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Aaron Haslett 18438c8af2 ldb: tests for <= and >= integer indexing
Testing max, min and negative values for indexed 32 and 64 bit types.
This has to be done in two different files because the 64 bit type is
LDB_SYNTAX_INTEGER which is implemented at the ldb level, while the 32
bit is added in the ldb-samba module.  Schema syntax binding added for

We also need to make sure that full scans are not invoked for LMDB.

Pair-programmed-with: Garming Sam <garming@catalyst.net.nz>

Signed-off-by: Aaron Haslett <aaronhaslett@catalyst.net.nz>
Signed-off-by: Garming Sam <garming@catalyst.net.nz>
Reviewed-by: Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org>
2019-04-08 02:07:23 +00:00

489 lines
18 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright Andrew Bartlett 2018
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import print_function
import optparse
import samba
import samba.getopt as options
import sys
import os
import time
from samba.auth import system_session
from samba.tests import TestCase
import ldb
parser = optparse.OptionParser("{0} <host>".format(sys.argv[0]))
sambaopts = options.SambaOptions(parser)
# use command line creds if available
credopts = options.CredentialsOptions(parser)
parser.add_option("-v", action="store_true", dest="verbose",
help="print successful expression outputs")
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 1:
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp)
# Set properly at end of file.
host = None
global ou_count
ou_count = 0
class ComplexExpressionTests(TestCase):
# Using setUpClass instead of setup because we're not modifying any
# records in the tests
def setUpClass(cls):
super(ComplexExpressionTests, cls).setUpClass()
cls.samdb = samba.samdb.SamDB(host, lp=lp,
ou_name = "ComplexExprTest"
cls.base_dn = "OU={0},{1}".format(ou_name, cls.samdb.domain_dn())
cls.samdb.delete(cls.base_dn, ["tree_delete:1"])
except ldb.LdbError as e:
if e.args[0] == ERRCODE_ENTRY_EXISTS:
print(('test ou {ou} already exists. Delete with '
'"samba-tool group delete OU={ou} '
raise e
cls.name_template = "testuser{0}"
cls.default_n = 10
# These fields are carefully hand-picked from the schema. They have
# syntax and handling appropriate for our test structure.
cls.largeint_f = "accountExpires"
cls.str_f = "accountNameHistory"
cls.int_f = "flags"
cls.enum_f = "preferredDeliveryMethod"
cls.time_f = "msTSExpireDate"
cls.ranged_int_f = "countryCode"
def tearDownClass(cls):
cls.samdb.delete(cls.base_dn, ["tree_delete:1"])
# Make test OU containing users with field=val for each val
def make_test_objects(self, field, vals):
global ou_count
ou_count += 1
ou_dn = "OU=testou{0},{1}".format(ou_count, self.base_dn)
ldap_objects = [{"dn": "CN=testuser{0},{1}".format(n, ou_dn),
"name": self.name_template.format(n),
"objectClass": "user",
field: n}
for n in vals]
for ldap_object in ldap_objects:
# It's useful to keep appropriate python types in the ldap_object
# dict but smdb's 'add' function expects strings.
stringed_ldap_object = {k: str(v)
for (k, v) in ldap_object.items()}
except ldb.LdbError as e:
print("failed to add %s" % (stringed_ldap_object))
raise e
return ou_dn, ldap_objects
# Run search expr and print out time. This function should be used for
# almost all searching.
def time_ldap_search(self, expr, dn):
time_taken = 0
start_time = time.time()
res = self.samdb.search(base=dn,
time_taken = time.time() - start_time
except Exception as e:
print("failed expr " + expr)
raise e
print("{0} took {1}s".format(expr, time_taken))
return res, time_taken
# Take an ldap expression and an equivalent python expression.
# Run and time the ldap expression and compare the result to the python
# expression run over the a list of ldap_object dicts.
def assertLDAPQuery(self, ldap_expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects):
# run (and time) the LDAP search expression over the DB
res, time_taken = self.time_ldap_search(ldap_expr, ou_dn)
results = {str(row.get('name')[0]) for row in res}
# build the set of expected results by evaluating the python-equivalent
# of the search expression over the same set of objects
expected_results = set()
for ldap_object in ldap_objects:
final_expr = py_expr.format(**ldap_object)
except KeyError:
# If the format on the py_expr hits a key error, then
# ldap_object doesn't have the field, so it shouldn't match.
if eval(final_expr):
self.assertEqual(results, expected_results)
if opts.verbose:
ldap_object_names = {l['name'] for l in ldap_objects}
excluded = ldap_object_names - results
excluded = "\n ".join(excluded) or "[NOTHING]"
returned = "\n ".join(expected_results) or "[NOTHING]"
print("PASS: Expression {0} took {1}s and returned:"
"\n {2}\n"
"Excluded:\n {3}\n".format(ldap_expr,
# Basic integer range test
def test_int_range(self, field=None):
n = self.default_n
field = field or self.int_f
ou_dn, ldap_objects = self.make_test_objects(field, range(n))
expr = "(&(%s>=%s)(%s<=%s))" % (field, n-1, field, n+1)
py_expr = "%d <= {%s} <= %d" % (n-1, field, n+1)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
half_n = int(n/2)
expr = "(%s<=%s)" % (field, half_n)
py_expr = "{%s} <= %d" % (field, half_n)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
expr = "(%s>=%s)" % (field, half_n)
py_expr = "{%s} >= %d" % (field, half_n)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
# Same test again for largeint and enum
def test_largeint_range(self):
def test_enum_range(self):
# Special range test for integer field with upper and lower bounds defined.
# The bounds are checked on insertion, not search, so we should be able
# to compare to a constant that is outside bounds.
def test_ranged_int_range(self):
field = self.ranged_int_f
ubound = 2**16
width = 8
vals = list(range(ubound-width, ubound))
ou_dn, ldap_objects = self.make_test_objects(field, vals)
# Check <= value above overflow returns all vals
expr = "(%s<=%d)" % (field, ubound+5)
py_expr = "{%s} <= %d" % (field, ubound+5)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
# Test range also works for time fields
def test_time_range(self):
n = self.default_n
field = self.time_f
n = self.default_n
width = int(n/2)
base_time = 20050116175514
time_range = [base_time + t for t in range(-width, width)]
time_range = [str(t) + ".0Z" for t in time_range]
ou_dn, ldap_objects = self.make_test_objects(field, time_range)
expr = "(%s<=%s)" % (field, str(base_time) + ".0Z")
py_expr = 'int("{%s}"[:-3]) <= %d' % (field, base_time)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
expr = "(&(%s>=%s)(%s<=%s))" % (field, str(base_time-1) + ".0Z",
field, str(base_time+1) + ".0Z")
py_expr = '%d <= int("{%s}"[:-3]) <= %d' % (base_time-1,
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
# Run each comparison op on a simple test set. Time taken will be printed.
def test_int_single_cmp_op_speeds(self, field=None):
n = self.default_n
field = field or self.int_f
ou_dn, ldap_objects = self.make_test_objects(field, range(n))
comp_ops = ['=', '<=', '>=']
py_comp_ops = ['==', '<=', '>=']
exprs = ["(%s%s%d)" % (field, c, n) for c in comp_ops]
py_exprs = ["{%s}%s%d" % (field, c, n) for c in py_comp_ops]
for expr, py_expr in zip(exprs, py_exprs):
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
def test_largeint_single_cmp_op_speeds(self):
def test_enum_single_cmp_op_speeds(self):
# Check strings are ordered using a naive ordering.
def test_str_ordering(self):
field = self.str_f
a_ord = ord('A')
n = 10
str_range = ['abc{0}d'.format(chr(c)) for c in range(a_ord, a_ord+n)]
ou_dn, ldap_objects = self.make_test_objects(field, str_range)
half_n = int(a_ord + n/2)
# Basic <= and >= statements
expr = "(%s>=abc%s)" % (field, chr(half_n))
py_expr = "'{%s}' >= 'abc%s'" % (field, chr(half_n))
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
expr = "(%s<=abc%s)" % (field, chr(half_n))
py_expr = "'{%s}' <= 'abc%s'" % (field, chr(half_n))
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
# String range
expr = "(&(%s>=abc%s)(%s<=abc%s))" % (field, chr(half_n-2),
field, chr(half_n+2))
py_expr = "'abc%s' <= '{%s}' <= 'abc%s'" % (chr(half_n-2),
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
# Integers treated as string
expr = "(%s>=1)" % (field)
py_expr = "'{%s}' >= '1'" % (field)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
# Windows returns nothing for invalid expressions. Expected fail on samba.
def test_invalid_expressions(self, field=None):
field = field or self.int_f
n = self.default_n
ou_dn, ldap_objects = self.make_test_objects(field, list(range(n)))
int_expressions = ["(%s>=abc)",
for expr in int_expressions:
expr = expr % (field)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, "False", ldap_objects)
def test_largeint_invalid_expressions(self):
def test_enum_invalid_expressions(self):
def test_case_insensitive(self):
str_range = ["äbc"+str(n) for n in range(10)]
ou_dn, ldap_objects = self.make_test_objects(self.str_f, str_range)
expr = "(%s=äbc1)" % (self.str_f)
pyexpr = '"{%s}"=="äbc1"' % (self.str_f)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, pyexpr, ldap_objects)
expr = "(%s=ÄbC1)" % (self.str_f)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, pyexpr, ldap_objects)
# Check negative numbers can be entered and compared
def test_negative_cmp(self, field=None):
field = field or self.int_f
width = 6
around_zero = list(range(-width, width))
ou_dn, ldap_objects = self.make_test_objects(field, around_zero)
expr = "(%s>=-3)" % (field)
py_expr = "{%s} >= -3" % (field)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
def test_negative_cmp_largeint(self):
def test_negative_cmp_enum(self):
# Check behaviour on insertion and comparison of zero-prefixed numbers.
# Samba errors on insertion, Windows strips the leading zeroes.
def test_zero_prefix(self, field=None):
field = field or self.int_f
# Test comparison with 0-prefixed constants.
n = self.default_n
ou_dn, ldap_objects = self.make_test_objects(field, list(range(n)))
expr = "(%s>=00%d)" % (field, n/2)
py_expr = "{%s} >= %d" % (field, n/2)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
# Delete the test OU so we don't mix it up with the next one.
self.samdb.delete(ou_dn, ["tree_delete:1"])
# Try inserting 0-prefixed numbers, check it fails.
zero_pref_nums = ['00'+str(num) for num in range(n)]
ou_dn, ldap_objects = self.make_test_objects(field, zero_pref_nums)
except ldb.LdbError as e:
if e.args[0] != ERRCODE_INVALID_VALUE:
raise e
# Samba doesn't get this far - the exception is raised. Windows allows
# the insertion and removes the leading 0s as tested below.
# Either behaviour is fine.
print("LDAP allowed insertion of 0-prefixed nums for field " + field)
res = self.samdb.search(base=ou_dn,
returned_nums = [str(r.get(field)[0]) for r in res]
expect = [str(n) for n in range(n)]
self.assertEqual(set(returned_nums), set(expect))
expr = "(%s>=%d)" % (field, n/2)
py_expr = "{%s} >= %d" % (field, n/2)
for ldap_object in ldap_objects:
ldap_object[field] = int(ldap_object[field])
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
def test_zero_prefix_largeint(self):
def test_zero_prefix_enum(self):
# Check integer overflow is handled as best it can be.
def test_int_overflow(self, field=None, of=None):
field = field or self.int_f
of = of or 2**31-1
width = 8
vals = list(range(of-width, of+width))
ou_dn, ldap_objects = self.make_test_objects(field, vals)
# Check ">=overflow" doesn't return vals past overflow
expr = "(%s>=%d)" % (field, of-3)
py_expr = "%d <= {%s} <= %d" % (of-3, field, of)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
# "<=overflow" returns everything
expr = "(%s<=%d)" % (field, of)
py_expr = "True"
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
# Values past overflow should be negative
expr = "(&(%s<=%d)(%s>=0))" % (field, of, field)
py_expr = "{%s} <= %d" % (field, of)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
expr = "(%s<=0)" % (field)
py_expr = "{%s} >= %d" % (field, of+1)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
# Get the values back out and check vals past overflow are negative.
res = self.samdb.search(base=ou_dn,
returned_nums = [str(r.get(field)[0]) for r in res]
# Note: range(a,b) == [a..b-1] (confusing)
up_to_overflow = list(range(of-width, of+1))
negatives = list(range(-of-1, -of+width-2))
expect = [str(n) for n in up_to_overflow + negatives]
self.assertEqual(set(returned_nums), set(expect))
def test_enum_overflow(self):
self.test_int_overflow(self.enum_f, 2**31-1)
# Check cmp works on uSNChanged. We can't insert uSNChanged vals, they get
# added automatically so we'll just insert some objects and go with what
# we get.
def test_usnchanged(self):
field = "uSNChanged"
n = 10
# Note we can't actually set uSNChanged via LDAP (LDB ignores it),
# so the input val range doesn't matter here
ou_dn, _ = self.make_test_objects(field, list(range(n)))
# Get the assigned uSNChanged values
res = self.samdb.search(base=ou_dn,
# Our vals got ignored so make ldap_objects from search result
ldap_objects = [{'name': str(r['name'][0]),
field: int(r[field][0])}
for r in res]
# Get the median val and use as the number in the test search expr.
nums = [l[field] for l in ldap_objects]
nums = list(sorted(nums))
search_num = nums[int(len(nums)/2)]
expr = "(&(%s<=%d)(objectClass=user))" % (field, search_num)
py_expr = "{%s} <= %d" % (field, search_num)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
expr = "(&(%s>=%d)(objectClass=user))" % (field, search_num)
py_expr = "{%s} >= %d" % (field, search_num)
self.assertLDAPQuery(expr, ou_dn, py_expr, ldap_objects)
# If we're called independently then import subunit, get host from first
# arg and run. Otherwise, subunit ran us so just set host from env.
# We always try to run over LDAP rather than direct file, so that
# search timings are not impacted by opening and closing the tdb file.
if __name__ == "__main__":
from samba.tests.subunitrun import TestProgram
host = args[0]
if "://" not in host:
if os.path.isfile(host):
host = "tdb://%s" % host
host = "ldap://%s" % host
host = "ldap://" + os.getenv("SERVER")