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2002-03-25 20:16:26 +00:00
To build RPM you will need several other packages:
The zlib library for compression support. You might also need/want
the zip executable for java jar dependency analysis. All available from
The Berkeley db1 and db3 libraries. These are available from
Minimal instructions for building db3 are (see a Red Hat dbN package
spac file for more conmplete details)
cd build_unix
../dist/configure --enable-compat185
make install
It may be desired to install bzip2 and gzip so that RPM can use these
formats. Gzip, is necessary to build packages that contain compressed
tar balls, these are quite common on the Internet.
These are availible from
For best results you should compile with GCC and GNU Make. Users have
reported difficulty with other build tools (any patches to lift these
dependencies are welcome). Both GCC and GNU Make available from
If National Language Support (NLS) is desired you will need gnu
gettext (currently this is required to build rpm but we hope to
lift this requirement soon), available from
If you are going to hack the sources (or compile from anonymous cvs
retrevial) you will need most of the GNU development tools including:
autoconf, automake, gettext, libtool, makeinfo, perl, GNU m4, GNU tar
available from
If you plan on using cryptographic signatures you will need a version
of GPG.
Since Red Hat 6.1 uses gnupg for signing packages, previous releases were
signed with pgp-2.6.3. Pgp5 can be used instead of pgp-2.6.3 signatures iff
RSA signature's are used.
These can be downloaded (for US citizens) from:
Note: rpm-4.0 on Red Hat 7.0 is currently using
You may use the tarballs within those packagese, and examine the patches and
spec files for details about how to build the libraries needed by rpm.
To compile RPM:
RPM uses a small shell script to run: libtool, autoconf,
automake. This step should not be necessary if you are running a
released version of rpm, however if you have gotten the rpm sources
using anonymous CVS or via anonymous FTP, you should probably regenerate
intermediate files by re-running the autogen.sh script.
The autogen.sh script checks that the required tools are installed.
While other versions of the tools may be used, the script checks for
the same version of the tools that was used at the time the tarball
was produced. Edit the top of the script to change version numbers if you wish.
The autogen.sh script also runs configure for you and passes the command line
arguments to configure. To run it without configure type:
./autogen.sh --noconfigure
If your libraries are not in a standard place you will need to change
configures environment. These options can be passed directly to
configure or to autogen.sh which will pass them through to configure.
Here is an example:
LIBS='-L/opt/libz/ -L/opt/BerkeleyDB/lib/' \
CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/libz/ -I/opt/BerkeleyDB/include' \
If you have build tools stored in non standard places you should check
the resulting Makefile to be sure that the tools you wish to use have
been correctly identified. The configure script will modify your path
before looking for the build tools and it may find versions of these
tools that you do not want. It uses the following search path
now build the system with:
and then install with:
make install
If you wish to make a tarfile of the binaries so that you may easily
install on machines with OS package managers other then rpm (ed note:
what about putting gzip and bzip2 in the tar, modifying the
make tar
when installing. If you do install from a tarball, you will need to do
something like
mkdir /var/lib/rpm
rpm --initdb
to initialize your rpm database.
Finally, if you wish to prepare an rpm source tar ball, you should do
make dist
To package RPM:
After RPM has been installed you can run rpm to build an rpm package.
Edit the rpm.spec file to mirror any special steps you needed to
follow to make rpm compile and change the specfile to match your
taste. You will need to put the rpm source tar file into the
2002-03-25 20:44:16 +00:00
RPM/SOURCES directory and we suggest putting the specfile in the
RPM/SPECS directory, then run rpm -ba rpm.spec. You will end up
with two rpms which can be found in RPM/RPMS and RPM/SRPMS.
2002-03-25 20:16:26 +00:00
If you are going to install rpm on machines with OS package managers
other then rpm, you may choose to install the base rpm package via a
cpio instead of a tar file. Instead of running "make tar" during the
build process, as discribed above, use the base rpm packages to create
a cpio. After the rpms have been created run rpm2cpio on the base rpm
package, this will give you a cpio package which can then use to
install rpm on a new system.
rpm2cpio rpm-4.0-1.solaris2.6-sparc.rpm > rpm-4.0-1.solaris2.6-sparc.cpio
Non Linux Configuration Issues:
OS dependencies:
Under Red Hat Linux all libraries (in fact all files distributed with
the OS) are under RPM control and this section is not an issue.
RPM will need to be informed of all the dependencies which were
satisfied before RPM was installed. Typically this only refers to
libraries that are installed by the OS, but may include other
libraries and packages which are availible at the time RPM is
installed and will not under RPM control. Another common example of
libraries which may need dependency provisions are precompiled
libraries which are installed by the OS package manager during system
build time. The list of dependencies you will wish to load into RPM
will depend on exactly how you bootstrap RPM onto your system and what
parts of the sytem you put into packages as well as on the specific OS
you are using.
The script vpkg-provides.sh can be used to generate a package which
will satisfy the dependencies on your system. To run it you will need
to create a specfile header for this empty package and run the progam
--spec_header '/path/to/os-base-header.spec
and if you wish to ensure that some directories are not traversed you
can use the option:
--ignore_dirs 'egrep|pattern|of|paths|to|ignore
By default the generated rpm will include a %verifyscript to verify
checksum of all files traversed has not changed. This additional
check can be surpressed with:
The result of running the script will be a specfile which will create
a package continging all the dependencies found on the system. There
will be one provides line for each depednecy. The package will contain
none of the actual OS library files as it is assumed they are already
on your system and managed by other means. Here is a example
(truncated) of the provides lines used by one user of Digital Unix. (I
have put several provides on the same line for brevity)
provides: /bin/sh /usr/bin/ksh /usr/bin/csh
provides: libc.so.osf.1 libm.so.osf.1 libcurses.so.xpg4 libdb.so.osf.1
provides: libX11.so libXaw.so.6.0 libXext.so libXm.so.motif1.2 libXmu.so
provides: libdnet_stub.so.osf.1 libsecurity.so.osf.1 libpthread.so.osf.1
provides: libexc.so.osf.1 libmach.so.osf.1 libdps.so libdpstk.so
The script vpkg-provides2.sh is underdevelopment as a more advanced
version of vpkg-provides.sh which is aware of many different unix
vendor packaging schemes. It will create one "dependency package" for
each unix package your OS vendor installed.
If you plan on packaging for more then one OS you may want to edit
/etc/macros or /usr/lib/rpm/macros and change the line which has
rpmfilename to something which include both the %{_target_os} and
%{_target_cpu}. This will cause the name of the generated rpm files
to the operating system name as well as the architecture which the rpm
runs under. The line to change looks like:
%_rpmfilename %%{ARCH}/%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm
you may wish to include both the %{_target_os} and %{_target_cpu} in
the final base name, so that it's easier to distinguish between what
package is appropriate for a particular arch-os-version combo. We
%_rpmfilename %%{_target_platform/%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{_target_platform}.rpm
There is no %{_target_os_version} tag, so if you need to also
distinguish between RPMs for certain versions of the OS, you can
hard-code the version in the rpmrc on the build machine, so that .rpm
files are generated with the version as part of the filename.
For example when one user builds RPMs for Digital Unix 4.0b and 4.0d,
optimization is important and he will build one set of RPMs for the
EV4 processor and another set for the EV56 processor. He specifies
both the OS version (if it's important, as it is for a few packages)
and the processor version by default by setting a special rpmfilename:
on the particular build machine.
The "rpmfilename: "tag on one machine (Digital Unix 4.0d, EV56 PWS 433)
looks like:
rpmfilename: %{_target_os}/4.0d/%{_target_cpu}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{_target_os}-%{_target_cpu}ev56.rpm
For package `foo-1.1', at build time that would translate into:
The hyphen between the %{_target_cpu} and ev56 is left out for compatibility
with GNU Config.guess and because `alphaev56' looks more "normal" to
people with an alpha than alpha-ev56 for someone on an Intel Pentium
Pro would want `i586pro' over `i586-pro', but it does make parsing
this filename by other programs a bit more difficult.
To use the signing features of rpm, you will need to configure certain
rpm macros.
Here's what I use for gpg:
/etc/rpm/macros for per-system (or ~/.rpmmacros for per-user) configuration
%_signature gpg
%_gpg_name Jeff Johnson (ARS N3NPQ) <jbj@redhat.com>
%_gpg_path /home/devel/jbj/.gnupg
Here's what I use for pgp2.6:
/etc/rpm/macros for per-system (or ~/.rpmmacros for per-user) configuration
%_signature pgp
%_pgpbin /usr/bin/pgp
%_pgp_name Jeff Johnson <jbj@redhat.com>
%_pgp_path /home/jbj/.pgp
In order to use pgp5, you will need to change:
%_signature pgp5
%_pgpbin /path/to/pgp5/binary
%_pgp_path /path/to/pgp5/keyring
(Note: Only one of pgp and pgp5 may be used because of name conflicts.)
You may also need Red Hat GPG/PGP public keys. These can be found in the
rpm source tarball, in /usr/doc/rpm*, or form http://www.redhat.com. In
order to verify a package signed by Red Hat you will need to import these
keys onto you key ring. See the GPG/PGP documentation for how to do this.