The test flag `REDIS_TEST` has already be changed to `SERVER_TEST` in `.github/workflows/daily.yml`, the name in the src directory need to be changed as well. ```shell run: | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 make 32bit SERVER_CFLAGS='-Werror -DSERVER_TEST' ``` Signed-off-by: Vitah Lin <>
80 lines
3.9 KiB
80 lines
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#ifndef DICTARRAY_H_
#define DICTARRAY_H_
#include "dict.h"
#include "adlist.h"
typedef struct _kvstore kvstore;
typedef struct _kvstoreIterator kvstoreIterator;
typedef struct _kvstoreDictIterator kvstoreDictIterator;
typedef int (kvstoreScanShouldSkipDict)(dict *d);
typedef int (kvstoreExpandShouldSkipDictIndex)(int didx);
kvstore *kvstoreCreate(dictType *type, int num_dicts_bits, int flags);
void kvstoreEmpty(kvstore *kvs, void(callback)(dict*));
void kvstoreRelease(kvstore *kvs);
unsigned long long kvstoreSize(kvstore *kvs);
unsigned long kvstoreBuckets(kvstore *kvs);
size_t kvstoreMemUsage(kvstore *kvs);
unsigned long long kvstoreScan(kvstore *kvs, unsigned long long cursor,
int onlydidx, dictScanFunction *scan_cb,
kvstoreScanShouldSkipDict *skip_cb,
void *privdata);
int kvstoreExpand(kvstore *kvs, uint64_t newsize, int try_expand, kvstoreExpandShouldSkipDictIndex *skip_cb);
int kvstoreGetFairRandomDictIndex(kvstore *kvs);
void kvstoreGetStats(kvstore *kvs, char *buf, size_t bufsize, int full);
int kvstoreFindDictIndexByKeyIndex(kvstore *kvs, unsigned long target);
int kvstoreGetFirstNonEmptyDictIndex(kvstore *kvs);
int kvstoreGetNextNonEmptyDictIndex(kvstore *kvs, int didx);
int kvstoreNumNonEmptyDicts(kvstore *kvs);
int kvstoreNumAllocatedDicts(kvstore *kvs);
int kvstoreNumDicts(kvstore *kvs);
uint64_t kvstoreGetHash(kvstore *kvs, const void *key);
/* kvstore iterator specific functions */
kvstoreIterator *kvstoreIteratorInit(kvstore *kvs);
void kvstoreIteratorRelease(kvstoreIterator *kvs_it);
dict *kvstoreIteratorNextDict(kvstoreIterator *kvs_it);
int kvstoreIteratorGetCurrentDictIndex(kvstoreIterator *kvs_it);
dictEntry *kvstoreIteratorNext(kvstoreIterator *kvs_it);
/* Rehashing */
void kvstoreTryResizeDicts(kvstore *kvs, int limit);
uint64_t kvstoreIncrementallyRehash(kvstore *kvs, uint64_t threshold_us);
size_t kvstoreOverheadHashtableLut(kvstore *kvs);
size_t kvstoreOverheadHashtableRehashing(kvstore *kvs);
unsigned long kvstoreDictRehashingCount(kvstore *kvs);
/* Specific dict access by dict-index */
unsigned long kvstoreDictSize(kvstore *kvs, int didx);
kvstoreDictIterator *kvstoreGetDictIterator(kvstore *kvs, int didx);
kvstoreDictIterator *kvstoreGetDictSafeIterator(kvstore *kvs, int didx);
void kvstoreReleaseDictIterator(kvstoreDictIterator *kvs_id);
dictEntry *kvstoreDictIteratorNext(kvstoreDictIterator *kvs_di);
dictEntry *kvstoreDictGetRandomKey(kvstore *kvs, int didx);
dictEntry *kvstoreDictGetFairRandomKey(kvstore *kvs, int didx);
dictEntry *kvstoreDictFindEntryByPtrAndHash(kvstore *kvs, int didx, const void *oldptr, uint64_t hash);
unsigned int kvstoreDictGetSomeKeys(kvstore *kvs, int didx, dictEntry **des, unsigned int count);
int kvstoreDictExpand(kvstore *kvs, int didx, unsigned long size);
unsigned long kvstoreDictScanDefrag(kvstore *kvs, int didx, unsigned long v, dictScanFunction *fn, dictDefragFunctions *defragfns, void *privdata);
typedef dict *(kvstoreDictLUTDefragFunction)(dict *d);
void kvstoreDictLUTDefrag(kvstore *kvs, kvstoreDictLUTDefragFunction *defragfn);
void *kvstoreDictFetchValue(kvstore *kvs, int didx, const void *key);
dictEntry *kvstoreDictFind(kvstore *kvs, int didx, void *key);
dictEntry *kvstoreDictAddRaw(kvstore *kvs, int didx, void *key, dictEntry **existing);
void kvstoreDictSetKey(kvstore *kvs, int didx, dictEntry* de, void *key);
void kvstoreDictSetVal(kvstore *kvs, int didx, dictEntry *de, void *val);
dictEntry *kvstoreDictTwoPhaseUnlinkFind(kvstore *kvs, int didx, const void *key, dictEntry ***plink, int *table_index);
void kvstoreDictTwoPhaseUnlinkFree(kvstore *kvs, int didx, dictEntry *he, dictEntry **plink, int table_index);
int kvstoreDictDelete(kvstore *kvs, int didx, const void *key);
int kvstoreTest(int argc, char *argv[], int flags);
#endif /* DICTARRAY_H_ */