120 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable File

use Safe;
use strict;
# list of provides
my %prov;
# fake paths should take precedence
local $_ = $ENV{RPM_PERL_LIB_PATH};
my @inc = map { "$ENV{RPM_BUILD_ROOT}$_" } split, @INC;
# begin
process_file($_) foreach @ARGV ? @ARGV : <>;
sub process_file {
my $fname = shift;
chomp $fname;
return unless $fname;
# check if we match any prefix
# and take the longest...
my ($prefix) = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) }
grep { index($fname, $_) == 0 } @inc;
return unless $prefix;
my $basename = substr $fname, length $prefix;
$basename =~ s/^\///;
return unless $basename;
# provide *.p[lh]
if ($fname =~ /\.p[lh]$/) {
$prov{$basename} = undef;
# only *.pm left
} elsif ($basename =~ /\.pm$/) {
$prov{$basename} = undef;
} else {
# process *.pm
my $in_package;
my $re_mod = qr/\b(?!\d)\w+(?:::(?!\d)\w+)*/;
my $re_ver = qr/\bv?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+(?:_[0-9]+)?)*\b/;
open(FILE, '<', $fname) || die;
while (<FILE>) {
/^=\w/ .. /^=cut/ and next;
/^__(DATA|END)__$/ and last;
# look for 'package' declaration that matches filename
if (/^\s*package\s+($re_mod)\s*;/) {
if ($basename eq package_filename($1)) {
$in_package = $1;
} else {
undef $in_package;
# look for $VERSION
} elsif ($in_package && m/\$(?:$in_package\::)?VERSION\s*=.*\d/) {
$prov{$basename} = extract_version($_);
close FILE;
# end
while (my ($k, $v) = each %prov) {
if ($v) {
print "perl($k) = $v\n";
# provide an additional epoch 0 version converted using Perl's rules
print "perl($k) = 0:" . old_version($1) . "\n"
if $v =~ /^1:(.+)/;
} else {
print "perl($k)\n";
sub old_version {
local $_ = shift;
my $fpver = 0;
my $ratio = 1;
my @series = split(/\./, $1);
for (@series) {
$fpver += $_ * $ratio;
$ratio *= 0.001;
my $fdigits = $#series * 3;
return sprintf "%.${fdigits}f", $fpver;
# XXX Mhz code?
sub extract_version {
my $line = shift;
# Try to evaluate the assignment to get the value of $VERSION.
# It is usually computed without using data external to the expression,
# so we would have no problems.
# local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
my $safe = new Safe;
$safe->permit_only(qw(:base_core :base_mem :base_orig entereval
grepstart grepwhile mapstart mapwhile));
my $version = $safe->reval("$line");
return undef if $@ || length($version) == 0;
if ($version =~ s/^\s*(\d[\d_]*(\.[\d_]*)?|\.[\d_]+)/$1/) {
# plain old numeric version
return '0:' . $version;
} else {
# Supposedly, a new style version evaluated as a string constant.
# Return an epoch 1 version
return sprintf "1:%vd", $version;
# copy-pasted from perl.req
sub package_filename {
my $package = shift;
$package =~ s/::/\//g;
return $package . '.pm';