- Extend `sq cert import` to import bare revocation certificates. - See #50.
166 lines
4.9 KiB
166 lines
4.9 KiB
use std::fs::File;
use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
use openpgp::Packet;
use openpgp::PacketPile;
use openpgp::Result;
use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
use openpgp::packet::Tag;
use openpgp::parse::Parse;
use openpgp::serialize::Serialize;
use openpgp::types::RevocationStatus;
use super::common::Sq;
use super::common::STANDARD_POLICY;
fn sq_cert_import() -> Result<()>
let sq = Sq::new();
// Generate keys.
let (_cert, alice_pgp, _rev) =
sq.key_generate(&["--expiration", "never"], &["<alice@example.org>"]);
let alice_bytes = std::fs::read(&alice_pgp)?;
let (_cert, bob_pgp, _rev) =
sq.key_generate(&["--expiration", "never"], &["<bob@example.org>"]);
let (_cert, carol_pgp, _rev) =
sq.key_generate(&["--expiration", "never"], &["<carol@example.org>"]);
let alice_pgp = alice_pgp.display().to_string();
let alice_pgp = &alice_pgp[..];
let bob_pgp = bob_pgp.display().to_string();
let bob_pgp = &bob_pgp[..];
let carol_pgp = carol_pgp.display().to_string();
let carol_pgp = &carol_pgp[..];
let files = &[ alice_pgp, bob_pgp, carol_pgp ];
let check = |files: &[&str], stdin: Option<&[u8]>, expected: usize|
// Use a fresh certd.
let sq = Sq::new();
// Import.
let mut cmd = sq.command();
cmd.args(["cert", "import"]);
if let Some(stdin) = stdin {
eprintln!("sq cert import {}{}",
files.join(" "),
if stdin.is_some() { "<BYTES" } else { "" });
// Export.
let mut cmd = sq.command();
cmd.args(["cert", "export", "--all"]);
eprintln!("sq cert export...");
let output = cmd.output().expect("success");
let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);
"sq cert export should succeed\n\
stdout, stderr);
let parser = CertParser::from_bytes(stdout.as_bytes())
let found = parser.collect::<Result<Vec<Cert>>>()
assert_eq!(expected, found.len(),
"expected: {}\nfound: {} ({})\n\
expected, found.len(),
found.iter().map(|c| c.fingerprint().to_string())
.join(", "),
stdout, stderr);
// Import from N files.
for i in 1..=files.len() {
check(&files[0..i], None, i);
// Import from stdin.
check(&[], Some(&alice_bytes[..]), 1);
// Specify "-".
check(&["-"], Some(&alice_bytes[..]), 1);
// Provide stdin and a file. Only the file should be read.
check(&[bob_pgp], Some(&alice_bytes[..]), 1);
// Provide stdin explicitly and a file. Both should be read.
check(&[bob_pgp, "-"], Some(&alice_bytes[..]), 2);
fn sq_cert_import_rev() -> Result<()>
let sq = Sq::new();
// Generate a key. (We don't use sq on purpose: we want to make
// sure we have a bare revocation certificate.)
let (cert, rev) = CertBuilder::general_purpose(
None, Some("alice@example.org"))
let cert_file = sq.scratch_file("cert");
cert.as_tsk().serialize(&mut File::create(&cert_file)?)?;
// We shouldn't be able to import a signature over a data file.
// Create a detached signature.
let sig_file = sq.scratch_file("sig");
sq.sign_detached(&[], cert.fingerprint(),
cert_file.as_path(), sig_file.as_path());
// Be extra sure that it is a single packet.
let pp = PacketPile::from_file(&sig_file)?;
let packets = pp.into_children().collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!(packets.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(packets[0].tag(), Tag::Signature);
// Assert that it can't be imported.
// We should be able to import a bare revocation certificate.
// Assert that the certificate is not revoked.
let cert = sq.cert_export(cert.key_handle());
assert!(! matches!(
cert.revocation_status(STANDARD_POLICY, sq.now()),
// Import the revocation certificate.
let rev_file = sq.scratch_file("rev");
Packet::from(rev).serialize(&mut File::create(&rev_file)?)?;
// Assert that the certificate is now revoked.
let cert = sq.cert_export(cert.key_handle());
cert.revocation_status(STANDARD_POLICY, sq.now()),