mirror of https://github.com/samba-team/samba.git synced 2025-03-01 04:58:35 +03:00
2012-02-10 00:07:56 +01:00

168 lines
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# waf build tool for building IDL files with pidl
from TaskGen import before
import Build, os, sys, Logs
from samba_utils import *
def SAMBA_PIDL(bld, pname, source,
'''Build a IDL file using pidl.
This will produce up to 13 output files depending on the options used'''
bname = source[0:-4]; # strip off the .idl suffix
bname = os.path.basename(bname)
name = "%s_%s" % (pname, bname.upper())
if not SET_TARGET_TYPE(bld, name, 'PIDL'):
# the output files depend on the options used. Use this dictionary
# to map between the options and the resulting file names
options_map = { '--header' : '%s.h',
'--ndr-parser' : 'ndr_%s.c ndr_%s.h',
'--samba3-ndr-server' : 'srv_%s.c srv_%s.h',
'--samba3-ndr-client' : 'cli_%s.c cli_%s.h',
'--server' : 'ndr_%s_s.c',
'--client' : 'ndr_%s_c.c ndr_%s_c.h',
'--python' : 'py_%s.c',
'--tdr-parser' : 'tdr_%s.c tdr_%s.h',
'--dcom-proxy' : '%s_p.c',
'--com-header' : 'com_%s.h'
table_header_idx = None
out_files = []
options_list = TO_LIST(options)
for o in options_list:
if o in options_map:
ofiles = TO_LIST(options_map[o])
for f in ofiles:
out_files.append(os.path.join(output_dir, f % bname))
if f == 'ndr_%s.h':
# remember this one for the tables generation
table_header_idx = len(out_files) - 1
# depend on the full pidl sources
source = TO_LIST(source)
pidl_src_nodes = bld.pidl_files_cache
except AttributeError:
bld.pidl_files_cache = bld.srcnode.ant_glob('pidl/lib/Parse/**/*.pm', flat=False)
bld.pidl_files_cache.extend(bld.srcnode.ant_glob('pidl', flat=False))
pidl_src_nodes = bld.pidl_files_cache
# the cd .. is needed because pidl currently is sensitive to the directory it is run in
cpp = ""
cc = ""
if bld.CONFIG_SET("CPP"):
if isinstance(bld.CONFIG_GET("CPP"), list):
cpp = 'CPP="%s"' % bld.CONFIG_GET("CPP")[0]
cpp = 'CPP="%s"' % bld.CONFIG_GET("CPP")
if cpp == "CPP=xlc_r":
cpp = ""
if bld.CONFIG_SET("CC"):
if isinstance(bld.CONFIG_GET("CC"), list):
cc = 'CC="%s"' % bld.CONFIG_GET("CC")[0]
cc = 'CC="%s"' % bld.CONFIG_GET("CC")
t = bld(rule='cd .. && %s %s ${PERL} "${PIDL}" --quiet ${OPTIONS} --outputdir ${OUTPUTDIR} -- "${SRC[0].abspath(env)}"' % (cpp, cc),
ext_out = '.c',
before = 'cc',
on_results = True,
shell = True,
source = source,
target = out_files,
name = name,
samba_type = 'PIDL')
# prime the list of nodes we are dependent on with the cached pidl sources
t.allnodes = pidl_src_nodes
t.env.PIDL = os.path.join(bld.srcnode.abspath(), 'pidl/pidl')
t.env.OPTIONS = TO_LIST(options)
# this rather convoluted set of path calculations is to cope with the possibility
# that gen_ndr is a symlink into the source tree. By doing this for the source3
# gen_ndr directory we end up generating identical output in gen_ndr for the old
# build system and the new one. That makes keeping things in sync much easier.
# eventually we should drop the gen_ndr files in git, but in the meanwhile this works
found_dir = bld.path.find_dir(output_dir)
if not 'abspath' in dir(found_dir):
Logs.error('Unable to find pidl output directory %s' %
os.path.normpath(os.path.join(bld.curdir, output_dir)))
outdir = bld.path.find_dir(output_dir).abspath(t.env)
if symlink and not os.path.lexists(outdir):
link_source = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(bld.curdir,output_dir))
os.symlink(link_source, outdir)
real_outputdir = os.path.realpath(outdir)
t.env.OUTPUTDIR = os_path_relpath(real_outputdir, os.path.dirname(bld.env.BUILD_DIRECTORY))
if generate_tables and table_header_idx is not None:
pidl_headers = LOCAL_CACHE(bld, 'PIDL_HEADERS')
pidl_headers[name] = [bld.path.find_or_declare(out_files[table_header_idx])]
t.more_includes = '#' + bld.path.relpath_gen(bld.srcnode)
Build.BuildContext.SAMBA_PIDL = SAMBA_PIDL
def SAMBA_PIDL_LIST(bld, name, source,
'''A wrapper for building a set of IDL files'''
for p in TO_LIST(source):
bld.SAMBA_PIDL(name, p, options=options, output_dir=output_dir, symlink=symlink, generate_tables=generate_tables)
# the rule for generating the NDR tables
from TaskGen import feature, before
def collect(self):
pidl_headers = LOCAL_CACHE(self.bld, 'PIDL_HEADERS')
for (name, hd) in pidl_headers.items():
y = self.bld.name_to_obj(name, self.env)
self.bld.ASSERT(y is not None, 'Failed to find PIDL header %s' % name)
for node in hd:
self.bld.ASSERT(node is not None, 'Got None as build node generating PIDL table for %s' % name)
self.source += " " + node.relpath_gen(self.path)
def SAMBA_PIDL_TABLES(bld, name, target):
'''generate the pidl NDR tables file'''
headers = bld.env.PIDL_HEADERS
t = bld(
features = 'collect',
rule = '${PERL} ${SRC} --output ${TGT} | sed "s|default/||" > ${TGT}',
ext_out = '.c',
before = 'cc',
on_results = True,
shell = True,
source = '../../librpc/tables.pl',
target = target,
name = name)
t.env.LIBRPC = os.path.join(bld.srcnode.abspath(), 'librpc')