- Rename the `--expiry` argument to `--expiration`, and adjust the name of the corresponding fields, and data structures. - Expiration and expiry have about the same meaning. According to my research, "expiration" is used in American English whereas both are used in British English. - This change aligns the usage with RFC 4880's terminology, which uses the word "expiration" many times, but never uses "expiry".
239 lines
8.7 KiB
239 lines
8.7 KiB
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::ops::Deref;
use assert_cmd::Command;
use tempfile::TempDir;
use sequoia_openpgp as openpgp;
use openpgp::KeyHandle;
use openpgp::Result;
use openpgp::cert::prelude::*;
use openpgp::parse::Parse;
mod integration {
use super::*;
fn sq_export() -> Result<()>
let dir = TempDir::new()?;
let certd = dir.path().join("cert.d").display().to_string();
std::fs::create_dir(&certd).expect("mkdir works");
struct Data {
userids: &'static [&'static str],
filename: String,
cert: Option<Cert>,
impl Data {
fn cert(&self) -> &Cert {
self.cert.as_ref().expect("have the cert")
let data: &mut [Data] = &mut [
Data {
userids: &[ "<alice@example.org>" ][..],
filename: dir.path().join("alice.pgp").display().to_string(),
cert: None,
Data {
userids: &[ "<bob@example.org>" ][..],
filename: dir.path().join("bob.pgp").display().to_string(),
cert: None,
Data {
userids: &[
filename: dir.path().join("carol.pgp").display().to_string(),
cert: None,
// Generate and import the keys.
for data in data.iter_mut() {
eprintln!("Generating key for {}",
data.userids.join(", "));
let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("sq")?;
cmd.args(["--cert-store", &certd,
"key", "generate",
"--expiration", "never",
"--output", &data.filename]);
for userid in data.userids.iter() {
cmd.args(["--userid", userid]);
let cert = Cert::from_file(&data.filename)?;
eprintln!("Importing {}", cert.fingerprint());
data.cert = Some(cert);
let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("sq")?;
cmd.args(["--cert-store", &certd,
"cert", "import",
assert_eq!(data.len(), 3);
let alice = &data[0];
let bob = &data[1];
let carol = &data[2];
// Checks that the data contains exactly the listed
// certificates.
let check = |data: &[&Data], stdout: Cow<str>, stderr: Cow<str>| {
let parser = CertParser::from_bytes(stdout.as_bytes())
let found = parser.collect::<Result<Vec<Cert>>>()
assert_eq!(found.len(), data.len(),
"found: {}\nexpected: {}\n\
found.iter().map(|c| c.fingerprint().to_string())
.join(", "),
data.iter().map(|d| d.cert().fingerprint().to_string())
.join(", "),
stdout, stderr);
for cert in found.iter() {
let fpr = cert.fingerprint();
if let Some(_data) = data.iter().find(|data| {
data.cert().fingerprint() == fpr
}) {
} else {
panic!("Didn't find {} (have: {})\n\
.map(|d| d.cert().fingerprint().to_string())
.join(", "),
stdout, stderr);
// args: --cert|--key|--userid|... pattern
let call = |args: &[&str], success: bool, data: &[&Data]| {
let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("sq").unwrap();
cmd.args(["--cert-store", &certd,
"cert", "export"]);
let args = args.iter()
.map(|s| format!("{:?}", s))
.join(" ");
eprintln!("sq cert export {}...", args);
let output = cmd.output().expect("success");
let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout);
let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);
if success {
"sq cert export {} should succeed\n\
args, stdout, stderr);
check(data, stdout, stderr);
} else {
assert!(! output.status.success(),
"sq cert export {} should fail\n\
args, stdout, stderr);
check(&[], stdout, stderr);
for data in data.iter() {
let cert = data.cert.as_ref().unwrap();
// Export them by the cert's fingerprint and keyid.
for ka in cert.keys() {
for kh in [ KeyHandle::from(ka.fingerprint()),
KeyHandle::from(ka.keyid()) ]
call(&["--cert", &kh.to_string()], ka.primary(), &[data]);
// Export them by fingerprint and keyid.
for kh in cert.keys().map(|ka| KeyHandle::from(ka.fingerprint()))
.chain(cert.keys().map(|ka| KeyHandle::from(ka.keyid())))
call(&["--key", &kh.to_string()], true, &[data]);
for ua in cert.userids() {
// Export by user id.
let userid = String::from_utf8_lossy(
let email = ua.userid().email2().unwrap().unwrap();
call(&["--userid", &userid], true, &[data]);
call(&["--userid", &email], false, &[]);
// Should be case sensitive.
call(&["--userid", &userid.deref().to_uppercase()], false, &[]);
// Substring should fail.
call(&["--userid", &userid[1..]], false, &[]);
call(&["--email", &userid], false, &[]);
call(&["--email", &email], true, &[data]);
// Email is case insensitive.
call(&["--email", &email.to_uppercase()], true, &[data]);
// Substring should fail.
call(&["--email", &email[1..]], false, &[]);
call(&["--grep", &userid], true, &[data]);
call(&["--grep", &email], true, &[data]);
// Should be case insensitive.
call(&["--grep", &userid.deref().to_uppercase()], true, &[data]);
// Substring should succeed.
call(&["--grep", &userid[1..]], true, &[data]);
// By domain.
call(&["--domain", "example.org"], true, &[alice, bob]);
call(&["--domain", "EXAMPLE.ORG"], true, &[alice, bob]);
call(&["--domain", "sub.example.org"], true, &[carol]);
call(&["--domain", "SUB.EXAMPLE.ORG"], true, &[carol]);
call(&["--domain", "other.org"], true, &[carol]);
call(&["--domain", "hello.com"], false, &[]);
call(&["--domain", "me@hello.com"], false, &[]);
call(&["--domain", "alice@example.org"], false, &[]);
call(&["--domain", "xample.org"], false, &[]);
call(&["--domain", "example.or"], false, &[]);
call(&["--domain", "@example.org"], false, &[]);
// Match a cert in many ways. It should only be exported
// once.
call(&["--cert", &carol.cert().fingerprint().to_string(),
"--userid", carol.userids[0],
"--email", "carol@example.org",
"--domain", "other.org"
], true, &[carol]);
// Match multiple certs in different ways.
call(&["--cert", &alice.cert().fingerprint().to_string(),
"--key", &bob.cert().fingerprint().to_string(),
"--email", "carol@sub.example.org",
], true, &[alice, bob, carol]);