2024-06-13 10:47:00 +02:00


This directory contains data for the examples.

The test suite executes each subcommand's examples. Each subcommand has its own context (temporary directory), which is set to the current working directory. The contents of this directory are copied into that directory. If a subcommand has multiple examples, they are execute after each other in the same context.

By using static data, we can use known fingerprints in the examples.


  • alice-secret.pgp: A general-purpose certificate for Alice alice@example.org.

    • Imported into the cert store.
  • bob-secret.pgp: A general-purpose certificate for Bob bob@example.org.

    • Imported into the cert store.
    • Certified by Alice.
  • juliet.pgp: A general-purpose certificate for Juliet Capulet juliet@example.org.

    • NOT imported into the cert store.
  • romeo.pgp: A general-purpose certificate for Romeo Montague romeo@example.org.

    • NOT imported into the cert store.
  • document.txt, document.sig: A document, and a detached signatured.

    • sq sign --detached --signer-file juliet-secret.pgp document.txt > document.sig
    • sq verify --signer-file juliet-secret.pgp --detached document.sig document.txt
  • message.pgp: A document encrypted for Bob, and signed by Alice.

    • echo 'Golf this afternoon?' | sq encrypt --recipient-file bob-secret.pgp --signer-file alice-secret.pgp > message.pgp