294 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
294 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
# RPM (and it's source code) is covered under two separate licenses.
# The entire code base may be distributed under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GPL), which appears immediately below.
# Alternatively, all of the source code in the lib subdirectory of the
# RPM source code distribution as well as any code derived from that
# code may instead be distributed under the GNU Library General Public
# License (LGPL), at the choice of the distributor. The complete text
# of the LGPL appears at the bottom of this file.
# This alternative is allowed to enable applications to be linked
# against the RPM library (commonly called librpm) without forcing
# such applications to be distributed under the GPL.
# Any questions regarding the licensing of RPM should be addressed to
# Erik Troan <ewt@redhat.com>.
# a simple script to print the proper name for perl libraries.
# To save development time I do not parse the perl grammmar but
# instead just lex it looking for what I want. I take special care to
# ignore comments and pod's.
# it would be much better if perl could tell us the proper name of a
# given script.
# The filenames to scan are either passed on the command line or if
# that is empty they are passed via stdin.
# If there are lines in the file which match the pattern
# (m/^\s*\$VERSION\s*=\s+/)
# then these are taken to be the version numbers of the modules.
# If there are strings in the file which match the pattern
# m/^\s*\$RPM_Provides\s*=\s*["'](.*)['"]/i
# then these are treated as additional names which are provided by the
# file and are printed as well.
# The RPM_PERL_LIB_PATH environment variable, if set, must contain the list of
# absolute paths, separated by colons, spaces or commas. These paths are
# considered as library paths used to determine relative names of provided
# perl files. If RPM_PERL_LIB_PATH is not set, paths from @INC Perl variable
# are used instead.
# by Ken Estes Mail.com kestes@staff.mail.com
# modified by Mikhail Zabaluev <mookid@mu.ru>
# modified by Alexey Tourbin <at@turbinal.org>
require v5.6.0;
use Safe;
use strict;
use vars qw(%provide @perl_inc);
# obtain the list of library directories. If not provided, use @INC
if (exists $ENV{RPM_PERL_LIB_PATH}) {
@perl_inc = split(/[:,\s]+/, $ENV{RPM_PERL_LIB_PATH});
else {
@perl_inc = grep { m|^/| } @INC;
# Sort @perl_inc descending by length to search for longest prefix rapidly.
@perl_inc = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } @perl_inc;
# Prepend $RPM_BUILD_ROOT to paths.
my $buildroot = $ENV{RPM_BUILD_ROOT};
@perl_inc = map { "${buildroot}$_" } @perl_inc;
# process files
if (@ARGV) {
foreach (@ARGV) {
} else {
# notice we are passed a list of filenames NOT as common in unix the
# contents of the file.
foreach (<>) {
# print out sorted results
foreach my $module (sort keys %provide) {
my $version = $provide{$module};
if (length($version) == 0) {
print "perl($module)\n";
} else {
print "perl($module) = $version\n";
if ($version =~ /^1:(.*)/) {
# provide an additional epoch 0 version converted using Perl's rules
my $fpver = 0;
my $ratio = 1;
my @series = split(/\./, $1);
for (@series) {
$fpver += $_ * $ratio;
$ratio *= 0.001;
my $fdigits = $#series * 3;
printf("perl($module) = 0:%.${fdigits}f\n", $fpver);
exit 0;
sub process_file {
my ($file) = @_;
chomp $file;
return if $file eq '';
# find the longest matching prefix among Perl library search directories
my $prefix = '';
foreach (@perl_inc) {
if (substr($file, 0, length($_)) eq $_) {
$prefix = $_;
return if $prefix eq '';
# get path to the module file without prefix
my $module_file = substr($file, length($prefix));
$module_file =~ s{^/}{};
$provide{$module_file} = undef;
return if $module_file !~ /\.pm$/;
# try to extract version number for this package
open(FILE, "<$file")||
die("$0: Could not open file: '$file' : $!\n");
my $inpackage = 0;
my ($package_name, $package_filename);
my $module_path = $module_file;
$module_path =~ s/(.+?)\/(.+)/$1\//;
while (<FILE>) {
# skip the documentation
# we should not need to have item in this if statement (it
# properly belongs in the over/back section) but people do not
# read the perldoc.
if ((m/^=(head[12]|pod|over|item|for|begin)/) .. (m/^=(cut)/)) {
if ( (m/^=(over)/) .. (m/^=(back)/) ) {
# skip the data section
if (m/^__(DATA|END)__$/) {
# not everyone puts the package name of the file as the first
# package name so we browse through all namespaces
if (m/^\s*package\s+([\w:']+)\s*;/) {
# AT:
# $ grep '^[ \t]*package' /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/B/CC.pm
# /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/B/CC.pm:package B::CC;
# /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/B/CC.pm: package B::Pseudoreg;
# /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/B/CC.pm: package B::Shadow;
$package_name = $1;
$package_filename = module_filename($package_name);
next if $package_filename eq $module_file;
if ($module_path && index($package_filename, $module_path) == 0) {
$provide{$package_filename} = undef;
} else {
undef $package_name;
undef $package_filename;
# after we found the package name take the first assignment to
# $VERSION as the version number. Exporter requires that the
# variable be called VERSION so we are safe.
if ($package_filename &&
s/^([\s(]*)(our\s*)?\$VERSION\s*=/$1\$VERSION =/) {
$provide{$package_filename} = extract_version($_);
# also consider version initializations with explicit package specification
if (s/^([\s(]*)(our\s*)?\$([\w:']+)::VERSION\s*=/$1\$VERSION =/) {
my $filename = module_filename($3);
if ($filename eq $module_file ||
$module_path && index($filename, $module_path) == 0)
$provide{$filename} = extract_version($_);
# Each keyword can appear multiple times. Don't
# bother with datastructures to store these strings,
# if we need to print it print it now.
if ( m/^\s*\$RPM_Provides\s*=\s*["'](.*)['"]/i) {
foreach (split(/\s+/, $1)) {
print "$_\n";
die("$0: Could not close file: '$file' : $!\n");
return ;
# module_filename($name) -
# converts module name to relative file path
sub module_filename {
my $name = shift;
$name =~ s{::|'}{/}g;
return $name . '.pm';
# extract_version -
# this subroutine tries to evaluate line containing assignment to $VERSION
# in order to achieve version number
sub extract_version {
my $line = shift;
# Try to evaluate the assignment to get the value of $VERSION.
# It is usually computed without using data external to the expression,
# so we would have no problems.
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
my $safe = new Safe;
$safe->permit_only(qw(:base_core :base_mem :base_orig entereval
grepstart grepwhile mapstart mapwhile));
my $version = $safe->reval("$line; \$VERSION;");
return undef if $@ || length($version) == 0;
if ($version =~ s/^\s*(\d[\d_]*(\.[\d_]*)?|\.[\d_]+)/$1/) {
# plain old numeric version
return '0:' . $version;
else {
# Supposedly, a new style version evaluated as a string constant.
# Return an epoch 1 version
return sprintf('1:%vd', $version);
return undef;