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243 lines
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Executable File
243 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable File
# Simple script for updating the prototypes in a C header file
# Copyright (C) 2006 Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@samba.org>
# Published under the GNU GPL
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
=head1 NAME
update-proto - automatically update prototypes in header files
update-proto [OPTIONS] <HEADER> <C-FILE>...
update-proto [OPTIONS] <HEADER>
Update-proto makes sure the prototypes in a C header file are current
by comparing the existing prototypes in a header with the function definition
in the source file. It aims to keep the diff between the original header
and generated one as small as possible.
New prototypes are inserted before any line that contains the following comment:
/* New prototypes are inserted above this line */
It will automatically parse C files after it encounters a line that contains:
/* The following definitions come from FILE */
When two or more prototypes exist for a function, only the first one
will be kept.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item I<--verbose|-v>
Increase verbosity. Currently only two levels of verbosity are used.
=item I<--help>
Show list of options
=head1 BUGS
Strange complex functions are not recognized. In particular those
created by macros or returning (without typedef) function pointers.
=head1 LICENSE
update-proto is licensed under the GNU General Public License L<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
=head1 AUTHOR
update-proto was written by Jelmer Vernooij L<jelmer@samba.org>.
sub Usage()
print "Usage: update-proto.pl [OPTIONS] <HEADER> <C-FILE>...\n";
exit 1;
sub Help()
print "Usage: update-proto.pl [OPTIONS] <HEADER> <C-FILE>...\n";
print "Options:\n";
print " --help Show this help message\n";
print " --verbose Write changes made to standard error\n\n";
exit 0;
my %new_protos = ();
my $verbose = 0;
'help|h' => \&Help,
'v|verbose' => sub { $verbose += 1; }
) or Usage();
sub count($$)
my ($t, $s) = @_;
my $count = 0;
while($s =~ s/^(.)//) { $count++ if $1 eq $t; }
return $count;
my $header = shift @ARGV;
sub process_file($)
my $file = shift;
open (IN, "<$file");
while (my $line = <IN>) {
$_ = $line;
next if /^\s/;
next unless /\(/;
next if /^\/|[;]|^#|}|^\s*static/;
my $public = s/_PUBLIC_//g;
next unless /^(struct\s+\w+|union\s+\w+|\w+)\s+\**\s*(\w+)\s*\((.*)$/;
my $name = $2;
next if ($name eq "main");
# Read continuation lines if any
my $prn = 1 + count("(", $3) - count(")", $3);
while ($prn) {
my $l = <IN>;
$l or die("EOF while parsing function prototype");
$line .= $l;
$prn += count("(", $l) - count(")", $l);
$line =~ s/\n$//;
# Strip off possible start of function
$line =~ s/{\s*$//g;
$new_protos{$name} = "$line;";
process_file($_) foreach (@ARGV);
my $added = 0;
my $modified = 0;
my $deleted = 0;
my $kept = 0;
sub insert_new_protos()
foreach (keys %new_protos) {
print "$new_protos{$_}\n";
print STDERR "Inserted prototype for `$_'\n" if ($verbose);
%new_protos = ();
my $blankline_due = 0;
open (HDR, "<$header");
while (my $line = <HDR>) {
if ($line eq "\n") {
$blankline_due = 1;
$line = <HDR>;
# Recognize C files that prototypes came from
if ($line =~ /\/\* The following definitions come from (.*) \*\//) {
if ($blankline_due) {
print "\n";
$blankline_due = 0;
print "$line";
if ($blankline_due) {
print "\n";
$blankline_due = 0;
# Insert prototypes that weren't in the header before
if ($line =~ /\/\* New prototypes are inserted above this line.*\*\/\s*/) {
print "$line\n";
if ($line =~ /^\s*typedef |^\#|^\s*static/) {
print "$line";
$_ = $line;
my $public = s/_PUBLIC_//g;
unless (/^(struct\s+\w+|union\s+\w+|\w+)\s+\**\s*(\w+)\s*\((.*)$/) {
print "$line";
# Read continuation lines if any
my $prn = 1 + count("(", $3) - count(")", $3);
while ($prn) {
my $l = <HDR>;
$l or die("EOF while parsing function prototype");
$line .= $l;
$prn += count("(", $l) - count(")", $l);
my $name = $2;
# This prototype is for a function that was removed
unless (defined($new_protos{$name})) {
print STDERR "Removed prototype for `$name'\n" if ($verbose);
my $nline = $line;
if ($new_protos{$name} ne $nline) {
print STDERR "Updated prototype for `$name'\n" if ($verbose);
print "$new_protos{$name}\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Prototype for `$name' didn't change\n" if ($verbose > 1);
print "$line";
delete $new_protos{$name};
print STDERR "$added added, $modified modified, $deleted deleted, $kept unchanged.\n";