header.h: In function 'headerFreeData': header.h:705:11: error: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
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#ifndef H_HEADER
#define H_HEADER
/** \ingroup header
* \file lib/header.h
* An rpm header carries all information about a package. A header is
* a collection of data elements called tags. Each tag has a data type,
* and includes 1 or more values.
* \par Historical Issues
* Here's a brief description of features/incompatibilities that
* have been added to headers and tags.
* - version 1
* - Support for version 1 headers was removed in rpm-4.0.
* - version 2
* - @todo Document version2 headers.
* - version 3 (added in rpm-3.0)
* - Added RPM_I18NSTRING_TYPE as an associative array reference
* for i18n locale dependent single element tags (i.e Group).
* - Added an 8 byte magic string to headers in packages on-disk. The
* magic string was not added to headers in the database.
* - version 4 (added in rpm-4.0)
* - Represent file names as a (dirname/basename/dirindex) triple
* rather than as an absolute path name. Legacy package headers are
* converted when the header is read. Legacy database headers are
* converted when the database is rebuilt.
* - Simplify dependencies by eliminating the implict check on
* package name/version/release in favor of an explict check
* on package provides. Legacy package headers are converted
* when the header is read. Legacy database headers are
* converted when the database is rebuilt.
* - (rpm-4.0.2) The original package header (and all original
* metadata) is preserved in what's called an "immutable header region".
* The original header can be retrieved as an RPM_BIN_TYPE, just
* like any other tag, and the original header reconstituted using
* headerLoad().
* - (rpm-4.0.2) The signature tags are added (and renumbered to avoid
* tag value collisions) to the package header during package
* installation.
* - (rpm-4.0.3) A SHA1 digest of the original header is appended
* (i.e. detached digest) to the immutable header region to verify
* changes to the original header.
* - (rpm-4.0.3) Private methods (e.g. headerLoad(), headerUnload(), etc.)
* to permit header data to be manipulated opaquely through vectors.
* - (rpm-4.0.3) Sanity checks on header data to limit #tags to 65K,
* #bytes to 16Mb, and total metadata size to 32Mb added.
* .
* \par Development Issues
* Here's a brief description of future features/incompatibilities that
* will be added to headers.
* - Private header methods.
* - Private methods for the transaction element file info TFI_t may
* be used as proof-of-concept, binary XML may be implemented
* as a header format representation soon thereafter.
* - DSA signature for header metadata.
* - The manner in which rpm packages are signed is going to change.
* The SHA1 digest in the header will be signed, equivalent to a DSA
* digital signature on the original header metadata. As the original
* header will contain "trusted" (i.e. because the header is signed
* with DSA) file MD5 digests, there will be little or no reason
* to sign the payload, but that may happen as well. Note that cpio
* headers in the payload are not used to install package metadata,
* only the name field in the cpio header is used to associate an
* archive file member with the corresponding entry for the file
* in header metadata.
* .
/* RPM - Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Red Hat Software */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "rpmio.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if defined(__alpha__) || defined(__alpha)
typedef long int int_64;
typedef int int_32;
typedef short int int_16;
typedef char int_8;
typedef unsigned int uint_32;
typedef unsigned short uint_16;
#if 0 /* XXX hpux needs -Ae in CFLAGS to grok this */
typedef long long int int_64;
typedef int int_32;
typedef short int int_16;
typedef char int_8;
typedef unsigned int uint_32;
typedef unsigned short uint_16;
/*@-redef@*/ /* LCL: no clue */
/** \ingroup header
typedef const char * errmsg_t;
/** \ingroup header
typedef int_32 * hTAG_t;
typedef int_32 * hTYP_t;
typedef const void * hPTR_t;
typedef int_32 * hCNT_t;
/** \ingroup header
typedef /*@abstract@*/ /*@refcounted@*/ struct headerToken * Header;
/** \ingroup header
typedef /*@abstract@*/ struct headerIteratorS * HeaderIterator;
/** \ingroup header
* Associate tag names with numeric values.
typedef /*@abstract@*/ struct headerTagTableEntry_s * headerTagTableEntry;
struct headerTagTableEntry_s {
/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ const char * name; /*!< Tag name. */
int val; /*!< Tag numeric value. */
/** \ingroup header
enum headerSprintfExtenstionType {
HEADER_EXT_LAST = 0, /*!< End of extension chain. */
HEADER_EXT_FORMAT, /*!< headerTagFormatFunction() extension */
HEADER_EXT_MORE, /*!< Chain to next table. */
HEADER_EXT_TAG /*!< headerTagTagFunction() extension */
/** \ingroup header
* HEADER_EXT_FORMAT format function prototype.
* This is allowed to fail, which indicates the tag doesn't exist.
* @param type tag type
* @param data tag value
* @param formatPrefix
* @param padding
* @param element
* @return formatted string
typedef /*only@*/ char * (*headerTagFormatFunction)(int_32 type,
const void * data, char * formatPrefix,
int padding, int element);
/** \ingroup header
* HEADER_EXT_TAG format function prototype.
* This will only ever be passed RPM_INT32_TYPE or RPM_STRING_TYPE to
* help keep things simple.
* @param h header
* @retval type address of tag type
* @retval data address of tag value pointer
* @retval count address of no. of data items
* @retval freedata address of data-was-malloc'ed indicator
* @return 0 on success
typedef int (*headerTagTagFunction) (Header h,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hTYP_t type,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hPTR_t * data,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hCNT_t count,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ int * freeData);
/** \ingroup header
* Define header tag output formats.
typedef /*@abstract@*/ struct headerSprintfExtension_s * headerSprintfExtension;
struct headerSprintfExtension_s {
enum headerSprintfExtenstionType type; /*!< Type of extension. */
/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/
const char * name; /*!< Name of extension. */
union {
/*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/
void * generic; /*!< Private extension. */
headerTagFormatFunction formatFunction; /*!< HEADER_EXT_FORMAT extension. */
headerTagTagFunction tagFunction; /*!< HEADER_EXT_TAG extension. */
struct headerSprintfExtension_s * more; /*!< Chained table extension. */
} u;
/** \ingroup header
* Supported default header tag output formats.
extern const struct headerSprintfExtension_s headerDefaultFormats[];
/** \ingroup header
* Include calculation for 8 bytes of (magic, 0)?
enum hMagic {
/** \ingroup header
* The basic types of data in tags from headers.
typedef enum rpmTagType_e {
#define RPM_MIN_TYPE 0
/* RPM_INT64_TYPE = 5, ---- These aren't supported (yet) */
#define RPM_MAX_TYPE 9
} rpmTagType;
/** \ingroup header
* New rpm data types under consideration/development.
* These data types may (or may not) be added to rpm at some point. In order
* to avoid incompatibility with legacy versions of rpm, these data (sub-)types
* are introduced into the header by overloading RPM_BIN_TYPE, with the binary
* value of the tag a 16 byte image of what should/will be in the header index,
* followed by per-tag private data.
/*@-enummemuse -typeuse @*/
typedef enum rpmSubTagType_e {
/*!<@todo Implement, kinda like RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE for known (but variable)
length binary data. */
/*!<@todo Implement, intent is to to carry a (???,tagNum,valNum) cross
reference to retrieve data from other tags. */
} rpmSubTagType;
/*@=enummemuse =typeuse @*/
* Header private tags.
* @note General use tags should start at 1000 (RPM's tag space starts there).
#define HEADER_IMAGE 61
#define HEADER_I18NTABLE 100
#define HEADER_SIGBASE 256
#define HEADER_TAGBASE 1000
/*@-typeuse -fielduse@*/
typedef union hRET_s {
const void * ptr;
const char ** argv;
const char * str;
uint_32 * ui32p;
uint_16 * ui16p;
int_32 * i32p;
int_16 * i16p;
int_8 * i8p;
} * hRET_t;
/*@=typeuse =fielduse@*/
/*@-typeuse -fielduse@*/
typedef struct HE_s {
int_32 tag;
/*@null@*/ hTYP_t typ;
union {
/*@null@*/ hPTR_t * ptr;
/*@null@*/ hRET_t * ret;
} u;
/*@null@*/ hCNT_t cnt;
} * HE_t;
/*@=typeuse =fielduse@*/
/** \ingroup header
* Create new (empty) header instance.
* @return header
Header (*HDRnew) (void)
/** \ingroup header
* Dereference a header instance.
* @param h header
* @return NULL always
/*@null@*/ Header (*HDRfree) (/*@null@*/ /*@killref@*/ Header h)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Reference a header instance.
* @param h header
* @return referenced header instance
Header (*HDRlink) (Header h)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Dereference a header instance.
* @param h header
* @return NULL always
Header (*HDRunlink) (/*@killref@*/ /*@null@*/ Header h)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Sort tags in header.
* @todo Eliminate from API.
* @param h header
void (*HDRsort) (Header h)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Restore tags in header to original ordering.
* @todo Eliminate from API.
* @param h header
void (*HDRunsort) (Header h)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Return size of on-disk header representation in bytes.
* @param h header
* @param magicp include size of 8 bytes for (magic, 0)?
* @return size of on-disk header
unsigned int (*HDRsizeof) (/*@null@*/ Header h, enum hMagic magicp)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Convert header to on-disk representation.
* @param h header (with pointers)
* @return on-disk header blob (i.e. with offsets)
/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ void * (*HDRunload) (Header h)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Convert header to on-disk representation, and then reload.
* This is used to insure that all header data is in one chunk.
* @param h header (with pointers)
* @param tag region tag
* @return on-disk header (with offsets)
/*@null@*/ Header (*HDRreload) (/*@only@*/ Header h, int tag)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Duplicate a header.
* @param h header
* @return new header instance
Header (*HDRcopy) (Header h)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Convert header to in-memory representation.
* @param uh on-disk header blob (i.e. with offsets)
* @return header
/*@null@*/ Header (*HDRload) (/*@kept@*/ void * uh)
/*@modifies uh @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Make a copy and convert header to in-memory representation.
* @param uh on-disk header blob (i.e. with offsets)
* @return header
/*@null@*/ Header (*HDRcopyload) (const void * uh)
/** \ingroup header
* Read (and load) header from file handle.
* @param fd file handle
* @param magicp read (and verify) 8 bytes of (magic, 0)?
* @return header (or NULL on error)
/*@null@*/ Header (*HDRhdrread) (FD_t fd, enum hMagic magicp)
/*@modifies fd @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Write (with unload) header to file handle.
* @param fd file handle
* @param h header
* @param magicp prefix write with 8 bytes of (magic, 0)?
* @return 0 on success, 1 on error
int (*HDRhdrwrite) (FD_t fd, /*@null@*/ Header h, enum hMagic magicp)
/*@globals fileSystem @*/
/*@modifies fd, h, fileSystem @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Check if tag is in header.
* @param h header
* @param tag tag
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure
int (*HDRisentry) (/*@null@*/Header h, int_32 tag)
/** \ingroup header
* Free data allocated when retrieved from header.
* @param h header
* @param data address of data (or NULL)
* @param type type of data (or -1 to force free)
* @return NULL always
/*@null@*/ void * (*HDRfreetag) (Header h,
/*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ const void * data, rpmTagType type)
/*@modifies data @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Retrieve tag value.
* Will never return RPM_I18NSTRING_TYPE! RPM_STRING_TYPE elements with
* RPM_I18NSTRING_TYPE equivalent entries are translated (if HEADER_I18NTABLE
* entry is present).
* @param h header
* @param tag tag
* @retval type address of tag value data type (or NULL)
* @retval p address of pointer to tag value(s) (or NULL)
* @retval c address of number of values (or NULL)
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure
int (*HDRget) (Header h, int_32 tag,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hTYP_t type,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ void ** p,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hCNT_t c)
/*@modifies *type, *p, *c @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Retrieve tag value using header internal array.
* Get an entry using as little extra RAM as possible to return the tag value.
* This is only an issue for RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE.
* @param h header
* @param tag tag
* @retval type address of tag value data type (or NULL)
* @retval p address of pointer to tag value(s) (or NULL)
* @retval c address of number of values (or NULL)
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure
int (*HDRgetmin) (Header h, int_32 tag,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hTYP_t type,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hPTR_t * p,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hCNT_t c)
/*@modifies *type, *p, *c @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Add tag to header.
* Duplicate tags are okay, but only defined for iteration (with the
* exceptions noted below). While you are allowed to add i18n string
* arrays through this function, you probably don't mean to. See
* headerAddI18NString() instead.
* @param h header
* @param tag tag
* @param type tag value data type
* @param p pointer to tag value(s)
* @param c number of values
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure
int (*HDRadd) (Header h, int_32 tag, int_32 type, const void * p, int_32 c)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Append element to tag array in header.
* Appends item p to entry w/ tag and type as passed. Won't work on
* RPM_STRING_TYPE. Any pointers into header memory returned from
* headerGetEntryMinMemory() for this entry are invalid after this
* call has been made!
* @param h header
* @param tag tag
* @param type tag value data type
* @param p pointer to tag value(s)
* @param c number of values
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure
int (*HDRappend) (Header h, int_32 tag, int_32 type, const void * p, int_32 c)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Add or append element to tag array in header.
* @todo Arg "p" should have const.
* @param h header
* @param tag tag
* @param type tag value data type
* @param p pointer to tag value(s)
* @param c number of values
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure
int (*HDRaddorappend) (Header h, int_32 tag, int_32 type, const void * p, int_32 c)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Add locale specific tag to header.
* A NULL lang is interpreted as the C locale. Here are the rules:
* \verbatim
* - If the tag isn't in the header, it's added with the passed string
* as new value.
* - If the tag occurs multiple times in entry, which tag is affected
* by the operation is undefined.
* - If the tag is in the header w/ this language, the entry is
* *replaced* (like headerModifyEntry()).
* \endverbatim
* This function is intended to just "do the right thing". If you need
* more fine grained control use headerAddEntry() and headerModifyEntry().
* @param h header
* @param tag tag
* @param string tag value
* @param lang locale
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure
int (*HDRaddi18n) (Header h, int_32 tag, const char * string,
const char * lang)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Modify tag in header.
* If there are multiple entries with this tag, the first one gets replaced.
* @param h header
* @param tag tag
* @param type tag value data type
* @param p pointer to tag value(s)
* @param c number of values
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure
int (*HDRmodify) (Header h, int_32 tag, int_32 type, const void * p, int_32 c)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Delete tag in header.
* Removes all entries of type tag from the header, returns 1 if none were
* found.
* @param h header
* @param tag tag
* @return 0 on success, 1 on failure (INCONSISTENT)
int (*HDRremove) (Header h, int_32 tag)
/*@modifies h @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Return formatted output string from header tags.
* The returned string must be free()d.
* @param h header
* @param fmt format to use
* @param tags array of tag name/value pairs
* @param extensions chained table of formatting extensions.
* @retval errmsg error message (if any)
* @return formatted output string (malloc'ed)
/*@only@*/ char * (*HDRhdrsprintf) (Header h, const char * fmt,
const struct headerTagTableEntry_s * tags,
const struct headerSprintfExtension_s * extensions,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ errmsg_t * errmsg)
/*@modifies *errmsg @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Duplicate tag values from one header into another.
* @param headerFrom source header
* @param headerTo destination header
* @param tagstocopy array of tags that are copied
void (*HDRcopytags) (Header headerFrom, Header headerTo, hTAG_t tagstocopy)
/*@modifies headerFrom, headerTo @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Destroy header tag iterator.
* @param hi header tag iterator
* @return NULL always
HeaderIterator (*HDRfreeiter) (/*@only@*/ HeaderIterator hi)
/*@modifies hi @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Create header tag iterator.
* @param h header
* @return header tag iterator
HeaderIterator (*HDRinititer) (Header h)
/*@modifies h */;
/** \ingroup header
* Return next tag from header.
* @param hi header tag iterator
* @retval tag address of tag
* @retval type address of tag value data type
* @retval p address of pointer to tag value(s)
* @retval c address of number of values
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure
int (*HDRnextiter) (HeaderIterator hi,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hTAG_t tag,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hTYP_t type,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hPTR_t * p,
/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ hCNT_t c)
/*@modifies hi, *tag, *type, *p, *c @*/;
/** \ingroup header
* Header method vectors.
typedef /*@abstract@*/ struct HV_s * HV_t;
struct HV_s {
HDRnew hdrnew;
HDRfree hdrfree;
HDRlink hdrlink;
HDRsort hdrsort;
HDRunsort hdrunsort;
HDRsizeof hdrsizeof;
HDRunload hdrunload;
HDRreload hdrreload;
HDRcopy hdrcopy;
HDRload hdrload;
HDRcopyload hdrcopyload;
HDRhdrread hdrread;
HDRhdrwrite hdrwrite;
HDRisentry hdrisentry;
HDRfreetag hdrfreetag;
HDRget hdrget;
HDRgetmin hdrgetmin;
HDRadd hdradd;
HDRappend hdrappend;
HDRaddorappend hdraddorappend;
HDRaddi18n hdraddi18n;
HDRmodify hdrmodify;
HDRremove hdrremove;
HDRhdrsprintf hdrsprintf;
HDRcopytags hdrcopytags;
HDRfreeiter hdrfreeiter;
HDRinititer hdrinititer;
HDRnextiter hdrnextiter;
HDRunlink hdrunlink;
void * hdrvecs;
void * hdrdata;
int hdrversion;
/** \ingroup header
* Free data allocated when retrieved from header.
* @deprecated Use headerFreeTag() instead.
* @todo Remove from API.
* @param data address of data (or NULL)
* @param type type of data (or -1 to force free)
* @return NULL always
/*@unused@*/ static inline /*@null@*/
void * headerFreeData( /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ const void * data, rpmTagType type)
/*@modifies data @*/
if (data) {
if (type == (rpmTagType) -1 ||
type == RPM_I18NSTRING_TYPE ||
type == RPM_BIN_TYPE)
free((void *)data);
return NULL;
/** \ingroup header
* Return header instance, ie is the header from rpmdb.
* @param h header
* @return rpmdb record number or 0
unsigned int headerGetInstance(Header h);
/** \ingroup header
* Set header instance (rpmdb record number)
* @param h header
* @param instance record number
void headerSetInstance(Header h, unsigned int instance);
#if !defined(__HEADER_PROTOTYPES__)
#include "hdrinline.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* H_HEADER */