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synced 2025-01-10 01:18:15 +03:00
Add test for extracting from a file list. Signed-off-by: Aurélien Aptel <aurelien.aptel@gmail.com> Reviewed-by: David Disseldorp <ddiss@samba.org> Reviewed-by: Jim McDonough <jmcd@samba.org>
854 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
854 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
=head1 NAME
test_smbclient_tarmode.pl - Test for smbclient tar backup feature
# flags to test
# c DONE
# c g DONE
# c a DONE
# c N DONE
# c I DONE
# c I r #
# c X DONE
# c X r #
# c F DONE
# c F r #
# x DONE
# x I DONE
# x I r #
# x X DONE
# x X r #
# x F DONE
# x F r #
use v5.16;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Archive::Tar;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Path qw/make_path remove_tree/;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Term::ANSIColor;
sub d {print Dumper @_;}
our $USER = '';
our $PW = '';
our $HOST = 'localhost';
our $IP = '';
our $SHARE = 'public';
our $DIR = 'tarmode';
our $LOCALPATH = '/media/data/smb-test';
our $TMP = '/tmp/smb-tmp';
our $BIN = 'smbclient';
our $SINGLE_TEST = -1;
our @SMBARGS = ();
our $DEBUG = 0;
our $MAN = 0;
our $HELP = 0;
test_smbclient_tarmode.pl [options] -- [smbclient options]
-h, --help brief help message
--man full documentation
-u, --user USER
-p, --password PW
-h, --host HOST
-i, --ip IP
-s, --share SHARE
-d, --dir PATH
sub-path to use on the share
-l, --local-path PATH
path to the root of the samba share on the machine.
-t, --tmp PATH
temporary dir to use
-b, --bin BIN
path to the smbclient binary to use
--test N
only run test number N
GetOptions('u|user=s' => \$USER,
'p|password=s' => \$PW,
'h|host=s' => \$HOST,
'i|ip=s' => \$IP,
's|share=s' => \$SHARE,
'd|dir=s' => \$DIR,
'l|local-path=s' => \$LOCALPATH,
't|tmp=s' => \$TMP,
'b|bin=s' => \$BIN,
'test=i' => \$SINGLE_TEST,
'debug' => \$DEBUG,
'h|help' => \$HELP,
'man' => \$MAN) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(0) if $HELP;
pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) if $MAN;
if($USER xor $PW) {
die "Need both user and password when one is provided\n";
} elsif($USER and $PW) {
push @SMBARGS, '-U'.$USER.'%'.$PW;
} else {
push @SMBARGS, '-N';
if($IP) {
push @SMBARGS, '-I', $IP;
# remaining arguments are passed to smbclient
# path to store the downloaded tarball
my $TAR = "$TMP/tarmode.tar";
my @all_tests = (
[\&test_creation_normal, 'normal'],
[\&test_creation_normal, 'nested'],
[\&test_creation_incremental, '-g'],
[\&test_creation_incremental, 'tarmode inc'],
[\&test_creation_reset, '-a'],
[\&test_creation_reset, 'tarmode reset'],
if($SINGLE_TEST == -1) {
elsif(0 <= $SINGLE_TEST&&$SINGLE_TEST < @all_tests) {
else {
die "Test number is invalid\n";
# each test must return the number of error
sub test_creation_newer {
say "TEST: creation -- backup files newer than a file";
my @files;
my $dt = 3000;
# create oldest file at - DT
my $oldest = File->new_remote('oldest');
$oldest->set_time(time - $dt);
# create limit file
my $limit = File->new_local("$TMP/limit");
# create newA file at + DT
my $newA = File->new_remote('newA');
$newA->set_time(time + $dt);
# create newB file at + DT
my $newB = File->new_remote('newB');
$newB->set_time(time + $dt);
# get files newer than limit_file
push @files, $newA, $newB;
smb_tar('', '-TcN', $limit->localpath, $TAR, $DIR);
return check_tar($TAR, \@files);
sub test_creation_reset {
my ($mode) = @_;
say "TEST: creation -- reset archived files w/ $mode";
my @files;
my $n = 3;
for(1..$n) {
my $f = File->new_remote("file-$_");
push @files, $f;
if($mode =~ /reset/) {
smb_tar('tarmode full reset', '-Tc', $TAR, $DIR);
} else {
smb_tar('', '-Tca', $TAR, $DIR);
my $err = check_tar($TAR, \@files);
return $err if($err > 0);
for my $f (File->list()) {
if($f->{attr}{a}) {
printf " ! %s %s\n", $f->attr_str, $f->remotepath;
return $err;
sub test_creation_normal {
my ($mode) = @_;
say "TEST: creation -- normal files $mode (no attributes)";
my $prefix = ($mode =~ /nest/) ? "/foo/bar/bar/" : '';
my @files;
my $n = 5;
for(1..$n) {
my $f = File->new_remote($prefix."file-$_");
push @files, $f;
smb_tar('tarmode full', '-Tc', $TAR, $DIR);
return check_tar($TAR, \@files);
sub test_creation_incremental {
my ($mode) = @_;
say "TEST: creation -- incremental w/ $mode (backup only archived files)";
my @files;
my $n = 10;
for(1..$n) {
my $f = File->new_remote("file-$_");
# set achive bit on ~half of them
if($_ < $n/2) {
push @files, $f;
else {
$f->set_attr((qw/n r s h/)[$_ % 4]);
if($mode =~ /inc/) {
smb_tar('tarmode inc', '-Tc', $TAR, $DIR);
} else {
smb_tar('', '-Tcg', $TAR, $DIR);
return check_tar($TAR, \@files);
sub test_extraction_normal {
say "TEST: extraction -- backup and restore normal files";
my @files;
my $n = 5;
for(1..$n) {
my $f = File->new_remote("file-$_");
push @files, $f;
# store
smb_tar('', '-Tc', $TAR, $DIR);
my $err = check_tar($TAR, \@files);
return $err if $err > 0;
smb_tar('', '-Tx', $TAR);
sub test_extraction_include {
say "TEST: extraction -- backup and restore included paths";
my @all_files;
my @inc_files;
for(qw(file_inc inc/b inc/c inc/dir/foo dir_ex/d zob)) {
my $f = File->new_remote($_);
push @all_files, $f;
push @inc_files, $f if /inc/;
# store
smb_tar('', '-Tc', $TAR, $DIR);
my $err = check_tar($TAR, \@all_files);
return $err if $err > 0;
smb_tar('', '-TxI', $TAR, "$DIR/file_inc", "$DIR/inc");
sub test_extraction_exclude {
say "TEST: extraction -- backup and restore without excluded paths";
my @all_files;
my @inc_files;
for(qw(file_exc exc/b exc/c exc/dir/foo dir_ex/d zob)) {
my $f = File->new_remote($_);
push @all_files, $f;
push @inc_files, $f if !/exc/;
# store
smb_tar('', '-Tc', $TAR, $DIR);
my $err = check_tar($TAR, \@all_files);
return $err if $err > 0;
smb_tar('', '-TxX', $TAR, "$DIR/file_exc", "$DIR/exc");
sub test_creation_include {
say "TEST: extraction -- explicit include";
my @files;
for(qw(file_inc inc/b inc/c inc/dir/foo dir_ex/d zob)) {
my $f = File->new_remote($_);
push @files, $f if /inc/;
smb_tar('', '-TcI', $TAR, "$DIR/file_inc", "$DIR/inc");
return check_tar($TAR, \@files);
sub test_creation_exclude {
say "TEST: extraction -- explicit exclude";
my @files;
for(qw(file_ex ex/b ex/c ex/dir/foo foo/bar zob)) {
my $f = File->new_remote($_);
push @files, $f if !/ex/;
smb_tar('', '-TcX', $TAR, "$DIR/file_ex", "$DIR/ex");
return check_tar($TAR, \@files);
sub test_creation_list {
say "TEST: creation -- filelist";
my @inc_files;
for(qw(file_inc inc/b inc/c inc/dir/foo foo/bar zob)) {
my $f = File->new_remote($_);
push @inc_files, $f if /inc/;
my $flist = File->new_local("$TMP/list", file_list(@inc_files));
smb_tar('', '-TcF', $TAR, $flist->localpath);
return check_tar($TAR, \@inc_files);
sub test_extraction_list {
say "TEST: extraction -- filelist";
my @inc_files;
my @all_files;
for(qw(file_inc inc/b inc/c inc/dir/foo foo/bar zob)) {
my $f = File->new_remote($_);
push @all_files, $f;
push @inc_files, $f if /inc/;
# store
smb_tar('', '-Tc', $TAR, $DIR);
my $err = check_tar($TAR, \@all_files);
return $err if $err > 0;
my $flist = File->new_local("$TMP/list", file_list(@inc_files));
smb_tar('', '-TxF', $TAR, $flist->localpath);
return check_remote(\@inc_files);
sub run_test {
for(@_) {
my ($f, @args) = @$_;
my $err = $f->(@args);
print "\n";
sub print_res {
my $err = shift;
if($err) {
printf " RES: %s%d ERR%s\n", color('bold red'), $err, color 'reset';
} else {
printf " RES: %sOK%s\n", color('bold green'), color 'reset';
sub reset_remote {
remove_tree($LOCALPATH . '/'. $DIR);
make_path($LOCALPATH . '/'. $DIR);
sub reset_tmp {
sub reset_env {
sub file_list {
my @files = @_;
my $s = '';
for(@files) {
$s .= $_->remotepath."\n";
return $s;
sub check_remote {
my ($files) = @_;
my (%done, %expected);
my (@less, @more, @diff);
for(@$files) {
$expected{$_->remotepath} = $_;
$done{$_->remotepath} = 0;
my %remote;
File::walk(sub { $remote{$_->remotepath} = $_ }, File::tree());
for my $rfile (keys %remote) {
# files that shouldn't be there
if(!exists $expected{$rfile}) {
say " + $rfile";
push @more, $rfile;
# same file multiple times
if($done{$rfile} > 0) {
push @more, $rfile;
printf " +%3d %s\n", $done{$rfile}, $rfile;
# different file
my $rmd5 = $remote{$rfile}->md5;
if($expected{$rfile}->md5 ne $rmd5) {
say " ! $rfile ($rmd5)";
push @diff, $rfile;
# file that should have been in tar
@less = grep { $done{$_} == 0 } keys %done;
for(@less) {
say " - $_";
# summary
printf("\t%d files, +%d, -%d, !%d\n",
scalar keys %done,
scalar @more,
scalar @less,
scalar @diff);
return (@more + @less + @diff); # nb of errors
sub check_tar {
my ($tar, $files) = @_;
my %done;
my (@less, @more, @diff);
my %h;
for(@$files) {
$h{$_->tarpath} = $_;
$done{$_->tarpath} = 0;
my $i = Archive::Tar->iter($tar, 1, {md5 => 1});
while(my $f = $i->()) {
if($f->has_content) {
my $p = $f->full_path;
# file that shouldn't be there
if(!exists $done{$p}) {
push @more, $p;
say " + $p";
# same file multiple times
if($done{$p} > 0) {
push @more, $p;
printf " +%3d %s\n", $done{$p}, $p;
# different file
my $md5 = $f->data;
if($md5 ne $h{$p}->md5) {
say " ! $p ($md5)";
push @diff, $p;
# file that should have been in tar
@less = grep { $done{$_} == 0 } keys %done;
for(@less) {
say " - $_";
# summary
printf("\t%d files, +%d, -%d, !%d\n",
scalar keys %done,
scalar @more,
scalar @less,
scalar @diff);
return (@more + @less + @diff); # nb of errors
# call smbclient and return output
sub smb_client {
my (@args) = @_;
my $fullpath = "//$HOST/$SHARE";
my $cmd = sprintf("%s %s %s",
join(' ', map {quotemeta} (@SMBARGS, @args)));
my $out = `$cmd 2>&1`;
my $err = $?;
# handle abnormal exit
if ($err == -1) {
print STDERR "failed to execute $cmd: $!\n";
elsif ($err & 127) {
printf STDERR "child died with signal %d (%s)\n", ($err & 127), $cmd;
elsif ($err >> 8) {
printf STDERR "child exited with value %d (%s)\n", ($err >> 8), $cmd;
if($DEBUG) {
$cmd =~ s{\\([/+-])}{$1}g;
say $cmd;
say $out;
if($err) {
say "ERROR";
say $out;
exit 1;
return $out;
sub smb_cmd {
return smb_client('-c', join(' ', @_));
sub smb_tar {
my ($cmd, @rest) = @_;
printf " CMD: %s\n ARG: %s\n", $cmd, join(' ', @rest);
smb_client((length($cmd) ? ('-c', $cmd) : ()), @rest);
sub random {
my ($min, $max) = @_;
($min, $max) = ($max, $min) if($min > $max);
$min + int(rand($max - $min));
package File;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw/make_path remove_tree/;
use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/;
sub create_file {
my $fn = shift;
my $buf = '';
unlink $fn if -e $fn;
my $size = main::random(512, 1024);
open my $out, '>', $fn or die "can't open $fn: $!\n";
binmode $out;
for(1..$size) {
$buf .= pack('C', main::random(0, 256));
print $out $buf;
close $out;
return md5_hex($buf);
sub localpath {
my $s = shift;
return $s->{dir}.'/'.$s->{name} if !$s->{remote};
sub remotepath {
my ($s, $subpath) = @_;
return undef if !$s->{remote};
my $prefix = $main::DIR.'/';;
if($subpath) {
$prefix = '';
if($s->{dir}) {
} else {
sub remotedir {
my $s = shift;
return undef if !$s->{remote};
sub tarpath {
my $s = shift;
return undef if !$s->{remote};
sub set_attr {
my ($s, @flags) = @_;
return undef if !$s->{remote};
$s->{attr} = {qw/r 0 s 0 h 0 a 0 d 0 n 0/};
for(@flags) {
$s->{attr}{lc($_)} = 1;
my $file = $s->{name};
main::smb_client('-D', $s->remotedir, '-c', qq{setmode "$file" -rsha});
if(@flags && $flags[0] !~ /n/i) {
main::smb_client('-D', $s->remotedir, '-c', qq{setmode "$file" +}.join('', @flags));
sub attr_str {
my $s = shift;
return undef if !$s->{remote};
join('', map {$_ if $s->{attr}{$_}} qw/r h s a d n/);
sub set_time {
my ($s, $t) = @_;
utime $t, $t, $s->localpath;
sub md5 {
my $s = shift;
if(!$s->{md5}) {
open my $h, '<', $s->localpath() or die "can't read ".$s->localpath.": $!";
binmode $h;
$s->{md5} = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($h)->hexdigest;
close $h;
return $s->{md5};
sub walk {
my $fun = \&{shift @_};
my @res;
for (@_) {
if($_->{attr}{d}) {
push @res, walk($fun, @{$_->{content}});
} else {
push @res, $fun->($_);
return @res;
sub tree {
my ($class, $d) = @_;
my @files;
if(!defined $d) {
@files = File->list();
} else {
@files = File->list($d->remotepath(1));
for my $f (@files) {
if($f->{attr}{d}) {
$f->{content} = [tree($class, $f)];
return @files;
sub list {
my ($class, $path) = @_;
$path ||= '';
$path =~ s{/$}{};
my @files;
my $out = main::smb_client('-D', $main::DIR.'/'.$path, '-c', 'ls');
for(split /\n/, $out) {
next if !/^ (.+?)\s+([AHSRDN]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.+)/o;
my ($fn, $attr, $size, $date) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
next if $fn =~ /^\.{1,2}$/;
push @files, bless {
'remote' => 1,
'dir' => $path,
'name' => $fn,
'size' => int($size),
'date' => $date,
'attr' => {
# list context returns somehting different than the
# boolean matching result => force scalar context
'a' => scalar ($attr =~ /A/),
'h' => scalar ($attr =~ /H/),
's' => scalar ($attr =~ /S/),
'r' => scalar ($attr =~ /R/),
'd' => scalar ($attr =~ /D/),
'n' => scalar ($attr =~ /N/),
}, $class;
return @files;
sub new_remote {
my ($class, $path) = @_;
my ($file, $dir) = fileparse($path);
$dir = '' if $dir eq './';
$dir =~ s{^/}{};
$dir =~ s{/$}{};
my $loc = $main::LOCALPATH.'/'.$main::DIR.'/'.$dir;
my $self = {
'attr' => {qw/r 0 s 0 h 0 a 0 d 0 n 0/},
'dir' => $dir,
'name' => $file,
'md5' => create_file($loc.'/'.$file),
'remote' => 1,
bless $self, $class;
sub new_local {
my ($class, $path, $data) = @_;
my ($file, $dir) = fileparse($path);
$dir =~ s{/$}{};
my $md5;
if(defined $data) {
open my $f, '>', $path or die "can't write in $path: $!";
print $f $data;
close $f;
$md5 = md5_hex($data);
} else {
$md5 = create_file($path);
my $self = {
'attr' => {qw/r 0 s 0 h 0 a 0 d 0 n 0/},
'dir' => $dir,
'name' => $file,
'md5' => $md5,
'remote' => 0,
bless $self, $class;