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synced 2025-03-09 08:58:35 +03:00
The decorator order matters in the following: """ @runonce @conf function() """ First, the @conf decorator binds the function to the configuration context and then returns the same function. The @runonce decorator then takes the output function and replaces it by another that performs caching. This new function remains in the current script and is never bound to the configuration context, so caching never occurs. The declaration would have been correct if written like this: """ @conf @runonce function() """ Yet the decorator @run_once does not keep the function name (__name__), so the annotation with @conf would fail. The straightforward approach is to remove all the incorrect @runonce occurrences. Besides that, the function Utils.run_once is already present in the Waf library, and is sufficient for the current needs of the Samba code (it caches only the first argument). Therefore samba_utils.runonce can be safely replaced by Utils.run_once, which is also present in Waf 1.8. Note: at runtime, only SETUP_BUILD_GROUPS seems to actually use caching. Signed-off-by: Thomas Nagy <tnagy@waf.io> Reviewed-by: Uri Simchoni uri@samba.org Reviewed-by: Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org>
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# functions to support bundled libraries
import sys
import Build, Options, Logs
from Configure import conf
from samba_utils import TO_LIST
def PRIVATE_NAME(bld, name, private_extension, private_library):
'''possibly rename a library to include a bundled extension'''
if not private_library:
return name
# we now use the same private name for libraries as the public name.
# see http://git.samba.org/?p=tridge/junkcode.git;a=tree;f=shlib for a
# demonstration that this is the right thing to do
# also see http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba-technical/2011-January/075816.html
if private_extension:
return name
extension = bld.env.PRIVATE_EXTENSION
if extension and name.startswith('%s' % extension):
return name
if extension and name.endswith('%s' % extension):
return name
return "%s-%s" % (name, extension)
def target_in_list(target, lst, default):
for l in lst:
if target == l:
return True
if '!' + target == l:
return False
if l == 'ALL':
return True
if l == 'NONE':
return False
return default
def BUILTIN_LIBRARY(bld, name):
'''return True if a library should be builtin
instead of being built as a shared lib'''
return target_in_list(name, bld.env.BUILTIN_LIBRARIES, False)
def BUILTIN_DEFAULT(opt, builtins):
'''set a comma separated default list of builtin libraries for this package'''
if 'BUILTIN_LIBRARIES_DEFAULT' in Options.options:
Options.options['BUILTIN_LIBRARIES_DEFAULT'] = builtins
def PRIVATE_EXTENSION_DEFAULT(opt, extension, noextension=''):
'''set a default private library extension'''
if 'PRIVATE_EXTENSION_DEFAULT' in Options.options:
Options.options['PRIVATE_EXTENSION_DEFAULT'] = extension
Options.options['PRIVATE_EXTENSION_EXCEPTION'] = noextension
def minimum_library_version(conf, libname, default):
'''allow override of mininum system library version'''
minlist = Options.options.MINIMUM_LIBRARY_VERSION
if not minlist:
return default
for m in minlist.split(','):
a = m.split(':')
if len(a) != 2:
Logs.error("Bad syntax for --minimum-library-version of %s" % m)
if a[0] == libname:
return a[1]
return default
def LIB_MAY_BE_BUNDLED(conf, libname):
if libname in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return True
if '!%s' % libname in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return False
if 'NONE' in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return False
return True
def LIB_MUST_BE_BUNDLED(conf, libname):
if libname in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return True
if '!%s' % libname in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return False
if 'ALL' in conf.env.BUNDLED_LIBS:
return True
return False
def LIB_MUST_BE_PRIVATE(conf, libname):
return ('ALL' in conf.env.PRIVATE_LIBS or
libname in conf.env.PRIVATE_LIBS)
def CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM_PKG(conf, libname, minversion='0.0.0',
onlyif=None, implied_deps=None, pkg=None):
'''check if a library is available as a system library.
This only tries using pkg-config
return conf.CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM(libname,
def CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM(conf, libname, minversion='0.0.0',
checkfunctions=None, headers=None, checkcode=None,
onlyif=None, implied_deps=None,
require_headers=True, pkg=None, set_target=True):
'''check if a library is available as a system library.
this first tries via pkg-config, then if that fails
tries by testing for a specified function in the specified lib
# We always do a logic validation of 'onlyif' first
missing = []
if onlyif:
for l in TO_LIST(onlyif):
f = 'FOUND_SYSTEMLIB_%s' % l
if not f in conf.env:
Logs.error('ERROR: CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM(%s) - ' % (libname) +
'missing prerequisite check for ' +
'system library %s, onlyif=%r' % (l, onlyif))
if not conf.env[f]:
found = 'FOUND_SYSTEMLIB_%s' % libname
if found in conf.env:
return conf.env[found]
if conf.LIB_MUST_BE_BUNDLED(libname):
conf.env[found] = False
return False
# see if the library should only use a system version if another dependent
# system version is found. That prevents possible use of mixed library
# versions
if missing:
if not conf.LIB_MAY_BE_BUNDLED(libname):
Logs.error('ERROR: Use of system library %s depends on missing system library/libraries %r' % (libname, missing))
conf.env[found] = False
return False
def check_functions_headers_code():
'''helper function for CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM'''
if require_headers and headers and not conf.CHECK_HEADERS(headers, lib=libname):
return False
if checkfunctions is not None:
ok = conf.CHECK_FUNCS_IN(checkfunctions, libname, headers=headers,
empty_decl=False, set_target=False)
if not ok:
return False
if checkcode is not None:
define='CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM_%s' % libname.upper()
ok = conf.CHECK_CODE(checkcode, lib=libname,
headers=headers, local_include=False,
msg=msg, define=define)
if not ok:
return False
return True
minversion = minimum_library_version(conf, libname, minversion)
msg = 'Checking for system %s' % libname
if minversion != '0.0.0':
msg += ' >= %s' % minversion
if pkg is None:
pkg = libname
# try pkgconfig first
if (conf.CHECK_CFG(package=pkg,
args='"%s >= %s" --cflags --libs' % (pkg, minversion),
msg=msg, uselib_store=uselib_store) and
if set_target:
conf.SET_TARGET_TYPE(libname, 'SYSLIB')
conf.env[found] = True
if implied_deps:
conf.SET_SYSLIB_DEPS(libname, implied_deps)
return True
if checkfunctions is not None:
if check_functions_headers_code():
conf.env[found] = True
if implied_deps:
conf.SET_SYSLIB_DEPS(libname, implied_deps)
if set_target:
conf.SET_TARGET_TYPE(libname, 'SYSLIB')
return True
conf.env[found] = False
if not conf.LIB_MAY_BE_BUNDLED(libname):
Logs.error('ERROR: System library %s of version %s not found, and bundling disabled' % (libname, minversion))
return False
def tuplize_version(version):
return tuple([int(x) for x in version.split(".")])
def CHECK_BUNDLED_SYSTEM_PYTHON(conf, libname, modulename, minversion='0.0.0'):
'''check if a python module is available on the system and
has the specified minimum version.
if conf.LIB_MUST_BE_BUNDLED(libname):
return False
# see if the library should only use a system version if another dependent
# system version is found. That prevents possible use of mixed library
# versions
minversion = minimum_library_version(conf, libname, minversion)
m = __import__(modulename)
except ImportError:
found = False
version = m.__version__
except AttributeError:
found = False
found = tuplize_version(version) >= tuplize_version(minversion)
if not found and not conf.LIB_MAY_BE_BUNDLED(libname):
Logs.error('ERROR: Python module %s of version %s not found, and bundling disabled' % (libname, minversion))
return found
def NONSHARED_BINARY(bld, name):
'''return True if a binary should be built without non-system shared libs'''
return target_in_list(name, bld.env.NONSHARED_BINARIES, False)