mirror of https://github.com/samba-team/samba.git synced 2025-03-12 20:58:37 +03:00
Douglas Bagnall 0031a82478 selftest:S4: use PY_DEV_PROVISION for python dev-mode
Maybe we could look also at other -X options and -v.

Signed-off-by: Douglas Bagnall <douglas.bagnall@catalyst.net.nz>
Reviewed-by: Andreas Schneider <asn@samba.org>

2024-12-19 23:00:32 +00:00

3786 lines
105 KiB
Executable File

# Bootstrap Samba and run a number of tests against it.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@samba.org>
# Published under the GNU GPL, v3 or later.
# NOTE: Refer to the README for more details about the various testenvs,
# and tips about adding new testenvs.
package Samba4;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use POSIX;
use SocketWrapper;
use target::Samba;
use target::Samba3;
use Archive::Tar;
sub new($$$$$) {
my ($classname, $SambaCtx, $bindir, $srcdir, $server_maxtime, $default_ldb_backend) = @_;
my $self = {
vars => {},
SambaCtx => $SambaCtx,
bindir => $bindir,
srcdir => $srcdir,
server_maxtime => $server_maxtime,
target3 => new Samba3($SambaCtx, $bindir, $srcdir, $server_maxtime),
default_ldb_backend => $default_ldb_backend,
bless $self;
return $self;
sub scriptdir_path($$) {
my ($self, $path) = @_;
return "$self->{srcdir}/source4/scripting/$path";
sub check_or_start($$$)
my ($self, $env_vars, $process_model) = @_;
my $env_ok = $self->check_env($env_vars);
if ($env_ok) {
return $env_vars->{SAMBA_PID};
} elsif (defined($env_vars->{SAMBA_PID})) {
warn("SAMBA PID $env_vars->{SAMBA_PID} is not running (died)");
return undef;
# use a pipe for stdin in the child processes. This allows
# those processes to monitor the pipe for EOF to ensure they
# exit when the test script exits
pipe($STDIN_READER, $env_vars->{STDIN_PIPE});
# build up the command to run samba
my @preargs = ();
my @optargs = ();
if (defined($ENV{SAMBA_OPTIONS})) {
@optargs = split(/ /, $ENV{SAMBA_OPTIONS});
if(defined($ENV{SAMBA_VALGRIND})) {
@preargs = split(/ /,$ENV{SAMBA_VALGRIND});
if (defined($process_model)) {
push @optargs, ("-M", $process_model);
my $binary = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba");
my @full_cmd = (@preargs, $binary, "-i",
"--no-process-group", "--maximum-runtime=$self->{server_maxtime}",
$env_vars->{CONFIGURATION}, @optargs);
# the samba process takes some additional env variables (compared to s3)
my $samba_envs = Samba::get_env_for_process("samba", $env_vars);
if (defined($ENV{MITKRB5})) {
$samba_envs->{KRB5_KDC_PROFILE} = $env_vars->{MITKDC_CONFIG};
# fork a child process and exec() samba
my $daemon_ctx = {
NAME => "samba",
BINARY_PATH => $binary,
FULL_CMD => [ @full_cmd ],
LOG_FILE => $env_vars->{SAMBA_TEST_LOG},
PCAP_FILE => "env-$ENV{ENVNAME}-samba",
ENV_VARS => $samba_envs,
my $pid = Samba::fork_and_exec($self, $env_vars, $daemon_ctx, $STDIN_READER);
$env_vars->{SAMBA_PID} = $pid;
# close the parent's read-end of the pipe
if ($self->wait_for_start($env_vars) != 0) {
warn("Samba $pid failed to start up");
return undef;
return $pid;
sub wait_for_start($$)
my ($self, $testenv_vars) = @_;
my $count = 0;
my $ret = 0;
if (not $self->check_env($testenv_vars)) {
warn("unable to confirm Samba $testenv_vars->{SAMBA_PID} is running");
return -1;
# This will return quickly when things are up, but be slow if we
# need to wait for (eg) SSL init
my $nmblookup = Samba::bindir_path($self, "nmblookup4");
do {
$ret = system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} $testenv_vars->{SERVER}");
if ($ret != 0) {
} else {
system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} -U $testenv_vars->{SERVER_IP} $testenv_vars->{SERVER}");
system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} $testenv_vars->{NETBIOSNAME}");
system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} -U $testenv_vars->{SERVER_IP} $testenv_vars->{NETBIOSNAME}");
system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} $testenv_vars->{NETBIOSNAME}");
system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} -U $testenv_vars->{SERVER_IP} $testenv_vars->{NETBIOSNAME}");
system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} $testenv_vars->{SERVER}");
system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} -U $testenv_vars->{SERVER_IP} $testenv_vars->{SERVER}");
system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} $testenv_vars->{NETBIOSNAME}");
system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} -U $testenv_vars->{SERVER_IP} $testenv_vars->{NETBIOSNAME}");
system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} $testenv_vars->{NETBIOSNAME}");
system("$nmblookup $testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} -U $testenv_vars->{SERVER_IP} $testenv_vars->{NETBIOSNAME}");
} while ($ret != 0 && $count < 20);
if ($count == 20) {
teardown_env($self, $testenv_vars);
warn("nbt not reachable after 20 retries\n");
return -1;
# Ensure we have the first RID Set before we start tests. This makes the tests more reliable.
if ($testenv_vars->{SERVER_ROLE} eq "domain controller") {
print "waiting for working LDAP and a RID Set to be allocated\n";
my $ldbsearch = Samba::bindir_path($self, "ldbsearch");
my $count = 0;
my $base_dn = "DC=".join(",DC=", split(/\./, $testenv_vars->{REALM}));
my $search_dn = $base_dn;
if ($testenv_vars->{NETBIOSNAME} ne "RODC") {
# TODO currently no check for actual rIDAllocationPool
$search_dn = "cn=RID Set,cn=$testenv_vars->{NETBIOSNAME},ou=domain controllers,$base_dn";
my $max_wait = 60;
# Add hosts file for name lookups
my $cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($testenv_vars);
$cmd .= "$ldbsearch ";
$cmd .= "$testenv_vars->{CONFIGURATION} ";
$cmd .= "-H ldap://$testenv_vars->{SERVER} ";
$cmd .= "-U$testenv_vars->{USERNAME}%$testenv_vars->{PASSWORD} ";
$cmd .= "--scope base ";
$cmd .= "-b '$search_dn' ";
while (system("$cmd >/dev/null") != 0) {
if ($count > $max_wait) {
teardown_env($self, $testenv_vars);
warn("Timed out ($max_wait sec) waiting for working LDAP and a RID Set to be allocated by $testenv_vars->{NETBIOSNAME} PID $testenv_vars->{SAMBA_PID}");
return -1;
print "Waiting for working LDAP...\n";
my $wbinfo = Samba::bindir_path($self, "wbinfo");
$count = 0;
do {
my $cmd = "NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD=$testenv_vars->{NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD} ";
$cmd .= "NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP=$testenv_vars->{NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP} ";
$cmd .= "$wbinfo -P";
$ret = system($cmd);
if ($ret != 0) {
} while ($ret != 0 && $count < 20);
if ($count == 20) {
teardown_env($self, $testenv_vars);
warn("winbind not reachable after 20 retries\n");
return -1;
# Ensure we registered all our names
if ($testenv_vars->{SERVER_ROLE} eq "domain controller") {
my $max_wait = 120;
my $dns_update_cache = "$testenv_vars->{PRIVATEDIR}/dns_update_cache";
print "Waiting for $dns_update_cache to be created.\n";
$count = 0;
while (not -e $dns_update_cache) {
if ($count > $max_wait) {
teardown_env($self, $testenv_vars);
warn("Timed out ($max_wait sec) waiting for $dns_update_cache PID $testenv_vars->{SAMBA_PID}");
return -1;
print "Waiting for $dns_update_cache to be created...\n";
print "Waiting for $dns_update_cache to be filled.\n";
$count = 0;
while ((-s "$dns_update_cache") == 0) {
if ($count > $max_wait) {
teardown_env($self, $testenv_vars);
warn("Timed out ($max_wait sec) waiting for $dns_update_cache PID $testenv_vars->{SAMBA_PID}");
return -1;
print "Waiting for $dns_update_cache to be filled...\n";
print $self->getlog_env($testenv_vars);
print "READY ($testenv_vars->{SAMBA_PID})\n";
return 0
sub write_ldb_file($$$)
my ($self, $file, $ldif_in) = @_;
my $ldbadd = Samba::bindir_path($self, "ldbadd");
open(my $ldif, "|$ldbadd -H $file > /dev/null")
or die "Failed to run $ldbadd: $!";
print $ldif $ldif_in;
unless ($? == 0) {
warn("$ldbadd failed: $?");
return undef;
return 1;
sub add_wins_config($$)
my ($self, $privatedir) = @_;
my $client_ip = Samba::get_ipv4_addr("client");
return $self->write_ldb_file("$privatedir/wins_config.ldb", "
objectClass: wreplPartner
name: TORTURE_11
address: $client_ip
pullInterval: 0
pushChangeCount: 0
type: 0x3
sub setup_dns_hub_internal($$$)
my ($self, $hostname, $prefix) = @_;
unless(-d $prefix or mkdir($prefix, 0777)) {
warn("Unable to create $prefix");
return undef;
my $prefix_abs = abs_path($prefix);
die ("prefix=''") if $prefix_abs eq "";
die ("prefix='/'") if $prefix_abs eq "/";
unless (system("rm -rf $prefix_abs/*") == 0) {
warn("Unable to clean up");
my $env = undef;
$env->{NETBIOSNAME} = $hostname;
$env->{SERVER_IP} = Samba::get_ipv4_addr($hostname);
$env->{SERVER_IPV6} = Samba::get_ipv6_addr($hostname);
$env->{SOCKET_WRAPPER_DEFAULT_IFACE} = Samba::get_interface($hostname);
$env->{DNS_HUB_LOG} = "$prefix_abs/dns_hub.log";
$env->{RESOLV_CONF} = "$prefix_abs/resolv.conf";
$env->{TESTENV_DIR} = $prefix_abs;
my $ctx = undef;
$ctx->{resolv_conf} = $env->{RESOLV_CONF};
$ctx->{dns_ipv4} = $env->{SERVER_IP};
$ctx->{dns_ipv6} = $env->{SERVER_IPV6};
my @preargs = ();
my @args = ();
if (!defined($ENV{PYTHON})) {
push (@preargs, "env");
push (@preargs, "python");
} else {
push (@preargs, $ENV{PYTHON});
my $binary = "$self->{srcdir}/selftest/target/dns_hub.py";
push (@args, "$self->{server_maxtime}");
push (@args, "$env->{SERVER_IP},$env->{SERVER_IPV6}");
push (@args, Samba::realm_to_ip_mappings());
my @full_cmd = (@preargs, $binary, @args);
my $daemon_ctx = {
NAME => "dnshub",
BINARY_PATH => $binary,
FULL_CMD => [ @full_cmd ],
LOG_FILE => $env->{DNS_HUB_LOG},
PCAP_FILE => "env-$ENV{ENVNAME}-dns_hub",
ENV_VARS => {},
# use a pipe for stdin in the child processes. This allows
# those processes to monitor the pipe for EOF to ensure they
# exit when the test script exits
pipe($STDIN_READER, $env->{STDIN_PIPE});
my $pid = Samba::fork_and_exec($self, $env, $daemon_ctx, $STDIN_READER);
$env->{SAMBA_PID} = $pid;
$env->{KRB5_CONFIG} = "$prefix_abs/no_krb5.conf";
# close the parent's read-end of the pipe
return $env;
sub setup_dns_hub
my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
my $hostname = "rootdnsforwarder";
unless(-d $prefix or mkdir($prefix, 0777)) {
warn("Unable to create $prefix");
return undef;
my $env = $self->setup_dns_hub_internal("$hostname", "$prefix/$hostname");
$self->{dns_hub_env} = $env;
return $env;
sub get_dns_hub_env($)
my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
if (defined($self->{dns_hub_env})) {
return $self->{dns_hub_env};
die("get_dns_hub_env() not setup 'dns_hub_env'");
return undef;
sub return_env_value
my ($env, $overwrite, $key) = @_;
if (defined($overwrite) and defined($overwrite->{$key})) {
return $overwrite->{$key};
if (defined($env->{$key})) {
return $env->{$key};
return undef;
# Returns the environmental variables that we pass to samba-tool commands
sub get_cmd_env_vars
my ($self, $givenenv, $overwrite) = @_;
my @keys = (
my $localenv = undef;
foreach my $key (@keys) {
my $v = return_env_value($givenenv, $overwrite, $key);
$localenv->{$key} = $v if defined($v);
my $cmd_env = "NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTS='$localenv->{NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTS}' ";
if (defined($localenv->{RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF})) {
$cmd_env .= "RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF=\"$localenv->{RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF}\" ";
} else {
$cmd_env .= "RESOLV_WRAPPER_HOSTS=\"$localenv->{RESOLV_WRAPPER_HOSTS}\" ";
if (defined($localenv->{GNUTLS_FORCE_FIPS_MODE})) {
if (defined($localenv->{OPENSSL_FORCE_FIPS_MODE})) {
$cmd_env .= "KRB5_CONFIG=\"$localenv->{KRB5_CONFIG}\" ";
$cmd_env .= "KRB5CCNAME=\"$localenv->{KRB5_CCACHE}\" ";
$cmd_env .= "RESOLV_CONF=\"$localenv->{RESOLV_CONF}\" ";
$cmd_env .= "GNUPGHOME=\"$localenv->{GNUPGHOME}\" ";
return $cmd_env;
# Sets up a forest trust namespace.
# (Note this is different to kernel namespaces, setup by the
# USE_NAMESPACES=1 option)
sub setup_namespaces
my ($self, $localenv, $upn_array, $spn_array) = @_;
@{$upn_array} = [] unless defined($upn_array);
my $upn_args = "";
foreach my $upn (@{$upn_array}) {
$upn_args .= " --add-upn-suffix=$upn";
@{$spn_array} = [] unless defined($spn_array);
my $spn_args = "";
foreach my $spn (@{$spn_array}) {
$spn_args .= " --add-spn-suffix=$spn";
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
my $cmd_env = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($localenv);
my $cmd_config = " $localenv->{CONFIGURATION}";
my $namespaces = $cmd_env;
$namespaces .= " $samba_tool domain trust namespaces $upn_args $spn_args";
$namespaces .= $cmd_config;
unless (system($namespaces) == 0) {
warn("Failed to add namespaces \n$namespaces");
return -1;
return 0;
sub setup_trust($$$$$)
my ($self, $localenv, $remoteenv, $type, $extra_args) = @_;
$localenv->{TRUST_SERVER} = $remoteenv->{SERVER};
$localenv->{TRUST_SERVER_IP} = $remoteenv->{SERVER_IP};
$localenv->{TRUST_DNSNAME} = $remoteenv->{DNSNAME};
$localenv->{TRUST_USERNAME} = $remoteenv->{USERNAME};
$localenv->{TRUST_PASSWORD} = $remoteenv->{PASSWORD};
$localenv->{TRUST_DOMAIN} = $remoteenv->{DOMAIN};
$localenv->{TRUST_REALM} = $remoteenv->{REALM};
$localenv->{TRUST_DOMSID} = $remoteenv->{DOMSID};
# Add trusted domain realms to krb5.conf
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
# setup the trust
my $cmd_env = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($localenv);
my $cmd_config = " $localenv->{CONFIGURATION}";
my $cmd_creds = $cmd_config;
$cmd_creds .= " -U$localenv->{TRUST_DOMAIN}\\\\$localenv->{TRUST_USERNAME}\%$localenv->{TRUST_PASSWORD}";
my $create = $cmd_env;
$create .= " $samba_tool domain trust create --type=${type} $localenv->{TRUST_REALM}";
$create .= " $extra_args";
$create .= $cmd_creds;
unless (system($create) == 0) {
warn("Failed to create trust \n$create");
return undef;
my $groupname = "g_$localenv->{TRUST_DOMAIN}";
my $groupadd = $cmd_env;
$groupadd .= " $samba_tool group add '$groupname' --group-scope=Domain $cmd_config";
unless (system($groupadd) == 0) {
warn("Failed to create group \n$groupadd");
return undef;
my $groupmem = $cmd_env;
$groupmem .= " $samba_tool group addmembers '$groupname' '$localenv->{TRUST_DOMSID}-513' $cmd_config";
unless (system($groupmem) == 0) {
warn("Failed to add group member \n$groupmem");
return undef;
return $localenv
sub provision_raw_prepare($$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
my ($self,
$extra_provision_options) = @_;
my $ctx;
my $python_cmd = "";
if (defined $ENV{PYTHON}) {
$python_cmd = $ENV{PYTHON} . " ";
$ctx->{python} = $python_cmd;
my $netbiosname = uc($hostname);
unless(-d $prefix or mkdir($prefix, 0777)) {
warn("Unable to create $prefix");
return undef;
my $prefix_abs = abs_path($prefix);
die ("prefix=''") if $prefix_abs eq "";
die ("prefix='/'") if $prefix_abs eq "/";
unless (system("rm -rf $prefix_abs/*") == 0) {
warn("Unable to clean up");
my $swiface = Samba::get_interface($hostname);
$ctx->{prefix} = $prefix;
$ctx->{prefix_abs} = $prefix_abs;
$ctx->{server_role} = $server_role;
$ctx->{hostname} = $hostname;
$ctx->{netbiosname} = $netbiosname;
$ctx->{swiface} = $swiface;
$ctx->{password} = $password;
$ctx->{kdc_ipv4} = $kdc_ipv4;
$ctx->{kdc_ipv6} = $kdc_ipv6;
$ctx->{force_fips_mode} = $force_fips_mode;
$ctx->{krb5_ccname} = "$prefix_abs/krb5cc_%{uid}";
if ($functional_level eq "2000") {
$ctx->{supported_enctypes} = "arcfour-hmac-md5 des-cbc-md5 des-cbc-crc";
# Set smbd log level here.
$ctx->{server_loglevel} =$ENV{SERVER_LOG_LEVEL} || 1;
$ctx->{username} = "Administrator";
$ctx->{domain} = $domain;
$ctx->{realm} = uc($realm);
$ctx->{dnsname} = lc($realm);
$ctx->{samsid} = $samsid;
$ctx->{domain_admin} = "Administrator";
$ctx->{domain_admin_password} = $password;
$ctx->{domain_user} = "alice";
$ctx->{domain_user_password} = "Secret007";
$ctx->{functional_level} = $functional_level;
my $unix_name = ($ENV{USER} or $ENV{LOGNAME} or `whoami`);
chomp $unix_name;
$ctx->{unix_name} = $unix_name;
$ctx->{unix_uid} = $>;
my @mygid = split(" ", $();
$ctx->{unix_gid} = $mygid[0];
$ctx->{unix_gids_str} = $);
@{$ctx->{unix_gids}} = split(" ", $ctx->{unix_gids_str});
$ctx->{etcdir} = "$prefix_abs/etc";
$ctx->{piddir} = "$prefix_abs/pid";
$ctx->{smb_conf} = "$ctx->{etcdir}/smb.conf";
$ctx->{krb5_conf} = "$ctx->{etcdir}/krb5.conf";
$ctx->{krb5_ccache} = "$prefix_abs/krb5_ccache";
$ctx->{mitkdc_conf} = "$ctx->{etcdir}/mitkdc.conf";
$ctx->{gnupghome} = "$prefix_abs/gnupg";
$ctx->{privatedir} = "$prefix_abs/private";
$ctx->{binddnsdir} = "$prefix_abs/bind-dns";
$ctx->{ncalrpcdir} = "$prefix_abs/ncalrpc";
$ctx->{lockdir} = "$prefix_abs/lockdir";
$ctx->{logdir} = "$prefix_abs/logs";
$ctx->{statedir} = "$prefix_abs/statedir";
$ctx->{cachedir} = "$prefix_abs/cachedir";
$ctx->{winbindd_socket_dir} = "$prefix_abs/wbsock";
$ctx->{nmbd_socket_dir} = "$prefix_abs/nmbsock";
$ctx->{ntp_signd_socket_dir} = "$prefix_abs/ntp_signd_socket";
$ctx->{nsswrap_passwd} = "$ctx->{etcdir}/passwd";
$ctx->{nsswrap_group} = "$ctx->{etcdir}/group";
$ctx->{nsswrap_hosts} = "$ENV{SELFTEST_PREFIX}/hosts";
$ctx->{nsswrap_hostname} = "$ctx->{hostname}.$ctx->{dnsname}";
$ctx->{dns_host_file} = "$ENV{SELFTEST_PREFIX}/dns_host_file";
$ctx->{samba_dnsupdate} = "$ENV{SRCDIR_ABS}/source4/scripting/bin/samba_dnsupdate --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} --all-interfaces --use-file=$ctx->{dns_host_file}";
$ctx->{samba_dnsupdate} = $python_cmd . $ctx->{samba_dnsupdate};
} else {
$ctx->{samba_dnsupdate} = "$ENV{SRCDIR_ABS}/source4/scripting/bin/samba_dnsupdate --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} --all-interfaces";
$ctx->{samba_dnsupdate} = $python_cmd . $ctx->{samba_dnsupdate};
$ctx->{use_resolv_wrapper} = 1;
my $dns_hub = $self->get_dns_hub_env();
$ctx->{resolv_conf} = $dns_hub->{RESOLV_CONF};
$ctx->{tlsdir} = "$ctx->{privatedir}/tls";
$ctx->{ipv4} = Samba::get_ipv4_addr($hostname);
$ctx->{ipv6} = Samba::get_ipv6_addr($hostname);
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, $ctx->{privatedir});
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, $ctx->{binddnsdir});
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, $ctx->{etcdir});
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, $ctx->{piddir});
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, $ctx->{lockdir});
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, $ctx->{logdir});
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, $ctx->{statedir});
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, $ctx->{cachedir});
$ctx->{smb_conf_extra_options} = "";
my @provision_options = ();
push (@provision_options, "GNUPGHOME=\"$ctx->{gnupghome}\"");
push (@provision_options, "KRB5_CONFIG=\"$ctx->{krb5_conf}\"");
push (@provision_options, "KRB5CCNAME=\"$ctx->{krb5_ccache}\"");
push (@provision_options, "NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD=\"$ctx->{nsswrap_passwd}\"");
push (@provision_options, "NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP=\"$ctx->{nsswrap_group}\"");
push (@provision_options, "NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTS=\"$ctx->{nsswrap_hosts}\"");
push (@provision_options, "NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTNAME=\"$ctx->{nsswrap_hostname}\"");
if (defined($ctx->{use_resolv_wrapper})) {
push (@provision_options, "RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF=\"$ctx->{resolv_conf}\"");
push (@provision_options, "RESOLV_CONF=\"$ctx->{resolv_conf}\"");
} else {
push (@provision_options, "RESOLV_WRAPPER_HOSTS=\"$ctx->{dns_host_file}\"");
if (defined($ctx->{force_fips_mode})) {
push (@provision_options, "GNUTLS_FORCE_FIPS_MODE=1");
push (@provision_options, "OPENSSL_FORCE_FIPS_MODE=1");
if (defined($ENV{GDB_PROVISION}) ||
defined($ENV{RR_PROVISION}) ||
defined($ENV{PY_DEV_PROVISION}) ||
if (defined($ENV{GDB_PROVISION})) {
push (@provision_options, "gdb --args");
if (defined($ENV{RR_PROVISION})) {
push (@provision_options, "rr");
if (defined($ENV{VALGRIND_PROVISION})) {
push (@provision_options, "valgrind");
if (!defined($ENV{PYTHON})) {
push (@provision_options, "env");
push (@provision_options, "python");
if (defined($ENV{PY_DEV_PROVISION})) {
# makes Python more likely to emit warnings
# and debug info.
push (@provision_options, "-X dev");
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
push (@provision_options, $samba_tool);
push (@provision_options, "domain");
push (@provision_options, "provision");
push (@provision_options, "--configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf}");
push (@provision_options, "--host-name=$ctx->{hostname}");
push (@provision_options, "--host-ip=$ctx->{ipv4}");
push (@provision_options, "--quiet");
push (@provision_options, "--domain=$ctx->{domain}");
push (@provision_options, "--realm=$ctx->{realm}");
if (defined($ctx->{samsid})) {
push (@provision_options, "--domain-sid=$ctx->{samsid}");
push (@provision_options, "--adminpass=$ctx->{password}");
push (@provision_options, "--krbtgtpass=krbtgt$ctx->{password}");
push (@provision_options, "--machinepass=machine$ctx->{password}");
push (@provision_options, "--root=$ctx->{unix_name}");
push (@provision_options, "--server-role=\"$ctx->{server_role}\"");
push (@provision_options, "--function-level=\"$ctx->{functional_level}\"");
@{$ctx->{provision_options}} = @provision_options;
if (defined($extra_provision_options)) {
push (@{$ctx->{provision_options}}, @{$extra_provision_options});
return $ctx;
sub has_option
my ($self, $keyword, @options_list) = @_;
# convert the options-list to a hash-map for easy keyword lookup
my %options_dict = map { $_ => 1 } @options_list;
return exists $options_dict{$keyword};
# Step1 creates the basic configuration
sub provision_raw_step1($$)
my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
mkdir($_, 0777) foreach (@{$ctx->{directories}});
## lockdir and piddir must be 0755
chmod 0755, $ctx->{lockdir};
chmod 0755, $ctx->{piddir};
unless (open(CONFFILE, ">$ctx->{smb_conf}")) {
warn("can't open $ctx->{smb_conf}$?");
return undef;
my $crlfile = "$ctx->{tlsdir}/crl.pem";
$crlfile = "" unless -e ${crlfile};
# work out which file server to use. Default to source3 smbd (s3fs),
# unless the source4 NTVFS (smb) file server has been specified
my $services = "-smb +s3fs";
if ($self->has_option("--use-ntvfs", @{$ctx->{provision_options}})) {
$services = "+smb -s3fs";
my $interfaces = Samba::get_interfaces_config($ctx->{netbiosname});
print CONFFILE "
netbios name = $ctx->{netbiosname}
posix:eadb = $ctx->{statedir}/eadb.tdb
workgroup = $ctx->{domain}
realm = $ctx->{realm}
private dir = $ctx->{privatedir}
binddns dir = $ctx->{binddnsdir}
pid directory = $ctx->{piddir}
ncalrpc dir = $ctx->{ncalrpcdir}
lock dir = $ctx->{lockdir}
state directory = $ctx->{statedir}
cache directory = $ctx->{cachedir}
winbindd socket directory = $ctx->{winbindd_socket_dir}
nmbd:socket dir = $ctx->{nmbd_socket_dir}
ntp signd socket directory = $ctx->{ntp_signd_socket_dir}
winbind separator = /
interfaces = $interfaces
tls dh params file = $ctx->{tlsdir}/dhparms.pem
tls crlfile = ${crlfile}
tls verify peer = no_check
panic action = $RealBin/gdb_backtrace \%d
smbd:suicide mode = yes
smbd:validate_oplock_types = yes
wins support = yes
server role = $ctx->{server_role}
server services = +echo $services
dcerpc endpoint servers = +winreg +srvsvc +rpcecho
notify:inotify = false
ldb:nosync = true
ldap server require strong auth = yes
log file = $ctx->{logdir}/log.\%m
log level = $ctx->{server_loglevel}
lanman auth = Yes
ntlm auth = Yes
client min protocol = SMB2_02
server min protocol = SMB2_02
mangled names = yes
dns update command = $ctx->{samba_dnsupdate}
spn update command = $ctx->{python} $ENV{SRCDIR_ABS}/source4/scripting/bin/samba_spnupdate --configfile $ctx->{smb_conf}
gpo update command = $ctx->{python} $ENV{SRCDIR_ABS}/source4/scripting/bin/samba-gpupdate --configfile $ctx->{smb_conf} --target=Computer
samba kcc command = $ctx->{python} $ENV{SRCDIR_ABS}/source4/scripting/bin/samba_kcc
dreplsrv:periodic_startup_interval = 0
dsdb:schema update allowed = yes
vfs objects = dfs_samba4 acl_xattr fake_acls xattr_tdb streams_depot
idmap_ldb:use rfc2307=yes
winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes
rpc server port:netlogon = 1026
include system krb5 conf = no
debug syslog format = always
debug hires timestamp = yes
print CONFFILE "
# Begin extra options
# End extra options
#Default the KDC IP to the server's IP
if (not defined($ctx->{kdc_ipv4})) {
$ctx->{kdc_ipv4} = $ctx->{ipv4};
if (not defined($ctx->{kdc_ipv6})) {
$ctx->{kdc_ipv6} = $ctx->{ipv6};
Samba::mk_mitkdc_conf($ctx, abs_path(Samba::bindir_path($self, "shared")));
open(PWD, ">$ctx->{nsswrap_passwd}");
if ($ctx->{unix_uid} != 0) {
print PWD "root:x:0:0:root gecos:$ctx->{prefix_abs}:/bin/false\n";
print PWD "$ctx->{unix_name}:x:$ctx->{unix_uid}:65531:$ctx->{unix_name} gecos:$ctx->{prefix_abs}:/bin/false\n";
print PWD "nobody:x:65534:65533:nobody gecos:$ctx->{prefix_abs}:/bin/false
pdbtest:x:65533:65533:pdbtest gecos:$ctx->{prefix_abs}:/bin/false
pdbtest2:x:65532:65533:pdbtest gecos:$ctx->{prefix_abs}:/bin/false
pdbtest3:x:65531:65533:pdbtest gecos:$ctx->{prefix_abs}:/bin/false
pdbtest4:x:65530:65533:pdbtest gecos:$ctx->{prefix_abs}:/bin/false
my $uid_rfc2307test = 65533;
open(GRP, ">$ctx->{nsswrap_group}");
if ($ctx->{unix_gid} != 0) {
print GRP "root:x:0:\n";
print GRP "$ctx->{unix_name}:x:$ctx->{unix_gid}:\n";
print GRP "wheel:x:10:
my $gid_rfc2307test = 65532;
my $hostname = lc($ctx->{hostname});
open(HOSTS, ">>$ctx->{nsswrap_hosts}");
if ($hostname eq "localdc") {
print HOSTS "$ctx->{ipv4} ${hostname}.$ctx->{dnsname} $ctx->{dnsname} ${hostname}\n";
print HOSTS "$ctx->{ipv6} ${hostname}.$ctx->{dnsname} $ctx->{dnsname} ${hostname}\n";
} else {
print HOSTS "$ctx->{ipv4} ${hostname}.$ctx->{dnsname} ${hostname}\n";
print HOSTS "$ctx->{ipv6} ${hostname}.$ctx->{dnsname} ${hostname}\n";
my $configuration = "--configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf}";
#Ensure the config file is valid before we start
my $testparm = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool") . " testparm";
if (system("$testparm $configuration -v --suppress-prompt >/dev/null 2>&1") != 0) {
system("$testparm -v --suppress-prompt $configuration >&2");
warn("Failed to create a valid smb.conf configuration $testparm!");
return undef;
unless (system("($testparm $configuration -v --suppress-prompt --parameter-name=\"netbios name\" --section-name=global 2> /dev/null | grep -i \"^$ctx->{netbiosname}\" ) >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0) {
warn("Failed to create a valid smb.conf configuration! $testparm $configuration -v --suppress-prompt --parameter-name=\"netbios name\" --section-name=global");
return undef;
# Return the environment variables for the new testenv DC.
# Note that we have SERVER_X and DC_SERVER_X variables (which have the same
# value initially). In a 2 DC setup, $DC_SERVER_X will always be the PDC.
my $ret = {
GNUPGHOME => $ctx->{gnupghome},
KRB5_CONFIG => $ctx->{krb5_conf},
KRB5_CCACHE => $ctx->{krb5_ccache},
MITKDC_CONFIG => $ctx->{mitkdc_conf},
PIDDIR => $ctx->{piddir},
SERVER => $ctx->{hostname},
DC_SERVER => $ctx->{hostname},
SERVER_IP => $ctx->{ipv4},
DC_SERVER_IP => $ctx->{ipv4},
SERVER_IPV6 => $ctx->{ipv6},
DC_SERVER_IPV6 => $ctx->{ipv6},
NETBIOSNAME => $ctx->{netbiosname},
DC_NETBIOSNAME => $ctx->{netbiosname},
DOMAIN => $ctx->{domain},
USERNAME => $ctx->{username},
DC_USERNAME => $ctx->{username},
DOMAIN_ADMIN => $ctx->{domain_admin},
DOMAIN_ADMIN_PASSWORD => $ctx->{domain_admin_password},
DOMAIN_USER => $ctx->{domain_user},
DOMAIN_USER_PASSWORD => $ctx->{domain_user_password},
REALM => $ctx->{realm},
DNSNAME => $ctx->{dnsname},
SAMSID => $ctx->{samsid},
PASSWORD => $ctx->{password},
DC_PASSWORD => $ctx->{password},
LDAPDIR => $ctx->{ldapdir},
LDAP_INSTANCE => $ctx->{ldap_instance},
SELFTEST_WINBINDD_SOCKET_DIR => $ctx->{winbindd_socket_dir},
NCALRPCDIR => $ctx->{ncalrpcdir},
LOCKDIR => $ctx->{lockdir},
STATEDIR => $ctx->{statedir},
CACHEDIR => $ctx->{cachedir},
PRIVATEDIR => $ctx->{privatedir},
BINDDNSDIR => $ctx->{binddnsdir},
SERVERCONFFILE => $ctx->{smb_conf},
TESTENV_DIR => $ctx->{prefix_abs},
CONFIGURATION => $configuration,
NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD => $ctx->{nsswrap_passwd},
NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP => $ctx->{nsswrap_group},
NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTS => $ctx->{nsswrap_hosts},
NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTNAME => $ctx->{nsswrap_hostname},
SAMBA_TEST_FIFO => "$ctx->{prefix}/samba_test.fifo",
SAMBA_TEST_LOG => "$ctx->{prefix}/samba_test.log",
NSS_WRAPPER_MODULE_SO_PATH => Samba::nss_wrapper_winbind_so_path($self),
LOCAL_PATH => $ctx->{share},
UID_RFC2307TEST => $uid_rfc2307test,
GID_RFC2307TEST => $gid_rfc2307test,
SERVER_ROLE => $ctx->{server_role},
RESOLV_CONF => $ctx->{resolv_conf},
KRB5_CRL_FILE => $crlfile,
if (defined($ctx->{use_resolv_wrapper})) {
$ret->{RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF} = $ctx->{resolv_conf};
} else {
$ret->{RESOLV_WRAPPER_HOSTS} = $ctx->{dns_host_file};
if (defined($ctx->{force_fips_mode})) {
if ($ctx->{server_role} eq "domain controller") {
$ret->{DOMSID} = $ret->{SAMSID};
return $ret;
# Step2 runs the provision script
sub provision_raw_step2($$$)
my ($self, $ctx, $ret) = @_;
my $ldif;
my $provision_cmd = join(" ", @{$ctx->{provision_options}});
unless (system($provision_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to provision: \n$provision_cmd\n");
return undef;
my $cmd_env = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($ret);
my $testallowed_account = "testallowed";
my $samba_tool_cmd = ${cmd_env};
$samba_tool_cmd .= Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool")
. " user create --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} $testallowed_account $ctx->{password}";
unless (system($samba_tool_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to add testallowed user: \n$samba_tool_cmd\n");
return undef;
my $srv_account = "srv_account";
$samba_tool_cmd = ${cmd_env};
$samba_tool_cmd .= Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool")
. " user create --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} $srv_account $ctx->{password}";
unless (system($samba_tool_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to add $srv_account user: \n$samba_tool_cmd\n");
return undef;
$samba_tool_cmd = ${cmd_env};
$samba_tool_cmd .= Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool")
. " spn add HOST/$srv_account --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} $srv_account";
unless (system($samba_tool_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to add spn for $srv_account: \n$samba_tool_cmd\n");
return undef;
my $ldbmodify = ${cmd_env};
$ldbmodify .= Samba::bindir_path($self, "ldbmodify");
$ldbmodify .= " --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf}";
my $base_dn = "DC=".join(",DC=", split(/\./, $ctx->{realm}));
if ($ctx->{server_role} ne "domain controller") {
$base_dn = "DC=$ctx->{netbiosname}";
my $user_dn = "cn=$testallowed_account,cn=users,$base_dn";
$testallowed_account = "testallowed account";
open($ldif, "|$ldbmodify -H $ctx->{privatedir}/sam.ldb")
or die "Failed to run $ldbmodify: $!";
print $ldif "dn: $user_dn
changetype: modify
replace: samAccountName
samAccountName: $testallowed_account
unless ($? == 0) {
warn("$ldbmodify failed: $?");
return undef;
open($ldif, "|$ldbmodify -H $ctx->{privatedir}/sam.ldb")
or die "Failed to run $ldbmodify: $!";
print $ldif "dn: $user_dn
changetype: modify
replace: userPrincipalName
userPrincipalName: testallowed upn\@$ctx->{realm}
replace: servicePrincipalName
servicePrincipalName: host/testallowed
unless ($? == 0) {
warn("$ldbmodify failed: $?");
return undef;
$samba_tool_cmd = ${cmd_env};
$samba_tool_cmd .= Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool")
. " user create --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} testdenied $ctx->{password}";
unless (system($samba_tool_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to add testdenied user: \n$samba_tool_cmd\n");
return undef;
$user_dn = "cn=testdenied,cn=users,$base_dn";
open($ldif, "|$ldbmodify -H $ctx->{privatedir}/sam.ldb")
or die "Failed to run $ldbmodify: $!";
print $ldif "dn: $user_dn
changetype: modify
replace: userPrincipalName
userPrincipalName: testdenied_upn\@$ctx->{realm}.upn
unless ($? == 0) {
warn("$ldbmodify failed: $?");
return undef;
$samba_tool_cmd = ${cmd_env};
$samba_tool_cmd .= Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool")
. " user create --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} testupnspn $ctx->{password}";
unless (system($samba_tool_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to add testupnspn user: \n$samba_tool_cmd\n");
return undef;
$user_dn = "cn=testupnspn,cn=users,$base_dn";
open($ldif, "|$ldbmodify -H $ctx->{privatedir}/sam.ldb")
or die "Failed to run $ldbmodify: $!";
print $ldif "dn: $user_dn
changetype: modify
replace: userPrincipalName
userPrincipalName: http/testupnspn.$ctx->{dnsname}\@$ctx->{realm}
replace: servicePrincipalName
servicePrincipalName: http/testupnspn.$ctx->{dnsname}
unless ($? == 0) {
warn("$ldbmodify failed: $?");
return undef;
$samba_tool_cmd = ${cmd_env};
$samba_tool_cmd .= Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool")
. " group addmembers --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} 'Allowed RODC Password Replication Group' '$testallowed_account'";
unless (system($samba_tool_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to add '$testallowed_account' user to 'Allowed RODC Password Replication Group': \n$samba_tool_cmd\n");
return undef;
# Create two users alice and bob!
my $user_account_array = ["alice", "bob", "jane", "joe"];
foreach my $user_account (@{$user_account_array}) {
my $samba_tool_cmd = ${cmd_env};
$samba_tool_cmd .= Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool")
. " user create --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} $user_account Secret007";
unless (system($samba_tool_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to create user: $user_account\n$samba_tool_cmd\n");
return undef;
my $group_array = ["Samba Users"];
foreach my $group (@{$group_array}) {
my $samba_tool_cmd = ${cmd_env};
$samba_tool_cmd .= Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool")
. " group add --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} \"$group\"";
unless (system($samba_tool_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to create group: $group\n$samba_tool_cmd\n");
return undef;
# Add user joe to group "Samba Users"
my $group = "Samba Users";
my $user_account = "joe";
$samba_tool_cmd = ${cmd_env};
$samba_tool_cmd .= Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool")
. " group addmembers --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} \"$group\" $user_account";
unless (system($samba_tool_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to add " . $user_account . "to group group : $group\n$samba_tool_cmd\n");
return undef;
$group = "Samba Users";
$user_account = "joe";
$samba_tool_cmd = ${cmd_env};
$samba_tool_cmd .= Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool")
. " user setprimarygroup --configfile=$ctx->{smb_conf} $user_account \"$group\"";
unless (system($samba_tool_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to set primary group of user: $user_account\n$samba_tool_cmd\n");
return undef;
# Change the userPrincipalName for jane
$user_dn = "cn=jane,cn=users,$base_dn";
open($ldif, "|$ldbmodify -H $ctx->{privatedir}/sam.ldb")
or die "Failed to run $ldbmodify: $!";
print $ldif "dn: $user_dn
changetype: modify
replace: userPrincipalName
userPrincipalName: jane.doe\@$ctx->{realm}
unless ($? == 0) {
warn("$ldbmodify failed: $?");
return undef;
return $ret;
sub provision($$$$$$$$$$$)
my ($self,
$extra_provision_options) = @_;
my $samsid = Samba::random_domain_sid();
my $ctx = $self->provision_raw_prepare($prefix, $server_role,
$domain, $realm,
$ctx->{share} = "$ctx->{prefix_abs}/share";
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, "$ctx->{share}");
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, "$ctx->{share}/test1");
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, "$ctx->{share}/test2");
# precreate directories for printer drivers
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, "$ctx->{share}/W32X86");
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, "$ctx->{share}/x64");
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, "$ctx->{share}/WIN40");
my $msdfs = "no";
$msdfs = "yes" if ($server_role eq "domain controller");
$ctx->{smb_conf_extra_options} = "
max xmit = 32K
server max protocol = SMB2
host msdfs = $msdfs
lanman auth = yes
# fruit:copyfile is a global option
fruit:copyfile = yes
path = $ctx->{share}
read only = no
posix:sharedelay = 100000
posix:oplocktimeout = 3
posix:writetimeupdatedelay = 500000
path = $ctx->{share}
read only = no
posix:sharedelay = 100000
posix:oplocktimeout = 3
posix:writetimeupdatedelay = 500000
create mask = 777
force create mode = 777
path = $ctx->{share}
read only = no
create mask = 0777
force create mode = 0
directory mask = 0777
force directory mode = 0
path = $ctx->{share}/test1
read only = no
posix:sharedelay = 100000
posix:oplocktimeout = 3
posix:writetimeupdatedelay = 500000
path = $ctx->{share}/test2
read only = no
posix:sharedelay = 100000
posix:oplocktimeout = 3
posix:writetimeupdatedelay = 500000
path = $ctx->{share}/_ignore_cifs_
read only = no
ntvfs handler = cifs
cifs:server = $ctx->{netbiosname}
cifs:share = tmp
cifs:use-s4u2proxy = yes
# There is no username specified here, instead the client is expected
# to log in with kerberos, and the serverwill use delegated credentials.
# Or the server tries s4u2self/s4u2proxy to impersonate the client
path = $ctx->{share}
read only = no
ntvfs handler = simple
path = $ctx->{statedir}/sysvol
read only = no
path = $ctx->{statedir}/sysvol/$ctx->{dnsname}/scripts
read only = no
copy = simple
ntvfs handler = cifsposix
path = $ctx->{share}
vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr acl_xattr
ea support = yes
fruit:resource = file
fruit:metadata = netatalk
fruit:locking = netatalk
fruit:encoding = native
path = $ctx->{share}
# This can be used for testing real fs xattr stuff
vfs objects = streams_xattr acl_xattr
my $ret = $self->provision_raw_step1($ctx);
unless (defined $ret) {
return undef;
return $self->provision_raw_step2($ctx, $ret);
# For multi-DC testenvs, we want $DC_SERVER to always be the PDC (i.e. the
# original DC) in the testenv. $SERVER is always the joined DC that we are
# actually running the test against
sub set_pdc_env_vars
my ($self, $env, $dcvars) = @_;
$env->{DC_SERVER} = $dcvars->{DC_SERVER};
$env->{DC_SERVER_IP} = $dcvars->{DC_SERVER_IP};
$env->{DC_SERVER_IPV6} = $dcvars->{DC_SERVER_IPV6};
$env->{DC_USERNAME} = $dcvars->{DC_USERNAME};
$env->{DC_PASSWORD} = $dcvars->{DC_PASSWORD};
sub provision_s4member($$$$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars, $hostname, $more_conf) = @_;
my $extra_smb_conf = "
passdb backend = samba_dsdb
winbindd:use external pipes = true
# the source4 smb server doesn't allow signing by default
server signing = enabled
raw NTLMv2 auth = yes
# override the new SMB2 only default
client min protocol = CORE
server min protocol = LANMAN1
if ($more_conf) {
$extra_smb_conf = $extra_smb_conf . $more_conf . "\n";
my $extra_provision_options = ["--use-ntvfs"];
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix,
"member server",
$extra_smb_conf, "",
unless ($ret) {
return undef;
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
my $cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($ret);
$cmd .= "$samba_tool domain join $ret->{CONFIGURATION} $dcvars->{REALM} --experimental-s4-member member";
$cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{DC_PASSWORD}";
$cmd .= " --machinepass=machine$ret->{PASSWORD}";
unless (system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
$ret->{DOMSID} = $dcvars->{DOMSID};
$self->set_pdc_env_vars($ret, $dcvars);
return $ret;
sub provision_rpc_proxy($$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
my $extra_smbconf_options = "
passdb backend = samba_dsdb
# rpc_proxy
dcerpc_remote:binding = ncacn_ip_tcp:$dcvars->{SERVER}
dcerpc endpoint servers = epmapper, remote
dcerpc_remote:interfaces = rpcecho
dcerpc_remote:allow_anonymous_fallback = yes
# override the new SMB2 only default
client min protocol = CORE
server min protocol = LANMAN1
path = /tmp/_ignore_cifs_to_dc_/_none_
read only = no
ntvfs handler = cifs
cifs:server = $dcvars->{SERVER}
cifs:share = cifs
cifs:use-s4u2proxy = yes
# There is no username specified here, instead the client is expected
# to log in with kerberos, and the serverwill use delegated credentials.
# Or the server tries s4u2self/s4u2proxy to impersonate the client
my $extra_provision_options = ["--use-ntvfs"];
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix,
"member server",
$extra_smbconf_options, "",
unless ($ret) {
return undef;
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
# The joind runs in the context of the rpc_proxy/member for now
my $cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($ret);
$cmd .= "$samba_tool domain join $ret->{CONFIGURATION} $dcvars->{REALM} --experimental-s4-member member";
$cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{DC_PASSWORD}";
$cmd .= " --machinepass=machine$ret->{PASSWORD}";
unless (system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
# Prepare a context of the DC, but using the local CCACHE.
my $overwrite = undef;
$overwrite->{KRB5_CCACHE} = $ret->{KRB5_CCACHE};
my $dc_cmd_env = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($dcvars, $overwrite);
# Setting up delegation runs in the context of the DC for now
$cmd = $dc_cmd_env;
$cmd .= "$samba_tool delegation for-any-protocol '$ret->{NETBIOSNAME}\$' on";
$cmd .= " $dcvars->{CONFIGURATION}";
print $cmd;
unless (system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Delegation failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
# Setting up delegation runs in the context of the DC for now
$cmd = $dc_cmd_env;
$cmd .= "$samba_tool delegation add-service '$ret->{NETBIOSNAME}\$' cifs/$dcvars->{SERVER}";
$cmd .= " $dcvars->{CONFIGURATION}";
unless (system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Delegation failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
$ret->{DOMSID} = $dcvars->{DOMSID};
$self->set_pdc_env_vars($ret, $dcvars);
return $ret;
sub provision_promoted_dc($$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
# We do this so that we don't run the provision. That's the job of 'samba-tool domain dcpromo'.
my $ctx = $self->provision_raw_prepare($prefix, "domain controller",
$ctx->{smb_conf_extra_options} = "
max xmit = 32K
server max protocol = SMB2
ntlm auth = ntlmv2-only
kdc force enable rc4 weak session keys = yes
path = $ctx->{statedir}/sysvol
read only = yes
path = $ctx->{statedir}/sysvol/$ctx->{dnsname}/scripts
read only = no
my $ret = $self->provision_raw_step1($ctx);
unless ($ret) {
return undef;
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
my $cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($ret);
$cmd .= "$samba_tool domain join $ret->{CONFIGURATION} $dcvars->{REALM} --experimental-s4-member MEMBER --realm=$dcvars->{REALM}";
$cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{DC_PASSWORD}";
$cmd .= " --machinepass=machine$ret->{PASSWORD}";
unless (system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
$samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
$cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($ret);
$cmd .= "$samba_tool domain dcpromo $ret->{CONFIGURATION} $dcvars->{REALM} DC --realm=$dcvars->{REALM}";
$cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{DC_PASSWORD}";
$cmd .= " --machinepass=machine$ret->{PASSWORD} --dns-backend=BIND9_DLZ";
unless (system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
$self->set_pdc_env_vars($ret, $dcvars);
return $ret;
sub provision_vampire_dc($$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars, $fl) = @_;
print "PROVISIONING VAMPIRE DC @ FL $fl...\n";
my $name = "localvampiredc";
my $extra_conf = "";
if ($fl == "2000") {
$name = "vampire2000dc";
} else {
$extra_conf = "drs: immediate link sync = yes
drs: max link sync = 250";
# We do this so that we don't run the provision. That's the job of 'net vampire'.
my $ctx = $self->provision_raw_prepare($prefix, "domain controller",
$ctx->{smb_conf_extra_options} = "
max xmit = 32K
server max protocol = SMB2
ntlm auth = mschapv2-and-ntlmv2-only
path = $ctx->{statedir}/sysvol
read only = yes
path = $ctx->{statedir}/sysvol/$ctx->{dnsname}/scripts
read only = no
my $ret = $self->provision_raw_step1($ctx);
unless ($ret) {
return undef;
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
my $cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($ret);
$cmd .= "$samba_tool domain join $ret->{CONFIGURATION} $dcvars->{REALM} DC --realm=$dcvars->{REALM}";
$cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{DC_PASSWORD} --domain-critical-only";
$cmd .= " --machinepass=machine$ret->{PASSWORD}";
$cmd .= " --backend-store=$self->{default_ldb_backend}";
unless (system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
$self->set_pdc_env_vars($ret, $dcvars);
$ret->{DC_REALM} = $dcvars->{DC_REALM};
return $ret;
sub provision_ad_dc_ntvfs($$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $extra_provision_options) = @_;
# We keep the old 'winbind' name here in server services to
# ensure upgrades which used that name still work with the now
# alias.
my $extra_conf_options = "netbios aliases = localDC1-a
server services = +winbind -winbindd
ldap server require strong auth = allow_sasl_without_tls_channel_bindings
raw NTLMv2 auth = yes
lsa over netlogon = yes
rpc server port = 1027
auth event notification = true
dsdb event notification = true
dsdb password event notification = true
dsdb group change notification = true
# override the new SMB2 only default
client min protocol = CORE
server min protocol = LANMAN1
CVE_2020_1472:warn_about_unused_debug_level = 3
CVE_2022_38023:warn_about_unused_debug_level = 3
allow nt4 crypto:torturetest\$ = yes
server reject md5 schannel:schannel2\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:schannel3\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:schannel8\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:schannel9\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturetest\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2proxywk\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2selfbdc\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2selfwk\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturepacbdc\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturepacwksta\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:schannel2\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:schannel3\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:schannel8\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:schannel9\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturetest\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2proxywk\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2selfbdc\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2selfwk\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturepacbdc\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturepacwksta\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel0\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel1\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel2\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel3\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel4\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel5\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel6\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel7\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel8\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel9\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel10\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel11\$ = no
server require schannel:torturetest\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel0\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel1\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel2\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel3\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel4\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel5\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel6\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel7\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel8\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel9\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel10\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel11\$ = no
server schannel require seal:torturetest\$ = no
# needed for 'samba.tests.auth_log' tests
server require schannel:LOCALDC\$ = no
server schannel require seal:LOCALDC\$ = no
push (@{$extra_provision_options},
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix,
"domain controller",
unless ($ret) {
return undef;
unless($self->add_wins_config("$prefix/private")) {
warn("Unable to add wins configuration");
return undef;
$ret->{NETBIOSALIAS} = "localdc1-a";
$ret->{DC_REALM} = $ret->{REALM};
return $ret;
sub provision_fl2000dc($$)
my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
my $extra_conf_options = "
kdc enable fast = no
CVE_2022_38023:warn_about_unused_debug_level = 3
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2proxywk\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2selfbdc\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2selfwk\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturepacbdc\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturepacwksta\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2proxywk\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2selfbdc\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2selfwk\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturepacbdc\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturepacwksta\$ = no
my $extra_provision_options = ["--base-schema=2008_R2"];
# This environment uses plain text secrets
# i.e. secret attributes are not encrypted on disk.
# This allows testing of the --plaintext-secrets option for
# provision
push (@{$extra_provision_options}, "--plaintext-secrets");
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix,
"domain controller",
unless ($ret) {
return undef;
unless($self->add_wins_config("$prefix/private")) {
warn("Unable to add wins configuration");
return undef;
$ret->{DC_REALM} = $ret->{REALM};
return $ret;
sub provision_fl2003dc($$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
my $ip_addr1 = Samba::get_ipv4_addr("fakednsforwarder1");
my $ip_addr2 = Samba::get_ipv6_addr("fakednsforwarder2");
my $extra_conf_options = "
allow dns updates = nonsecure and secure
kdc enable fast = no
dcesrv:header signing = no
dcesrv:max auth states = 0
dns forwarder = $ip_addr1 [$ip_addr2]:54
CVE_2022_38023:warn_about_unused_debug_level = 3
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2proxywk\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2selfbdc\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2selfwk\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturepacbdc\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturepacwksta\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2proxywk\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2selfbdc\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2selfwk\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturepacbdc\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturepacwksta\$ = no
my $extra_provision_options = ["--base-schema=2008_R2"];
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix,
"domain controller",
unless (defined $ret) {
return undef;
$ret->{DNS_FORWARDER1} = $ip_addr1;
$ret->{DNS_FORWARDER2} = $ip_addr2;
my @samba_tool_options;
push (@samba_tool_options, Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool"));
push (@samba_tool_options, "domain");
push (@samba_tool_options, "passwordsettings");
push (@samba_tool_options, "set");
push (@samba_tool_options, "--configfile=$ret->{SERVERCONFFILE}");
push (@samba_tool_options, "--min-pwd-age=0");
push (@samba_tool_options, "--history-length=1");
my $samba_tool_cmd = join(" ", @samba_tool_options);
unless (system($samba_tool_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Unable to set min password age to 0: \n$samba_tool_cmd\n");
return undef;
unless($self->add_wins_config("$prefix/private")) {
warn("Unable to add wins configuration");
return undef;
return $ret;
sub provision_fl2008r2dc($$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
my $extra_conf_options = "
ldap server require strong auth = no
# delay by 10 seconds, 10^7 usecs
ldap_server:delay_expire_disconnect = 10000
CVE_2022_38023:warn_about_unused_debug_level = 3
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2proxywk\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2selfbdc\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2selfwk\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturepacbdc\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturepacwksta\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2proxywk\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2selfbdc\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2selfwk\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturepacbdc\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturepacwksta\$ = no
my $extra_provision_options = ["--base-schema=2008_R2"];
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix,
"domain controller",
unless (defined $ret) {
return undef;
unless ($self->add_wins_config("$prefix/private")) {
warn("Unable to add wins configuration");
return undef;
$ret->{DC_REALM} = $ret->{REALM};
return $ret;
sub provision_rodc($$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
# We do this so that we don't run the provision. That's the job of 'net join RODC'.
my $ctx = $self->provision_raw_prepare($prefix, "domain controller",
unless ($ctx) {
return undef;
$ctx->{share} = "$ctx->{prefix_abs}/share";
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, "$ctx->{share}");
$ctx->{smb_conf_extra_options} = "
max xmit = 32K
server max protocol = SMB2
password server = $dcvars->{DC_SERVER}
path = $ctx->{statedir}/sysvol
read only = yes
path = $ctx->{statedir}/sysvol/$ctx->{dnsname}/scripts
read only = yes
path = $ctx->{share}
read only = no
posix:sharedelay = 10000
posix:oplocktimeout = 3
posix:writetimeupdatedelay = 50000
my $ret = $self->provision_raw_step1($ctx);
unless ($ret) {
return undef;
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
my $cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($ret);
$cmd .= "$samba_tool domain join $ret->{CONFIGURATION} $dcvars->{REALM} RODC";
$cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{DC_PASSWORD}";
$cmd .= " --server=$dcvars->{DC_SERVER}";
unless (system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("RODC join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
# This ensures deterministic behaviour for tests that want to have the 'testallowed account'
# user password verified on the RODC
my $testallowed_account = "testallowed account";
$cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($ret);
$cmd .= "$samba_tool rodc preload '$testallowed_account' $ret->{CONFIGURATION}";
$cmd .= " --server=$dcvars->{DC_SERVER}";
unless (system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("RODC join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
# we overwrite the kdc after the RODC join
# so that use the RODC as kdc and test
# the proxy code
$ctx->{kdc_ipv4} = $ret->{SERVER_IP};
$ctx->{kdc_ipv6} = $ret->{SERVER_IPV6};
Samba::mk_mitkdc_conf($ctx, abs_path(Samba::bindir_path($self, "shared")));
$self->set_pdc_env_vars($ret, $dcvars);
return $ret;
sub read_config_h($)
my ($name) = @_;
my %ret;
open(LF, "<$name") or die("unable to read $name: $!");
while (<LF>) {
next if not (/^#define /);
if (/^#define (.*?)[ \t]+(.*?)$/) {
$ret{$1} = $2;
if (/^#define (.*?)[ \t]+$/) {
$ret{$1} = 1;;
return \%ret;
sub provision_ad_dc()
my ($self,
$functional_level) = @_;
my $prefix_abs = abs_path($prefix);
my $bindir_abs = abs_path($self->{bindir});
my $lockdir="$prefix_abs/lockdir";
my $conffile="$prefix_abs/etc/smb.conf";
my $require_mutexes = "dbwrap_tdb_require_mutexes:* = yes";
$require_mutexes = "";
my $config_h = {};
if (!defined($functional_level)) {
$functional_level = "2016";
# If we choose to have distinct environments for experimental
# 2012 as well as the experimental 2016 support, we should
# extend what we match here.
if ($functional_level eq "2016") {
$smbconf_args = "$smbconf_args
ad dc functional level = 2016
if (defined($ENV{CONFIG_H})) {
$config_h = read_config_h($ENV{CONFIG_H});
my $password_hash_gpg_key_ids = "password hash gpg key ids = 4952E40301FAB41A";
$password_hash_gpg_key_ids = "" unless defined($config_h->{HAVE_GPGME});
my $extra_smbconf_options = "
xattr_tdb:file = $prefix_abs/statedir/xattr.tdb
dbwrap_tdb_mutexes:* = yes
kernel oplocks = no
kernel change notify = no
smb2 leases = no
smb2 disable oplock break retry = yes
server multi channel support = yes
logging = file
printing = bsd
printcap name = /dev/null
max protocol = SMB3
read only = no
smbd:sharedelay = 100000
smbd:writetimeupdatedelay = 500000
create mask = 755
dos filemode = yes
check parent directory delete on close = yes
dcerpc endpoint servers = -winreg -srvsvc
printcap name = /dev/null
addprinter command = $ENV{SRCDIR_ABS}/source3/script/tests/printing/modprinter.pl -a -s $conffile --
deleteprinter command = $ENV{SRCDIR_ABS}/source3/script/tests/printing/modprinter.pl -d -s $conffile --
printing = vlp
print command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb print %p %s
lpq command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb lpq %p
lp rm command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb lprm %p %j
lp pause command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb lppause %p %j
lp resume command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb lpresume %p %j
queue pause command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb queuepause %p
queue resume command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb queueresume %p
lpq cache time = 0
print notify backchannel = yes
server support krb5 netlogon = yes
CVE_2020_1472:warn_about_unused_debug_level = 3
CVE_2022_38023:warn_about_unused_debug_level = 3
CVE_2022_38023:error_debug_level = 2
server reject md5 schannel:schannel2\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:schannel3\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:schannel8\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:schannel9\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturetest\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2proxywk\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2selfbdc\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:tests4u2selfwk\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturepacbdc\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:torturepacwksta\$ = no
server reject md5 schannel:samlogontest\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:schannel2\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:schannel3\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:schannel8\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:schannel9\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturetest\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2proxywk\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2selfbdc\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:tests4u2selfwk\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturepacbdc\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:torturepacwksta\$ = no
server reject aes schannel:samlogontest\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel0\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel1\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel2\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel3\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel4\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel5\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel6\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel7\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel8\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel9\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel10\$ = no
server require schannel:schannel11\$ = no
server require schannel:torturetest\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel0\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel1\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel2\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel3\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel4\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel5\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel6\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel7\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel8\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel9\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel10\$ = no
server schannel require seal:schannel11\$ = no
server schannel require seal:torturetest\$ = no
auth event notification = true
dsdb event notification = true
dsdb password event notification = true
dsdb group change notification = true
my $extra_smbconf_shares = "
copy = tmp
smb encrypt = required
copy = tmp
case sensitive = yes
copy = tmp
guest ok = yes
copy = tmp
hide unreadable = yes
copy = tmp
kernel share modes = no
kernel oplocks = no
posix locking = no
copy = tmp
copy = tmp
printable = yes
copy = print1
copy = print1
copy = print1
guest ok = yes
copy = print1
push (@{$extra_provision_options}, "--backend-store=$self->{default_ldb_backend}");
print "PROVISIONING AD DC...\n";
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix,
"domain controller",
unless (defined $ret) {
return undef;
unless($self->add_wins_config("$prefix/private")) {
warn("Unable to add wins configuration");
return undef;
return $ret;
sub provision_chgdcpass($$)
my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
# This environment disallows the use of this password
# (and also removes the default AD complexity checks)
my $unacceptable_password = "Paßßword-widk3Dsle32jxdBdskldsk55klASKQ";
# This environment also sets some settings that are unusual,
# to test specific behaviours. In particular, this
# environment fails to correctly support DRSUAPI_DRS_GET_ANC
# like Samba before 4.5 and DRSUAPI_DRS_GET_TGT before 4.8
# Additionally, disabling DRSUAPI_DRS_GET_TGT causes all links
# to be sent last (in the final chunk), which is like Samba
# before 4.8.
my $extra_smb_conf = "
check password script = $self->{srcdir}/selftest/checkpassword_arg1.sh ${unacceptable_password}
dcesrv:max auth states = 8
drs:broken_samba_4.5_get_anc_emulation = true
drs:get_tgt_support = false
my $extra_provision_options = ["--dns-backend=BIND9_DLZ"];
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix,
"domain controller",
unless (defined $ret) {
return undef;
unless($self->add_wins_config("$prefix/private")) {
warn("Unable to add wins configuration");
return undef;
# Remove secrets.tdb from this environment to test that we
# still start up on systems without the new matching
# secrets.tdb records.
unless (unlink("$ret->{PRIVATEDIR}/secrets.tdb") || unlink("$ret->{PRIVATEDIR}/secrets.ntdb")) {
warn("Unable to remove $ret->{PRIVATEDIR}/secrets.tdb added during provision");
return undef;
$ret->{UNACCEPTABLE_PASSWORD} = $unacceptable_password;
return $ret;
sub teardown_env_terminate($$)
my ($self, $envvars) = @_;
my $pid;
# This should cause samba to terminate gracefully
my $smbcontrol = Samba::bindir_path($self, "smbcontrol");
my $cmd = "";
$cmd .= "$smbcontrol samba shutdown $envvars->{CONFIGURATION}";
my $ret = system($cmd);
if ($ret != 0) {
warn "'$cmd' failed with '$ret'\n";
# This should cause samba to terminate gracefully
$pid = $envvars->{SAMBA_PID};
my $count = 0;
my $childpid;
# This should give it time to write out the gcov data
until ($count > 15) {
if (Samba::cleanup_child($pid, "samba") != 0) {
# After 15 Seconds, work out why this thing is still alive
warn "server process $pid took more than $count seconds to exit, showing backtrace:\n";
system("$self->{srcdir}/selftest/gdb_backtrace $pid");
until ($count > 30) {
if (Samba::cleanup_child($pid, "samba") != 0) {
if (kill(0, $pid)) {
warn "server process $pid took more than $count seconds to exit, sending SIGTERM\n";
kill "TERM", $pid;
until ($count > 40) {
if (Samba::cleanup_child($pid, "samba") != 0) {
# If it is still around, kill it
if (kill(0, $pid)) {
warn "server process $pid took more than $count seconds to exit, killing\n with SIGKILL\n";
kill 9, $pid;
sub teardown_env($$)
my ($self, $envvars) = @_;
teardown_env_terminate($self, $envvars);
print $self->getlog_env($envvars);
sub getlog_env($$)
my ($self, $envvars) = @_;
my $title = "SAMBA LOG of: $envvars->{NETBIOSNAME} pid $envvars->{SAMBA_PID}\n";
my $out = $title;
open(LOG, "<$envvars->{SAMBA_TEST_LOG}");
seek(LOG, $envvars->{SAMBA_TEST_LOG_POS}, SEEK_SET);
while (<LOG>) {
$out .= $_;
$envvars->{SAMBA_TEST_LOG_POS} = tell(LOG);
return "" if $out eq $title;
return $out;
sub check_env($$)
my ($self, $envvars) = @_;
my $samba_pid = $envvars->{SAMBA_PID};
if (not defined($samba_pid)) {
return 0;
} elsif ($samba_pid > 0) {
my $childpid = Samba::cleanup_child($samba_pid, "samba");
if ($childpid == 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
# Declare the environments Samba4 makes available.
# To be set up, they will be called as
# samba4->setup_$envname($self, $path, $dep_1_vars, $dep_2_vars, ...)
# The interdependencies between the testenvs are declared below. Some testenvs
# are dependent on another testenv running first, e.g. vampire_dc is dependent
# on ad_dc_ntvfs because vampire_dc joins ad_dc_ntvfs's domain. All DCs are
# dependent on dns_hub, which handles resolving DNS queries for the realm.
%Samba4::ENV_DEPS = (
# name => [dep_1, dep_2, ...],
dns_hub => [],
ad_dc_ntvfs => ["dns_hub"],
ad_dc_fips => ["dns_hub"],
ad_dc => ["dns_hub"],
ad_dc_smb1 => ["dns_hub"],
ad_dc_smb1_done => ["ad_dc_smb1"],
ad_dc_no_nss => ["dns_hub"],
ad_dc_no_ntlm => ["dns_hub"],
fl2008r2dc => ["ad_dc", "nt4_dc"],
fl2003dc => ["ad_dc"],
fl2000dc => ["ad_dc"],
vampire_2000_dc => ["fl2000dc"],
vampire_dc => ["ad_dc_ntvfs"],
promoted_dc => ["ad_dc_ntvfs"],
rodc => ["ad_dc_ntvfs"],
rpc_proxy => ["ad_dc_ntvfs"],
chgdcpass => ["dns_hub"],
s4member_dflt_domain => ["ad_dc_ntvfs"],
s4member => ["ad_dc_ntvfs"],
# envs that test the server process model
proclimitdc => ["dns_hub"],
preforkrestartdc => ["dns_hub"],
# backup/restore testenvs
backupfromdc => ["dns_hub"],
customdc => ["dns_hub"],
restoredc => ["backupfromdc"],
renamedc => ["backupfromdc"],
offlinebackupdc => ["backupfromdc"],
labdc => ["backupfromdc"],
# aliases in order to split autobuild tasks
fl2008dc => ["ad_dc_ntvfs"],
ad_dc_default => ["ad_dc"],
ad_dc_default_smb1 => ["ad_dc_smb1"],
ad_dc_default_smb1_done => ["ad_dc_default_smb1"],
ad_dc_slowtests => ["ad_dc"],
ad_dc_backup => ["ad_dc"],
schema_dc => ["dns_hub"],
schema_pair_dc => ["schema_dc"],
none => [],
%Samba4::ENV_DEPS_POST = (
schema_dc => ["schema_pair_dc"],
sub return_alias_env
my ($self, $path, $env) = @_;
# just an alias
return $env;
sub setup_fl2008dc
my ($self, $path, $dep_env) = @_;
return $self->return_alias_env($path, $dep_env)
sub setup_ad_dc_default
my ($self, $path, $dep_env) = @_;
return $self->return_alias_env($path, $dep_env)
sub setup_ad_dc_default_smb1
my ($self, $path, $dep_env) = @_;
return $self->return_alias_env($path, $dep_env)
sub setup_ad_dc_default_smb1_done
my ($self, $path, $dep_env) = @_;
return $self->return_alias_env($path, $dep_env)
sub setup_ad_dc_slowtests
my ($self, $path, $dep_env) = @_;
return $self->return_alias_env($path, $dep_env)
sub setup_ad_dc_backup
my ($self, $path, $dep_env) = @_;
return $self->return_alias_env($path, $dep_env)
sub setup_s4member
my ($self, $path, $dc_vars) = @_;
my $env = $self->provision_s4member($path, $dc_vars, "s4member");
if (defined $env) {
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "standard"))) {
return undef;
return $env;
sub setup_s4member_dflt_domain
my ($self, $path, $dc_vars) = @_;
my $env = $self->provision_s4member($path, $dc_vars, "s4member_dflt",
"winbind use default domain = yes");
if (defined $env) {
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "standard"))) {
return undef;
return $env;
sub setup_rpc_proxy
my ($self, $path, $dc_vars) = @_;
my $env = $self->provision_rpc_proxy($path, $dc_vars);
if (defined $env) {
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "standard"))) {
return undef;
return $env;
sub setup_ad_dc_ntvfs
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my $env = $self->provision_ad_dc_ntvfs($path, undef);
if (defined $env) {
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "standard"))) {
warn("Failed to start ad_dc_ntvfs");
return undef;
return $env;
sub setup_chgdcpass
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my $env = $self->provision_chgdcpass($path);
if (defined $env) {
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "standard"))) {
return undef;
return $env;
sub setup_fl2000dc
my ($self, $path, $dc_vars) = @_;
my $env = $self->provision_fl2000dc($path);
if (defined $env) {
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "standard"))) {
return undef;
$env = $self->setup_trust($env, $dc_vars, "external", "--no-aes-keys --direction=outgoing");
return $env;
sub setup_fl2003dc
my ($self, $path, $dc_vars) = @_;
my $env = $self->provision_fl2003dc($path);
if (defined $env) {
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "standard"))) {
return undef;
$env = $self->setup_trust($env, $dc_vars, "external", "--no-aes-keys");
return $env;
sub setup_fl2008r2dc
my ($self, $path, $ad_dc_vars, $nt4_dc_vars) = @_;
my $env = $self->provision_fl2008r2dc($path);
if (!defined $env) {
return $env;
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "standard"))) {
return undef;
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
if ($self->setup_namespaces($env, $upn_array, $spn_array) != 0) {
return undef;
$env = $self->setup_trust($env, $ad_dc_vars, "forest", "");
if (!defined $env) {
return undef;
my $net = Samba::bindir_path($self, "net");
my $smbcontrol = Samba::bindir_path($self, "smbcontrol");
my $trustpw = "TrUsTpW";
$trustpw .= "$env->{SOCKET_WRAPPER_DEFAULT_IFACE}";
$trustpw .= "$nt4_dc_vars->{SOCKET_WRAPPER_DEFAULT_IFACE}";
my $cmd_env = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($env);
my $cmd = $cmd_env;
$cmd .= "$net rpc trust create ";
$cmd .= "otherdomainsid=$nt4_dc_vars->{SAMSID} ";
$cmd .= "otherdomain=$nt4_dc_vars->{DOMAIN} ";
$cmd .= "other_netbios_domain=$nt4_dc_vars->{DOMAIN} ";
$cmd .= "trustpw=$trustpw ";
$cmd .= "$env->{CONFIGURATION} ";
$cmd .= "-U $env->{DOMAIN}/$env->{USERNAME}\%$env->{PASSWORD} ";
if (system($cmd) != 0) {
warn("net rpc trust create failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
my $nt4_cmd_env = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($nt4_dc_vars);
$cmd = $nt4_cmd_env;
$cmd .= "$net rpc trustdom establish $env->{DOMAIN} -U/%$trustpw $nt4_dc_vars->{CONFIGURATION}";
if (system($cmd) != 0) {
warn("add failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
# Reload trusts
$cmd = $nt4_cmd_env;
$cmd .= "$smbcontrol winbindd reload-config $nt4_dc_vars->{CONFIGURATION}";
if (system($cmd) != 0) {
warn("add failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
$env->{NT4_TRUST_SERVER} = $nt4_dc_vars->{SERVER};
$env->{NT4_TRUST_SERVER_IP} = $nt4_dc_vars->{SERVER_IP};
$env->{NT4_TRUST_DOMAIN} = $nt4_dc_vars->{DOMAIN};
$env->{NT4_TRUST_DOMSID} = $nt4_dc_vars->{DOMSID};
return $env;
sub setup_vampire_dc
return setup_generic_vampire_dc(@_, "2008");
sub setup_vampire_2000_dc
return setup_generic_vampire_dc(@_, "2000");
sub setup_generic_vampire_dc
my ($self, $path, $dc_vars, $fl) = @_;
my $env = $self->provision_vampire_dc($path, $dc_vars, $fl);
if (defined $env) {
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "single"))) {
return undef;
# force replicated DC to update repsTo/repsFrom
# for vampired partitions
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
# as 'vampired' dc may add data in its local replica
# we need to synchronize data between DCs
my $base_dn = "DC=".join(",DC=", split(/\./, $dc_vars->{REALM}));
my $cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($env);
$cmd .= " $samba_tool drs replicate $env->{DC_SERVER} $env->{SERVER}";
$cmd .= " $dc_vars->{CONFIGURATION}";
$cmd .= " -U$dc_vars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dc_vars->{DC_PASSWORD}";
# replicate Configuration NC
my $cmd_repl = "$cmd \"CN=Configuration,$base_dn\"";
unless(system($cmd_repl) == 0) {
warn("Failed to replicate\n$cmd_repl");
return undef;
# replicate Default NC
$cmd_repl = "$cmd \"$base_dn\"";
unless(system($cmd_repl) == 0) {
warn("Failed to replicate\n$cmd_repl");
return undef;
# Pull in a full set of changes from the main DC
$base_dn = "DC=".join(",DC=", split(/\./, $dc_vars->{REALM}));
$cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($env);
$cmd .= " $samba_tool drs replicate $env->{SERVER} $env->{DC_SERVER}";
$cmd .= " $dc_vars->{CONFIGURATION}";
$cmd .= " -U$dc_vars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dc_vars->{DC_PASSWORD}";
# replicate Configuration NC
$cmd_repl = "$cmd \"CN=Configuration,$base_dn\"";
unless(system($cmd_repl) == 0) {
warn("Failed to replicate\n$cmd_repl");
return undef;
# replicate Default NC
$cmd_repl = "$cmd \"$base_dn\"";
unless(system($cmd_repl) == 0) {
warn("Failed to replicate\n$cmd_repl");
return undef;
return $env;
sub setup_promoted_dc
my ($self, $path, $dc_vars) = @_;
my $env = $self->provision_promoted_dc($path, $dc_vars);
if (defined $env) {
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "single"))) {
return undef;
# force source and replicated DC to update repsTo/repsFrom
# for vampired partitions
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
my $cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($env);
# as 'vampired' dc may add data in its local replica
# we need to synchronize data between DCs
my $base_dn = "DC=".join(",DC=", split(/\./, $dc_vars->{REALM}));
$cmd .= " $samba_tool drs replicate $env->{DC_SERVER} $env->{SERVER}";
$cmd .= " $dc_vars->{CONFIGURATION}";
$cmd .= " -U$dc_vars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dc_vars->{DC_PASSWORD}";
# replicate Configuration NC
my $cmd_repl = "$cmd \"CN=Configuration,$base_dn\"";
unless(system($cmd_repl) == 0) {
warn("Failed to replicate\n$cmd_repl");
return undef;
# replicate Default NC
$cmd_repl = "$cmd \"$base_dn\"";
unless(system($cmd_repl) == 0) {
warn("Failed to replicate\n$cmd_repl");
return undef;
return $env;
sub setup_rodc
my ($self, $path, $dc_vars) = @_;
my $env = $self->provision_rodc($path, $dc_vars);
unless ($env) {
return undef;
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "standard"))) {
return undef;
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
my $cmd = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($env);
my $base_dn = "DC=".join(",DC=", split(/\./, $dc_vars->{REALM}));
$cmd .= " $samba_tool drs replicate $env->{SERVER} $env->{DC_SERVER}";
$cmd .= " $dc_vars->{CONFIGURATION}";
$cmd .= " -U$dc_vars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dc_vars->{DC_PASSWORD}";
# replicate Configuration NC
my $cmd_repl = "$cmd \"CN=Configuration,$base_dn\"";
unless(system($cmd_repl) == 0) {
warn("Failed to replicate\n$cmd_repl");
return undef;
# replicate Default NC
$cmd_repl = "$cmd \"$base_dn\"";
unless(system($cmd_repl) == 0) {
warn("Failed to replicate\n$cmd_repl");
return undef;
return $env;
sub _setup_ad_dc
my ($self, $path, $conf_opts, $server, $dom, $functional_level) = @_;
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->{target3}->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
if (!defined($conf_opts)) {
$conf_opts = "";
if (!defined($server)) {
$server = "addc";
if (!defined($dom)) {
$dom = "addom.samba.example.com";
my $env = $self->provision_ad_dc($path, $server, "ADDOMAIN",
unless ($env) {
return undef;
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "prefork"))) {
return undef;
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
if ($self->setup_namespaces($env, $upn_array, $spn_array) != 0) {
return undef;
return $env;
sub setup_ad_dc
my ($self, $path) = @_;
return _setup_ad_dc($self, $path, undef, undef, undef);
sub setup_ad_dc_smb1
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my $conf_opts = "
client min protocol = CORE
server min protocol = LANMAN1
# needed for 'samba.tests.auth_log' tests
server require schannel:ADDCSMB1\$ = no
server schannel require seal:ADDCSMB1\$ = no
return _setup_ad_dc($self, $path, $conf_opts, "addcsmb1", "addom2.samba.example.com");
sub setup_ad_dc_smb1_done
my ($self, $path, $dep_env) = @_;
return $self->return_alias_env($path, $dep_env);
sub setup_ad_dc_no_nss
my ($self, $path) = @_;
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->{target3}->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
my $env = $self->provision_ad_dc($path,
unless ($env) {
return undef;
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "single"))) {
return undef;
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
if ($self->setup_namespaces($env, $upn_array, $spn_array) != 0) {
return undef;
return $env;
sub setup_ad_dc_no_ntlm
my ($self, $path) = @_;
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->{target3}->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
my $env = $self->provision_ad_dc($path,
"ntlm auth = disabled\nnt hash store = never",
unless ($env) {
return undef;
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "prefork"))) {
return undef;
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
if ($self->setup_namespaces($env, $upn_array, $spn_array) != 0) {
return undef;
return $env;
sub setup_ad_dc_fips
my ($self, $path) = @_;
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->{target3}->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
my $env = $self->provision_ad_dc($path,
unless ($env) {
return undef;
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "prefork"))) {
return undef;
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
if ($self->setup_namespaces($env, $upn_array, $spn_array) != 0) {
return undef;
return $env;
# AD DC test environment used solely to test pre-fork process restarts.
# As processes get killed off and restarted it should not be used for other
sub setup_preforkrestartdc
my ($self, $path) = @_;
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->{target3}->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
# note DC name must be <= 15 chars so we use 'prockill' instead of
# 'preforkrestart'
my $env = $self->provision_ad_dc($path,
"prefork backoff increment = 5\nprefork maximum backoff=10",
unless ($env) {
return undef;
# We treat processes in this environment cruelly, sometimes
# sending them SIGSEGV signals. We don't need gdb_backtrace
# dissecting these fake crashes in precise detail.
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "prefork"))) {
return undef;
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
if ($self->setup_namespaces($env, $upn_array, $spn_array) != 0) {
return undef;
return $env;
# ad_dc test environment used solely to test standard process model connection
# process limits. As the limit is set artificially low it should not be used
# for other tests.
sub setup_proclimitdc
my ($self, $path) = @_;
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->{target3}->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
my $env = $self->provision_ad_dc($path,
"max smbd processes = 20",
unless ($env) {
return undef;
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "standard"))) {
return undef;
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
if ($self->setup_namespaces($env, $upn_array, $spn_array) != 0) {
return undef;
return $env;
# Used to test a live upgrade of the schema on a 2 DC network.
sub setup_schema_dc
my ($self, $path) = @_;
# provision the PDC using an older base schema
my $provision_args = ["--base-schema=2008_R2", "--backend-store=$self->{default_ldb_backend}"];
# We set the functional level to 2008_R2 to match the older
# base-schema (to allow schema upgrade to be tested)
my $env = $self->provision_ad_dc($path,
"drs: max link sync = 2",
unless ($env) {
return undef;
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "prefork"))) {
return undef;
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
if ($self->setup_namespaces($env, $upn_array, $spn_array) != 0) {
return undef;
return $env;
# the second DC in the live schema upgrade pair
sub setup_schema_pair_dc
# note: dcvars contains the env info for the dependent testenv ('schema_dc')
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
print "Preparing SCHEMA UPGRADE PAIR DC...\n";
my ($env, $ctx) = $self->prepare_dc_testenv($prefix, "liveupgrade2dc",
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
my $cmd_vars = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($env);
my $join_cmd = $cmd_vars;
$join_cmd .= "$samba_tool domain join $env->{CONFIGURATION} $dcvars->{REALM} DC --realm=$dcvars->{REALM}";
$join_cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{DC_PASSWORD} ";
$join_cmd .= " --backend-store=$self->{default_ldb_backend}";
my $upgrade_cmd = $cmd_vars;
$upgrade_cmd .= "$samba_tool domain schemaupgrade $dcvars->{CONFIGURATION}";
$upgrade_cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{PASSWORD}";
my $repl_cmd = $cmd_vars;
$repl_cmd .= "$samba_tool drs replicate $env->{SERVER} $dcvars->{SERVER}";
$repl_cmd .= " CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=schema,DC=samba,DC=example,DC=com";
$repl_cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{DC_PASSWORD}";
unless (system($join_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Join failed\n$join_cmd");
return undef;
$env->{DC_SERVER} = $dcvars->{SERVER};
$env->{DC_SERVER_IP} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IP};
$env->{DC_SERVER_IPV6} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$env->{DC_NETBIOSNAME} = $dcvars->{NETBIOSNAME};
# start samba for the new DC
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env, "standard"))) {
return undef;
unless (system($upgrade_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Schema upgrade failed\n$upgrade_cmd");
return undef;
unless (system($repl_cmd) == 0) {
warn("Post-update schema replication failed\n$repl_cmd");
return undef;
return $env;
# Sets up a DC that's solely used to do a domain backup from. We then use the
# backupfrom-DC to create the restore-DC - this proves that the backup/restore
# process will create a Samba DC that will actually start up.
# We don't use the backup-DC for anything else because its domain will conflict
# with the restore DC.
sub setup_backupfromdc
my ($self, $path) = @_;
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->{target3}->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
my $provision_args = ["--site=Backup-Site"];
my $env = $self->provision_ad_dc($path,
"samba kcc command = /bin/true",
unless ($env) {
return undef;
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env))) {
return undef;
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
if ($self->setup_namespaces($env, $upn_array, $spn_array) != 0) {
return undef;
# Set up a dangling forward link to an expunged object
# We need this to ensure that the "samba-tool domain backup rename"
# that is part of the creation of the labdc environment can
# cope with this situation on the source DC.
if (not $self->write_ldb_file("$env->{PRIVATEDIR}/sam.ldb", "
dn: ou=linktest,dc=backupdom,dc=samba,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: organizationalUnit
dn: cn=linkto,ou=linktest,dc=backupdom,dc=samba,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: msExchConfigurationContainer
dn: cn=linkfrom,ou=linktest,dc=backupdom,dc=samba,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: msExchConfigurationContainer
addressBookRoots: cn=linkto,ou=linktest,dc=backupdom,dc=samba,dc=example,dc=com
")) {
return undef;
my $ldbdel = Samba::bindir_path($self, "ldbdel");
my $cmd = "$ldbdel -H $env->{PRIVATEDIR}/sam.ldb cn=linkto,ou=linktest,dc=backupdom,dc=samba,dc=example,dc=com";
unless(system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Failed to delete link target: \n$cmd");
return undef;
# Expunge will ensure that linkto is totally wiped from the DB
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
$cmd = "$samba_tool domain tombstones expunge --tombstone-lifetime=0 $env->{CONFIGURATION}";
unless(system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Failed to expunge link target: \n$cmd");
return undef;
return $env;
# returns the server/user-auth params needed to run an online backup cmd
sub get_backup_server_args
# dcvars contains the env info for the backup DC testenv
my ($self, $dcvars) = @_;
my $server = $dcvars->{DC_SERVER_IP};
my $server_args = "--server=$server ";
$server_args .= "-U$dcvars->{DC_USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{DC_PASSWORD}";
$server_args .= " $dcvars->{CONFIGURATION}";
return $server_args;
# Creates a backup of a running testenv DC
sub create_backup
# note: dcvars contains the env info for the backup DC testenv
my ($self, $env, $dcvars, $backupdir, $backup_cmd) = @_;
# get all the env variables we pass in with the samba-tool command
# Note: use the backupfrom-DC's krb5.conf to do the backup
my $overwrite = undef;
$overwrite->{KRB5_CONFIG} = $dcvars->{KRB5_CONFIG};
my $cmd_env = $self->get_cmd_env_vars($env, $overwrite);
# use samba-tool to create a backup from the 'backupfromdc' DC
my $cmd = "";
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
$cmd .= "$cmd_env $samba_tool domain backup $backup_cmd";
$cmd .= " --targetdir=$backupdir";
print "Executing: $cmd\n";
unless(system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Failed to create backup using: \n$cmd");
return undef;
# get the name of the backup file created
opendir(DIR, $backupdir);
my @files = grep(/\.tar/, readdir(DIR));
if(scalar @files != 1) {
warn("Backup file not found in directory $backupdir\n");
return undef;
my $backup_file = "$backupdir/$files[0]";
print "Using backup file $backup_file...\n";
return $backup_file;
# Restores a backup-file to populate a testenv for a new DC
sub restore_backup_file
my ($self, $backup_file, $restore_opts, $restoredir, $smbconf) = @_;
# pass the restore command the testenv's smb.conf that we've already
# generated. But move it to a temp-dir first, so that the restore doesn't
# overwrite it
my $tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir();
my $tmpconf = "$tmpdir/smb.conf";
my $cmd = "cp $smbconf $tmpconf";
unless(system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Failed to backup smb.conf using: \n$cmd");
return -1;
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
$cmd = "$samba_tool domain backup restore --backup-file=$backup_file";
$cmd .= " --targetdir=$restoredir $restore_opts --configfile=$tmpconf";
print "Executing: $cmd\n";
unless(system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Failed to restore backup using: \n$cmd");
return -1;
print "Restore complete\n";
return 0
# sets up the initial directory and returns the new testenv's env info
# (without actually doing a 'domain join')
sub prepare_dc_testenv
my ($self, $prefix, $dcname, $domain, $realm,
$password, $conf_options, $dnsupdate_options) = @_;
my $ctx = $self->provision_raw_prepare($prefix, "domain controller",
# the restore uses a slightly different state-dir location to other testenvs
$ctx->{statedir} = "$ctx->{prefix_abs}/state";
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, "$ctx->{statedir}");
# add support for sysvol/netlogon/tmp shares
$ctx->{share} = "$ctx->{prefix_abs}/share";
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, "$ctx->{share}");
push(@{$ctx->{directories}}, "$ctx->{share}/test1");
if (defined($dnsupdate_options)) {
$ctx->{samba_dnsupdate} .= $dnsupdate_options;
$ctx->{smb_conf_extra_options} = "
# Some of the DCs based on this will be in FL 2016 domains, so
# claim FL 2016 DC capability
ad dc functional level = 2016
max xmit = 32K
server max protocol = SMB2
samba kcc command = /bin/true
xattr_tdb:file = $ctx->{statedir}/xattr.tdb
path = $ctx->{statedir}/sysvol
read only = no
path = $ctx->{statedir}/sysvol/$ctx->{dnsname}/scripts
read only = no
path = $ctx->{share}
read only = no
posix:sharedelay = 10000
posix:oplocktimeout = 3
posix:writetimeupdatedelay = 50000
path = $ctx->{share}/test1
read only = no
posix:sharedelay = 100000
posix:oplocktimeout = 3
posix:writetimeupdatedelay = 500000
my $env = $self->provision_raw_step1($ctx);
return ($env, $ctx);
# Set up a DC testenv solely by using the samba-tool domain backup/restore
# commands. This proves that we can backup an online DC ('backupfromdc') and
# use the backup file to create a valid, working samba DC.
sub setup_restoredc
# note: dcvars contains the env info for the dependent testenv ('backupfromdc')
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
print "Preparing RESTORE DC...\n";
# we arbitrarily designate the restored DC as having SMBv1 disabled
my $extra_conf = "
server min protocol = SMB2
client min protocol = SMB2
prefork children = 1";
my $dnsupdate_options = " --use-samba-tool --no-credentials";
my ($env, $ctx) = $self->prepare_dc_testenv($prefix, "restoredc",
# create a backup of the 'backupfromdc'
my $backupdir = File::Temp->newdir();
my $server_args = $self->get_backup_server_args($dcvars);
my $backup_args = "online $server_args";
my $backup_file = $self->create_backup($env, $dcvars, $backupdir,
unless($backup_file) {
return undef;
# restore the backup file to populate the restore-DC testenv
my $restore_dir = abs_path($prefix);
my $ret = $self->restore_backup_file($backup_file,
$restore_dir, $env->{SERVERCONFFILE});
unless ($ret == 0) {
return undef;
# As we create the same domain as a clone
# we need a separate resolv.conf!
$ctx->{resolv_conf} = "$ctx->{etcdir}/resolv.conf";
$ctx->{dns_ipv4} = $ctx->{ipv4};
$ctx->{dns_ipv6} = $ctx->{ipv6};
$env->{RESOLV_CONF} = $ctx->{resolv_conf};
# start samba for the restored DC
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env))) {
return undef;
return $env;
# Set up a DC testenv solely by using the 'samba-tool domain backup rename' and
# restore commands. This proves that we can backup and rename an online DC
# ('backupfromdc') and use the backup file to create a valid, working samba DC.
sub setup_renamedc
# note: dcvars contains the env info for the dependent testenv ('backupfromdc')
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
print "Preparing RENAME DC...\n";
my $extra_conf = "prefork children = 1";
my $realm = "renamedom.samba.example.com";
my ($env, $ctx) = $self->prepare_dc_testenv($prefix, "renamedc",
$dcvars->{PASSWORD}, $extra_conf);
# create a backup of the 'backupfromdc' which renames the domain
my $backupdir = File::Temp->newdir();
my $server_args = $self->get_backup_server_args($dcvars);
my $backup_args = "rename $env->{DOMAIN} $env->{REALM} $server_args";
$backup_args .= " --backend-store=tdb";
my $backup_file = $self->create_backup($env, $dcvars, $backupdir,
unless($backup_file) {
return undef;
# restore the backup file to populate the rename-DC testenv
my $restore_dir = abs_path($prefix);
my $restore_opts = "--newservername=$env->{SERVER} --host-ip=$env->{SERVER_IP}";
my $ret = $self->restore_backup_file($backup_file, $restore_opts,
$restore_dir, $env->{SERVERCONFFILE});
unless ($ret == 0) {
return undef;
# start samba for the restored DC
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env))) {
return undef;
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
if ($self->setup_namespaces($env, $upn_array, $spn_array) != 0) {
return undef;
return $env;
# Set up a DC testenv solely by using the 'samba-tool domain backup offline' and
# restore commands. This proves that we do an offline backup of a local DC
# ('backupfromdc') and use the backup file to create a valid, working samba DC.
sub setup_offlinebackupdc
# note: dcvars contains the env info for the dependent testenv ('backupfromdc')
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
print "Preparing OFFLINE BACKUP DC...\n";
my $extra_conf = "prefork children = 1";
my $dnsupdate_options = " --use-samba-tool --no-credentials";
my ($env, $ctx) = $self->prepare_dc_testenv($prefix, "offlinebackupdc",
# create an offline backup of the 'backupfromdc' target
my $backupdir = File::Temp->newdir();
my $cmd = "offline --configfile $dcvars->{SERVERCONFFILE}";
my $backup_file = $self->create_backup($env, $dcvars,
$backupdir, $cmd);
unless($backup_file) {
return undef;
# restore the backup file to populate the rename-DC testenv
my $restore_dir = abs_path($prefix);
my $restore_opts = "--newservername=$env->{SERVER} --host-ip=$env->{SERVER_IP}";
my $ret = $self->restore_backup_file($backup_file, $restore_opts,
$restore_dir, $env->{SERVERCONFFILE});
unless ($ret == 0) {
return undef;
# As we create the same domain as a clone
# we need a separate resolv.conf!
$ctx->{resolv_conf} = "$ctx->{etcdir}/resolv.conf";
$ctx->{dns_ipv4} = $ctx->{ipv4};
$ctx->{dns_ipv6} = $ctx->{ipv6};
$env->{RESOLV_CONF} = $ctx->{resolv_conf};
# re-create the testenv's krb5.conf (the restore may have overwritten it)
# start samba for the restored DC
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env))) {
return undef;
return $env;
# Set up a DC testenv solely by using the samba-tool 'domain backup rename' and
# restore commands, using the --no-secrets option. This proves that we can
# create a realistic lab environment from an online DC ('backupfromdc').
sub setup_labdc
# note: dcvars contains the env info for the dependent testenv ('backupfromdc')
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
print "Preparing LAB-DOMAIN DC...\n";
my $extra_conf = "prefork children = 1";
my ($env, $ctx) = $self->prepare_dc_testenv($prefix, "labdc",
$dcvars->{PASSWORD}, $extra_conf);
# create a backup of the 'backupfromdc' which renames the domain and uses
# the --no-secrets option to scrub any sensitive info
my $backupdir = File::Temp->newdir();
my $server_args = $self->get_backup_server_args($dcvars);
my $backup_args = "rename $env->{DOMAIN} $env->{REALM} $server_args";
$backup_args .= " --no-secrets --backend-store=$self->{default_ldb_backend}";
my $backup_file = $self->create_backup($env, $dcvars, $backupdir,
unless($backup_file) {
return undef;
# restore the backup file to populate the lab-DC testenv
my $restore_dir = abs_path($prefix);
my $restore_opts = "--newservername=$env->{SERVER} --host-ip=$env->{SERVER_IP}";
my $ret = $self->restore_backup_file($backup_file, $restore_opts,
$restore_dir, $env->{SERVERCONFFILE});
unless ($ret == 0) {
return undef;
# because we don't include any secrets in the backup, we need to reset the
# admin user's password back to what the testenv expects
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
my $cmd = "$samba_tool user setpassword $env->{USERNAME} ";
$cmd .= "--newpassword=$env->{PASSWORD} -H $restore_dir/private/sam.ldb";
$cmd .= " $env->{CONFIGURATION}";
unless(system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Failed to reset admin's password: \n$cmd");
return undef;
# start samba for the restored DC
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env))) {
return undef;
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
if ($self->setup_namespaces($env, $upn_array, $spn_array) != 0) {
return undef;
return $env;
# Inspects a backup *.tar.bz2 file and determines the realm/domain it contains
sub get_backup_domain_realm
my ($self, $backup_file) = @_;
print "Determining REALM/DOMAIN values in backup...\n";
# The backup will have the correct domain/realm values in the smb.conf.
# So we can work out the env variables the testenv should use based on
# that. Let's start by extracting the smb.conf
my $tar = Archive::Tar->new($backup_file);
my $tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir();
my $smbconf = "$tmpdir/smb.conf";
# note that the filepaths within the tar-file differ slightly for online
# and offline backups
if ($tar->contains_file("etc/smb.conf")) {
$tar->extract_file("etc/smb.conf", $smbconf);
} elsif ($tar->contains_file("./etc/smb.conf")) {
$tar->extract_file("./etc/smb.conf", $smbconf);
} else {
warn("Could not find smb.conf in $backup_file");
return undef, undef;
# make sure we don't try to create locks/sockets in the default install
# location (i.e. /usr/local/samba/)
my $options = "--option=\"private dir = $tmpdir\"";
$options .= " --option=\"lock dir = $tmpdir\"";
# now use testparm to read the values we're interested in
my $testparm = Samba::bindir_path($self, "testparm");
my $domain = `$testparm $smbconf -sl --parameter-name=WORKGROUP $options`;
my $realm = `$testparm $smbconf -sl --parameter-name=REALM $options`;
chomp $realm;
chomp $domain;
print "Backup-file REALM is $realm, DOMAIN is $domain\n";
return ($domain, $realm);
# This spins up a custom testenv that can be based on any backup-file you want.
# This is just intended for manual testing (rather than automated test-cases)
sub setup_customdc
my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
print "Preparing CUSTOM RESTORE DC...\n";
my $dc_name = "customdc";
my $password = "locDCpass1";
my $backup_file = $ENV{'BACKUP_FILE'};
my $dnsupdate_options = " --use-samba-tool --no-credentials";
# user must specify a backup file to restore via an ENV variable, i.e.
# BACKUP_FILE=backup-blah.tar.bz2 SELFTEST_TESTENV=customdc make testenv
if (not defined($backup_file)) {
warn("Please specify BACKUP_FILE");
return undef;
# work out the correct domain/realm env values from the backup-file
my ($domain, $realm) = $self->get_backup_domain_realm($backup_file);
if ($domain eq '' or $realm eq '') {
warn("Could not determine domain or realm");
return undef;
# create a placeholder directory and smb.conf, as well as the env vars.
my ($env, $ctx) = $self->prepare_dc_testenv($prefix, $dc_name,
$domain, $realm, $password, "",
# restore the specified backup file to populate the testenv
my $restore_dir = abs_path($prefix);
my $ret = $self->restore_backup_file($backup_file,
$restore_dir, $env->{SERVERCONFFILE});
unless ($ret == 0) {
return undef;
# As we create the same domain as a clone
# we need a separate resolv.conf!
$ctx->{resolv_conf} = "$ctx->{etcdir}/resolv.conf";
$ctx->{dns_ipv4} = $ctx->{ipv4};
$ctx->{dns_ipv6} = $ctx->{ipv6};
$env->{RESOLV_CONF} = $ctx->{resolv_conf};
# Change the admin password to the testenv default, just in case it's
# different, or in case this was a --no-secrets backup
my $samba_tool = Samba::bindir_path($self, "samba-tool");
my $cmd = "$samba_tool user setpassword $env->{USERNAME} ";
$cmd .= "--newpassword=$password -H $restore_dir/private/sam.ldb";
$cmd .= " $env->{CONFIGURATION}";
unless(system($cmd) == 0) {
warn("Failed to reset admin's password: \n$cmd");
return undef;
# re-create the testenv's krb5.conf (the restore may have overwritten it,
# if the backup-file was an offline backup)
# start samba for the restored DC
if (not defined($self->check_or_start($env))) {
return undef;
# if this was a backup-rename, then we may need to setup namespaces
my $upn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.upn"];
my $spn_array = ["$env->{REALM}.spn"];
return $env;
sub setup_none
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my $ret = {
KRB5_CONFIG => abs_path($path) . "/no_krb5.conf",
SAMBA_PID => -1,