zhugezy 1b0968df46
Remove EVAL script verbatim replication, propagation, and deterministic execution logic (#9812)
# Background

The main goal of this PR is to remove relevant logics on Lua script verbatim replication,
only keeping effects replication logic, which has been set as default since Redis 5.0.
As a result, Lua in Redis 7.0 would be acting the same as Redis 6.0 with default
configuration from users' point of view.

There are lots of reasons to remove verbatim replication.
Antirez has listed some of the benefits in Issue #5292:

>1. No longer need to explain to users side effects into scripts.
    They can do whatever they want.
>2. No need for a cache about scripts that we sent or not to the slaves.
>3. No need to sort the output of certain commands inside scripts
    (SMEMBERS and others): this both simplifies and gains speed.
>4. No need to store scripts inside the RDB file in order to startup correctly.
>5. No problems about evicting keys during the script execution.

When looking back at Redis 5.0, antirez and core team decided to set the config
`lua-replicate-commands yes` by default instead of removing verbatim replication
directly, in case some bad situations happened. 3 years later now before Redis 7.0,
it's time to remove it formally.

# Changes

- configuration for lua-replicate-commands removed
  - created config file stub for backward compatibility
- Replication script cache removed
  - this is useless under script effects replication
  - relevant statistics also removed
- script persistence in RDB files is also removed
- Propagation of SCRIPT LOAD and SCRIPT FLUSH to replica / AOF removed
- Deterministic execution logic in scripts removed (i.e. don't run write commands
  after random ones, and sorting output of commands with random order)
  - the flags indicating which commands have non-deterministic results are kept as hints to clients.
- `redis.replicate_commands()` & `redis.set_repl()` changed
  - now `redis.replicate_commands()` does nothing and return an 1
  - ...and then `redis.set_repl()` can be issued before `redis.replicate_commands()` now
- Relevant TCL cases adjusted
- DEBUG lua-always-replicate-commands removed

# Other changes
- Fix a recent bug comparing CLIENT_ID_AOF to original_client->flags instead of id. (introduced in #9780)

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2021-12-21 08:32:42 +02:00

131 lines
4.9 KiB

start_server {tags {"repl external:skip"}} {
start_server {} {
test {First server should have role slave after SLAVEOF} {
r -1 slaveof [srv 0 host] [srv 0 port]
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s -1 master_link_status] eq {up}
} else {
fail "Replication not started."
if {$::accurate} {set numops 50000} else {set numops 5000}
test {MASTER and SLAVE consistency with expire} {
createComplexDataset r $numops useexpire
# Make sure everything expired before taking the digest
# createComplexDataset uses max expire time of 2 seconds
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
0 == [scan [regexp -inline {expires\=([\d]*)} [r -1 info keyspace]] expires=%d]
} else {
fail "expire didn't end"
# make sure the replica got all the DELs
wait_for_ofs_sync [srv 0 client] [srv -1 client]
if {[r debug digest] ne [r -1 debug digest]} {
set csv1 [csvdump r]
set csv2 [csvdump {r -1}]
set fd [open /tmp/repldump1.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv1
close $fd
set fd [open /tmp/repldump2.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv2
close $fd
puts "Master - Replica inconsistency"
puts "Run diff -u against /tmp/repldump*.txt for more info"
assert_equal [r debug digest] [r -1 debug digest]
test {Master can replicate command longer than client-query-buffer-limit on replica} {
# Configure the master to have a bigger query buffer limit
r config set client-query-buffer-limit 2000000
r -1 config set client-query-buffer-limit 1048576
# Write a very large command onto the master
r set key [string repeat "x" 1100000]
wait_for_condition 300 100 {
[r -1 get key] eq [string repeat "x" 1100000]
} else {
fail "Unable to replicate command longer than client-query-buffer-limit"
test {Slave is able to evict keys created in writable slaves} {
r -1 select 5
assert {[r -1 dbsize] == 0}
r -1 config set slave-read-only no
r -1 set key1 1 ex 5
r -1 set key2 2 ex 5
r -1 set key3 3 ex 5
assert {[r -1 dbsize] == 3}
after 6000
r -1 dbsize
} {0}
test {Writable replica doesn't return expired keys} {
r select 5
assert {[r dbsize] == 0}
r debug set-active-expire 0
r set key1 5 px 10
r set key2 5 px 10
r -1 select 5
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r -1 dbsize] == 2 && [r -1 exists key1 key2] == 0
} else {
fail "Keys didn't replicate or didn't expire."
r -1 config set slave-read-only no
assert_equal 2 [r -1 dbsize] ; # active expire is off
assert_equal 1 [r -1 incr key1] ; # incr expires and re-creates key1
assert_equal -1 [r -1 ttl key1] ; # incr created key1 without TTL
assert_equal {} [r -1 get key2] ; # key2 expired but not deleted
assert_equal 2 [r -1 dbsize]
# cleanup
r debug set-active-expire 1
r -1 del key1 key2
r -1 config set slave-read-only yes
r del key1 key2
test {PFCOUNT updates cache on readonly replica} {
r select 5
assert {[r dbsize] == 0}
r pfadd key a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q
set strval [r get key]
r -1 select 5
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r -1 dbsize] == 1
} else {
fail "Replication timeout."
assert {$strval == [r -1 get key]}
assert_equal 17 [r -1 pfcount key]
assert {$strval != [r -1 get key]}; # cache updated
# cleanup
r del key
test {PFCOUNT doesn't use expired key on readonly replica} {
r select 5
assert {[r dbsize] == 0}
r debug set-active-expire 0
r pfadd key a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q
r pexpire key 10
r -1 select 5
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r -1 dbsize] == 1 && [r -1 exists key] == 0
} else {
fail "Key didn't replicate or didn't expire."
assert_equal [r -1 pfcount key] 0 ; # expired key not used
assert_equal [r -1 dbsize] 1 ; # but it's also not deleted
# cleanup
r debug set-active-expire 1
r del key