stages: - pre-check - build - test # These stanzas do some common management tasks before and after the # job-specific before_script and after_script stanzas are run. # before_script_start configures any default global state. The # job-specific before_script can override this state, if required. # before_script_end prints out information about the environment to # improve debugging; it does not modify the environment. # after_script_end does some common management tasks after the # job-specific after_script is run. It prints information about the # environment, and does some clean up. # # Add this to your stanza as follows: # # before_script: # - *before_script_start # - *** YOUR CODE HERE *** # - *before_script_end # after_script: # - *** YOUR CODE HERE *** # - *after_script_end .before_script_start: &before_script_start - 'if test "x${RUSTFLAGS+SET}" = xSET; then echo "\$RUSTFLAGS is set ($RUSTFLAGS)"; exit 1; fi' .before_script_end: &before_script_end - 'if test "x${RUSTFLAGS+SET}" = xSET; then echo "WARNING: before_script set \$RUSTFLAGS ($RUSTFLAGS)"; fi' - rustc --version --verbose - cargo --version - clang -v - if [ -d $CARGO_TARGET_DIR ]; then find $CARGO_TARGET_DIR | wc --lines; du -sh $CARGO_TARGET_DIR; fi - if [ -d $CARGO_HOME ]; then find $CARGO_HOME | wc --lines; du -sh $CARGO_HOME; fi .after_script_end: &after_script_end - if [ -d $CARGO_TARGET_DIR ]; then find $CARGO_TARGET_DIR -type f -atime +7 -delete; fi - if [ -d $CARGO_TARGET_DIR ]; then du -sh $CARGO_TARGET_DIR; fi - if [ -d $CARGO_HOME ]; then du -sh $CARGO_HOME; fi before_script: - *before_script_start - *before_script_end after_script: - *after_script_end trixie: tags: - linux stage: build interruptible: true image: script: - cargo test --features=subplot - if ! git diff --quiet Cargo.lock ; then echo "Cargo.lock changed. Please add the change to the corresponding commit." ; git diff ; false ; fi - if ! git diff --quiet ; then echo "The build changed the source. Please investigate." ; git diff ; fi variables: CARGO_TARGET_DIR: /target CARGO_HOME: /cargo sq-features: tags: - linux stage: build interruptible: true image: only: refs: - tags - web - schedules parallel: matrix: - FEATURES: - "" - "autocrypt" - "autocrypt,compression-bzip2" - "compression-bzip2" script: - cargo test --no-default-features --features crypto-nettle --features $FEATURES variables: CARGO_TARGET_DIR: /target CARGO_HOME: /cargo trixie-crypto-openssl: tags: - linux stage: build interruptible: true image: dependencies: - codespell script: - cargo test --no-default-features --features crypto-openssl,compression-bzip2 variables: CARGO_TARGET_DIR: /target CARGO_HOME: /cargo all_commits: # Test each commit up to main, to facilitate bisecting. stage: test interruptible: true image: needs: ["rust-stable"] script: - .ci/ variables: CARGO_TARGET_DIR: /target CARGO_HOME: /cargo GIT_STRATEGY: clone codespell: tags: - linux stage: pre-check interruptible: true image: before_script: - *before_script_start - codespell --version - *before_script_end script: - codespell --summary -L "crate,ede,iff,mut,nd,te,uint,KeyServer,keyserver,Keyserver,keyservers,Keyservers,keypair,keypairs,KeyPair,fpr,dedup,deriver,certi,certp,certo" -S "*.bin,*.gpg,*.pgp,./.git,*/target,Cargo.lock" deny: tags: - linux stage: test interruptible: true image: before_script: - *before_script_start - cargo install --locked cargo-deny - *before_script_end script: - cargo deny check rust-stable: tags: - linux stage: build interruptible: true image: before_script: - *before_script_start - rustup override set stable - *before_script_end script: - cargo test --features=subplot variables: CARGO_TARGET_DIR: /target CARGO_HOME: /cargo clippy: tags: - linux stage: build interruptible: true image: before_script: - *before_script_start - apt-get -y install libssl-dev capnproto libsqlite3-dev - rustup default 1.70.0 - rustup component add clippy - cargo clippy --version - *before_script_end script: - cargo clippy variables: CARGO_TARGET_DIR: /target CARGO_HOME: /cargo windows-gnu-cng: tags: - win - win2019 stage: build interruptible: true image: only: variables: # Forks of this project most likely use gitlab's shared windows runners, which # do not use the docker executor, so disable the windows jobs for forks. - $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == "sequoia-pgp" before_script: # We don't call *before_script_start or *before_script_end as we # don't have bash, clang, etc. - rustup default "1.70.0" - rustc --version --verbose - cargo --version script: # - pacman --noconfirm --needed -S mingw-w64-x86_64-openssl - cargo test --tests --no-default-features --features crypto-cng,compression-bzip2,subplot after_script: [] # scriptlet doesn't work on Powershell variables: CFLAGS: "" # Silence some C warnings when compiling under Windows docker-build-push: # Official docker image. image: docker:stable stage: build services: - docker:dind tags: - docker - self-hosted before_script: - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY script: - > docker build --no-cache --target sq --tag "$IMAGE":latest . # smoke test - docker run "$IMAGE":latest --help - docker push "$IMAGE":latest after_script: [] only: refs: - /docker/i # refs containing 'docker' keyword - tags - web - schedules variables: CI_REGISTRY: "" IMAGE: "$CI_REGISTRY/sequoia-pgp/sequoia-sq" DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2376 variables: DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive CARGO_HOME: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/../cargo CARGO_FLAGS: --color always CARGO_INCREMENTAL: 0 RUST_BACKTRACE: full CFLAGS: -Werror QUICKCHECK_GENERATOR_SIZE: 500 #