replication test split into three parts in order to improve test execution time. Random fixes and improvements.

This commit is contained in:
antirez 2011-07-11 00:46:25 +02:00
parent 82e5dd35ea
commit 569f84aa7c
4 changed files with 69 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
start_server {} {
test {First server should have role slave after SLAVEOF} {
r -1 slaveof [srv 0 host] [srv 0 port]
after 1000
s -1 role
} {slave}
test {MASTER and SLAVE dataset should be identical after complex ops} {
createComplexDataset r 10000
after 500
if {[r debug digest] ne [r -1 debug digest]} {
set csv1 [csvdump r]
set csv2 [csvdump {r -1}]
set fd [open /tmp/repldump1.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv1
close $fd
set fd [open /tmp/repldump2.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv2
close $fd
puts "Master - Slave inconsistency"
puts "Run diff -u against /tmp/repldump*.txt for more info"
assert_equal [r debug digest] [r -1 debug digest]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
start_server {} {
test {First server should have role slave after SLAVEOF} {
r -1 slaveof [srv 0 host] [srv 0 port]
after 1000
s -1 role
} {slave}
test {MASTER and SLAVE consistency with expire} {
createComplexDataset r 50000 useexpire
after 4000 ;# Make sure everything expired before taking the digest
r keys * ;# Force DEL syntesizing to slave
after 1000 ;# Wait another second. Now everything should be fine.
if {[r debug digest] ne [r -1 debug digest]} {
set csv1 [csvdump r]
set csv2 [csvdump {r -1}]
set fd [open /tmp/repldump1.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv1
close $fd
set fd [open /tmp/repldump2.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv2
close $fd
puts "Master - Slave inconsistency"
puts "Run diff -u against /tmp/repldump*.txt for more info"
assert_equal [r debug digest] [r -1 debug digest]

View File

@ -23,44 +23,6 @@ start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
after 1000
assert_equal [r debug digest] [r -1 debug digest]
test {MASTER and SLAVE dataset should be identical after complex ops} {
createComplexDataset r 10000
after 500
if {[r debug digest] ne [r -1 debug digest]} {
set csv1 [csvdump r]
set csv2 [csvdump {r -1}]
set fd [open /tmp/repldump1.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv1
close $fd
set fd [open /tmp/repldump2.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv2
close $fd
puts "Master - Slave inconsistency"
puts "Run diff -u against /tmp/repldump*.txt for more info"
assert_equal [r debug digest] [r -1 debug digest]
test {MASTER and SLAVE consistency with expire} {
createComplexDataset r 50000 useexpire
after 4000 ;# Make sure everything expired before taking the digest
r keys * ;# Force DEL syntesizing to slave
after 1000 ;# Wait another second. Now everything should be fine.
if {[r debug digest] ne [r -1 debug digest]} {
set csv1 [csvdump r]
set csv2 [csvdump {r -1}]
set fd [open /tmp/repldump1.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv1
close $fd
set fd [open /tmp/repldump2.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv2
close $fd
puts "Master - Slave inconsistency"
puts "Run diff -u against /tmp/repldump*.txt for more info"
assert_equal [r debug digest] [r -1 debug digest]

View File

@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ set ::all_tests {
@ -166,9 +168,11 @@ proc test_server_main {} {
# Start the client instances
set ::clients_pids {}
for {set j 0} {$j < $::numclients} {incr j} {
exec tclsh8.5 [info script] {*}$::argv \
--client $port --port [expr {$::port+($j*10)}] &
set p [exec tclsh8.5 [info script] {*}$::argv \
--client $port --port [expr {$::port+($j*10)}] &]
lappend ::clients_pids $p
# Setup global state for the test server
@ -215,13 +219,19 @@ proc read_from_test_client fd {
} elseif {$status eq {done}} {
set elapsed [expr {[clock seconds]-$::clients_start_time($fd)}]
puts "\[[colorstr yellow $status]\]: $data ($elapsed seconds)"
puts "+++ [llength $::active_clients] units still in execution."
puts "+++ [expr {[llength $::active_clients]-1}] units still in execution."
lappend ::clients_time_history $elapsed $data
signal_idle_client $fd
} elseif {$status eq {ok}} {
puts "\[[colorstr green $status]\]: $data"
} elseif {$status eq {err}} {
puts "\[[colorstr red $status]\]: $data"
} elseif {$status eq {exception}} {
puts "\[[colorstr red $status]\]: $data"
foreach p $::clients_pids {
catch {exec kill -9 $p}
exit 1
} else {
puts "\[$status\]: $data"