%EVR was introduced to be used in spec-files for intersubpackage (strict) dependencies. What if we write (when substituting %%EVR) E:V-R:D into dependencies instead of the previously written E:V-R? Will the interpretation of these dependencies by rpm change (when installing packages) in a good or bad way in any cases? The "dependencies" can be Requires, Conflicts, Obsoletes. rpm-build already produces packages which include disttags (D), and Provides in the form of E:V-R:D, and strict intersubpackage dependencies of such form (Requires; generated automatically). Intersubpackage Requires in the form "< %EVR" or "> %EVR" don't make sense. So, the interesting cases this change can affect are: * Conflicts of the form "< %EVR" or "> %EVR" or "= %EVR" (the last one must be quite rare); * Obsoletes of the form "< %EVR" ("= %EVR" makes little sense; "> %EVR" looks strange because it's about obsoleting packages from future). The rpm program can be "new" (which knows how to compare E:V-R:Ds with disttags; since or "old" (does not yet know it; or earlier). (rpm-build already produces "new" packages, i.e., with disttags.) The "new" rpm program is considered to be the correct reference way to treat disttags. According to it, the presence of a disttag in a < or > dependency cannot affect its interpretation (whether it is satisfied by another package). Adding a disttag to a = dependency would simply make it more strict (and that's what rpm-build already does under the hood for intersubpackage deps). So, E:V-R:D deps are OK for the "new" rpm. So, what about about the "old" rpm? Let's pay attention to the cases where the "old" rpm behaves differently from the "new" rpm. Such differences can be demonstrated by running rpminstall-tests-1.0-alt2.M70P.1 in a system with an "old" rpm and a "new" rpm-build (that can produce packages with disttags). Here are the interesting failed test cases without disttag in the dependencies (like before the change made by this commit), i.e. with dependencies in the form E:V-R written in Conflicts or Obsoletes: * installable_dummyDisttag_with_conflGreaterEpoch (and similar ones) $ rpm -qp RPMS/dummyDisttag/noarch/dummy-1-alt1.noarch.rpm --provides dummy = 1-alt1:zzz+777.66 $ rpm -qp RPMS/conflGreaterEpoch/noarch/conflGreaterEpoch-1-alt1.noarch.rpm --conflicts dummy > 0:1-alt1 $ rpm -i RPMS/dummyDisttag/noarch/dummy-1-alt1.noarch.rpm RPMS/conflGreaterEpoch/noarch/conflGreaterEpoch-1-alt1.noarch.rpm error: Failed dependencies: dummy > 0:1-alt1 conflicts with conflGreaterEpoch-1-alt1.noarch NOT OK (ALT#35930): this form of Conflicts is used to ensure that no subpackages from different releases/builds get installed together. * noninstallable_dummyDisttag_with_conflEqualEpoch (and similar ones) $ rpm -qp RPMS/conflEqualEpoch/noarch/conflEqualEpoch-1-alt1.noarch.rpm --conflicts dummy = 0:1-alt1 $ rpm -i RPMS/dummyDisttag/noarch/dummy-1-alt1.noarch.rpm RPMS/conflEqualEpoch/noarch/conflEqualEpoch-1-alt1.noarch.rpm succeeds NOT OK: this form of conflicts could be used to declare conflicting subpackages. Here are the interesting failed test cases with disttag in the dependencies (like after the change made by this commit), i.e. with dependencies in the form E:V-R:D written in Conflicts or Obsoletes: * installable_dummy_with_conflLessEpochDisttag (and similar ones), $ rpm -qp RPMS/dummy/noarch/dummy-1-alt1.noarch.rpm --provides dummy = 1-alt1 $ rpm -qp RPMS/conflLessEpochDisttag/noarch/conflLessEpochDisttag-1-alt1.noarch.rpm --conflicts dummy < 0:1-alt1:zzz+777.66 $ rpm -i RPMS/dummy/noarch/dummy-1-alt1.noarch.rpm RPMS/conflLessEpochDisttag/noarch/conflLessEpochDisttag-1-alt1.noarch.rpm error: Failed dependencies: dummy < 0:1-alt1:zzz+777.66 conflicts with conflLessEpochDisttag-1-alt1.noarch OK: dummy-1-alt1.noarch.rpm is from another build (if built with the "new" rpm-build, it would include the disttag in Provides). This form of Conflicts is used to ensure that no subpackages from different releases/builds get installed together. The difference in behavior with the "new" rpm is explained by that the "new" rpm cannot (unfortunately) detect this subtle mismatch. * nonobsoleted_dummy_with_obsolLessEpochDisttag (and similar ones) (like the previous case) $ rpm -qp RPMS/obsolLessEpochDisttag/noarch/obsolLessEpochDisttag-1-alt1.noarch.rpm --obsoletes dummy < 0:1-alt1:zzz+777.66 $ rpm -i RPMS/dummy/noarch/dummy-1-alt1.noarch.rpm RPMS/obsolLessEpochDisttag/noarch/obsolLessEpochDisttag-1-alt1.noarch.rpm $ rpm -q dummy package dummy is not installed OK * nonobsoleted_dummyDisttag_with_obsolLessEpochDisttag (and similar ones) $ rpm -qp RPMS/dummyDisttag/noarch/dummy-1-alt1.noarch.rpm --provides dummy = 1-alt1:zzz+777.66 $ rpm -qp RPMS/obsolLessEpochDisttag/noarch/obsolLessEpochDisttag-1-alt1.noarch.rpm --obsoletes dummy < 0:1-alt1:zzz+777.66 $ rpm -i RPMS/dummyDisttag/noarch/dummy-1-alt1.noarch.rpm RPMS/obsolLessEpochDisttag/noarch/obsolLessEpochDisttag-1-alt1.noarch.rpm $ rpm -q dummy package dummy is not installed NOT OK, but very improbable (the real name of the subpackage must be the same as the obsoleted name of an older package, but the obsoleting package is a different subpackage; so, it's improbable that one keeps the old name of a subpackage, but wants to obsolete it with another subpackage). So, introducing this change to the %EVR value would make the new packages be treated better by the "old" rpm; even the treatment in the cases where the behavior is different from the behavior of the "new" rpm is good (except for one improbable case).
This is RPM, the Red Hat Package Manager. The latest releases are always available at: ftp://ftp.rpm.org/pub/rpm Additional RPM documentation (papers, slides, HOWTOs) can also be found at the same site, as well as http://www.rpm.org. There is a mailing list for discussion of RPM issues, rpm-list@redhat.com. To subscribe, send a message to rpm-list-request@redhat.com with the word "subscribe" in the subject line. RPM was originally written by: Erik Troan <ewt@redhat.com> Marc Ewing <marc@redhat.com> See the CREDITS file for a list of folks who have helped us out tremendously. RPM is Copyright (c) 1998 by Red Hat Software, Inc., and may be distributed under the terms of the GPL and LGPL (see the file COPYING for details).