/*@-mods@*/ #include "system.h" #include #if defined(__linux__) && defined(__powerpc__) #include #endif #include /* XXX for /etc/rpm/platform contents */ #if HAVE_SYS_SYSTEMCFG_H #include #else #define __power_pc() 0 #endif #include "rpmlib.h" #include "rpmmacro.h" #include "misc.h" #include "debug.h" /*@access FD_t@*/ /* compared with NULL */ /*@observer@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ static const char *defrcfiles = LIBRPMRC_FILENAME ":" VENDORRPMRC_FILENAME ":/etc/rpmrc:~/.rpmrc"; /*@observer@*/ /*@checked@*/ const char * macrofiles = MACROFILES; /*@observer@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ static const char * platform = "/etc/rpm/platform"; /*@only@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ static const char ** platpat = NULL; /*@unchecked@*/ static int nplatpat = 0; typedef /*@owned@*/ const char * cptr_t; typedef struct machCacheEntry_s { const char * name; int count; cptr_t * equivs; int visited; } * machCacheEntry; typedef struct machCache_s { machCacheEntry cache; int size; } * machCache; typedef struct machEquivInfo_s { const char * name; int score; } * machEquivInfo; typedef struct machEquivTable_s { int count; machEquivInfo list; } * machEquivTable; struct rpmvarValue { const char * value; /* eventually, this arch will be replaced with a generic condition */ const char * arch; /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ struct rpmvarValue * next; }; struct rpmOption { const char * name; int var; int archSpecific; /*@unused@*/ int required; int macroize; int localize; /*@unused@*/ struct rpmOptionValue * value; }; typedef struct defaultEntry_s { /*@owned@*/ /*@null@*/ const char * name; /*@owned@*/ /*@null@*/ const char * defName; } * defaultEntry; typedef struct canonEntry_s { /*@owned@*/ const char * name; /*@owned@*/ const char * short_name; short num; } * canonEntry; /* tags are 'key'canon, 'key'translate, 'key'compat * * for giggles, 'key'_canon, 'key'_compat, and 'key'_canon will also work */ typedef struct tableType_s { /*@observer@*/ const char * const key; const int hasCanon; const int hasTranslate; struct machEquivTable_s equiv; struct machCache_s cache; defaultEntry defaults; canonEntry canons; int defaultsLength; int canonsLength; } * tableType; /*@-fullinitblock@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ static struct tableType_s tables[RPM_MACHTABLE_COUNT] = { { "arch", 1, 0 }, { "os", 1, 0 }, { "buildarch", 0, 1 }, { "buildos", 0, 1 } }; /* this *must* be kept in alphabetical order */ /* The order of the flags is archSpecific, required, macroize, localize */ /*@unchecked@*/ static struct rpmOption optionTable[] = { { "include", RPMVAR_INCLUDE, 0, 1, 0, 2 }, { "macrofiles", RPMVAR_MACROFILES, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { "optflags", RPMVAR_OPTFLAGS, 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { "provides", RPMVAR_PROVIDES, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; /*@=fullinitblock@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ static int optionTableSize = sizeof(optionTable) / sizeof(*optionTable); #define OS 0 #define ARCH 1 /*@unchecked@*/ static cptr_t current[2]; /*@unchecked@*/ static int currTables[2] = { RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTOS, RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTARCH }; /*@unchecked@*/ static struct rpmvarValue values[RPMVAR_NUM]; /*@unchecked@*/ static int defaultsInitialized = 0; /* prototypes */ static int doReadRC( /*@killref@*/ FD_t fd, const char * urlfn) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies fd, fileSystem, internalState @*/; static void rpmSetVarArch(int var, const char * val, /*@null@*/ const char * arch) /*@globals internalState @*/ /*@modifies internalState @*/; static void rebuildCompatTables(int type, const char * name) /*@globals internalState @*/ /*@modifies internalState @*/; static void rpmRebuildTargetVars(/*@null@*/ const char **target, /*@null@*/ const char ** canontarget) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies *canontarget, fileSystem, internalState @*/; static int optionCompare(const void * a, const void * b) /*@*/ { return xstrcasecmp(((struct rpmOption *) a)->name, ((struct rpmOption *) b)->name); } static /*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ machCacheEntry machCacheFindEntry(const machCache cache, const char * key) /*@*/ { int i; for (i = 0; i < cache->size; i++) if (!strcmp(cache->cache[i].name, key)) return cache->cache + i; return NULL; } static int machCompatCacheAdd(char * name, const char * fn, int linenum, machCache cache) /*@globals internalState @*/ /*@modifies *name, cache->cache, cache->size, internalState @*/ { machCacheEntry entry = NULL; char * chptr; char * equivs; int delEntry = 0; int i; while (*name && xisspace(*name)) name++; chptr = name; while (*chptr && *chptr != ':') chptr++; if (!*chptr) { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("missing second ':' at %s:%d\n"), fn, linenum); return 1; } else if (chptr == name) { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("missing architecture name at %s:%d\n"), fn, linenum); return 1; } while (*chptr == ':' || xisspace(*chptr)) chptr--; *(++chptr) = '\0'; equivs = chptr + 1; while (*equivs && xisspace(*equivs)) equivs++; if (!*equivs) { delEntry = 1; } if (cache->size) { entry = machCacheFindEntry(cache, name); if (entry) { for (i = 0; i < entry->count; i++) entry->equivs[i] = _free(entry->equivs[i]); entry->equivs = _free(entry->equivs); entry->count = 0; } } if (!entry) { cache->cache = xrealloc(cache->cache, (cache->size + 1) * sizeof(*cache->cache)); entry = cache->cache + cache->size++; entry->name = xstrdup(name); entry->count = 0; entry->visited = 0; } if (delEntry) return 0; while ((chptr = strtok(equivs, " ")) != NULL) { equivs = NULL; if (chptr[0] == '\0') /* does strtok() return "" ever?? */ continue; if (entry->count) entry->equivs = xrealloc(entry->equivs, sizeof(*entry->equivs) * (entry->count + 1)); else entry->equivs = xmalloc(sizeof(*entry->equivs)); entry->equivs[entry->count] = xstrdup(chptr); entry->count++; } return 0; } static /*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ machEquivInfo machEquivSearch(const machEquivTable table, const char * name) /*@*/ { int i; for (i = 0; i < table->count; i++) if (!xstrcasecmp(table->list[i].name, name)) return table->list + i; return NULL; } static void machAddEquiv(machEquivTable table, const char * name, int distance) /*@modifies table->list, table->count @*/ { machEquivInfo equiv; equiv = machEquivSearch(table, name); if (!equiv) { if (table->count) table->list = xrealloc(table->list, (table->count + 1) * sizeof(*table->list)); else table->list = xmalloc(sizeof(*table->list)); table->list[table->count].name = xstrdup(name); table->list[table->count++].score = distance; } } static void machCacheEntryVisit(machCache cache, machEquivTable table, const char * name, int distance) /*@modifies table->list, table->count @*/ { machCacheEntry entry; int i; entry = machCacheFindEntry(cache, name); if (!entry || entry->visited) return; entry->visited = 1; for (i = 0; i < entry->count; i++) { machAddEquiv(table, entry->equivs[i], distance); } for (i = 0; i < entry->count; i++) { machCacheEntryVisit(cache, table, entry->equivs[i], distance + 1); } } static void machFindEquivs(machCache cache, machEquivTable table, const char * key) /*@modifies cache->cache, table->list, table->count @*/ { int i; for (i = 0; i < cache->size; i++) cache->cache[i].visited = 0; while (table->count > 0) { --table->count; table->list[table->count].name = _free(table->list[table->count].name); } table->count = 0; table->list = _free(table->list); /* * We have a general graph built using strings instead of pointers. * Yuck. We have to start at a point at traverse it, remembering how * far away everything is. */ /*@-nullstate@*/ /* FIX: table->list may be NULL. */ machAddEquiv(table, key, 1); machCacheEntryVisit(cache, table, key, 2); return; /*@=nullstate@*/ } static int addCanon(canonEntry * table, int * tableLen, char * line, const char * fn, int lineNum) /*@globals internalState @*/ /*@modifies *table, *tableLen, *line, internalState @*/ { canonEntry t; char *s, *s1; const char * tname; const char * tshort_name; int tnum; (*tableLen) += 2; /*@-unqualifiedtrans@*/ *table = xrealloc(*table, sizeof(**table) * (*tableLen)); /*@=unqualifiedtrans@*/ t = & ((*table)[*tableLen - 2]); tname = strtok(line, ": \t"); tshort_name = strtok(NULL, " \t"); s = strtok(NULL, " \t"); if (! (tname && tshort_name && s)) { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("Incomplete data line at %s:%d\n"), fn, lineNum); return RPMERR_RPMRC; } if (strtok(NULL, " \t")) { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("Too many args in data line at %s:%d\n"), fn, lineNum); return RPMERR_RPMRC; } /*@-nullpass@*/ /* LCL: s != NULL here. */ tnum = strtoul(s, &s1, 10); if ((*s1) || (s1 == s) || (tnum == ULONG_MAX)) { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("Bad arch/os number: %s (%s:%d)\n"), s, fn, lineNum); return(RPMERR_RPMRC); } /*@=nullpass@*/ t[0].name = xstrdup(tname); t[0].short_name = (tshort_name ? xstrdup(tshort_name) : xstrdup("")); t[0].num = tnum; /* From A B C entry */ /* Add B B C entry */ t[1].name = (tshort_name ? xstrdup(tshort_name) : xstrdup("")); t[1].short_name = (tshort_name ? xstrdup(tshort_name) : xstrdup("")); t[1].num = tnum; return 0; } static int addDefault(defaultEntry * table, int * tableLen, char * line, const char * fn, int lineNum) /*@globals internalState @*/ /*@modifies *table, *tableLen, *line, internalState @*/ { defaultEntry t; (*tableLen)++; /*@-unqualifiedtrans@*/ *table = xrealloc(*table, sizeof(**table) * (*tableLen)); /*@=unqualifiedtrans@*/ t = & ((*table)[*tableLen - 1]); /*@-temptrans@*/ t->name = strtok(line, ": \t"); t->defName = strtok(NULL, " \t"); if (! (t->name && t->defName)) { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("Incomplete default line at %s:%d\n"), fn, lineNum); return RPMERR_RPMRC; } if (strtok(NULL, " \t")) { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("Too many args in default line at %s:%d\n"), fn, lineNum); return RPMERR_RPMRC; } t->name = xstrdup(t->name); t->defName = (t->defName ? xstrdup(t->defName) : NULL); /*@=temptrans@*/ return 0; } static /*@null@*/ canonEntry lookupInCanonTable(const char * name, const canonEntry table, int tableLen) /*@*/ { while (tableLen) { tableLen--; if (strcmp(name, table[tableLen].name)) continue; /*@-immediatetrans -retalias@*/ return &(table[tableLen]); /*@=immediatetrans =retalias@*/ } return NULL; } static /*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ const char * lookupInDefaultTable(const char * name, const defaultEntry table, int tableLen) /*@*/ { while (tableLen) { tableLen--; if (table[tableLen].name && !strcmp(name, table[tableLen].name)) return table[tableLen].defName; } return name; } static void setVarDefault(int var, const char * macroname, const char * val, /*@null@*/ const char * body) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, internalState @*/ /*@modifies internalState @*/ { if (var >= 0) { /* XXX Dying ... */ if (rpmGetVar(var)) return; rpmSetVar(var, val); } if (body == NULL) body = val; addMacro(NULL, macroname, NULL, body, RMIL_DEFAULT); } static void setVar( const char *macroname, const char *body ) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, internalState @*/ /*@modifies internalState @*/ { if ( macroname && body ) addMacro( NULL, macroname, NULL, body, RMIL_DEFAULT ); } /*@observer@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ static const char * prescriptenviron = "\n\ RPM_SOURCE_DIR=\"%{_sourcedir}\"\n\ RPM_BUILD_DIR=\"%{_builddir}\"\n\ RPM_DOC_DIR=\"%{_docdir}\"\n\ export RPM_SOURCE_DIR RPM_BUILD_DIR RPM_DOC_DIR\n\ RPM_OPT_FLAGS=\"%{optflags}\"\n\ RPM_ARCH=\"%{_arch}\"\n\ RPM_OS=\"%{_os}\"\n\ export RPM_OPT_FLAGS RPM_ARCH RPM_OS\n\ RPM_PACKAGE_NAME=\"%{name}\"\n\ RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION=\"%{version}\"\n\ RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE=\"%{release}\"\n\ export RPM_PACKAGE_NAME RPM_PACKAGE_VERSION RPM_PACKAGE_RELEASE\n\ %{?buildroot:RPM_BUILD_ROOT=\"%{buildroot}\"\n\ export RPM_BUILD_ROOT\n}\ "; static void rpmSetDefaults(void) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, internalState @*/ /*@modifies internalState @*/ { if ( defaultsInitialized ) return; else { setVar( "_usr", "/usr" ); setVar( "_var", "/var" ); setVar( "_preScriptEnvironment", prescriptenviron ); setVar( "_topdir", "%{_usr}/src/RPM" ); setVar( "_tmppath", "%{_var}/tmp" ); setVar( "_dbpath", "%{_var}/lib/rpm" ); setVar( "_defaultdocdir", "%{_usr}/share/doc" ); setVar( "_rpmfilename", "%%{ARCH}/%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm" ); setVar( "_signature", "none" ); setVar( "_buildshell", "/bin/sh" ); setVar( "_topsrcdir", "%{_topdir}" ); setVar( "_builddir", "%{_topdir}/BUILD" ); setVar( "_rpmdir", "%{_topdir}/RPMS" ); setVar( "_srcrpmdir", "%{_topdir}/SRPMS" ); setVar( "_sourcedir", "%{_topsrcdir}/SOURCES" ); setVar( "_specdir", "%{_topsrcdir}/SPECS" ); setVarDefault( RPMVAR_OPTFLAGS, "optflags", "-O2", NULL ); defaultsInitialized = 1; } } /*@-usedef@*/ /*@ FIX: se usage inconsistent, W2DO? */ static int doReadRC( /*@killref@*/ FD_t fd, const char * urlfn) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies fd, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { const char *s; char *se, *next; int linenum = 0; struct rpmOption searchOption, * option; int rc; /* XXX really need rc = Slurp(fd, const char * filename, char ** buf) */ { off_t size = fdSize(fd); size_t nb = (size >= 0 ? size : (8*BUFSIZ - 2)); if (nb == 0) { (void) Fclose(fd); return 0; } next = alloca(nb + 2); next[0] = '\0'; rc = Fread(next, sizeof(*next), nb, fd); if (Ferror(fd) || (size > 0 && rc != nb)) { /* XXX Feof(fd) */ rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("Failed to read %s: %s.\n"), urlfn, Fstrerror(fd)); rc = 1; } else rc = 0; (void) Fclose(fd); if (rc) return rc; next[nb] = '\n'; next[nb + 1] = '\0'; } /*@-branchstate@*/ while (*next != '\0') { linenum++; s = se = next; /* Find end-of-line. */ while (*se && *se != '\n') se++; if (*se != '\0') *se++ = '\0'; next = se; /* Trim leading spaces */ while (*s && xisspace(*s)) s++; /* We used to allow comments to begin anywhere, but not anymore. */ if (*s == '#' || *s == '\0') continue; /* Find end-of-keyword. */ se = (char *)s; while (*se && !xisspace(*se) && *se != ':') se++; if (xisspace(*se)) { *se++ = '\0'; while (*se && xisspace(*se) && *se != ':') se++; } if (*se != ':') { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("missing ':' (found 0x%02x) at %s:%d\n"), (unsigned)(0xff & *se), urlfn, linenum); return 1; } *se++ = '\0'; /* terminate keyword or option, point to value */ while (*se && xisspace(*se)) se++; /* Find keyword in table */ searchOption.name = s; option = bsearch(&searchOption, optionTable, optionTableSize, sizeof(optionTable[0]), optionCompare); if (option) { /* For configuration variables ... */ const char *arch, *val, *fn; arch = val = fn = NULL; if (*se == '\0') { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("missing argument for %s at %s:%d\n"), option->name, urlfn, linenum); return 1; } switch (option->var) { case RPMVAR_INCLUDE: { FD_t fdinc; s = se; while (*se && !xisspace(*se)) se++; if (*se != '\0') *se++ = '\0'; rpmRebuildTargetVars(NULL, NULL); fn = rpmGetPath(s, NULL); if (fn == NULL || *fn == '\0') { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("%s expansion failed at %s:%d \"%s\"\n"), option->name, urlfn, linenum, s); fn = _free(fn); return 1; /*@notreached@*/ } fdinc = Fopen(fn, "r.fpio"); if (fdinc == NULL || Ferror(fdinc)) { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("cannot open %s at %s:%d: %s\n"), fn, urlfn, linenum, Fstrerror(fdinc)); rc = 1; } else { rc = doReadRC(fdinc, fn); } fn = _free(fn); if (rc) return rc; continue; /* XXX don't save include value as var/macro */ } /*@notreached@*/ /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case RPMVAR_MACROFILES: fn = rpmGetPath(se, NULL); if (fn == NULL || *fn == '\0') { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("%s expansion failed at %s:%d \"%s\"\n"), option->name, urlfn, linenum, fn); fn = _free(fn); return 1; } se = (char *)fn; /*@switchbreak@*/ break; case RPMVAR_PROVIDES: { char *t; s = rpmGetVar(RPMVAR_PROVIDES); if (s == NULL) s = ""; fn = t = xmalloc(strlen(s) + strlen(se) + 2); while (*s != '\0') *t++ = *s++; *t++ = ' '; while (*se != '\0') *t++ = *se++; *t++ = '\0'; se = (char *)fn; } /*@switchbreak@*/ break; default: /*@switchbreak@*/ break; } if (option->archSpecific) { arch = se; while (*se && !xisspace(*se)) se++; if (*se == '\0') { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("missing architecture for %s at %s:%d\n"), option->name, urlfn, linenum); return 1; } *se++ = '\0'; while (*se && xisspace(*se)) se++; if (*se == '\0') { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("missing argument for %s at %s:%d\n"), option->name, urlfn, linenum); return 1; } } val = se; /* Only add macros if appropriate for this arch */ if (option->macroize && (arch == NULL || !strcmp(arch, current[ARCH]))) { char *n, *name; n = name = xmalloc(strlen(option->name)+2); if (option->localize) *n++ = '_'; strcpy(n, option->name); addMacro(NULL, name, NULL, val, RMIL_RPMRC); free(name); } rpmSetVarArch(option->var, val, arch); fn = _free(fn); } else { /* For arch/os compatibilty tables ... */ int gotit; int i; gotit = 0; for (i = 0; i < RPM_MACHTABLE_COUNT; i++) { if (!strncmp(tables[i].key, s, strlen(tables[i].key))) /*@innerbreak@*/ break; } if (i < RPM_MACHTABLE_COUNT) { const char *rest = s + strlen(tables[i].key); if (*rest == '_') rest++; if (!strcmp(rest, "compat")) { if (machCompatCacheAdd(se, urlfn, linenum, &tables[i].cache)) return 1; gotit = 1; } else if (tables[i].hasTranslate && !strcmp(rest, "translate")) { if (addDefault(&tables[i].defaults, &tables[i].defaultsLength, se, urlfn, linenum)) return 1; gotit = 1; } else if (tables[i].hasCanon && !strcmp(rest, "canon")) { if (addCanon(&tables[i].canons, &tables[i].canonsLength, se, urlfn, linenum)) return 1; gotit = 1; } } if (!gotit) { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("bad option '%s' at %s:%d\n"), s, urlfn, linenum); } } } /*@=branchstate@*/ return 0; } /*@=usedef@*/ /** */ static int rpmPlatform(const char * platform) /*@globals nplatpat, platpat, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies nplatpat, platpat, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { char *cpu = NULL, *vendor = NULL, *os = NULL, *gnu = NULL; char * b = NULL; ssize_t blen = 0; int init_platform = 0; char * p, * pe; int rc; rc = rpmioSlurp(platform, &b, &blen); if (rc || b == NULL || blen <= 0) { rc = -1; goto exit; } p = b; for (pe = p; p && *p; p = pe) { pe = strchr(p, '\n'); if (pe) *pe++ = '\0'; while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; if (*p == '\0' || *p == '#') continue; if (init_platform) { char * t = p + strlen(p); while (--t > p && isspace(*t)) *t = '\0'; if (t > p) { platpat = xrealloc(platpat, (nplatpat + 2) * sizeof(*platpat)); /*@-onlyunqglobaltrans@*/ platpat[nplatpat] = xstrdup(p); nplatpat++; platpat[nplatpat] = NULL; /*@=onlyunqglobaltrans@*/ } continue; } cpu = p; vendor = "unknown"; os = "unknown"; gnu = NULL; while (*p && !(*p == '-' || isspace(*p))) p++; if (*p != '\0') *p++ = '\0'; vendor = p; while (*p && !(*p == '-' || isspace(*p))) p++; /*@-branchstate@*/ if (*p != '-') { if (*p != '\0') *p++ = '\0'; os = vendor; vendor = "unknown"; } else { if (*p != '\0') *p++ = '\0'; os = p; while (*p && !(*p == '-' || isspace(*p))) p++; if (*p == '-') { *p++ = '\0'; gnu = p; while (*p && !(*p == '-' || isspace(*p))) p++; } if (*p != '\0') *p++ = '\0'; } /*@=branchstate@*/ addMacro(NULL, "_host_cpu", NULL, cpu, -1); addMacro(NULL, "_host_vendor", NULL, vendor, -1); addMacro(NULL, "_host_os", NULL, os, -1); platpat = xrealloc(platpat, (nplatpat + 2) * sizeof(*platpat)); /*@-onlyunqglobaltrans@*/ platpat[nplatpat] = rpmExpand("%{_host_cpu}-%{_host_vendor}-%{_host_os}", (gnu && *gnu ? "-" : NULL), gnu, NULL); nplatpat++; platpat[nplatpat] = NULL; /*@=onlyunqglobaltrans@*/ init_platform++; } rc = (init_platform ? 0 : -1); exit: /*@-modobserver@*/ b = _free(b); /*@=modobserver@*/ return rc; } # if defined(__linux__) && defined(__i386__) #include #include /* * Generic CPUID function */ static inline void cpuid(int op, int *eax, int *ebx, int *ecx, int *edx) /*@modifies *eax, *ebx, *ecx, *edx @*/ { #ifdef __LCLINT__ *eax = *ebx = *ecx = *edx = 0; #endif #ifdef PIC __asm__("pushl %%ebx; cpuid; movl %%ebx,%1; popl %%ebx" : "=a"(*eax), "=g"(*ebx), "=&c"(*ecx), "=&d"(*edx) : "a" (op)); #else __asm__("cpuid" : "=a" (*eax), "=b" (*ebx), "=c" (*ecx), "=d" (*edx) : "a" (op)); #endif } /* * CPUID functions returning a single datum */ static inline unsigned int cpuid_eax(unsigned int op) /*@*/ { unsigned int val; #ifdef PIC __asm__("pushl %%ebx; cpuid; popl %%ebx" : "=a" (val) : "a" (op) : "ecx", "edx"); #else __asm__("cpuid" : "=a" (val) : "a" (op) : "ebx", "ecx", "edx"); #endif return val; } static inline unsigned int cpuid_ebx(unsigned int op) /*@*/ { unsigned int tmp, val; #ifdef PIC __asm__("pushl %%ebx; cpuid; movl %%ebx,%1; popl %%ebx" : "=a" (tmp), "=g" (val) : "a" (op) : "ecx", "edx"); #else __asm__("cpuid" : "=a" (tmp), "=b" (val) : "a" (op) : "ecx", "edx"); #endif return val; } static inline unsigned int cpuid_ecx(unsigned int op) /*@*/ { unsigned int tmp, val; #ifdef PIC __asm__("pushl %%ebx; cpuid; popl %%ebx" : "=a" (tmp), "=c" (val) : "a" (op) : "edx"); #else __asm__("cpuid" : "=a" (tmp), "=c" (val) : "a" (op) : "ebx", "edx"); #endif return val; } static inline unsigned int cpuid_edx(unsigned int op) /*@*/ { unsigned int tmp, val; #ifdef PIC __asm__("pushl %%ebx; cpuid; popl %%ebx" : "=a" (tmp), "=d" (val) : "a" (op) : "ecx"); #else __asm__("cpuid" : "=a" (tmp), "=d" (val) : "a" (op) : "ebx", "ecx"); #endif return val; } /*@unchecked@*/ static sigjmp_buf jenv; static inline void model3(int _unused) /*@globals internalState @*/ /*@modifies internalState @*/ { siglongjmp(jenv, 1); } static inline int RPMClass(void) /*@globals internalState @*/ /*@modifies internalState @*/ { int cpu; unsigned int tfms, junk, cap; signal(SIGILL, model3); if(sigsetjmp(jenv, 1)) return 3; if(cpuid_eax(0x000000000)==0) return 4; cpuid(0x000000001, &tfms, &junk, &junk, &cap); cpu = (tfms>>8)&15; if(cpu < 6) return cpu; if(cap & (1<<15)) return 6; return 5; } #if 0 /* should only be called for model 6 CPU's */ static int is_athlon(void) /*@*/ { unsigned int eax, ebx, ecx, edx; char vendor[16]; int i; cpuid (0, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx); /* If you care about space, you can just check ebx, ecx and edx directly instead of forming a string first and then doing a strcmp */ memset(vendor, 0, sizeof(vendor)); for (i=0; i<4; i++) vendor[i] = (unsigned char) (ebx >>(8*i)); for (i=0; i<4; i++) vendor[4+i] = (unsigned char) (edx >>(8*i)); for (i=0; i<4; i++) vendor[8+i] = (unsigned char) (ecx >>(8*i)); if (strcmp(vendor, "AuthenticAMD") != 0) return 0; return 1; } #endif #endif #if defined(__linux__) && defined(__powerpc__) static jmp_buf mfspr_jmpbuf; static void mfspr_ill(int notused) { longjmp(mfspr_jmpbuf, -1); } #endif static const char *checkAMD( void ) { int fd = open( "/proc/cpuinfo", O_RDONLY ); if ( !fd ) return 0; else { char buffer[ 1 + getpagesize() ]; memset( buffer, 0, sizeof buffer ); read( fd, buffer, sizeof buffer - 1 ); close( fd ); if ( !strstr( buffer, "AMD" ) ) return 0; if ( strstr( buffer, "Athlon" ) || strstr( buffer, "Duron" ) ) return "athlon"; if ( strstr( buffer, "K6" ) ) return "k6"; return 0; } } /** */ static void defaultMachine(/*@out@*/ const char ** arch, /*@out@*/ const char ** os) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies *arch, *os, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { static struct utsname un; static int gotDefaults = 0; char * chptr; canonEntry canon; int rc; while (!gotDefaults) { if (!rpmPlatform(platform)) { const char * s; s = rpmExpand("%{_host_cpu}", NULL); if (s) { strncpy(un.machine, s, sizeof(un.machine)); un.machine[sizeof(un.machine)-1] = '\0'; s = _free(s); } s = rpmExpand("%{_host_os}", NULL); if (s) { strncpy(un.sysname, s, sizeof(un.sysname)); un.sysname[sizeof(un.sysname)-1] = '\0'; s = _free(s); } gotDefaults = 1; break; } rc = uname(&un); if (rc < 0) return; #if !defined(__linux__) #ifdef SNI /* USUALLY un.sysname on sinix does start with the word "SINIX" * let's be absolutely sure */ strncpy(un.sysname, "SINIX", sizeof(un.sysname)); #endif /*@-nullpass@*/ if (!strcmp(un.sysname, "AIX")) { strcpy(un.machine, __power_pc() ? "ppc" : "rs6000"); sprintf(un.sysname,"aix%s.%s", un.version, un.release); } else if (!strcmp(un.sysname, "SunOS")) { if (!strncmp(un.release,"4", 1)) /* SunOS 4.x */ { int fd; for (fd = 0; (un.release[fd] != 0 && (fd < sizeof(un.release))); fd++) { if (!xisdigit(un.release[fd]) && (un.release[fd] != '.')) { un.release[fd] = 0; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; } } sprintf(un.sysname,"sunos%s",un.release); } else /* Solaris 2.x: n.x.x becomes n-3.x.x */ sprintf(un.sysname, "solaris%1d%s", atoi(un.release)-3, un.release+1+(atoi(un.release)/10)); /* Solaris on Intel hardware reports i86pc instead of i386 * (at least on 2.6 and 2.8) */ if (!strcmp(un.machine, "i86pc")) sprintf(un.machine, "i386"); } else if (!strcmp(un.sysname, "HP-UX")) /*make un.sysname look like hpux9.05 for example*/ sprintf(un.sysname, "hpux%s", strpbrk(un.release, "123456789")); else if (!strcmp(un.sysname, "OSF1")) /*make un.sysname look like osf3.2 for example*/ sprintf(un.sysname, "osf%s", strpbrk(un.release, "123456789")); else if (!strncmp(un.sysname, "IP", 2)) un.sysname[2] = '\0'; else if (!strncmp(un.sysname, "SINIX", 5)) { sprintf(un.sysname, "sinix%s",un.release); if (!strncmp(un.machine, "RM", 2)) sprintf(un.machine, "mips"); } else if ((!strncmp(un.machine, "34", 2) || !strncmp(un.machine, "33", 2)) && \ !strncmp(un.release, "4.0", 3)) { /* we are on ncr-sysv4 */ char * prelid = NULL; FD_t fd = Fopen("/etc/.relid", "r.fdio"); int gotit = 0; /*@-branchstate@*/ if (fd != NULL && !Ferror(fd)) { chptr = xcalloc(1, 256); { int irelid = Fread(chptr, sizeof(*chptr), 256, fd); (void) Fclose(fd); /* example: "112393 RELEASE 020200 Version 01 OS" */ if (irelid > 0) { if ((prelid = strstr(chptr, "RELEASE "))){ prelid += strlen("RELEASE ")+1; sprintf(un.sysname,"ncr-sysv4.%.*s",1,prelid); gotit = 1; } } } chptr = _free (chptr); } /*@=branchstate@*/ if (!gotit) /* parsing /etc/.relid file failed? */ strcpy(un.sysname,"ncr-sysv4"); /* wrong, just for now, find out how to look for i586 later*/ strcpy(un.machine,"i486"); } /*@=nullpass@*/ #endif /* __linux__ */ /* get rid of the hyphens in the sysname */ for (chptr = un.machine; *chptr != '\0'; chptr++) if (*chptr == '/') *chptr = '-'; # if defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL) || defined(_MIPSEL) /* little endian */ strcpy(un.machine, "mipsel"); # elif defined(__MIPSEB__) || defined(__MIPSEB) || defined(_MIPSEB) /* big endian */ strcpy(un.machine, "mips"); # endif # if defined(__hpux) && defined(_SC_CPU_VERSION) { # if !defined(CPU_PA_RISC1_2) # define CPU_PA_RISC1_2 0x211 /* HP PA-RISC1.2 */ # endif # if !defined(CPU_PA_RISC2_0) # define CPU_PA_RISC2_0 0x214 /* HP PA-RISC2.0 */ # endif int cpu_version = sysconf(_SC_CPU_VERSION); # if defined(CPU_HP_MC68020) if (cpu_version == CPU_HP_MC68020) strcpy(un.machine, "m68k"); # endif # if defined(CPU_HP_MC68030) if (cpu_version == CPU_HP_MC68030) strcpy(un.machine, "m68k"); # endif # if defined(CPU_HP_MC68040) if (cpu_version == CPU_HP_MC68040) strcpy(un.machine, "m68k"); # endif # if defined(CPU_PA_RISC1_0) if (cpu_version == CPU_PA_RISC1_0) strcpy(un.machine, "hppa1.0"); # endif # if defined(CPU_PA_RISC1_1) if (cpu_version == CPU_PA_RISC1_1) strcpy(un.machine, "hppa1.1"); # endif # if defined(CPU_PA_RISC1_2) if (cpu_version == CPU_PA_RISC1_2) strcpy(un.machine, "hppa1.2"); # endif # if defined(CPU_PA_RISC2_0) if (cpu_version == CPU_PA_RISC2_0) strcpy(un.machine, "hppa2.0"); # endif } # endif /* hpux */ # if HAVE_PERSONALITY && defined(__linux__) && defined(__sparc__) if (!strcmp(un.machine, "sparc")) { #define PERS_LINUX 0x00000000 #define PERS_LINUX_32BIT 0x00800000 #define PERS_LINUX32 0x00000008 extern int personality(unsigned long); int oldpers; oldpers = personality(PERS_LINUX_32BIT); if (oldpers != -1) { if (personality(PERS_LINUX) != -1) { uname(&un); if (! strcmp(un.machine, "sparc64")) { strcpy(un.machine, "sparcv9"); oldpers = PERS_LINUX32; } } personality(oldpers); } } # endif /* sparc*-linux */ # if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__alpha__) { unsigned long amask, implver; register long v0 __asm__("$0") = -1; __asm__ (".long 0x47e00c20" : "=r"(v0) : "0"(v0)); amask = ~v0; __asm__ (".long 0x47e03d80" : "=r"(v0)); implver = v0; switch (implver) { case 1: switch (amask) { case 0: strcpy(un.machine, "alphaev5"); break; case 1: strcpy(un.machine, "alphaev56"); break; case 0x101: strcpy(un.machine, "alphapca56"); break; } break; case 2: switch (amask) { case 0x303: strcpy(un.machine, "alphaev6"); break; case 0x307: strcpy(un.machine, "alphaev67"); break; } break; } } # endif # if defined(__linux__) && defined(__i386__) #if 0 { char class = (char) (RPMClass() | '0'); if (class == '6' && is_athlon()) strcpy(un.machine, "athlon"); else if (strchr("3456", un.machine[1]) && un.machine[1] != class) un.machine[1] = class; } #endif if ( !strcmp( un.machine, "i586" ) || !strcmp( un.machine, "i686" ) ) { const char *amd = checkAMD(); if ( amd ) strcpy( un.machine, amd ); } # endif # if defined(__linux__) && defined(__powerpc__) { unsigned pvr = 0; __sighandler_t oldh = signal(SIGILL, mfspr_ill); if (setjmp(mfspr_jmpbuf) == 0) { __asm__ __volatile__ ("mfspr %0, 287" : "=r" (pvr)); } signal(SIGILL, oldh); if ( pvr ) { pvr >>= 16; if ( pvr >= 0x40) strcpy(un.machine, "ppcpseries"); else if ( (pvr == 0x36) || (pvr == 0x37) ) strcpy(un.machine, "ppciseries"); else strcpy(un.machine, "ppc"); } } # endif /* the uname() result goes through the arch_canon table */ canon = lookupInCanonTable(un.machine, tables[RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTARCH].canons, tables[RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTARCH].canonsLength); if (canon) strcpy(un.machine, canon->short_name); canon = lookupInCanonTable(un.sysname, tables[RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTOS].canons, tables[RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTOS].canonsLength); if (canon) strcpy(un.sysname, canon->short_name); gotDefaults = 1; break; } if (arch) *arch = un.machine; if (os) *os = un.sysname; } static /*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ const char * rpmGetVarArch(int var, /*@null@*/ const char * arch) /*@*/ { const struct rpmvarValue * next; if (arch == NULL) arch = current[ARCH]; if (arch) { next = &values[var]; while (next) { if (next->arch && !strcmp(next->arch, arch)) return next->value; next = next->next; } } next = values + var; while (next && next->arch) next = next->next; return next ? next->value : NULL; } const char *rpmGetVar(int var) { return rpmGetVarArch(var, NULL); } /* this doesn't free the passed pointer! */ static void freeRpmVar(/*@only@*/ struct rpmvarValue * orig) /*@modifies *orig @*/ { struct rpmvarValue * next, * var = orig; while (var) { next = var->next; var->arch = _free(var->arch); var->value = _free(var->value); /*@-branchstate@*/ if (var != orig) var = _free(var); /*@=branchstate@*/ var = next; } } void rpmSetVar(int var, const char * val) { /*@-immediatetrans@*/ freeRpmVar(&values[var]); /*@=immediatetrans@*/ values[var].value = (val ? xstrdup(val) : NULL); } static void rpmSetVarArch(int var, const char * val, const char * arch) /*@*/ { struct rpmvarValue * next = values + var; if (next->value) { if (arch) { while (next->next) { if (next->arch && !strcmp(next->arch, arch)) break; next = next->next; } } else { while (next->next) { if (!next->arch) break; next = next->next; } } /*@-nullpass@*/ /* LCL: arch != NULL here. */ if (next->arch && arch && !strcmp(next->arch, arch)) { /*@=nullpass@*/ next->value = _free(next->value); next->arch = _free(next->arch); } else if (next->arch || arch) { next->next = xmalloc(sizeof(*next->next)); next = next->next; next->value = NULL; next->arch = NULL; next->next = NULL; } } next->value = xstrdup(val); /* XXX memory leak, hard to plug */ next->arch = (arch ? xstrdup(arch) : NULL); } void rpmSetTables(int archTable, int osTable) { const char * arch, * os; defaultMachine(&arch, &os); if (currTables[ARCH] != archTable) { currTables[ARCH] = archTable; rebuildCompatTables(ARCH, arch); } if (currTables[OS] != osTable) { currTables[OS] = osTable; rebuildCompatTables(OS, os); } } int rpmMachineScore(int type, const char * name) { machEquivInfo info = machEquivSearch(&tables[type].equiv, name); return (info != NULL ? info->score : 0); } void rpmGetMachine(const char ** arch, const char ** os) { if (arch) *arch = current[ARCH]; if (os) *os = current[OS]; } void rpmSetMachine(const char * arch, const char * os) { const char * host_cpu, * host_os; defaultMachine(&host_cpu, &host_os); if (arch == NULL) { arch = host_cpu; if (tables[currTables[ARCH]].hasTranslate) arch = lookupInDefaultTable(arch, tables[currTables[ARCH]].defaults, tables[currTables[ARCH]].defaultsLength); } if (arch == NULL) return; /* XXX can't happen */ if (os == NULL) { os = host_os; if (tables[currTables[OS]].hasTranslate) os = lookupInDefaultTable(os, tables[currTables[OS]].defaults, tables[currTables[OS]].defaultsLength); } if (os == NULL) return; /* XXX can't happen */ if (!current[ARCH] || strcmp(arch, current[ARCH])) { current[ARCH] = _free(current[ARCH]); current[ARCH] = xstrdup(arch); rebuildCompatTables(ARCH, host_cpu); } if (!current[OS] || strcmp(os, current[OS])) { char * t = xstrdup(os); current[OS] = _free(current[OS]); /* * XXX Capitalizing the 'L' is needed to insure that old * XXX os-from-uname (e.g. "Linux") is compatible with the new * XXX os-from-platform (e.g "linux" from "sparc-*-linux"). * XXX A copy of this string is embedded in headers and is * XXX used by rpmInstallPackage->{os,arch}Okay->rpmMachineScore-> * XXX to verify correct arch/os from headers. */ if (!strcmp(t, "linux")) *t = 'L'; current[OS] = t; rebuildCompatTables(OS, host_os); } } static void rebuildCompatTables(int type, const char * name) /*@*/ { machFindEquivs(&tables[currTables[type]].cache, &tables[currTables[type]].equiv, name); } static void getMachineInfo(int type, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ const char ** name, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/int * num) /*@modifies *name, *num @*/ { canonEntry canon; int which = currTables[type]; /* use the normal canon tables, even if we're looking up build stuff */ if (which >= 2) which -= 2; canon = lookupInCanonTable(current[type], tables[which].canons, tables[which].canonsLength); if (canon) { if (num) *num = canon->num; if (name) *name = canon->short_name; } else { if (num) *num = 255; if (name) *name = current[type]; if (tables[currTables[type]].hasCanon) { rpmMessage(RPMMESS_WARNING, _("Unknown system: %s\n"), current[type]); rpmMessage(RPMMESS_WARNING, _("Please contact rpm-list@redhat.com\n")); } } } void rpmGetArchInfo(const char ** name, int * num) { getMachineInfo(ARCH, name, num); } void rpmGetOsInfo(const char ** name, int * num) { getMachineInfo(OS, name, num); } static void rpmRebuildTargetVars(const char ** target, const char ** canontarget) { char *ca = NULL, *co = NULL, *ct = NULL; int x; /* Rebuild the compat table to recalculate the current target arch. */ rpmSetMachine(NULL, NULL); rpmSetTables(RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTARCH, RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTOS); rpmSetTables(RPM_MACHTABLE_BUILDARCH, RPM_MACHTABLE_BUILDOS); /*@-branchstate@*/ if (target && *target) { char *c; /* Set arch and os from specified build target */ ca = xstrdup(*target); if ((c = strchr(ca, '-')) != NULL) { *c++ = '\0'; if ((co = strrchr(c, '-')) == NULL) { co = c; } else { if (!xstrcasecmp(co, "-gnu")) *co = '\0'; if ((co = strrchr(c, '-')) == NULL) co = c; else co++; } if (co != NULL) co = xstrdup(co); } } else { const char *a = NULL; const char *o = NULL; /* Set build target from rpm arch and os */ rpmGetArchInfo(&a, NULL); ca = (a) ? xstrdup(a) : NULL; rpmGetOsInfo(&o, NULL); co = (o) ? xstrdup(o) : NULL; } /*@=branchstate@*/ /* If still not set, Set target arch/os from default uname(2) values */ if (ca == NULL) { const char *a = NULL; defaultMachine(&a, NULL); ca = (a) ? xstrdup(a) : NULL; } for (x = 0; ca[x] != '\0'; x++) ca[x] = xtolower(ca[x]); if (co == NULL) { const char *o = NULL; defaultMachine(NULL, &o); co = (o) ? xstrdup(o) : NULL; } for (x = 0; co[x] != '\0'; x++) co[x] = xtolower(co[x]); /* XXX For now, set canonical target to arch-os */ if (ct == NULL) { ct = xmalloc(strlen(ca) + sizeof("-") + strlen(co)); sprintf(ct, "%s-%s", ca, co); } /* * XXX All this macro pokery/jiggery could be achieved by doing a delayed * rpmInitMacros(NULL, PER-PLATFORM-MACRO-FILE-NAMES); */ delMacro(NULL, "_target"); addMacro(NULL, "_target", NULL, ct, RMIL_RPMRC); delMacro(NULL, "_target_cpu"); addMacro(NULL, "_target_cpu", NULL, ca, RMIL_RPMRC); delMacro(NULL, "_target_os"); addMacro(NULL, "_target_os", NULL, co, RMIL_RPMRC); /* * XXX Make sure that per-arch optflags is initialized correctly. */ { const char *optflags = rpmGetVarArch(RPMVAR_OPTFLAGS, ca); if (optflags != NULL) { delMacro(NULL, "optflags"); addMacro(NULL, "optflags", NULL, optflags, RMIL_RPMRC); } } /*@-branchstate@*/ if (canontarget) *canontarget = ct; else ct = _free(ct); /*@=branchstate@*/ ca = _free(ca); /*@-usereleased@*/ co = _free(co); /*@=usereleased@*/ } void rpmFreeRpmrc(void) { int i, j, k; for (i = 0; i < RPM_MACHTABLE_COUNT; i++) { tableType t; t = tables + i; if (t->equiv.list) { for (j = 0; j < t->equiv.count; j++) t->equiv.list[j].name = _free(t->equiv.list[j].name); t->equiv.list = _free(t->equiv.list); t->equiv.count = 0; } if (t->cache.cache) { for (j = 0; j < t->cache.size; j++) { machCacheEntry e; e = t->cache.cache + j; if (e == NULL) /*@innercontinue@*/ continue; e->name = _free(e->name); if (e->equivs) { for (k = 0; k < e->count; k++) e->equivs[k] = _free(e->equivs[k]); e->equivs = _free(e->equivs); } } t->cache.cache = _free(t->cache.cache); t->cache.size = 0; } if (t->defaults) { for (j = 0; j < t->defaultsLength; j++) { t->defaults[j].name = _free(t->defaults[j].name); t->defaults[j].defName = _free(t->defaults[j].defName); } t->defaults = _free(t->defaults); t->defaultsLength = 0; } if (t->canons) { for (j = 0; j < t->canonsLength; j++) { t->canons[j].name = _free(t->canons[j].name); t->canons[j].short_name = _free(t->canons[j].short_name); } t->canons = _free(t->canons); t->canonsLength = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < RPMVAR_NUM; i++) { /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ struct rpmvarValue * vp; while ((vp = values[i].next) != NULL) { values[i].next = vp->next; vp->value = _free(vp->value); vp->arch = _free(vp->arch); vp = _free(vp); } values[i].value = _free(values[i].value); values[i].arch = _free(values[i].arch); } current[OS] = _free(current[OS]); current[ARCH] = _free(current[ARCH]); defaultsInitialized = 0; /*@-nullstate@*/ /* FIX: current may be NULL */ return; /*@=nullstate@*/ } /** \ingroup rpmrc * Read rpmrc (and macro) configuration file(s). * @param rcfiles colon separated files to read (NULL uses default) * @return 0 on succes */ static int rpmReadRC(/*@null@*/ const char * rcfiles) /*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, rpmCLIMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { char *myrcfiles, *r, *re; int rc; rpmSetDefaults(); if (rcfiles == NULL) rcfiles = defrcfiles; /* Read each file in rcfiles. */ rc = 0; for (r = myrcfiles = xstrdup(rcfiles); r && *r != '\0'; r = re) { char fn[4096]; FD_t fd; /* Get pointer to rest of files */ for (re = r; (re = strchr(re, ':')) != NULL; re++) { if (!(re[1] == '/' && re[2] == '/')) /*@innerbreak@*/ break; } if (re && *re == ':') *re++ = '\0'; else re = r + strlen(r); /* Expand ~/ to $HOME/ */ fn[0] = '\0'; if (r[0] == '~' && r[1] == '/') { const char * home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) { /* XXX Only /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc must exist in default rcfiles list */ if (rcfiles == defrcfiles && myrcfiles != r) continue; rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("Cannot expand %s\n"), r); rc = 1; break; } if (strlen(home) > (sizeof(fn) - strlen(r))) { rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("Cannot read %s, HOME is too large.\n"), r); rc = 1; break; } strcpy(fn, home); r++; } strncat(fn, r, sizeof(fn) - (strlen(fn) + 1)); fn[sizeof(fn)-1] = '\0'; /* Read another rcfile */ fd = Fopen(fn, "r.fpio"); if (fd == NULL || Ferror(fd)) { /* XXX Only /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc must exist in default rcfiles list */ if (rcfiles == defrcfiles && myrcfiles != r) continue; rpmError(RPMERR_RPMRC, _("Unable to open %s for reading: %s.\n"), fn, Fstrerror(fd)); rc = 1; break; } else { rc = doReadRC(fd, fn); } if (rc) break; } myrcfiles = _free(myrcfiles); if (rc) return rc; rpmSetMachine(NULL, NULL); /* XXX WTFO? Why bother? */ { const char *mfpath; /*@-branchstate@*/ if ((mfpath = rpmGetVar(RPMVAR_MACROFILES)) != NULL) { mfpath = xstrdup(mfpath); rpmInitMacros(NULL, mfpath); mfpath = _free(mfpath); } /*@=branchstate@*/ } return rc; } int rpmReadConfigFiles(const char * file, const char * target) { /* Preset target macros */ /*@-nullstate@*/ /* FIX: target can be NULL */ rpmRebuildTargetVars(&target, NULL); /* Read the files */ if (rpmReadRC(file)) return -1; /* Reset target macros */ rpmRebuildTargetVars(&target, NULL); /*@=nullstate@*/ /* Finally set target platform */ { const char *cpu = rpmExpand("%{_target_cpu}", NULL); const char *os = rpmExpand("%{_target_os}", NULL); rpmSetMachine(cpu, os); cpu = _free(cpu); os = _free(os); } return 0; } int rpmShowRC(FILE * fp) { struct rpmOption *opt; int i; machEquivTable equivTable; /* the caller may set the build arch which should be printed here */ fprintf(fp, "ARCHITECTURE AND OS:\n"); fprintf(fp, "build arch : %s\n", current[ARCH]); fprintf(fp, "compatible build archs:"); equivTable = &tables[RPM_MACHTABLE_BUILDARCH].equiv; for (i = 0; i < equivTable->count; i++) fprintf(fp," %s", equivTable->list[i].name); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "build os : %s\n", current[OS]); fprintf(fp, "compatible build os's :"); equivTable = &tables[RPM_MACHTABLE_BUILDOS].equiv; for (i = 0; i < equivTable->count; i++) fprintf(fp," %s", equivTable->list[i].name); fprintf(fp, "\n"); rpmSetTables(RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTARCH, RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTOS); rpmSetMachine(NULL, NULL); /* XXX WTFO? Why bother? */ fprintf(fp, "install arch : %s\n", current[ARCH]); fprintf(fp, "install os : %s\n", current[OS]); fprintf(fp, "compatible archs :"); equivTable = &tables[RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTARCH].equiv; for (i = 0; i < equivTable->count; i++) fprintf(fp," %s", equivTable->list[i].name); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "compatible os's :"); equivTable = &tables[RPM_MACHTABLE_INSTOS].equiv; for (i = 0; i < equivTable->count; i++) fprintf(fp," %s", equivTable->list[i].name); fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "\nRPMRC VALUES:\n"); for (i = 0, opt = optionTable; i < optionTableSize; i++, opt++) { const char *s = rpmGetVar(opt->var); if (s != NULL || rpmIsVerbose()) fprintf(fp, "%-21s : %s\n", opt->name, s ? s : "(not set)"); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fprintf(fp, "Features supported by rpmlib:\n"); rpmShowRpmlibProvides(fp); fprintf(fp, "\n"); rpmDumpMacroTable(NULL, fp); return 0; } /*@=mods@*/