use std::env; use std::fs; use std::path::PathBuf; use clap::ValueEnum; use clap_complete::Shell; use anyhow::Result; pub mod cli { #![allow(unused_macros)] include!("src/"); include!("src/cli/"); } pub mod man { include!("src/"); } fn main() { println!(""); // Generate subplot tests. #[cfg(feature = "subplot")] subplot_build::codegen("sq.subplot") .expect("failed to generate code with Subplot"); let mut sq = cli::build(false); generate_shell_completions(&mut sq).unwrap(); generate_man_pages(&sq).unwrap(); lint_help_texts(&sq).unwrap(); } /// Variable name to control the asset out directory with. const ASSET_OUT_DIR: &str = "ASSET_OUT_DIR"; /// Returns the directory to write the given assets to. fn asset_out_dir(asset: &str) -> Result { println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={}", ASSET_OUT_DIR); let outdir: PathBuf = env::var_os(ASSET_OUT_DIR).unwrap_or_else( || env::var_os("OUT_DIR").expect("OUT_DIR not set")).into(); if outdir.exists() && ! outdir.is_dir() { return Err( anyhow::anyhow!("{}={:?} is not a directory", ASSET_OUT_DIR, outdir)); } let path = outdir.join(asset); fs::create_dir_all(&path)?; Ok(path) } /// Generates shell completions. fn generate_shell_completions(sq: &mut clap::Command) -> Result<()> { let path = asset_out_dir("shell-completions")?; for shell in Shell::value_variants() { clap_complete::generate_to(*shell, sq, "sq", &path)?; }; println!("cargo:warning=shell completions written to {}", path.display()); Ok(()) } /// Generates man pages. fn generate_man_pages(sq: &clap::Command) -> Result<()> { let path = asset_out_dir("man-pages")?; for man in man::manpages(sq) { std::fs::write(path.join(man.filename()), man.troff_source())?; } println!("cargo:warning=man pages written to {}", path.display()); Ok(()) } /// Lints the help texts. fn lint_help_texts(sq: &clap::Command) -> Result<()> { let mut lints = Vec::new(); walk(&mut Vec::new(), sq, &mut |path: &[&str], c: &clap::Command| { let top_level = path.len() == 1; let path = path.join(" "); lint_short_long(&mut lints, &path, c.get_about(), c.get_long_about()); for arg in c.get_arguments() .filter(|a| a.get_id().as_str() != "help") .filter(|a| ! a.is_global_set() || top_level) { let slug = format!("{} {}", path, if let Some(l) = arg.get_long() { format!("--{}", l) } else if let Some(s) = arg.get_short() { format!("-{}", s) } else { arg.get_id().as_str().to_string() }); lint_short_long(&mut lints, &slug, arg.get_help(), arg.get_long_help()); } Ok(()) }, &mut |_, _, _| Ok(()))?; if lints.is_empty() { Ok(()) } else { println!("cargo:warning=Linting help texts found {} issues", lints.len()); println!("cargo:warning="); for lint in lints { println!("cargo:warning=lint: {}", lint); } Err(anyhow::anyhow!("linting help texts failed")) } } use clap::builder::StyledStr; /// Lints short and long about and help texts. fn lint_short_long(lints: &mut Vec, slug: &str, short: Option<&StyledStr>, long: Option<&StyledStr>) { let short = if let Some(short) = short { short.to_string() } else { lints.push(format!("{}: no short help", slug)); return; }; if short.contains(". ") { lints.push(format!("{}: short contains more than one sentence", slug)); } if short.ends_with(".") { lints.push(format!("{}: short ends in period", slug)); } let long = if let Some(long) = long { long.to_string() } else { return; }; if ! long.starts_with(&format!("{}\n\n", short)) { lints.push(format!("{}: long help doesn't start with subject (short help + \\n\\n)", slug)); } if long.split("\n").count() == 1 { lints.push(format!("{}: long help consists of a single line", slug)); } } fn walk<'sq, F, G, R>(path: &mut Vec<&'sq str>, c: &'sq clap::Command, fun0: &mut F, fun1: &mut G) -> Result where F: FnMut(&[&str], &clap::Command) -> Result<()>, G: FnMut(&[&str], &clap::Command, &[R]) -> Result, { path.push(c.get_name()); (fun0)(&path, c)?; let mut r = Vec::new(); for s in c.get_subcommands().filter(|cmd| cmd.get_name() != "help") { r.push(walk(path, s, fun0, fun1)?); } let r = (fun1)(&path, c, &r)?; path.pop(); Ok(r) }