This reverts commit 597909f4e67866c4f3ecf77f95f2cd4556c0c638 http-after-response rules evaluation was changed to do the same that was done for http-response, in the code. However, the opposite must be performed instead. Only the rules of the current section must be stopped. Thus the above commit is reverted and the http-response rules evaluation will be fixed instead. Note that only "allow" action is concerned. It is most probably an uncommon action for an http-after-request rule. This patch must be backported as far as 2.2 if the above commit was backported.
193 lines
7.5 KiB
193 lines
7.5 KiB
varnishtest "Test HTTP response manipulation under the http-after-response rulesets"
# This config tests various http-after-response rules for HTTP responses from a
# server and the stats applet, but also for internal responses
# (deny/redirect/auth/return).
feature ignore_unknown_macro
server s1 {
txresp \
-status 234 \
-hdr "hdr1: val1" \
-hdr "hdr2: val2a" \
-hdr "hdr2: val2b" \
-hdr "hdr3: val3a, val3b" \
-hdr "hdr4:" \
-body "This is a body"
} -repeat 2 -start
haproxy h1 -conf {
mode http
timeout connect 1s
timeout client 1s
timeout server 1s
frontend fe
bind "fd@${feh1}"
http-request deny if { path /deny }
http-request redirect location / if { path /redir }
http-request auth if { path /auth }
http-after-response allow if { status eq 403 }
http-after-response allow if { status eq 302 }
http-after-response allow if { status eq 401 }
http-after-response set-header be-sl1 "%[res.fhdr(sl1)]"
http-after-response set-header be-sl2 "%[res.fhdr(sl2)]"
http-after-response set-header be-hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)]"
http-after-response set-header be-sl1-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl1-crc)]"
http-after-response set-header be-sl2-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl2-crc)]"
http-after-response set-header be-hdr-crc "%[res.fhdr(hdr-crc)]"
http-after-response set-var(res.status) status
http-after-response set-header sl1 "sl1: "
http-after-response set-status 200
http-after-response set-header sl2 "sl2: "
http-after-response set-header sl1 "%[res.fhdr(sl1)] status=<%[var(res.status)]>;"
http-after-response set-header sl2 "%[res.fhdr(sl2)] status=<%[status]>;"
http-after-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr1=<%[res.hdr(hdr1)]>; fhdr1=<%[res.fhdr(hdr1)]>;"
http-after-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr2=<%[res.hdr(hdr2)]>; fhdr2=<%[res.fhdr(hdr2)]>;"
http-after-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr3=<%[res.hdr(hdr3)]>; fhdr3=<%[res.fhdr(hdr3)]>;"
http-after-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr4=<%[res.hdr(hdr4)]>; fhdr4=<%[res.fhdr(hdr4)]>;"
http-after-response set-header fe-sl1-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl1),crc32]"
http-after-response set-header fe-sl2-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl2),crc32]"
http-after-response set-header fe-hdr-crc "%[res.fhdr(hdr),crc32]"
default_backend be
backend be
stats enable
stats uri /stats
http-request return status 234 content-type "text/plain" string "This is a body" if { path /return }
http-response deny if { capture.req.uri /deny-srv }
http-after-response allow if { status eq 502 }
http-after-response set-status 234 if { capture.req.uri /stats }
http-after-response add-header hdr1 val1 unless { capture.req.uri / }
http-after-response add-header hdr2 val2a unless { capture.req.uri / }
http-after-response add-header hdr2 val2b unless { capture.req.uri / }
http-after-response add-header hdr3 "val3a, val3b" unless { capture.req.uri / }
http-after-response add-header hdr4 "%[str()]" unless { capture.req.uri / }
http-after-response del-header content-type
http-after-response set-var(res.status) status
http-after-response set-header sl1 "sl1: "
http-after-response set-status 200
http-after-response set-header sl2 "sl2: "
http-after-response set-header sl1 "%[res.fhdr(sl1)] status=<%[var(res.status)]>;"
http-after-response set-header sl2 "%[res.fhdr(sl2)] status=<%[status]>;"
http-after-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr1=<%[res.hdr(hdr1)]>; fhdr1=<%[res.fhdr(hdr1)]>;"
http-after-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr2=<%[res.hdr(hdr2)]>; fhdr2=<%[res.fhdr(hdr2)]>;"
http-after-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr3=<%[res.hdr(hdr3)]>; fhdr3=<%[res.fhdr(hdr3)]>;"
http-after-response set-header hdr "%[res.fhdr(hdr)] hdr4=<%[res.hdr(hdr4)]>; fhdr4=<%[res.fhdr(hdr4)]>;"
http-after-response set-header sl1-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl1),crc32]"
http-after-response set-header sl2-crc "%[res.fhdr(sl2),crc32]"
http-after-response set-header hdr-crc "%[res.fhdr(hdr),crc32]"
server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}
} -start
client c1 -connect ${h1_feh1_sock} {
txreq -req GET -url /
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.http.be-sl1-crc == 487202719
expect resp.http.be-sl2-crc == 561949791
expect resp.http.be-hdr-crc == 1719311923
expect resp.http.fe-sl1-crc == 146151597
expect resp.http.fe-sl2-crc == 561949791
expect resp.http.fe-hdr-crc == 3634102538
expect resp.http.content-type == <undef>
expect resp.bodylen == 14
expect resp.body == "This is a body"
txreq -req GET -url /return
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.http.be-sl1-crc == 487202719
expect resp.http.be-sl2-crc == 561949791
expect resp.http.be-hdr-crc == 1719311923
expect resp.http.fe-sl1-crc == 146151597
expect resp.http.fe-sl2-crc == 561949791
expect resp.http.fe-hdr-crc == 3634102538
expect resp.http.content-type == <undef>
expect resp.bodylen == 14
expect resp.body == "This is a body"
txreq -req GET -url /stats
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.http.be-sl1-crc == 487202719
expect resp.http.be-sl2-crc == 561949791
expect resp.http.be-hdr-crc == 1719311923
expect resp.http.fe-sl1-crc == 146151597
expect resp.http.fe-sl2-crc == 561949791
expect resp.http.fe-hdr-crc == 3634102538
expect resp.http.content-type == <undef>
} -run
client c2 -connect ${h1_feh1_sock} {
txreq -req GET -url /deny
expect resp.status == 403
expect resp.http.be-sl1 == <undef>
expect resp.http.be-sl2 == <undef>
expect resp.http.be-hdr == <undef>
expect resp.http.sl1 == <undef>
expect resp.http.sl2 == <undef>
expect resp.http.hdr == <undef>
} -run
client c3 -connect ${h1_feh1_sock} {
txreq -req GET -url /redir
expect resp.status == 302
expect resp.http.be-sl1 == <undef>
expect resp.http.be-sl2 == <undef>
expect resp.http.be-hdr == <undef>
expect resp.http.sl1 == <undef>
expect resp.http.sl2 == <undef>
expect resp.http.hdr == <undef>
} -run
client c4 -connect ${h1_feh1_sock} {
txreq -req GET -url /auth
expect resp.status == 401
expect resp.http.be-sl1 == <undef>
expect resp.http.be-sl2 == <undef>
expect resp.http.be-hdr == <undef>
expect resp.http.sl1 == <undef>
expect resp.http.sl2 == <undef>
expect resp.http.hdr == <undef>
} -run
client c5 -connect ${h1_feh1_sock} {
txreq -req GET -url /deny-srv
expect resp.status == 200
expect resp.http.be-sl1 == ""
expect resp.http.be-sl2 == ""
expect resp.http.be-hdr == ""
expect resp.http.fe-sl1-crc == 3104968915
expect resp.http.fe-sl2-crc == 561949791
expect resp.http.fe-hdr-crc == 623352154
} -run