Ping Xie 4135894a5d
Update remaining master references to primary (#660)
Signed-off-by: Ping Xie <>
2024-06-17 20:31:15 -07:00

90 lines
2.7 KiB

start_server {tags {"auth external:skip"}} {
test {AUTH fails if there is no password configured server side} {
catch {r auth foo} err
set _ $err
} {ERR *any password*}
test {Arity check for auth command} {
catch {r auth a b c} err
set _ $err
} {*syntax error*}
start_server {tags {"auth external:skip"} overrides {requirepass foobar}} {
test {AUTH fails when a wrong password is given} {
catch {r auth wrong!} err
set _ $err
test {Arbitrary command gives an error when AUTH is required} {
catch {r set foo bar} err
set _ $err
test {AUTH succeeds when the right password is given} {
r auth foobar
} {OK}
test {Once AUTH succeeded we can actually send commands to the server} {
r set foo 100
r incr foo
} {101}
test {For unauthenticated clients multibulk and bulk length are limited} {
set rr [valkey [srv "host"] [srv "port"] 0 $::tls]
$rr write "*100\r\n"
$rr flush
catch {[$rr read]} e
assert_match {*unauthenticated multibulk length*} $e
$rr close
set rr [valkey [srv "host"] [srv "port"] 0 $::tls]
$rr write "*1\r\n\$100000000\r\n"
$rr flush
catch {[$rr read]} e
assert_match {*unauthenticated bulk length*} $e
$rr close
start_server {tags {"auth_binary_password external:skip"}} {
test {AUTH fails when binary password is wrong} {
r config set requirepass "abc\x00def"
catch {r auth abc} err
set _ $err
test {AUTH succeeds when binary password is correct} {
r config set requirepass "abc\x00def"
r auth "abc\x00def"
} {OK}
start_server {tags {"primaryauth"}} {
set master [srv -1 client]
set master_host [srv -1 host]
set master_port [srv -1 port]
set slave [srv 0 client]
test {primaryauth test with binary password} {
$master config set requirepass "abc\x00def"
# Configure the replica with primaryauth
set loglines [count_log_lines 0]
$slave config set primaryauth "abc"
$slave slaveof $master_host $master_port
# Verify replica is not able to sync with master
wait_for_log_messages 0 {"*Unable to AUTH to PRIMARY*"} $loglines 1000 10
assert_equal {down} [s 0 master_link_status]
# Test replica with the correct primaryauth
$slave config set primaryauth "abc\x00def"
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s 0 master_link_status] eq {up}
} else {
fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica"