Merge branch 'altlinux-4.0'

This commit is contained in:
Alexey Tourbin 2008-05-30 22:25:55 +04:00
commit 4a557675fc
9 changed files with 615 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -441,6 +441,11 @@ int writeRPM(Header *hdrp, const char *fileName, int type,
/* Add prereq on rpm version that understands bzip2 payloads */
(void) rpmlibNeedsFeature(h, "PayloadIsBzip2", "3.0.5-1");
if (s[1] == 'l' && s[2] == 'z') {
"lzma", 1);
(void) rpmlibNeedsFeature(h, "PayloadIsLzma", "4.4.2-1");
strcpy(buf, rpmio_flags);
buf[s - rpmio_flags] = '\0';
(void) headerAddEntry(h, RPMTAG_PAYLOADFLAGS, RPM_STRING_TYPE, buf+1, 1);

View File

@ -2067,6 +2067,8 @@ assert(psm->mi == NULL);
t = stpcpy(t, ".gzdio");
if (!strcmp(payload_compressor, "bzip2"))
t = stpcpy(t, ".bzdio");
if (!strcmp(payload_compressor, "lzma"))
t = stpcpy(t, ".lzdio");
rc = RPMRC_OK;
} break;

View File

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ static struct rpmlibProvides_s {
{ "rpmlib(PayloadIsBzip2)", "3.0.5-1",
N_("package payload is compressed using bzip2.") },
{ "rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma)", "4.4.2-1",
N_("package payload can be compressed using lzma.") },
{ "rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)", "4.0-1",
N_("package payload file(s) have \"./\" prefix.") },

View File

@ -51,8 +51,11 @@ Requires: glibc-core
BuildPreReq: automake >= 1.7.1, autoconf >= 2.53, rpm >= 3.0.6-ipl24mdk, %_bindir/subst
# Automatically added by buildreq on Tue Mar 25 2008 and edited manually.
BuildRequires: bzlib-devel-static glibc-devel-static libbeecrypt-devel-static libdb4.4-devel-static libpopt-devel-static zlib-devel-static
# Must be installable with older rpm without lzma payload support.
%define _binary_payload w9.gzdio
# Automatically added by buildreq on Sat May 24 2008 and edited manually.
BuildRequires: bzlib-devel-static libbeecrypt-devel-static libdb4.4-devel-static libelf-devel-static liblzma-devel-static libpopt-devel-static python-devel zlib-devel-static
%package -n lib%name
Summary: Shared libraries required for applications which will manipulate RPM packages

View File

@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
t = stpcpy(t, ".gzdio");
if (!strcmp(payload_compressor, "bzip2"))
t = stpcpy(t, ".bzdio");
if (!strcmp(payload_compressor, "lzma"))
t = stpcpy(t, ".lzdio");
gzdi = Fdopen(fdi, rpmio_flags); /* XXX gzdi == fdi */

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ lib_LTLIBRARIES =
librpmio_la_SOURCES = digest.c macro.c rpmio.c rpmlog.c rpmmalloc.c \
rpmpgp.c rpmrpc.c strcasecmp.c stubs.c url.c ugid.c
librpmio_la_LDFLAGS = -release @VERSION@
librpmio_la_LIBADD = @LIBBEECRYPT@ @LIBBZ2@ @LIBZ@ -llzma
rm -f *.o

View File

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ static int inet_aton(const char *cp, struct in_addr *inp)
#define FDONLY(fd) assert(fdGetIo(fd) == fdio)
#define GZDONLY(fd) assert(fdGetIo(fd) == gzdio)
#define BZDONLY(fd) assert(fdGetIo(fd) == bzdio)
#define LZDONLY(fd) assert(fdGetIo(fd) == lzdio)
#define UFDONLY(fd) /* assert(fdGetIo(fd) == ufdio) */
@ -183,6 +184,8 @@ static /*@observer@*/ const char * fdbg(/*@null@*/ FD_t fd)
} else if (fps->io == bzdio) {
sprintf(be, "BZD %p fdno %d", fps->fp, fps->fdno);
} else if (fps->io == lzdio) {
sprintf(be, "LZD %p fdno %d", fps->fp, fps->fdno);
} else if (fps->io == fpio) {
sprintf(be, "%s %p(%d) fdno %d",
@ -2131,16 +2134,47 @@ static inline /*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ void * gzdFileno(FD_t fd)
return rc;
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
struct cpio_state {
uint32_t n; /* byte progress in cpio header */
uint32_t mode; /* file attributes */
uint32_t nlnk;
uint32_t size;
#define RSYNC_WIN 4096
struct rsync_state {
uint32_t n; /* number of elements in the window */
uint32_t sum; /* current sum */
unsigned char win[RSYNC_WIN]; /* window elements */
typedef struct rpmGZFILE_s {
gzFile gz; /* gzFile is a pointer */
struct rsync_state rs;
struct cpio_state cs;
uint32_t nb; /* bytes pending for sync */
} rpmGZFILE; /* like FILE, to use with star */
static /*@null@*/ FD_t gzdOpen(const char * path, const char * fmode)
/*@globals fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies fileSystem @*/
FD_t fd;
gzFile *gzfile;
if ((gzfile = gzopen(path, fmode)) == NULL)
rpmGZFILE *rpmgz;
rpmgz = calloc(1, sizeof(*rpmgz));
if (!rpmgz)
return NULL;
rpmgz->gz = gzopen(path, fmode);
if (!rpmgz->gz) {
return NULL;
fd = fdNew("open (gzdOpen)");
fdPop(fd); fdPush(fd, gzdio, gzfile, -1);
fdPop(fd); fdPush(fd, gzdio, rpmgz, -1);
DBGIO(fd, (stderr, "==>\tgzdOpen(\"%s\", \"%s\") fd %p %s\n", path, fmode, (fd ? fd : NULL), fdbg(fd)));
@ -2155,16 +2189,22 @@ static /*@null@*/ FD_t gzdFdopen(void * cookie, const char *fmode)
FD_t fd = c2f(cookie);
int fdno;
gzFile *gzfile;
rpmGZFILE *rpmgz;
if (fmode == NULL) return NULL;
fdno = fdFileno(fd);
fdSetFdno(fd, -1); /* XXX skip the fdio close */
if (fdno < 0) return NULL;
gzfile = gzdopen(fdno, fmode);
if (gzfile == NULL) return NULL;
rpmgz = calloc(1, sizeof(*rpmgz));
if (!rpmgz)
return NULL;
rpmgz->gz = gzdopen(fdno, fmode);
if (!rpmgz->gz) {
return NULL;
fdPush(fd, gzdio, gzfile, fdno); /* Push gzdio onto stack */
fdPush(fd, gzdio, rpmgz, fdno); /* Push gzdio onto stack */
return fdLink(fd, "gzdFdopen");
@ -2175,10 +2215,10 @@ static int gzdFlush(FD_t fd)
/*@globals fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies fileSystem @*/
gzFile *gzfile;
gzfile = gzdFileno(fd);
if (gzfile == NULL) return -2;
return gzflush(gzfile, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); /* XXX W2DO? */
rpmGZFILE *rpmgz;
rpmgz = gzdFileno(fd);
if (rpmgz == NULL) return -2;
return gzflush(rpmgz->gz, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); /* XXX W2DO? */
@ -2189,24 +2229,24 @@ static ssize_t gzdRead(void * cookie, /*@out@*/ char * buf, size_t count)
/*@modifies *buf, fileSystem, internalState @*/
FD_t fd = c2f(cookie);
gzFile *gzfile;
rpmGZFILE *rpmgz;
ssize_t rc;
if (fd == NULL || fd->bytesRemain == 0) return 0; /* XXX simulate EOF */
gzfile = gzdFileno(fd);
if (gzfile == NULL) return -2; /* XXX can't happen */
rpmgz = gzdFileno(fd);
if (rpmgz == NULL) return -2; /* XXX can't happen */
fdstat_enter(fd, FDSTAT_READ);
/*@-compdef@*/ /* LCL: *buf is undefined */
rc = gzread(gzfile, buf, count);
rc = gzread(rpmgz->gz, buf, count);
DBGIO(fd, (stderr, "==>\tgzdRead(%p,%p,%u) rc %lx %s\n", cookie, buf, (unsigned)count, (unsigned long)rc, fdbg(fd)));
if (rc < 0) {
int zerror = 0;
fd->errcookie = gzerror(gzfile, &zerror);
fd->errcookie = gzerror(rpmgz->gz, &zerror);
if (zerror == Z_ERRNO) {
fd->syserrno = errno;
fd->errcookie = strerror(fd->syserrno);
@ -2221,36 +2261,190 @@ DBGIO(fd, (stderr, "==>\tgzdRead(%p,%p,%u) rc %lx %s\n", cookie, buf, (unsigned)
/* from ../lib/cpio.h */
#define CPIO_NEWC_MAGIC "070701"
#define PHYS_HDR_SIZE 110
#define OFFSET_MODE (sizeof(CPIO_NEWC_MAGIC)-1 + 1*8)
#define OFFSET_NLNK (sizeof(CPIO_NEWC_MAGIC)-1 + 4*8)
#define OFFSET_SIZE (sizeof(CPIO_NEWC_MAGIC)-1 + 6*8)
static inline
int hex(unsigned char c)
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
return c - '0';
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
return c - 'a' + 10;
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
return c - 'A' + 10;
return -1;
static inline
bool cpio_next(struct cpio_state *s, unsigned char c)
if (s->n >= sizeof(CPIO_NEWC_MAGIC)-1) {
int d = hex(c);
if (d < 0) {
s->n = 0;
return false;
if (0); /* indent */
else if (s->n >= OFFSET_MODE && s->n < OFFSET_MODE+8) {
if (s->n == OFFSET_MODE)
s->mode = 0;
s->mode <<= 4;
s->mode |= d;
else if (s->n >= OFFSET_NLNK && s->n < OFFSET_NLNK+8) {
if (s->n == OFFSET_NLNK)
s->nlnk = 0;
s->nlnk <<= 4;
s->nlnk |= d;
else if (s->n >= OFFSET_SIZE && s->n < OFFSET_SIZE+8) {
if (s->n == OFFSET_SIZE)
s->size = 0;
s->size <<= 4;
s->size |= d;
if (s->n >= PHYS_HDR_SIZE) {
s->n = 0;
if (!S_ISREG(s->mode) || s->nlnk != 1)
/* no file data */
s->size = 0;
return true;
else if (CPIO_NEWC_MAGIC[s->n] == c) {
else {
s->n = 0;
return false;
static inline
bool rsync_next(struct rsync_state *s, unsigned char c)
if (s->n < RSYNC_WIN) { /* not enough elements */
s->sum += c; /* update the sum */
s->win[s->n++] = c; /* remember the element */
return false; /* no match */
int i = s->n++ % RSYNC_WIN; /* wrap up */
s->sum -= s->win[i]; /* move the window on */
s->sum += c;
s->win[i] = c;
if (s->sum % RSYNC_WIN == 0) { /* match */
s->n = 0; /* reset */
s->sum = 0;
return true;
return false;
static inline
bool sync_hint(rpmGZFILE *rpmgz, unsigned char c)
bool cpio_hint = cpio_next(&rpmgz->cs, c);
if (cpio_hint) {
/* cpio header/data boundary */
rpmgz->rs.n = rpmgz->rs.sum = 0;
#define CHUNK 4096
if (rpmgz->nb >= 2*CHUNK)
/* better sync here */
goto cpio_sync;
if (rpmgz->cs.size < CHUNK)
/* file is too small */
return false;
if (rpmgz->nb < CHUNK/2)
/* not enough pending bytes */
return false;
rpmgz->nb = 0;
return true;
bool rsync_hint = rsync_next(&rpmgz->rs, c);
if (rsync_hint) {
/* rolling checksum match */
assert(rpmgz->nb >= RSYNC_WIN);
rpmgz->nb = 0;
return true;
return false;
static ssize_t
rsyncable_gzwrite(rpmGZFILE *rpmgz, const unsigned char *const buf, const size_t len)
ssize_t rc;
ssize_t n_written = 0;
const unsigned char *begin = buf;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!sync_hint(rpmgz, buf[i]))
size_t n = i + 1 - (begin - buf);
rc = gzwrite(rpmgz->gz, begin, n);
if (rc < 0)
return n_written ? n_written : rc;
n_written += rc;
if (rc < n)
return n_written;
begin += n;
rc = gzflush(rpmgz->gz, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
if (rc < 0)
return n_written ? n_written : rc;
if (begin < buf + len) {
size_t n = len - (begin - buf);
rc = gzwrite(rpmgz->gz, begin, n);
if (rc < 0)
return n_written ? n_written : rc;
n_written += rc;
return n_written;
static ssize_t gzdWrite(void * cookie, const char * buf, size_t count)
/*@globals fileSystem, internalState @*/
/*@modifies fileSystem, internalState @*/
FD_t fd = c2f(cookie);
gzFile *gzfile;
rpmGZFILE *rpmgz;
ssize_t rc;
if (fd == NULL || fd->bytesRemain == 0) return 0; /* XXX simulate EOF */
if (fd->ndigests && count > 0) fdUpdateDigests(fd, buf, count);
gzfile = gzdFileno(fd);
if (gzfile == NULL) return -2; /* XXX can't happen */
rpmgz = gzdFileno(fd);
if (rpmgz == NULL) return -2; /* XXX can't happen */
fdstat_enter(fd, FDSTAT_WRITE);
rc = gzwrite(gzfile, (void *)buf, count);
rc = rsyncable_gzwrite(rpmgz, (void *)buf, count);
DBGIO(fd, (stderr, "==>\tgzdWrite(%p,%p,%u) rc %lx %s\n", cookie, buf, (unsigned)count, (unsigned long)rc, fdbg(fd)));
if (rc < 0) {
if (rc < count) {
int zerror = 0;
fd->errcookie = gzerror(gzfile, &zerror);
fd->errcookie = gzerror(rpmgz->gz, &zerror);
if (zerror == Z_ERRNO) {
fd->syserrno = errno;
fd->errcookie = strerror(fd->syserrno);
} else if (rc > 0) {
fdstat_exit(fd, FDSTAT_WRITE, rc);
if (rc > 0)
fdstat_exit(fd, FDSTAT_WRITE, rc);
return rc;
@ -2267,22 +2461,22 @@ static inline int gzdSeek(void * cookie, _libio_pos_t pos, int whence)
int rc;
FD_t fd = c2f(cookie);
gzFile *gzfile;
rpmGZFILE *rpmgz;
if (fd == NULL) return -2;
assert(fd->bytesRemain == -1); /* XXX FIXME */
gzfile = gzdFileno(fd);
if (gzfile == NULL) return -2; /* XXX can't happen */
rpmgz = gzdFileno(fd);
if (rpmgz == NULL) return -2; /* XXX can't happen */
fdstat_enter(fd, FDSTAT_SEEK);
rc = gzseek(gzfile, p, whence);
rc = gzseek(rpmgz->gz, p, whence);
DBGIO(fd, (stderr, "==>\tgzdSeek(%p,%ld,%d) rc %lx %s\n", cookie, (long)p, whence, (unsigned long)rc, fdbg(fd)));
if (rc < 0) {
int zerror = 0;
fd->errcookie = gzerror(gzfile, &zerror);
fd->errcookie = gzerror(rpmgz->gz, &zerror);
if (zerror == Z_ERRNO) {
fd->syserrno = errno;
fd->errcookie = strerror(fd->syserrno);
@ -2301,15 +2495,16 @@ static int gzdClose( /*@only@*/ void * cookie)
/*@modifies fileSystem, internalState @*/
FD_t fd = c2f(cookie);
gzFile *gzfile;
rpmGZFILE *rpmgz;
int rc;
gzfile = gzdFileno(fd);
if (gzfile == NULL) return -2; /* XXX can't happen */
rpmgz = gzdFileno(fd);
if (rpmgz == NULL) return -2; /* XXX can't happen */
fdstat_enter(fd, FDSTAT_CLOSE);
rc = gzclose(gzfile);
rc = gzclose(rpmgz->gz);
/* XXX TODO: preserve fd if errors */
@ -2550,6 +2745,349 @@ FDIO_t bzdio = /*@-compmempass@*/ &bzdio_s /*@=compmempass@*/ ;
#endif /* HAVE_BZLIB_H */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lzma.h>
#define kBufferSize (1 << 15)
typedef struct lzfile {
/* IO buffer */
uint8_t buf[kBufferSize];
lzma_stream strm;
FILE *file;
int encoding;
int eof;
static LZFILE *lzopen_internal(const char *path, const char *mode, int fd)
int level = 5;
int encoding = 0;
FILE *fp;
LZFILE *lzfile;
lzma_ret ret;
for (; *mode; mode++) {
if (*mode == 'w')
encoding = 1;
else if (*mode == 'r')
encoding = 0;
else if (*mode >= '1' && *mode <= '9')
level = *mode - '0';
if (fd != -1)
fp = fdopen(fd, encoding ? "w" : "r");
fp = fopen(path, encoding ? "w" : "r");
if (!fp)
return 0;
lzfile = calloc(1, sizeof(*lzfile));
if (!lzfile) {
return 0;
lzfile->file = fp;
lzfile->encoding = encoding;
lzfile->eof = 0;
lzfile->strm = LZMA_STREAM_INIT_VAR;
if (encoding) {
lzma_options_alone alone;
alone.uncompressed_size = LZMA_VLI_VALUE_UNKNOWN;
memcpy(&alone.lzma, &lzma_preset_lzma[level - 1], sizeof(alone.lzma));
ret = lzma_alone_encoder(&lzfile->strm, &alone);
} else {
ret = lzma_auto_decoder(&lzfile->strm, 0, 0);
if (ret != LZMA_OK) {
return 0;
return lzfile;
static LZFILE *lzopen(const char *path, const char *mode)
return lzopen_internal(path, mode, -1);
static LZFILE *lzdopen(int fd, const char *mode)
if (fd < 0)
return 0;
return lzopen_internal(0, mode, fd);
static int lzflush(LZFILE *lzfile)
return fflush(lzfile->file);
static int lzclose(LZFILE *lzfile)
lzma_ret ret;
int n, rc;
if (!lzfile)
return -1;
if (lzfile->encoding) {
for (;;) {
lzfile->strm.avail_out = kBufferSize;
lzfile->strm.next_out = lzfile->buf;
ret = lzma_code(&lzfile->strm, LZMA_FINISH);
if (ret != LZMA_OK && ret != LZMA_STREAM_END)
return -1;
n = kBufferSize - lzfile->strm.avail_out;
if (n && fwrite(lzfile->buf, 1, n, lzfile->file) != n)
return -1;
if (ret == LZMA_STREAM_END)
rc = fclose(lzfile->file);
return rc;
static ssize_t lzread(LZFILE *lzfile, void *buf, size_t len)
lzma_ret ret;
int eof = 0;
if (!lzfile || lzfile->encoding)
return -1;
if (lzfile->eof)
return 0;
lzfile->strm.next_out = buf;
lzfile->strm.avail_out = len;
for (;;) {
if (!lzfile->strm.avail_in) {
lzfile->strm.next_in = lzfile->buf;
lzfile->strm.avail_in = fread(lzfile->buf, 1, kBufferSize, lzfile->file);
if (!lzfile->strm.avail_in)
eof = 1;
ret = lzma_code(&lzfile->strm, LZMA_RUN);
if (ret == LZMA_STREAM_END) {
lzfile->eof = 1;
return len - lzfile->strm.avail_out;
if (ret != LZMA_OK)
return -1;
if (!lzfile->strm.avail_out)
return len;
if (eof)
return -1;
static ssize_t lzwrite(LZFILE *lzfile, void *buf, size_t len)
lzma_ret ret;
int n;
if (!lzfile || !lzfile->encoding)
return -1;
if (!len)
return 0;
lzfile->strm.next_in = buf;
lzfile->strm.avail_in = len;
for (;;) {
lzfile->strm.next_out = lzfile->buf;
lzfile->strm.avail_out = kBufferSize;
ret = lzma_code(&lzfile->strm, LZMA_RUN);
if (ret != LZMA_OK)
return -1;
n = kBufferSize - lzfile->strm.avail_out;
if (n && fwrite(lzfile->buf, 1, n, lzfile->file) != n)
return -1;
if (!lzfile->strm.avail_in)
return len;
/* =============================================================== */
static inline /*@dependent@*/ void * lzdFileno(FD_t fd)
void * rc = NULL;
int i;
for (i = fd->nfps; i >= 0; i--) {
FDSTACK_t * fps = &fd->fps[i];
if (fps->io != lzdio)
rc = fps->fp;
return rc;
static /*@null@*/ FD_t lzdOpen(const char * path, const char * mode)
/*@globals fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies fileSystem @*/
FD_t fd;
LZFILE *lzfile;
if ((lzfile = lzopen(path, mode)) == NULL)
return NULL;
fd = fdNew("open (lzdOpen)");
fdPop(fd); fdPush(fd, lzdio, lzfile, -1);
return fdLink(fd, "lzdOpen");
static /*@null@*/ FD_t lzdFdopen(void * cookie, const char * fmode)
/*@globals fileSystem, internalState @*/
/*@modifies fileSystem, internalState @*/
FD_t fd = c2f(cookie);
int fdno;
LZFILE *lzfile;
if (fmode == NULL) return NULL;
fdno = fdFileno(fd);
fdSetFdno(fd, -1); /* XXX skip the fdio close */
if (fdno < 0) return NULL;
lzfile = lzdopen(fdno, fmode);
if (lzfile == NULL) return NULL;
fdPush(fd, lzdio, lzfile, fdno);
return fdLink(fd, "lzdFdopen");
static int lzdFlush(FD_t fd)
/*@globals fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies fileSystem @*/
return lzflush(lzdFileno(fd));
/* =============================================================== */
/*@-mustmod@*/ /* LCL: *buf is modified */
static ssize_t lzdRead(void * cookie, /*@out@*/ char * buf, size_t count)
/*@globals fileSystem, internalState @*/
/*@modifies *buf, fileSystem, internalState @*/
FD_t fd = c2f(cookie);
LZFILE *lzfile;
ssize_t rc = 0;
if (fd->bytesRemain == 0) return 0; /* XXX simulate EOF */
lzfile = lzdFileno(fd);
fdstat_enter(fd, FDSTAT_READ);
if (lzfile)
rc = lzread(lzfile, buf, count);
if (rc == -1) {
fd->errcookie = "Lzma: decoding error";
} else if (rc >= 0) {
fdstat_exit(fd, FDSTAT_READ, rc);
if (fd->ndigests && rc > 0) fdUpdateDigests(fd, (void *)buf, rc);
return rc;
static ssize_t lzdWrite(void * cookie, const char * buf, size_t count)
/*@globals fileSystem, internalState @*/
/*@modifies fileSystem, internalState @*/
FD_t fd = c2f(cookie);
LZFILE *lzfile;
ssize_t rc = 0;
if (fd == NULL || fd->bytesRemain == 0) return 0; /* XXX simulate EOF */
if (fd->ndigests && count > 0) fdUpdateDigests(fd, (void *)buf, count);
lzfile = lzdFileno(fd);
fdstat_enter(fd, FDSTAT_WRITE);
rc = lzwrite(lzfile, (void *)buf, count);
if (rc < 0) {
fd->errcookie = "Lzma: encoding error";
} else if (rc > 0) {
fdstat_exit(fd, FDSTAT_WRITE, rc);
return rc;
static inline int lzdSeek(void * cookie, /*@unused@*/ _libio_pos_t pos,
/*@unused@*/ int whence)
FD_t fd = c2f(cookie);
return -2;
static int lzdClose( /*@only@*/ void * cookie)
/*@globals fileSystem, internalState @*/
/*@modifies fileSystem, internalState @*/
FD_t fd = c2f(cookie);
LZFILE *lzfile;
int rc;
lzfile = lzdFileno(fd);
if (lzfile == NULL) return -2;
fdstat_enter(fd, FDSTAT_CLOSE);
rc = lzclose(lzfile);
/* XXX TODO: preserve fd if errors */
if (fd) {
if (rc == -1) {
fd->errcookie = strerror(ferror(lzfile->file));
} else if (rc >= 0) {
fdstat_exit(fd, FDSTAT_CLOSE, rc);
DBGIO(fd, (stderr, "==>\tlzdClose(%p) rc %lx %s\n", cookie, (unsigned long)rc, fdbg(fd)));
if (_rpmio_debug || rpmIsDebug()) fdstat_print(fd, "LZDIO", stderr);
if (rc == 0)
fd = fdFree(fd, "open (lzdClose)");
return rc;
/*@-type@*/ /* LCL: function typedefs */
static struct FDIO_s lzdio_s = {
lzdRead, lzdWrite, lzdSeek, lzdClose, XfdLink, XfdFree, XfdNew, fdFileno,
NULL, lzdOpen, lzdFileno, lzdFlush, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
FDIO_t lzdio = /*@-compmempass@*/ &lzdio_s /*@=compmempass@*/ ;
/* =============================================================== */
static const char * getFdErrstr (FD_t fd)
@ -2568,7 +3106,9 @@ static const char * getFdErrstr (FD_t fd)
errstr = fd->errcookie;
} else
#endif /* HAVE_BZLIB_H */
if (fdGetIo(fd) == lzdio) {
errstr = fd->errcookie;
} else
errstr = (fd->syserrno ? strerror(fd->syserrno) : "");
@ -2866,6 +3406,9 @@ fprintf(stderr, "*** Fdopen(%p,%s) %s\n", fd, fmode, fdbg(fd));
fd = bzdFdopen(fd, zstdio);
} else if (!strcmp(end, "lzdio")) {
iof = lzdio;
fd = lzdFdopen(fd, zstdio);
} else if (!strcmp(end, "ufdio")) {
iof = ufdio;
} else if (!strcmp(end, "fadio")) {
@ -3056,6 +3599,9 @@ int Ferror(FD_t fd)
ec = (fd->syserrno || fd->errcookie != NULL) ? -1 : 0;
i--; /* XXX fdio under bzdio always has fdno == -1 */
} else if (fps->io == lzdio) {
ec = (fd->syserrno || fd->errcookie != NULL) ? -1 : 0;
i--; /* XXX fdio under lzdio always has fdno == -1 */
} else {
/* XXX need to check ufdio/gzdio/bzdio/fdio errors correctly. */
ec = (fdFileno(fd) < 0 ? -1 : 0);

View File

@ -618,6 +618,10 @@ int ufdGetFile( /*@killref@*/ FD_t sfd, FD_t tfd)
/*@observer@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ extern FDIO_t bzdio;
/*@observer@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ extern FDIO_t lzdio;
/*@observer@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ extern FDIO_t fadio;

View File

@ -23,4 +23,16 @@ dl=`expr 256 \* \( 256 \* \( 256 \* $6 + $7 \) + $8 \) + $9`
hdrsize=`expr 8 + 16 \* $il + $dl`
o=`expr $o + $hdrsize`
dd if=$pkg ibs=$o skip=1 2>/dev/null | gunzip
magic=`dd if="$pkg" ibs=$o skip=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | dd bs=3 count=1 2>/dev/null`
gzip_magic=`printf '\037\213'`
case "$magic" in
BZh) filter=bunzip2 ;;
"$gzip_magic"?) filter=gunzip ;;
# plain cpio
070) filter=cat ;;
# no magic in old lzma format
*) filter=unlzma ;;
dd if=$pkg ibs=$o skip=1 2>/dev/null | $filter