Some code (e.g. apt/genpkglist) explicitly relies on the fact that header file list is represented with baseNames+dirNames+dirIndexes arrays. Thus, generating legacy headers might have issues, and should be disabled.
567 lines
17 KiB
567 lines
17 KiB
#ifndef H_RPMCLI
#define H_RPMCLI
/** \ingroup rpmcli rpmbuild
* \file lib/rpmcli.h
#include "rpmlib.h"
#include "rpmurl.h"
#include "rpmmacro.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* ==================================================================== */
/** \name RPMBT */
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Describe build command line request.
struct rpmBuildArguments_s {
int buildAmount; /*!< Bit(s) to control operation. */
const char * buildRootOverride; /*!< from --buildroot */
char * targets; /*!< Target platform(s), comma separated. */
int force; /*!< from --force */
int noBuild; /*!< from --nobuild */
int noDeps; /*!< from --nodeps */
int noLang; /*!< from --nolang */
int shortCircuit; /*!< from --short-circuit */
int sign; /*!< from --sign */
int useCatalog; /*!< from --usecatalog */
char buildMode; /*!< Build mode (one of "btBC") */
char buildChar; /*!< Build stage (one of "abcilps ") */
/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/
const char * rootdir;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
typedef struct rpmBuildArguments_s * BTA_t;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct rpmBuildArguments_s rpmBTArgs;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct poptOption rpmBuildPoptTable[];
/* ==================================================================== */
/** \name RPMQV */
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Bit(s) to control rpmQuery() operation, stored in qva_flags.
* @todo Merge rpmQueryFlags, rpmVerifyFlags, and rpmVerifyAttrs?.
typedef enum rpmQueryFlags_e {
QUERY_FOR_DEFAULT = 0, /*!< */
QUERY_MD5 = (1 << 0), /*!< from --nomd5 */
QUERY_SIZE = (1 << 1), /*!< from --nosize */
QUERY_LINKTO = (1 << 2), /*!< from --nolink */
QUERY_USER = (1 << 3), /*!< from --nouser) */
QUERY_GROUP = (1 << 4), /*!< from --nogroup) */
QUERY_MTIME = (1 << 5), /*!< from --nomtime) */
QUERY_MODE = (1 << 6), /*!< from --nomode) */
QUERY_RDEV = (1 << 7), /*!< from --nodev */
/* bits 8-15 unused, reserved for rpmVerifyAttrs */
QUERY_FILES = (1 << 16), /*!< verify: from --nofiles */
QUERY_DEPS = (1 << 17), /*!< verify: from --nodeps */
QUERY_SCRIPT = (1 << 18), /*!< verify: from --noscripts */
QUERY_DIGEST = (1 << 19), /*!< verify: from --nodigest */
/* bits 20-22 unused */
QUERY_FOR_LIST = (1 << 23), /*!< query: from --list */
QUERY_FOR_STATE = (1 << 24), /*!< query: from --state */
QUERY_FOR_DOCS = (1 << 25), /*!< query: from --docfiles */
QUERY_FOR_CONFIG = (1 << 26), /*!< query: from --configfiles */
QUERY_FOR_DUMPFILES = (1 << 27) /*!< query: from --dump */
} rpmQueryFlags;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Bit(s) to control rpmVerify() operation, stored in qva_flags.
* @todo Merge rpmQueryFlags, rpmVerifyFlags, and rpmVerifyAttrs values?.
typedef enum rpmVerifyFlags_e {
VERIFY_DEFAULT = 0, /*!< */
VERIFY_MD5 = (1 << 0), /*!< from --nomd5 */
VERIFY_SIZE = (1 << 1), /*!< from --nosize */
VERIFY_LINKTO = (1 << 2), /*!< from --nolinkto */
VERIFY_USER = (1 << 3), /*!< from --nouser */
VERIFY_GROUP = (1 << 4), /*!< from --nogroup */
VERIFY_MTIME = (1 << 5), /*!< from --nomtime */
VERIFY_MODE = (1 << 6), /*!< from --nomode */
VERIFY_RDEV = (1 << 7), /*!< from --nodev */
/* bits 8-15 unused, reserved for rpmVerifyAttrs */
VERIFY_FILES = (1 << 16), /*!< verify: from --nofiles */
VERIFY_DEPS = (1 << 17), /*!< verify: from --nodeps */
VERIFY_SCRIPT = (1 << 18), /*!< verify: from --noscripts */
VERIFY_DIGEST = (1 << 19), /*!< verify: from --nodigest */
/* bits 20-22 unused */
VERIFY_FOR_LIST = (1 << 23), /*!< query: from --list */
VERIFY_FOR_STATE = (1 << 24), /*!< query: from --state */
VERIFY_FOR_DOCS = (1 << 25), /*!< query: from --docfiles */
VERIFY_FOR_CONFIG = (1 << 26), /*!< query: from --configfiles */
VERIFY_FOR_DUMPFILES= (1 << 27) /*!< query: from --dump */
/* bits 28-30 used in rpmVerifyAttrs */
} rpmVerifyFlags;
#define VERIFY_ATTRS \
#define VERIFY_ALL \
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* @param qva parsed query/verify options
* @param db rpm database
* @param h header to use for query/verify
typedef int (*QVF_t) (QVA_t qva, rpmdb db, Header h)
/*@globals fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies db, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Display query/verify information for each header in iterator.
* @param qva parsed query/verify options
* @param mi rpm database iterator
* @param showPackage query/verify display routine
* @return result of last non-zero showPackage() return
int showMatches(QVA_t qva, /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ rpmdbMatchIterator mi,
QVF_t showPackage)
/*@modifies mi @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Display list of tags that can be used in --queryformat.
* @param fp file handle to use for display
void rpmDisplayQueryTags(FILE * fp)
/*@globals fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies *fp, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Common query/verify source interface, called once for each CLI arg.
* @param qva parsed query/verify options
* @param source type of source to query/verify
* @param arg name of source to query/verify
* @param db rpm database
* @param showPackage query/verify specific display routine
* @return showPackage() result, 1 if rpmdbInitIterator() is NULL
int rpmQueryVerify(QVA_t qva, rpmQVSources source, const char * arg,
rpmdb db, QVF_t showPackage)
/*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies db, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Display results of package query.
* @todo Devise a meaningful return code.
* @param qva parsed query/verify options
* @param db rpm database (unused for queries)
* @param h header to use for query
* @return 0 always
int showQueryPackage(QVA_t qva, rpmdb db, Header h)
/*@globals fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies db, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Display package information.
* @todo hack: RPMQV_ALL can pass char ** arglist = NULL, not char * arg. Union?
* @param qva parsed query/verify options
* @param source type of source to query
* @param arg name of source to query
* @return rpmQueryVerify() result, or 1 on rpmdbOpen() failure
int rpmQuery(QVA_t qva, rpmQVSources source, const char * arg)
/*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Display results of package verify.
* @param qva parsed query/verify options
* @param db rpm database
* @param h header to use for verify
* @return result of last non-zero verify return
int showVerifyPackage(QVA_t qva, /*@only@*/ rpmdb db, Header h)
/*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies db, h, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/;
* Check original header digest.
* @todo Make digest check part of rpmdb iterator.
* @param h header
* @return 0 on success (or unavailable), 1 on digest mismatch
int rpmVerifyDigest(Header h)
/*@modifies nothing @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Verify package install.
* @param qva parsed query/verify options
* @param source type of source to verify
* @param arg name of source to verify
* @return rpmQueryVerify() result, or 1 on rpmdbOpen() failure
int rpmVerify(QVA_t qva, rpmQVSources source, const char *arg)
/*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Describe query/verify command line request.
struct rpmQVArguments_s {
rpmQVSources qva_source; /*!< Identify CLI arg type. */
int qva_sourceCount;/*!< Exclusive check (>1 is error). */
rpmQueryFlags qva_flags; /*!< Bit(s) to control operation. */
rpmfileAttrs qva_fflags; /*!< Bit(s) to filter on attribute. */
int qva_verbose; /*!< (unused) */
/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/
const char * qva_queryFormat; /*!< Format for headerSprintf(). */
/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/
const char * qva_prefix; /*!< Path to top of install tree. */
char qva_mode; /*!< 'q' is query, 'v' is verify mode. */
char qva_char; /*!< (unused) always ' ' */
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct rpmQVArguments_s rpmQVArgs;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct poptOption rpmQVSourcePoptTable[];
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern int specedit;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct poptOption rpmQueryPoptTable[];
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct poptOption rpmVerifyPoptTable[];
/* ==================================================================== */
/** \name RPMEIU */
/* --- install/upgrade/erase modes */
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Install/upgrade/freshen binary rpm package.
* @param rootdir path to top of install tree
* @param fileArgv array of package file names (NULL terminated)
* @param transFlags bits to control rpmRunTransactions()
* @param interfaceFlags bits to control rpmInstall()
* @param probFilter bits to filter problem types
* @param relocations package file relocations
* @return 0 on success
int rpmInstall(/*@null@*/ const char * rootdir,
/*@null@*/ const char ** fileArgv,
rpmtransFlags transFlags,
rpmInstallInterfaceFlags interfaceFlags,
rpmprobFilterFlags probFilter,
/*@null@*/ rpmRelocation * relocations)
/*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies *relocations, rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Install source rpm package.
* @param rootdir path to top of install tree
* @param arg source rpm file name
* @retval specFile address of (installed) spec file name
* @retval cookie
* @return 0 on success
int rpmInstallSource(const char * rootdir, const char * arg,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ const char ** specFile,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ char ** cookie)
/*@globals fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies *specFile, *cookie, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Erase binary rpm package.
* @param rootdir path to top of install tree
* @param argv array of package file names (NULL terminated)
* @param transFlags bits to control rpmRunTransactions()
* @param interfaceFlags bits to control rpmInstall()
* @return 0 on success
int rpmErase(/*@null@*/ const char * rootdir, /*@null@*/ const char ** argv,
rpmtransFlags transFlags,
rpmEraseInterfaceFlags interfaceFlags)
/*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Describe database command line requests.
struct rpmInstallArguments_s {
rpmtransFlags transFlags;
rpmprobFilterFlags probFilter;
rpmInstallInterfaceFlags installInterfaceFlags;
rpmEraseInterfaceFlags eraseInterfaceFlags;
/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/
rpmRelocation * relocations;
int numRelocations;
int noDeps;
int incldocs;
const char * prefix;
/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/
const char * rootdir;
uint_32 rbtid; /*!< from --rollback */
* A rollback transaction id element.
typedef /*@abstract@*/ struct IDT_s {
unsigned int instance; /*!< installed package transaction id. */
/*@owned@*/ /*@null@*/
const char * key; /*! removed package file name. */
Header h; /*!< removed package header. */
const char * n; /*!< package name. */
const char * v; /*!< package version. */
const char * r; /*!< package release. */
union {
uint_32 u32; /*!< install/remove transaction id */
} val;
} * IDT;
* A rollback transaction id index.
typedef /*@abstract@*/ struct IDTindex_s {
int delta; /*!< no. elements to realloc as a chunk. */
int size; /*!< size of id index element. */
int alloced; /*!< current number of elements allocated. */
int nidt; /*!< current number of elements initialized. */
/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/
IDT idt; /*!< id index elements. */
} * IDTX;
* Destroy id index.
* @param idtx id index
* @return NULL always
/*@null@*/ IDTX IDTXfree(/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ IDTX idtx)
/*@modifies idtx @*/;
* Create id index.
* @return new id index
/*@only@*/ IDTX IDTXnew(void)
* Insure that index has room for "need" elements.
* @param idtx id index
* @param need additional no. of elements needed
* @return id index (with room for "need" elements)
/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ IDTX IDTXgrow(/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ IDTX idtx, int need)
/*@modifies idtx @*/;
* Sort tag (instance,value) pairs.
* @param idtx id index
* @return id index
/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ IDTX IDTXsort(/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ IDTX idtx)
/*@modifies idtx @*/;
* Load tag (instance,value) pairs from rpm databse, and return sorted id index.
* @param db rpm database
* @param tag rpm tag
* @return id index
/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ IDTX IDTXload(rpmdb db, rpmTag tag)
/*@modifies db @*/;
* Load tag (instance,value) pairs from packages, and return sorted id index.
* @param globstr glob expression
* @param tag rpm tag
* @return id index
/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ IDTX IDTXglob(const char * globstr, rpmTag tag)
/*@globals fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies fileSystem @*/;
* The rpm CLI generic transaction callback.
* @deprecated Transaction callback arguments need to change, so don't rely on
* this routine in the rpmcli API.
* @param arg per-callback private data (e.g. an rpm header)
* @param what callback identifier
* @param amount per-callback progress info
* @param total per-callback progress info
* @param pkgKey opaque header key (e.g. file name or PyObject)
* @param data private data (e.g. rpmInstallInterfaceFlags)
* @return per-callback data (e.g. an opened FD_t)
/*@null@*/ void * rpmShowProgress(/*@null@*/ const void * arg,
const rpmCallbackType what,
const unsigned long amount,
const unsigned long total,
/*@null@*/ const void * pkgKey,
/*@null@*/ void * data)
/*@globals internalState, fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies internalState, fileSystem @*/;
extern int packagesTotal;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Rollback transactions, erasing new, reinstalling old, package(s).
* @return 0 on success
int rpmRollback(struct rpmInstallArguments_s * ia,
/*@null@*/ const char ** argv)
/*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct rpmInstallArguments_s rpmIArgs;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct poptOption rpmInstallPoptTable[];
/* ==================================================================== */
/** \name RPMDB */
/* --- database modes */
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Describe database command line requests.
struct rpmDatabaseArguments_s {
int init; /*!< from --initdb */
int rebuild; /*!< from --rebuilddb */
int verify; /*!< from --verifydb */
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct rpmDatabaseArguments_s rpmDBArgs;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct poptOption rpmDatabasePoptTable[];
/* ==================================================================== */
/** \name RPMK */
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Bit(s) to control rpmCheckSig() operation.
typedef enum rpmCheckSigFlags_e {
CHECKSIG_NONE = 0, /*!< Don't check any signatures. */
CHECKSIG_PGP = (1 << 0), /*!< if not --nopgp */
CHECKSIG_MD5 = (1 << 1), /*!< if not --nomd5 */
CHECKSIG_GPG = (1 << 2) /*!< if not --nogpg */
} rpmCheckSigFlags;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Check elements in signature header.
* @param flags bit(s) to enable signature checks
* @param argv array of package file names (NULL terminated)
* @return 0 on success
int rpmCheckSig(rpmCheckSigFlags flags, /*@null@*/ const char ** argv)
/*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Bit(s) to control rpmReSign() operation.
typedef enum rpmResignFlags_e {
RESIGN_CHK_SIGNATURE = 1, /*!< from --checksig */
RESIGN_NEW_SIGNATURE, /*!< from --resign */
RESIGN_ADD_SIGNATURE /*!< from --addsign */
} rpmResignFlags;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Create/modify elements in signature header.
* @param add type of signature operation
* @param passPhrase
* @param argv array of package file names (NULL terminated)
* @return 0 on success
int rpmReSign(rpmResignFlags add, char * passPhrase,
/*@null@*/ const char ** argv)
/*@globals rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies rpmGlobalMacroContext, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
* Describe signature command line request.
struct rpmSignArguments_s {
rpmResignFlags addSign; /*!< from --checksig/--resign/--addsign */
rpmCheckSigFlags checksigFlags; /*!< bits to control --checksig */
int sign; /*!< Is a passphrase needed? */
/*@unused@*/ char * passPhrase;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct rpmSignArguments_s rpmKArgs;
/** \ingroup rpmcli
extern struct poptOption rpmSignPoptTable[];
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* H_RPMCLI */