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* @file esp.h
* @brief Header for Embedded Server Pages (ESP)
/********************************* Copyright **********************************/
* @copy default
* Copyright (c) Mbedthis Software LLC, 2003-2005. All Rights Reserved.
* This software is distributed under commercial and open source licenses.
* You may use the GPL open source license described below or you may acquire
* a commercial license from Mbedthis Software. You agree to be fully bound
* by the terms of either license. Consult the LICENSE.TXT distributed with
* this software for full details.
* This software is open source; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details at: http://www.mbedthis.com/downloads/gplLicense.html
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
* This GPL license does NOT permit incorporating this software into
* proprietary programs. If you are unable to comply with the GPL, you must
* acquire a commercial license to use this software. Commercial licenses
* for this software and support services are available from Mbedthis
* Software at http://www.mbedthis.com
* @end
/********************************** Includes **********************************/
#ifndef _h_ESP_h
#define _h_ESP_h 1
#include "lib/appweb/ejs/ejs.h"
#include "lib/appweb/esp/espEnv.h"
#include "lib/appweb/mpr/var.h"
#include "lib/appweb/mpr/miniMpr.h"
/*********************************** Defines **********************************/
#define ESP_TOK_INCR 1024
#define ESP_MAX_HEADER 1024
#define ESP_TOK_INCR 4096
#define ESP_MAX_HEADER 4096
* ESP lexical analyser tokens
#define ESP_TOK_ERR -1 /* Any input error */
#define ESP_TOK_EOF 0 /* End of file */
#define ESP_TOK_START_ESP 1 /* <% */
#define ESP_TOK_END_ESP 2 /* %> */
#define ESP_TOK_ATAT 3 /* @@var */
#define ESP_TOK_LITERAL 4 /* literal HTML */
#define ESP_TOK_INCLUDE 5 /* include file.esp */
#define ESP_TOK_EQUALS 6 /* = var */
* ESP parser states
#define ESP_STATE_BEGIN 1 /* Starting state */
#define ESP_STATE_IN_ESP_TAG 2 /* Inside a <% %> group */
/*********************************** Types ************************************/
typedef void* EspHandle; /* Opaque Web server handle type */
* Per request control block
typedef struct EspRequest {
MprStr docPath; /* Physical path for ESP page */
EjsId eid; /* EJS instance handle */
const struct Esp *esp; /* Pointer to ESP control block */
EspHandle requestHandle; /* Per request web server handle */
MprStr uri; /* Request URI */
MprVar *variables; /* Pointer to variables */
} EspRequest;
* Master ESP control block. This defines the function callbacks for a
* web server handler to implement. ESP will call these functions as
* required.
typedef struct Esp {
int maxScriptSize;
void (*createSession)(EspHandle handle, int timeout);
void (*destroySession)(EspHandle handle);
const char *(*getSessionId)(EspHandle handle);
int (*mapToStorage)(EspHandle handle, char *path, int len, const char *uri,
int flags);
int (*readFile)(EspHandle handle, char **buf, int *len, const char *path);
void (*redirect)(EspHandle handle, int code, char *url);
void (*setCookie)(EspHandle handle, const char *name, const char *value,
int lifetime, const char *path, bool secure);
void (*setHeader)(EspHandle handle, const char *value, bool allowMultiple);
void (*setResponseCode)(EspHandle handle, int code);
int (*writeBlock)(EspHandle handle, char *buf, int size);
int (*writeFmt)(EspHandle handle, char *fmt, ...);
void (*lock)(void *lockData);
void (*unlock)(void *lockData);
void *lockData;
} Esp;
* ESP parse context
typedef struct {
char *inBuf; /* Input data to parse */
char *inp; /* Next character for input */
char *endp; /* End of storage (allow for null) */
char *tokp; /* Pointer to current parsed token */
char *token; /* Storage buffer for token */
int tokLen; /* Length of buffer */
} EspParse;
/******************************** Private APIs ********************************/
extern void espRegisterProcs(void);
/******************************** Published API *******************************/
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Function callback signatures
typedef int (*EspCFunction)(EspRequest *ep, int argc,
struct MprVar **argv);
typedef int (*EspStringCFunction)(EspRequest *ep, int argc,
char **argv);
* APIs for those hosting the ESP module
extern int espOpen(const Esp *control);
extern void espClose(void);
extern EspRequest *espCreateRequest(EspHandle webServerRequestHandle,
char *uri, MprVar *envObj);
extern void espDestroyRequest(EspRequest *ep);
extern int espProcessRequest(EspRequest *ep, const char *docPath,
char *docBuf, char **errMsg);
* Method invocation
extern void espDefineCFunction(EspRequest *ep, const char *functionName,
EspCFunction fn, void *thisPtr);
extern void espDefineFunction(EspRequest *ep, const char *functionName,
char *args, char *body);
extern void espDefineStringCFunction(EspRequest *ep,
const char *functionName, EspStringCFunction fn,
void *thisPtr);
extern int espRunFunction(EspRequest *ep, MprVar *obj,
char *functionName, MprArray *args);
extern void espSetResponseCode(EspRequest *ep, int code);
extern void espSetReturn(EspRequest *ep, MprVar value);
extern void *espGetThisPtr(EspRequest *ep);
* Utility routines to use in C methods
extern void espError(EspRequest *ep, const char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2,3);
extern int espEvalFile(EspRequest *ep, char *path, MprVar *result,
char **emsg);
extern int espEvalScript(EspRequest *ep, char *script, MprVar *result,
char **emsg);
extern MprVar *espGetLocalObject(EspRequest *ep);
extern MprVar *espGetGlobalObject(EspRequest *ep);
extern EspHandle espGetRequestHandle(EspRequest *ep);
extern MprVar *espGetResult(EspRequest *ep);
extern EjsId espGetScriptHandle(EspRequest *ep);
extern void espRedirect(EspRequest *ep, int code, char *url);
extern void espSetHeader(EspRequest *ep, char *header,
bool allowMultiple);
extern void espSetReturnString(EspRequest *ep, const char *str);
extern int espWrite(EspRequest *ep, char *buf, int size);
extern int espWriteString(EspRequest *ep, char *buf);
extern int espWriteFmt(EspRequest *ep, char *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2,3);
* ESP array[] variable access (set will update/create)
extern int espGetVar(EspRequest *ep, EspEnvType oType, char *var,
MprVar *value);
extern char *espGetStringVar(EspRequest *ep, EspEnvType oType,
char *var, char *defaultValue);
extern void espSetVar(EspRequest *ep, EspEnvType oType, char *var,
MprVar value);
extern void espSetStringVar(EspRequest *ep, EspEnvType oType,
const char *var, const char *value);
extern int espUnsetVar(EspRequest *ep, EspEnvType oType, char *var);
* Object creation and management
extern MprVar espCreateObjVar(char *name, int hashSize);
extern MprVar espCreateArrayVar(char *name, int size);
extern bool espDestroyVar(MprVar *var);
extern MprVar *espCreateProperty(MprVar *obj, char *property,
MprVar *newValue);
extern MprVar *espCreatePropertyValue(MprVar *obj, char *property,
MprVar newValue);
extern int espDeleteProperty(MprVar *obj, char *property);
* JavaScript variable management. Set will create/update a property.
* All return a property reference. GetProperty will optionally return the
* property in value.
extern MprVar *espGetProperty(MprVar *obj, char *property,
MprVar *value);
extern MprVar *espSetProperty(MprVar *obj, char *property,
MprVar *newValue);
extern MprVar *espSetPropertyValue(MprVar *obj, char *property,
MprVar newValue);
#if 0
* Low-level direct read and write of properties.
* FUTURE: -- Read is not (dest, src). MUST WARN IN DOC ABOUT COPY/READ
* Will still cause triggers to run.
extern int espReadProperty(MprVar *dest, MprVar *prop);
extern int espWriteProperty(MprVar *prop, MprVar *newValue);
extern int espWritePropertyValue(MprVar *prop, MprVar newValue);
* Access JavaScript variables by their full name. Can use "." or "[]". For
* example: "global.request['REQUEST_URI']"
* For Read/write, the variables must exist.
extern int espCopyVar(EspRequest *ep, char *var, MprVar *value,
int copyDepth);
extern int espDeleteVar(EspRequest *ep, char *var);
extern int espReadVar(EspRequest *ep, char *var, MprVar *value);
extern int espWriteVar(EspRequest *ep, char *var, MprVar *value);
extern int espWriteVarValue(EspRequest *ep, char *var, MprVar value);
* Object property enumeration
extern MprVar *espGetFirstProperty(MprVar *obj, int includeFlags);
extern MprVar *espGetNextProperty(MprVar *obj, MprVar *currentProperty,
int includeFlags);
extern int espGetPropertyCount(MprVar *obj, int includeFlags);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _h_ESP_h */
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