code
char key[key_len];
\begin_layout LyX-Code
char data[data_len];
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout LyX-Code
uint32_t totalsize; (tailer)
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout Standard
Naively, this would double to a 56-byte overhead on a 64 bit implementation.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
We can use various techniques to reduce this for an allocated block:
\begin_layout Enumerate
The 'next' pointer is not required, as we are using a flat hash table.
\begin_layout Enumerate
'rec_len' can instead be expressed as an addition to key_len and data_len
(it accounts for wasted or overallocated length in the record).
Since the record length is always a multiple of 8, we can conveniently
fit it in 32 bits (representing up to 35 bits).
\begin_layout Enumerate
'key_len' and 'data_len' can be reduced.
I'm unwilling to restrict 'data_len' to 32 bits, but instead we can combine
the two into one 64-bit field and using a 5 bit value which indicates at
what bit to divide the two.
Keys are unlikely to scale as fast as data, so I'm assuming a maximum key
size of 32 bits.
\begin_layout Enumerate
'full_hash' is used to avoid a memcmp on the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
case, but this is diminishing returns after a handful of bits (at 10 bits,
it reduces 99.9% of false memcmp).
As an aside, as the lower bits are already incorporated in the hash table
resolution, the upper bits should be used here.
Note that it's not clear that these bits will be a win, given the extra
bits in the hash table itself (see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "sub:Hash-Size-Solution"
\begin_layout Enumerate
'magic' does not need to be enlarged: it currently reflects one of 5 values
(used, free, dead, recovery, and unused_recovery).
It is useful for quick sanity checking however, and should not be eliminated.
\begin_layout Enumerate
'tailer' is only used to coalesce free blocks (so a block to the right can
find the header to check if this block is free).
This can be replaced by a single 'free' bit in the header of the following
block (and the tailer only exists in free blocks).
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
This technique from Thomas Standish.
Data Structure Techniques.
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1980.
The current proposed coalescing algorithm doesn't need this, however.
\begin_layout Standard
This produces a 16 byte used header like this:
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct tdb_used_record {
\begin_layout LyX-Code
uint32_t used_magic : 16,
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout LyX-Code
key_data_divide: 5,
\begin_layout LyX-Code
top_hash: 11;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
uint32_t extra_octets;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
uint64_t key_and_data_len;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout Standard
And a free record like this:
\begin_layout LyX-Code
struct tdb_free_record {
\begin_layout LyX-Code
uint64_t free_magic: 8,
\begin_layout LyX-Code
prev : 56;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout LyX-Code
uint64_t free_table: 8,
\begin_layout LyX-Code
total_length : 56
\begin_layout LyX-Code
uint64_t next;;
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1291206079
Note that by limiting valid offsets to 56 bits, we can pack everything we
need into 3 64-byte words, meaning our minimum record size is 8 bytes.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
Transaction Commit Requires 4 fdatasync
\begin_layout Standard
The current transaction algorithm is:
\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_layout Standard
On current ext3, each sync flushes all data to disk, so the next 3 syncs
are relatively expensive.
But this could become a performance bottleneck on other filesystems such
as ext4.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
Neil Brown points out that this is overzealous, and only one sync is needed:
\begin_layout Enumerate
Bundle the recovery data, a transaction counter and a strong checksum of
the new data.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Strong checksum that whole bundle.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Store the bundle in the database.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Overwrite the oldest of the two recovery pointers in the header (identified
using the transaction counter) with the offset of this bundle.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\begin_layout Enumerate
Write the new data to the file.
\begin_layout Standard
Checking for recovery means identifying the latest bundle with a valid checksum
and using the new data checksum to ensure that it has been applied.
This is more expensive than the current check, but need only be done at
For running databases, a separate header field can be used to indicate
a transaction in progress; we need only check for recovery if this is set.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "sub:TDB-Does-Not"
TDB Does Not Have Snapshot Support
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed SolutionNone.
At some point you say
\begin_inset Quotes eld
use a real database
\begin_inset Quotes erd
(but see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "replay-attribute"
\begin_layout Standard
But as a thought experiment, if we implemented transactions to only overwrite
free entries (this is tricky: there must not be a header in each entry
which indicates whether it is free, but use of presence in metadata elsewhere),
and a pointer to the hash table, we could create an entirely new commit
without destroying existing data.
Then it would be easy to implement snapshots in a similar way.
\begin_layout Standard
This would not allow arbitrary changes to the database, such as tdb_repack
does, and would require more space (since we have to preserve the current
and future entries at once).
If we used hash trees rather than one big hash table, we might only have
to rewrite some sections of the hash, too.
\begin_layout Standard
We could then implement snapshots using a similar method, using multiple
different hash tables/free tables.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
Transactions Cannot Operate in Parallel
\begin_layout Standard
This would be useless for ldb, as it hits the index records with just about
every update.
It would add significant complexity in resolving clashes, and cause the
all transaction callers to write their code to loop in the case where the
transactions spuriously failed.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
None (but see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "replay-attribute"
We could solve a small part of the problem by providing read-only transactions.
These would allow one write transaction to begin, but it could not commit
until all r/o transactions are done.
This would require a new RO_TRANSACTION_LOCK, which would be upgraded on
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
Default Hash Function Is Suboptimal
\begin_layout Standard
The Knuth-inspired multiplicative hash used by tdb is fairly slow (especially
if we expand it to 64 bits), and works best when the hash bucket size is
a prime number (which also means a slow modulus).
In addition, it is highly predictable which could potentially lead to a
Denial of Service attack in some TDB uses.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
The Jenkins lookup3 hash
\begin_inset Foot
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
is a fast and superbly-mixing hash.
It's used by the Linux kernel and almost everything else.
This has the particular properties that it takes an initial seed, and produces
two 32 bit hash numbers, which we can combine into a 64-bit hash.
\begin_layout Standard
The seed should be created at tdb-creation time from some random source,
and placed in the header.
This is far from foolproof, but adds a little bit of protection against
hash bombing.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "Reliable-Traversal-Adds"
Reliable Traversal Adds Complexity
\begin_layout Standard
We lock a record during traversal iteration, and try to grab that lock in
the delete code.
If that grab on delete fails, we simply mark it deleted and continue onwards;
traversal checks for this condition and does the delete when it moves off
the record.
\begin_layout Standard
If traversal terminates, the dead record may be left indefinitely.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
Remove reliability guarantees; see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "traverse-Proposed-Solution"
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsection
Fcntl Locking Adds Overhead
\begin_layout Standard
Placing a fcntl lock means a system call, as does removing one.
This is actually one reason why transactions can be faster (everything
is locked once at transaction start).
In the uncontended case, this overhead can theoretically be eliminated.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Standard
We tried this before with spinlock support, in the early days of TDB, and
it didn't make much difference except in manufactured benchmarks.
\begin_layout Standard
We could use spinlocks (with futex kernel support under Linux), but it means
that we lose automatic cleanup when a process dies with a lock.
There is a method of auto-cleanup under Linux, but it's not supported by
other operating systems.
We could reintroduce a clear-if-first-style lock and sweep for dead futexes
on open, but that wouldn't help the normal case of one concurrent opener
Increasingly elaborate repair schemes could be considered, but they require
an ABI change (everyone must use them) anyway, so there's no need to do
this at the same time as everything else.
\begin_layout Subsection
Some Transactions Don't Require Durability
\begin_layout Standard
Volker points out that gencache uses a CLEAR_IF_FIRST tdb for normal (fast)
usage, and occasionally empties the results into a transactional TDB.
This kind of usage prioritizes performance over durability: as long as
we are consistent, data can be lost.
\begin_layout Standard
This would be more neatly implemented inside tdb: a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
transaction commit (ie.
syncless) which meant that data may be reverted on a crash.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Standard
Unfortunately any transaction scheme which overwrites old data requires
a sync before that overwrite to avoid the possibility of corruption.
\begin_layout Standard
It seems possible to use a scheme similar to that described in
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "sub:TDB-Does-Not"
,where transactions are committed without overwriting existing data, and
an array of top-level pointers were available in the header.
If the transaction is
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
then we would not need a sync at all: existing processes would pick up
the new hash table and free list and work with that.
\begin_layout Standard
At some later point, a sync would allow recovery of the old data into the
free lists (perhaps when the array of top-level pointers filled).
On crash, tdb_open() would examine the array of top levels, and apply the
transactions until it encountered an invalid checksum.
\begin_layout Subsection
Tracing Is Fragile, Replay Is External
\begin_layout Standard
The current TDB has compile-time-enabled tracing code, but it often breaks
as it is not enabled by default.
In a similar way, the ctdb code has an external wrapper which does replay
tracing so it can coordinate cluster-wide transactions.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Proposed Solution
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "replay-attribute"
\begin_layout Standard
Tridge points out that an attribute can be later added to tdb_open (see
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "attributes"
) to provide replay/trace hooks, which could become the basis for this and
future parallel transactions and snapshot support.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
@Add status, some fixes, linked freelists.
@d53 1
a53 7
\change_deleted 0 1291204535
\change_inserted 0 1291204533
a580 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204563
a583 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204572
a587 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204573
a588 2
a629 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204588
a632 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204588
a636 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204631
a639 2
a693 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204639
a696 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204640
d702 1
a702 1
\change_inserted 0 1291204665
d704 2
a728 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204671
a731 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204671
a735 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204673
a736 2
a780 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204731
a783 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204732
a787 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204779
a790 2
a842 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204830
a845 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204831
a849 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204834
a850 2
d879 9
a887 2
deal of churn; we are better to guarantee that the tdb_errcode is per-thread
so the current programming model can be maintained.
d891 9
d903 2
a922 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204847
a925 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204847
d930 5
a934 3
\change_inserted 0 1291204852
a1051 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204881
a1054 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204881
a1058 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204885
a1059 2
a1140 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204898
a1143 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204898
a1147 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204901
a1148 2
a1224 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204908
a1227 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204908
a1231 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204908
a1232 2
a1271 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204917
a1274 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204917
a1278 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204920
a1279 2
a1316 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204927
a1319 2
\change_inserted 0 1291204928
d1325 1
a1325 1
\change_inserted 0 1291204942
d1327 2
a1381 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205003
a1384 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205004
a1388 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205007
a1411 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205019
a1414 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205019
a1418 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205023
a1419 2
a1465 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205029
a1468 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205029
a1472 2
\change_inserted 0 1291206020
a1473 2
a1528 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205043
a1531 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205043
d1537 1
a1537 1
\change_inserted 0 1291205057
d1539 2
a1589 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205062
a1592 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205062
a1596 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205062
a1597 2
a1626 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205072
a1629 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205073
a1633 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205073
a1634 2
a1674 4
\change_deleted 0 1291204504
a1699 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205079
a1702 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205080
a1706 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205080
a1707 2
a1833 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205090
d1869 2
a1870 7
is to divide the file into zones, and using a free list (or
\change_inserted 0 1291205498
\change_deleted 0 1291205497
of free lists) for each.
a1871 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205203
a1874 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205358
a1890 21
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1291205198
Note that this means we need to split the free lists when we expand the
file; this is probably acceptable when we double the hash table size, since
that is such an expensive operation already.
In the case of increasing the file size, there is an optimization we can
use: if we use M in the formula above as the file size rounded up to the
next power of 2, we only need reshuffle free lists when the file size crosses
a power of 2 boundary,
\emph on
\emph default
reshuffling the free lists is trivial: we simply merge every consecutive
pair of free lists.
d1899 1
a1899 7
Identify the correct
\change_inserted 0 1291205366
free list
\change_deleted 0 1291205364
d1907 2
a1908 7
Re-check the
\change_inserted 0 1291205372
\change_deleted 0 1291205371
(we didn't have a lock, sizes could have changed): relock if necessary.
d1912 1
a1912 5
Place the freed entry in the list
\change_deleted 0 1291205382
for that zone
d1921 1
a1921 15
Pick a
\change_deleted 0 1291205403
zone either the zone we last freed into, or based on a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\change_inserted 0 1291205411
free table; usually the previous one.
a1925 10
\change_deleted 0 1291205432
\begin_layout Enumerate
\change_deleted 0 1291205428
Re-check the zone: relock if necessary.
d1934 1
a1934 7
unlock the list and try the next
\change_inserted 0 1291205455
largest list
\change_deleted 0 1291205452
\change_inserted 0 1291205457
a1937 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205476
a1938 2
a1966 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205542
a1969 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205591
a1971 70
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1291205539
I anticipate that the number of entries in each free zone would be small,
but it might be worth using one free entry to hold pointers to the others
for cache efficiency.
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1291205534
\begin_inset CommandInset label
LatexCommand label
name "freelist-in-zone"
If we want to avoid locking complexity (enlarging the free lists when we
enlarge the file) we could place the array of free lists at the beginning
of each zone.
This means existing array lists never move, but means that a record cannot
be larger than a zone.
That in turn implies that zones should be variable sized (say, power of
2), which makes the question
\begin_inset Quotes eld
what zone is this record in?
\begin_inset Quotes erd
much harder (and
\begin_inset Quotes eld
pick a random zone
\begin_inset Quotes erd
, but that's less common).
It could be done with as few as 4 bits from the record header.
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Formula $2^{16+N*3}$
means 0 gives a minimal 65536-byte zone, 15 gives the maximal
\begin_inset Formula $2^{61}$
byte zone.
Zones range in factor of 8 steps.
Given the zone size for the zone the current record is in, we can determine
the start of the zone.
\change_inserted 0 1291205139
d2218 1
a2218 5
\change_inserted 0 1291205758
magic : 16,
a2222 4
\change_deleted 0 1291205693
prev_is_free: 1,
d2230 1
a2230 7
top_hash: 1
\change_inserted 0 1291205704
\change_deleted 0 1291205704
d2254 1
a2254 9
\change_inserted 0 1291205725
\change_deleted 0 1291205723
\change_inserted 0 1291205753
free_magic: 8,
a2257 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205746
a2262 24
\change_deleted 0 1291205749
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\change_inserted 0 1291205786
free_table: 8,
\begin_layout LyX-Code
\change_inserted 0 1291205788
\change_inserted 0 1291205792
: 56
\change_deleted 0 1291205790
d2266 1
a2266 7
\change_deleted 0 1291205801
\change_deleted 0 1291205811
d2270 1
a2270 3
\change_deleted 0 1291205811
d2274 1
a2274 5
\change_deleted 0 1291205808
uint64_t tailer
d2283 5
a2287 16
\change_deleted 0 1291205827
We might want to take some bits from the used record's top_hash (and the
free record which has 32 bits of padding to spare anyway) if we use variable
sized zones.
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "freelist-in-zone"
\change_inserted 0 1291205885
Note that by limiting valid offsets to 56 bits, we can pack everything
we need into 3 64-byte words, meaning our minimum record size is 8 bytes.
a2290 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205886
a2294 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205886
a2295 2
a2385 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205894
a2388 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205894
a2392 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205902
a2393 2
a2415 4
\change_deleted 0 1291204504
a2445 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205910
a2448 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205910
a2452 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205914
a2453 2
a2485 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205919
a2488 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205919
a2492 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205922
a2493 2
a2533 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205929
a2536 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205929
a2540 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205929
a2541 2
a2578 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205932
a2581 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205933
a2585 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205933
a2586 2
a2724 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205944
a2727 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205945
a2731 2
\change_inserted 0 1291205948
a2732 2
@Merge changes
@d53 7
a59 1
d587 16
d644 18
d716 16
d753 16
d813 18
d883 16
d953 16
d1084 16
d1181 16
d1273 16
d1328 16
d1381 16
d1447 19
a1465 2
if older code (which doesn't understand the feature) writes to the database.Reco
rd Headers Are Not Expandible
d1484 16
d1546 16
d1617 16
d1680 16
d1725 16
d1810 16
d1951 8
a1958 3
Proposed SolutionThe first step is to remove all the current heuristics,
as they obviously interact, then examine them once the lock contention
is addressed.
d1989 7
a1995 2
is to divide the file into zones, and using a free list (or set of free
lists) for each.
d1997 2
d2002 25
d2039 2
d2049 7
a2055 1
Identify the correct zone.
d2063 7
a2069 2
Re-check the zone (we didn't have a lock, sizes could have changed): relock
if necessary.
d2073 5
a2077 1
Place the freed entry in the list for that zone.
d2086 3
a2088 1
Pick a zone either the zone we last freed into, or based on a
d2097 4
d2105 2
d2110 2
d2113 2
d2123 15
a2137 1
unlock the list and try the next zone.
d2166 11
d2180 2
d2185 2
d2190 2
d2223 1
a2223 1
status open
d2243 2
d2491 5
a2495 1
uint32_t magic : 16,
d2499 2
d2502 2
d2511 7
a2517 1
top_hash: 10;
d2541 29
a2569 1
uint32_t free_magic;
d2573 11
a2583 1
uint64_t total_length;
d2587 7
a2593 1
uint64_t prev, next;
d2597 2
d2603 5
a2607 1
uint64_t tailer;
d2615 2
d2628 18
d2736 16
d2808 16
d2856 16
d2912 16
d2965 16
d3119 16
@Tracing attribute, talloc support.
@d1 1
a1 1
#LyX 1.6.5 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
d53 1
a53 7
\change_deleted 0 1283307542
\change_inserted 0 1284423485
a472 2
\change_inserted 0 1284422789
a479 2
a838 2
\change_inserted 0 1284016998
a846 2
a1194 2
\change_inserted 0 1284015637
a1197 2
\change_inserted 0 1284015716
a1201 2
\change_inserted 0 1284015906
a1210 2
\change_inserted 0 1284015637
a1214 2
\change_inserted 0 1284016114
a1227 2
\change_inserted 0 1284016149
a1232 2
\change_inserted 0 1284016639
a1237 2
\change_inserted 0 1284016821
a1243 2
\change_inserted 0 1284016803
d1245 2
a1246 9
if older code (which doesn't understand the feature) writes to the database.
\change_deleted 0 1284016101
\begin_layout Subsection
\change_inserted 0 1284015634
Record Headers Are Not Expandible
a1249 2
\change_inserted 0 1284015634
a1254 2
\change_inserted 0 1284015634
a1258 2
\change_inserted 0 1284422552
a1267 2
\change_inserted 0 1284422568
a1271 2
\change_inserted 0 1284422646
a1276 2
\change_inserted 0 1284422656
a1280 2
\change_inserted 0 1284423065
a1305 2
\change_inserted 0 1284423042
a1310 2
a1457 2
\change_inserted 0 1283336713
a1463 2
d1482 2
d1485 1
a1485 51
\change_deleted 0 1283307675
There are three details which become important:
\begin_layout Enumerate
\change_deleted 0 1283307675
On encountering a full bucket, we use the next bucket.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\change_deleted 0 1283307675
Extra hash bits are stored with the offset, to reduce comparisons.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\change_deleted 0 1283307675
A marker entry is used on deleting an entry.
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1283307675
The doubling of the table must be done under a transaction; we will not
reduce it on deletion, so it will be an unusual case.
It will either be placed at the head (other entries will be moved out the
way so we can expand).
We could have a pointer in the header to the current hashtable location,
but that pointer would have to be read frequently to check for hashtable
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1283307675
The locking for this is slightly more complex than the chained case; we
currently have one lock per bucket, and that means we would need to expand
the lock if we overflow to the next bucket.
The frequency of such collisions will effect our locking heuristics: we
can always lock more buckets than we need.
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1283307675
One possible optimization is to only re-check the hash size on an insert
or a lookup miss.
\change_inserted 0 1283307770
a1492 2
\change_inserted 0 1283336187
a1500 2
\change_inserted 0 1283336586
a1510 2
d1636 3
a1638 8
Proposed Solution
\change_deleted 0 1283336858
\begin_layout Standard
The first step is to remove all the current heuristics, as they obviously
interact, then examine them once the lock contention is addressed.
a1647 2
\change_inserted 0 1283336910
a1650 2
\change_inserted 0 1283337052
a1655 2
a1776 2
\change_inserted 0 1283309850
a1779 2
\change_inserted 0 1283337216
a1813 2
\change_inserted 0 1284424151
a1825 2
a1830 2
a2031 2
\change_inserted 0 1283336739
a2040 2
a2117 2
\change_inserted 0 1283337133
a2120 2
\change_inserted 0 1283337139
a2121 2
a2136 2
\change_inserted 0 1283337235
a2147 2
d2251 1
a2251 7
Proposed Solution
\change_deleted 0 1284423472
\begin_layout Standard
d2261 1
a2261 1
\change_inserted 0 1284423891
d2263 1
a2263 4
\change_deleted 0 1284423891
\change_inserted 0 1284423901
a2271 2
a2293 2
\change_inserted 0 1284423495
a2312 2
\change_inserted 0 1284424201
d2321 1
a2321 3
We could solve a small part of the problem by providing read-only transactions.
a2505 2
\change_inserted 0 1284423555
a2508 2
\change_inserted 0 1284423617
a2512 2
\change_inserted 0 1284423719
a2519 2
\change_inserted 0 1284423864
a2530 2
\change_inserted 0 1284423850
a2540 2
@Extension mechanism.
@d56 2
a57 2
\change_inserted 0 1284016854
d479 11
d1303 1
a1303 1
\change_inserted 0 1284016847
d1310 56
d1945 1
a1945 1
\change_inserted 0 1283310945
d1956 2
d2402 2
d2416 4
d2421 12
d2455 2
d2476 12
d2673 47
@Remove bogus footnote
@d56 2
a57 2
\change_inserted 0 1283307544
d838 12
d1198 103
@Moving hash table does not work.
@a1436 12
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\change_inserted 0 1283336450
If we make the hash offsets zone-relative, then this only restricts the
zone size, not the overall database size.
@Commit changes
@d38 1
a38 1
\author ""
d53 7
a59 1
d1333 10
d1361 3
a1363 1
There are three details which become important:
d1367 2
d1373 2
d1379 2
d1385 2
d1397 2
d1407 2
d1411 45
d1582 2
d1598 14
d1733 62
d1996 13
d2086 10
d2110 15
a2124 1
\begin_layout LyX-Code
@Soft transaction commit
@d38 1
a38 1
\author "Rusty Russell,,,"
a52 4
\change_deleted 0 1280141199
\change_inserted 0 1280141202
a53 2
a2028 2
\change_inserted 0 1280140902
a2034 2
a2212 2
\change_inserted 0 1280140661
a2215 2
\change_inserted 0 1280140703
a2219 2
\change_inserted 0 1280708312
a2226 2
\change_inserted 0 1280708400
a2239 2
\change_inserted 0 1280140836
a2243 2
\change_inserted 0 1280708255
a2247 2
\change_inserted 0 1280708374
a2252 2
\change_inserted 0 1280141181
a2274 2
\change_inserted 0 1280141345
@Merge changes
@d38 1
a38 1
\author ""
d53 2
d56 4
d2035 10
d2223 84
@Transaction and freelist rethink.
@d38 1
a38 1
\author "Rusty Russell,,,"
d53 1
a53 1
d662 1
a662 5
behavior of disallowing
\change_inserted 0 1272940179
transactions should become the default.
a1210 2
\change_inserted 0 1272944650
a1214 2
\change_inserted 0 1272944763
a1218 2
a1223 2
a1301 2
\change_inserted 0 1273478114
a1310 2
d1515 1
a1515 11
The free list
\change_deleted 0 1273469807
\change_inserted 0 1273469810
be split
\change_deleted 0 1273469815
into multiple lists
to reduce contention.
a1520 2
\change_inserted 0 1273470006
a1523 2
\change_inserted 0 1273492055
a1539 2
\change_inserted 0 1273483888
a1551 2
a1554 8
\change_deleted 0 1272942055
There are various ways to organize these lisys, but because we want to be
able to quickly identify which free list an entry is in, and reduce the
number of locks required for merging, we will use zoning (eg.
each free list covers some fixed fraction of the file).
\change_inserted 0 1273484187
d1556 1
a1556 7
\change_deleted 0 1273484194
The algorithm for f
\change_inserted 0 1273484194
reeing is simple:
d1560 1
a1560 7
Identify the correct
\change_deleted 0 1273482856
free list
\change_inserted 0 1273482857
d1564 1
a1564 7
Lock the
\change_inserted 0 1273482895
\change_inserted 0 1273482863
a1567 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482909
d1573 1
a1573 13
\change_deleted 0 1273482885
, and p
\change_inserted 0 1273482888
lace the freed entry
\change_deleted 0 1273492415
at the head
\change_inserted 0 1273492415
in the list for that zone
d1577 2
a1578 7
Allocation is a little more complicated, as we
\change_deleted 0 1273483240
merge entries as we walk the list:
\change_inserted 0 1273484250
perform delayed coalescing at this point:
d1582 1
a1582 19
Pick a
\change_deleted 0 1273482955
free list;
\change_inserted 0 1273482957
either the
\change_deleted 0 1273482962
\change_inserted 0 1273482962
we last freed
\change_deleted 0 1273482966
\change_inserted 0 1273482966
nto, or based on a
d1594 1
a1594 9
Lock th
\change_inserted 0 1273482980
e corresponding
\change_deleted 0 1273482973
\change_inserted 0 1273482982
a1597 2
\change_inserted 0 1273483084
a1598 53
\begin_layout Enumerate
If the top entry is
\change_deleted 0 1273492155
\change_inserted 0 1273492159
-large enough,
remove it from the list and return it.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\change_inserted 0 1273492206
coalesce entries in the list.
\change_deleted 0 1273492200
examine the entry to the right of it in the file.
If it is free:
\begin_layout Enumerate
\change_deleted 0 1273492200
If that entry is in a different list, lock that list too.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\change_deleted 0 1273492200
If we had to place a new lock, re-check that the entry is free.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\change_deleted 0 1273492200
Remove that entry from its free list and expand this entry to cover it.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\change_deleted 0 1273485554
Goto step 3.
\begin_layout Enumerate
\change_inserted 0 1273485311
If there was no entry large enough, unlock the list and try the next zone.
d1602 1
a1602 5
\change_deleted 0 1273483646
Repeat step 3 with each entry in the list.
d1606 2
a1607 5
\change_deleted 0 1273483668
Unlock the list and repeat step 2 with the next list.
d1611 1
a1611 7
If no
\change_deleted 0 1273483671
\change_inserted 0 1273483671
satisfies, expand the file.
d1615 2
a1616 9
This optimizes rapid insert/delete of free list entries
\change_inserted 0 1273485794
by not coalescing them all the time.
\change_deleted 0 1273483685
, and allows us to get rid of the tailer altogether
\change_inserted 0 1273492299
a1638 39
\change_deleted 0 1273476840
The question of
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
free entries is more difficult: the 25% overhead works in practice for
ldb because indexes tend to expand by one record at a time.
This can be resolved by having an
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
bit in the header to note entries that have previously expanded, and allocating
more space for them.
Whether the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
increasing slack
\begin_inset Quotes erd
algorithm should be implemented or first-fit used is still unknown: we
will determine this once these other ideas are implemented.
\change_inserted 0 1273483750
\begin_layout Standard
\change_inserted 0 1273492450
a1644 2
\change_inserted 0 1273470441
a1654 2
\change_inserted 0 1273476556
a1659 2
\change_inserted 0 1273470423
a1661 2
a1672 2
\change_inserted 0 1273476847
a1676 2
\change_inserted 0 1273476886
a1691 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477233
a1699 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477534
a1706 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482700
a1712 2
\change_inserted 0 1273478079
a1722 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477839
a1726 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1730 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1734 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1738 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1742 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1746 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1750 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1754 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1758 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1762 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1766 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1770 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1774 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1778 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1782 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1786 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1790 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1794 2
\change_inserted 0 1273477925
a1798 2
\change_inserted 0 1273492522
a1802 2
\change_inserted 0 1273492530
a1806 2
\change_inserted 0 1273492546
a1810 2
\change_inserted 0 1273478239
a1814 2
\change_inserted 0 1273479960
a1821 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480265
a1830 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480354
a1845 2
\change_inserted 0 1273478968
a1851 2
\change_inserted 0 1273492604
a1859 2
\change_inserted 0 1273479572
a1862 2
a1870 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480282
a1874 2
\change_inserted 0 1273478931
a1878 2
\change_inserted 0 1273481549
a1882 2
\change_inserted 0 1273481557
a1886 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480307
a1890 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480335
a1894 2
\change_inserted 0 1273479897
a1898 2
\change_inserted 0 1273479653
a1902 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480371
a1906 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480464
a1910 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480399
a1914 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480425
a1918 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480453
a1922 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480455
a1926 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480450
a1930 2
\change_inserted 0 1273480452
a1935 2
\change_inserted 0 1273478830
a1942 5
\change_deleted 0 1273481604
In theory, we could get away with 2: one after we write the new data, and
one to somehow atomically change over to it.
\change_inserted 0 1273481632
a1946 2
\change_inserted 0 1273481724
a1950 2
\change_inserted 0 1273481713
a1954 2
\change_inserted 0 1273481717
a1958 2
\change_inserted 0 1273481730
a1962 2
\change_inserted 0 1273481736
a1966 2
\change_inserted 0 1273481744
a1970 2
\change_inserted 0 1273481748
a1974 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482185
a1978 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482259
a1989 50
\change_deleted 0 1273481848
Trying to rewrite the transaction code is a separate experiment, which
I encourage someone else to do.
At some point you say
\begin_inset Quotes eld
use a real database
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1273481848
But as a thought experiment:
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1273481788
Say there was a pointer in the header which said where the hash table and
free list tables were, and that no blocks were labeled with whether they
were free or not (it had to be derived from what list they were in).
We could create new hash table and free list in some free space, and populate
it as we want the post-committed state to look.
Then we sync, then we switch the offset in the header, then we sync again.
\begin_layout Standard
\change_deleted 0 1273481788
This would not allow arbitrary changes to the database, such as tdb_repack
does, and would require more space (since we have to preserve the current
and future entries at once).
If we used hash trees rather than one big hash table, we might only have
to rewrite some sections of the hash, too.
\change_inserted 0 1273481854
\begin_layout Standard
\change_inserted 0 1273482102
a1993 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482061
a1998 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482063
a2002 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482072
a2006 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482139
a2011 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482364
a2015 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482163
a2019 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482493
a2037 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482536
a2046 2
a2049 2
\change_inserted 0 1273482641
a2058 2
\change_inserted 0 1273481827
d2067 2
a2068 11
We could
\change_inserted 0 1273481829
implement snapshots using a similar method
\change_deleted 0 1273481838
to the above, only
\change_inserted 0 1273481840
using multiple different hash tables/free tables.
@After first feedback (Ronnie & Volker)
@d1314 13
d1531 11
a1541 1
The free list should be split into multiple lists to reduce contention.
d1547 39
d1596 7
d1604 1
a1604 1
The algorithm for freeing is simple:
d1608 7
a1614 1
Identify the correct free list.
d1618 30
a1647 1
Lock the list, and place the freed entry at the head.
d1651 7
a1657 2
Allocation is a little more complicated, as we merge entries as we walk
the list:
d1661 19
a1679 1
Pick a free list; either the list we last freed onto, or based on a
d1691 17
a1707 1
Lock that list.
d1711 7
a1717 1
If the top entry is well-sized, remove it from the list and return it.
d1721 5
a1725 1
Otherwise, examine the entry to the right of it in the file.
d1731 2
d1737 2
d1743 2
d1749 2
d1756 8
d1765 2
d1770 2
d1773 2
d1778 7
a1784 1
If no list satisfies, expand the file.
d1788 28
a1815 2
This optimizes rapid insert/delete of free list entries, and allows us to
get rid of the tailer altogether.
d1819 2
d1851 1
a1851 1
\change_inserted 0 1272941474
d1857 303
a2159 18
\change_inserted 0 1272942759
There are various ways to organize these lists, but because we want to be
able to quickly identify which free list an entry is in, and reduce the
number of locks required for merging, we will use zoning (eg.
each of the N free lists in a tdb file of size M covers a fixed fraction
Note that this means we need to reshuffle the free lists when we expand
the file; this is probably acceptable when we double the hash table size,
since that is such an expensive operation already.
In the case of increasing the file size, there is an optimization we can
use: if we use M in the formula above as the file size rounded up to the
next power of 2, we only need reshuffle free lists when the file size crosses
a power of 2 boundary,
\emph on
\emph default
reshuffling the free lists is trivial: we simply merge every consecutive
pair of free lists.
d2164 107
d2276 2
d2280 59
d2346 2
d2363 2
d2366 2
d2371 2
d2382 2
d2389 57
d2458 13
d2474 32
a2505 2
We could implement snapshots using a similar method to the above, only using
multiple different hash tables/free tables.
@Initial revision
@d1 1
a1 1
#LyX 1.6.4 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
d36 3
a38 3
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author ""
d662 5
a666 1
behavior of disallowing transactions should become the default.
d1215 21
d1527 2
d1533 3
a1535 1
The algorithm for freeing is simple:
d1642 26