Only PCRE was specified as required option to execute this script. But PCRE2 is an valid alternative.
183 lines
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183 lines
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varnishtest "haproxy host header: map / redirect tests"
feature ignore_unknown_macro
server s1 {
expect req.method == "GET"
expect req.http.host == "test1.example.com"
txresp -body "test1 ok"
} -start
server s2 {
expect req.method == "GET"
expect req.http.host == "test2.example.com"
txresp -body "test2 ok"
} -start
server s3 {
expect req.method == "GET"
expect req.http.host == "test3.example.com"
txresp -body "test3 ok"
} -start
server s4 {
expect req.method == "GET"
expect req.http.host == "test1.example.invalid"
txresp -body "test1 after del map ok"
} -start
haproxy h1 -conf {
mode http
${no-htx} option http-use-htx
log global
option httplog
timeout connect 15ms
timeout client 20ms
timeout server 20ms
frontend fe1
bind "fd@${fe1}"
# redirect Host: example.org / subdomain.example.org
http-request redirect prefix %[req.hdr(Host),lower,regsub(:\d+$,,),map_str(${testdir}/map_redirect.map)] code 301 if { hdr(Host),lower,regsub(:\d+$,,),map_str(${testdir}/map_redirect.map) -m found }
# set var and redirect in be1
http-request set-var(txn.testvar) req.hdr(Testvar),lower,regsub(:\d+$,,),map_str(${testdir}/map_redirect.map) if { hdr(Testvar),lower,regsub(:\d+$,,),map_str(${testdir}/map_redirect.map) -m found }
# use map to select backend (no default map value)
use_backend %[req.hdr(Host),lower,map_dom(${testdir}/map_redirect-be.map)] if { hdr_dom(Host) -i test1.example.com || hdr_dom(Host) -i test2.example.com }
# use map to select backend with default value(test3_be)
use_backend %[req.hdr(Host),lower,map_dom(${testdir}/map_redirect-be.map,test3_be)] if { hdr_dom(Host) -m end -i example.com }
# use map(after del map test1.example.com) default value(test4_be)
use_backend %[req.hdr(Host),lower,map_dom(${testdir}/map_redirect-be.map,test4_be)] if { hdr_dom(Host) -m end -i example.invalid }
default_backend be1
backend be1
http-request redirect prefix %[var(txn.testvar)] code 301 if { var(txn.testvar) -m found }
http-request deny
backend test1_be
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
backend test2_be
server s2 ${s2_addr}:${s2_port}
backend test3_be
server s3 ${s3_addr}:${s3_port}
backend test4_be
server s4 ${s4_addr}:${s4_port}
} -start
# Check map redirects
client c1 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} {
txreq -hdr "Host: example.org:8443"
expect resp.status == 301
expect resp.http.location ~ "https://www.example.org"
# Closes connection
} -run
client c2 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} {
txreq -hdr "Host: subdomain.example.org"
expect resp.status == 301
expect resp.http.location ~ "https://www.subdomain.example.org"
# Closes connection
} -run
client c3 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} {
# redirect on Testvar header
txreq -hdr "Testvar: subdomain.example.org"
expect resp.status == 301
expect resp.http.location ~ "https://www.subdomain.example.org"
# Closes connection
} -run
client c4 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} {
txreq -hdr "Host: www.subdomain.example.org"
expect resp.status == 403
# Closes connection
} -run
client c5 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} {
txreq -hdr "Testvar: www.subdomain.example.org"
expect resp.status == 403
# Closes connection
} -run
client c6 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} {
txreq -hdr "Host: :8443example.org"
expect resp.status == 403
# Closes connection
} -run
# Check map backend selection
client c7 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} {
txreq -hdr "Host: test1.example.com"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.body == "test1 ok"
txreq -hdr "Host: test2.example.com"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.body == "test2 ok"
txreq -hdr "Host: test3.example.com"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.body == "test3 ok"
} -run
# cli show maps
haproxy h1 -cli {
send "show map ${testdir}/map_redirect.map"
expect ~ "^0x[a-f0-9]+ example\\.org https://www\\.example\\.org\\n0x[a-f0-9]+ subdomain\\.example\\.org https://www\\.subdomain\\.example\\.org\\n$"
send "show map ${testdir}/map_redirect-be.map"
expect ~ "^0x[a-f0-9]+ test1\\.example\\.com test1_be\\n0x[a-f0-9]+ test1\\.example\\.invalid test1_be\\n0x[a-f0-9]+ test2\\.example\\.com test2_be\\n$"
haproxy h1 -cli {
# clear map ${testdir}/map_redirect.map
send "clear map ${testdir}/map_redirect.map"
expect ~ "^\\n"
send "show map ${testdir}/map_redirect.map"
expect ~ "^\\n"
# del map ${testdir}/map_redirect-be.map test1.example.{com,invalid}
send "del map ${testdir}/map_redirect-be.map test1.example.com"
expect ~ "^\\n"
send "del map ${testdir}/map_redirect-be.map test1.example.invalid"
expect ~ "^\\n"
send "show map ${testdir}/map_redirect-be.map"
expect ~ "^0x[a-f0-9]+ test2\\.example\\.com test2_be\\n$"
# Check map backend after del map
client c6 -connect ${h1_fe1_sock} {
# test1.example.invalid should go to test4_be after del map
txreq -hdr "Host: test1.example.invalid"
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.body == "test1 after del map ok"
} -run