99 lines
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# tcl.req - a simple makedepends like script for tcl.
# I plan to rewrite this in C so that perl is not required by RPM at
# build time.
# by Ken Estes Mail.com kestes@staff.mail.com
use File::Basename;
if ("@ARGV") {
foreach (@ARGV) {
} else {
# notice we are passed a list of filenames NOT as common in unix the
# contents of the file.
foreach (<>) {
foreach $module (sort keys %require) {
print "tcl($module)\n";
exit 0;
sub process_file {
my ($file) = @_;
chomp $file;
open(FILE, "<$file")||
die("$0: Could not open file: '$file' : $!\n");
while (<FILE>) {
# Each keyword can appear multiple times. Don't
# bother with datastructures to store these strings,
# if we need to print it print it now.
if ( m/^\s*\$RPM_Requires\s*=\s*["'](.*)['"]/i) {
foreach $_ (spit(/\s+/, $1)) {
print "$_\n";
# Each keyword can appear multiple times. Don't
# bother with datastructures to store these strings,
# if we need to print it print it now.
if ( m/^\s*\$RPM_Requires\s*=\s*["'](.*)['"]/i) {
print "$_\n"
foreach split /\s+/, $1;
# we wish to capture these source statements:
# source "$PATH/lib/util.tcl"
# source "comconf.tcl"
# if {[catch {source $env(CONTROL_PANEL_LIB_DIR)/bindings.tcl}] != 0} {
# quick check to see if the complex regexps could possibly match.
# This should speed things up.
(m/source/) || next;
# note we include parethesis and '$' and '\' in the pattern
if ( m!source\s+(['"])?([0-9A-Za-z/._\-\\\(\)\$]+)! ) {
my ($module) = $2;
# If there is some interpolation of variables,
# see if taking the basename will give us the filename.
($module =~ m/\$/) &&
($module = basename($module));
($module =~ m/\$/) ||
die("$0: Could not close file: '$file' : $!\n");
return ;