The MacOS CI in github actions often hangs without any logs. GH argues that it's due to resource utilization, either running out of disk space, memory, or CPU starvation, and thus the runner is terminated. This PR contains multiple attempts to resolve this: 1. introducing pause_process instead of SIGSTOP, which waits for the process to stop before resuming the test, possibly resolving race conditions in some tests, this was a suspect since there was one test that could result in an infinite loop in that case, in practice this didn't help, but still a good idea to keep. 2. disable the `save` config in many tests that don't need it, specifically ones that use heavy writes and could create large files. 3. change the `populate` proc to use short pipeline rather than an infinite one. 4. use `--clients 1` in the macos CI so that we don't risk running multiple resource demanding tests in parallel. 5. enable `--verbose` to be repeated to elevate verbosity and print more info to stdout when a test or a server starts.
587 lines
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587 lines
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tags {"external:skip logreqres:skip"} {
# Get info about a redis client connection:
# name - name of client we want to query
# f - field name from "CLIENT LIST" we want to get
proc client_field {name f} {
set clients [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"]
set c [lsearch -inline $clients *name=$name*]
if {![regexp $f=(\[a-zA-Z0-9-\]+) $c - res]} {
error "no client named $name found with field $f"
return $res
proc client_exists {name} {
if {[catch { client_field $name tot-mem } e]} {
return false
return true
proc gen_client {} {
set rr [redis_client]
set name "tst_[randstring 4 4 simplealpha]"
$rr client setname $name
assert {[client_exists $name]}
return [list $rr $name]
# Sum a value across all redis client connections:
# f - the field name from "CLIENT LIST" we want to sum
proc clients_sum {f} {
set sum 0
set clients [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"]
foreach c $clients {
if {![regexp $f=(\[a-zA-Z0-9-\]+) $c - res]} {
error "field $f not found in $c"
incr sum $res
return $sum
proc mb {v} {
return [expr $v * 1024 * 1024]
proc kb {v} {
return [expr $v * 1024]
start_server {} {
set maxmemory_clients 3000000
r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
test "client evicted due to large argv" {
r flushdb
lassign [gen_client] rr cname
# Attempt a large multi-bulk command under eviction limit
$rr mset k v k2 [string repeat v 1000000]
assert_equal [$rr get k] v
# Attempt another command, now causing client eviction
catch { $rr mset k v k2 [string repeat v $maxmemory_clients] } e
assert {![client_exists $cname]}
$rr close
test "client evicted due to large query buf" {
r flushdb
lassign [gen_client] rr cname
# Attempt to fill the query buff without completing the argument above the limit, causing client eviction
catch {
$rr write [join [list "*1\r\n\$$maxmemory_clients\r\n" [string repeat v $maxmemory_clients]] ""]
$rr flush
$rr read
} e
assert {![client_exists $cname]}
$rr close
test "client evicted due to percentage of maxmemory" {
set maxmemory [mb 6]
r config set maxmemory $maxmemory
# Set client eviction threshold to 7% of maxmemory
set maxmemory_clients_p 7
r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients_p%
r flushdb
set maxmemory_clients_actual [expr $maxmemory * $maxmemory_clients_p / 100]
lassign [gen_client] rr cname
# Attempt to fill the query buff with only half the percentage threshold verify we're not disconnected
set n [expr $maxmemory_clients_actual / 2]
$rr write [join [list "*1\r\n\$$n\r\n" [string repeat v $n]] ""]
$rr flush
set tot_mem [client_field $cname tot-mem]
assert {$tot_mem >= $n && $tot_mem < $maxmemory_clients_actual}
# Attempt to fill the query buff with the percentage threshold of maxmemory and verify we're evicted
$rr close
lassign [gen_client] rr cname
catch {
$rr write [join [list "*1\r\n\$$maxmemory_clients_actual\r\n" [string repeat v $maxmemory_clients_actual]] ""]
$rr flush
} e
assert {![client_exists $cname]}
$rr close
# Restore settings
r config set maxmemory 0
r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
test "client evicted due to large multi buf" {
r flushdb
lassign [gen_client] rr cname
# Attempt a multi-exec where sum of commands is less than maxmemory_clients
$rr multi
$rr set k [string repeat v [expr $maxmemory_clients / 4]]
$rr set k [string repeat v [expr $maxmemory_clients / 4]]
assert_equal [$rr exec] {OK OK}
# Attempt a multi-exec where sum of commands is more than maxmemory_clients, causing client eviction
$rr multi
catch {
for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
$rr set k [string repeat v [expr $maxmemory_clients / 4]]
} e
assert {![client_exists $cname]}
$rr close
test "client evicted due to watched key list" {
r flushdb
set rr [redis_client]
# Since watched key list is a small overhead this test uses a minimal maxmemory-clients config
set temp_maxmemory_clients 200000
r config set maxmemory-clients $temp_maxmemory_clients
# Append watched keys until list maxes out maxmemory clients and causes client eviction
catch {
for {set j 0} {$j < $temp_maxmemory_clients} {incr j} {
$rr watch $j
} e
assert_match {I/O error reading reply} $e
$rr close
# Restore config for next tests
r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
test "client evicted due to pubsub subscriptions" {
r flushdb
# Since pubsub subscriptions cause a small overhead this test uses a minimal maxmemory-clients config
set temp_maxmemory_clients 200000
r config set maxmemory-clients $temp_maxmemory_clients
# Test eviction due to pubsub patterns
set rr [redis_client]
# Add patterns until list maxes out maxmemory clients and causes client eviction
catch {
for {set j 0} {$j < $temp_maxmemory_clients} {incr j} {
$rr psubscribe $j
} e
assert_match {I/O error reading reply} $e
$rr close
# Test eviction due to pubsub channels
set rr [redis_client]
# Subscribe to global channels until list maxes out maxmemory clients and causes client eviction
catch {
for {set j 0} {$j < $temp_maxmemory_clients} {incr j} {
$rr subscribe $j
} e
assert_match {I/O error reading reply} $e
$rr close
# Test eviction due to sharded pubsub channels
set rr [redis_client]
# Subscribe to sharded pubsub channels until list maxes out maxmemory clients and causes client eviction
catch {
for {set j 0} {$j < $temp_maxmemory_clients} {incr j} {
$rr ssubscribe $j
} e
assert_match {I/O error reading reply} $e
$rr close
# Restore config for next tests
r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
test "client evicted due to tracking redirection" {
r flushdb
set rr [redis_client]
set redirected_c [redis_client]
$redirected_c client setname redirected_client
set redir_id [$redirected_c client id]
$redirected_c SUBSCRIBE __redis__:invalidate
$rr client tracking on redirect $redir_id bcast
# Use a big key name to fill the redirected tracking client's buffer quickly
set key_length [expr 1024*200]
set long_key [string repeat k $key_length]
# Use a script so we won't need to pass the long key name when dirtying it in the loop
set script_sha [$rr script load "'incr', '$long_key')"]
# Pause serverCron so it won't update memory usage since we're testing the update logic when
# writing tracking redirection output
r debug pause-cron 1
# Read and write to same (long) key until redirected_client's buffers cause it to be evicted
catch {
while true {
set mem [client_field redirected_client tot-mem]
assert {$mem < $maxmemory_clients}
$rr evalsha $script_sha 0
} e
assert_match {no client named redirected_client found*} $e
r debug pause-cron 0
$rr close
$redirected_c close
} {0} {needs:debug}
test "client evicted due to client tracking prefixes" {
r flushdb
set rr [redis_client]
# Since tracking prefixes list is a small overhead this test uses a minimal maxmemory-clients config
set temp_maxmemory_clients 200000
r config set maxmemory-clients $temp_maxmemory_clients
# Append tracking prefixes until list maxes out maxmemory clients and causes client eviction
# Combine more prefixes in each command to speed up the test. Because we did not actually count
# the memory usage of all prefixes, see getClientMemoryUsage, so we can not use larger prefixes
# to speed up the test here.
catch {
for {set j 0} {$j < $temp_maxmemory_clients} {incr j} {
$rr client tracking on prefix [format a%09s $j] prefix [format b%09s $j] prefix [format c%09s $j] bcast
} e
assert_match {I/O error reading reply} $e
$rr close
# Restore config for next tests
r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
test "client evicted due to output buf" {
r flushdb
r setrange k 200000 v
set rr [redis_deferring_client]
$rr client setname test_client
$rr flush
assert {[$rr read] == "OK"}
# Attempt a large response under eviction limit
$rr get k
$rr flush
assert {[string length [$rr read]] == 200001}
set mem [client_field test_client tot-mem]
assert {$mem < $maxmemory_clients}
# Fill output buff in loop without reading it and make sure
# we're eventually disconnected, but before reaching maxmemory_clients
while true {
if { [catch {
set mem [client_field test_client tot-mem]
assert {$mem < $maxmemory_clients}
$rr get k
$rr flush
} e]} {
assert {![client_exists test_client]}
$rr close
foreach {no_evict} {on off} {
test "client no-evict $no_evict" {
r flushdb
r client setname control
r client no-evict on ;# Avoid evicting the main connection
lassign [gen_client] rr cname
$rr client no-evict $no_evict
# Overflow maxmemory-clients
set qbsize [expr {$maxmemory_clients + 1}]
if {[catch {
$rr write [join [list "*1\r\n\$$qbsize\r\n" [string repeat v $qbsize]] ""]
$rr flush
wait_for_condition 200 10 {
[client_field $cname qbuf] == $qbsize
} else {
fail "Failed to fill qbuf for test"
} e] && $no_evict == off} {
assert {![client_exists $cname]}
} elseif {$no_evict == on} {
assert {[client_field $cname tot-mem] > $maxmemory_clients}
$rr close
start_server {} {
set server_pid [s process_id]
set maxmemory_clients [mb 10]
set obuf_limit [mb 3]
r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
r config set client-output-buffer-limit "normal $obuf_limit 0 0"
test "avoid client eviction when client is freed by output buffer limit" {
r flushdb
set obuf_size [expr {$obuf_limit + [mb 1]}]
r setrange k $obuf_size v
set rr1 [redis_client]
$rr1 client setname "qbuf-client"
set rr2 [redis_deferring_client]
$rr2 client setname "obuf-client1"
assert_equal [$rr2 read] OK
set rr3 [redis_deferring_client]
$rr3 client setname "obuf-client2"
assert_equal [$rr3 read] OK
# Occupy client's query buff with less than output buffer limit left to exceed maxmemory-clients
set qbsize [expr {$maxmemory_clients - $obuf_size}]
$rr1 write [join [list "*1\r\n\$$qbsize\r\n" [string repeat v $qbsize]] ""]
$rr1 flush
# Wait for qbuff to be as expected
wait_for_condition 200 10 {
[client_field qbuf-client qbuf] == $qbsize
} else {
fail "Failed to fill qbuf for test"
# Make the other two obuf-clients pass obuf limit and also pass maxmemory-clients
# We use two obuf-clients to make sure that even if client eviction is attempted
# between two command processing (with no sleep) we don't perform any client eviction
# because the obuf limit is enforced with precedence.
pause_process $server_pid
$rr2 get k
$rr2 flush
$rr3 get k
$rr3 flush
resume_process $server_pid
r ping ;# make sure a full event loop cycle is processed before issuing CLIENT LIST
# Validate obuf-clients were disconnected (because of obuf limit)
catch {client_field obuf-client1 name} e
assert_match {no client named obuf-client1 found*} $e
catch {client_field obuf-client2 name} e
assert_match {no client named obuf-client2 found*} $e
# Validate qbuf-client is still connected and wasn't evicted
assert_equal [client_field qbuf-client name] {qbuf-client}
$rr1 close
$rr2 close
$rr3 close
start_server {} {
test "decrease maxmemory-clients causes client eviction" {
set maxmemory_clients [mb 4]
set client_count 10
set qbsize [expr ($maxmemory_clients - [mb 1]) / $client_count]
r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
# Make multiple clients consume together roughly 1mb less than maxmemory_clients
set rrs {}
for {set j 0} {$j < $client_count} {incr j} {
set rr [redis_client]
lappend rrs $rr
$rr client setname client$j
$rr write [join [list "*2\r\n\$$qbsize\r\n" [string repeat v $qbsize]] ""]
$rr flush
wait_for_condition 200 10 {
[client_field client$j qbuf] >= $qbsize
} else {
fail "Failed to fill qbuf for test"
# Make sure all clients are still connected
set connected_clients [llength [lsearch -all [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"] *name=client*]]
assert {$connected_clients == $client_count}
# Decrease maxmemory_clients and expect client eviction
r config set maxmemory-clients [expr $maxmemory_clients / 2]
set connected_clients [llength [lsearch -all [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"] *name=client*]]
assert {$connected_clients > 0 && $connected_clients < $client_count}
foreach rr $rrs {$rr close}
start_server {} {
test "evict clients only until below limit" {
set client_count 10
set client_mem [mb 1]
r debug replybuffer resizing 0
r config set maxmemory-clients 0
r client setname control
r client no-evict on
# Make multiple clients consume together roughly 1mb less than maxmemory_clients
set total_client_mem 0
set max_client_mem 0
set rrs {}
for {set j 0} {$j < $client_count} {incr j} {
set rr [redis_client]
lappend rrs $rr
$rr client setname client$j
$rr write [join [list "*2\r\n\$$client_mem\r\n" [string repeat v $client_mem]] ""]
$rr flush
wait_for_condition 200 10 {
[client_field client$j tot-mem] >= $client_mem
} else {
fail "Failed to fill qbuf for test"
# In theory all these clients should use the same amount of memory (~1mb). But in practice
# some allocators (libc) can return different allocation sizes for the same malloc argument causing
# some clients to use slightly more memory than others. We find the largest client and make sure
# all clients are roughly the same size (+-1%). Then we can safely set the client eviction limit and
# expect consistent results in the test.
set cmem [client_field client$j tot-mem]
if {$max_client_mem > 0} {
set size_ratio [expr $max_client_mem.0/$cmem.0]
assert_range $size_ratio 0.99 1.01
if {$cmem > $max_client_mem} {
set max_client_mem $cmem
# Make sure all clients are still connected
set connected_clients [llength [lsearch -all [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"] *name=client*]]
assert {$connected_clients == $client_count}
# Set maxmemory-clients to accommodate half our clients (taking into account the control client)
set maxmemory_clients [expr ($max_client_mem * $client_count) / 2 + [client_field control tot-mem]]
r config set maxmemory-clients $maxmemory_clients
# Make sure total used memory is below maxmemory_clients
set total_client_mem [clients_sum tot-mem]
assert {$total_client_mem <= $maxmemory_clients}
# Make sure we have only half of our clients now
set connected_clients [llength [lsearch -all [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"] *name=client*]]
assert {$connected_clients == [expr $client_count / 2]}
# Restore the reply buffer resize to default
r debug replybuffer resizing 1
foreach rr $rrs {$rr close}
} {} {needs:debug}
start_server {} {
test "evict clients in right order (large to small)" {
# Note that each size step needs to be at least x2 larger than previous step
# because of how the client-eviction size bucketing works
set sizes [list [kb 128] [mb 1] [mb 3]]
set clients_per_size 3
r client setname control
r client no-evict on
r config set maxmemory-clients 0
r debug replybuffer resizing 0
# Run over all sizes and create some clients using up that size
set total_client_mem 0
set rrs {}
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $sizes]} {incr i} {
set size [lindex $sizes $i]
for {set j 0} {$j < $clients_per_size} {incr j} {
set rr [redis_client]
lappend rrs $rr
$rr client setname client-$i
$rr write [join [list "*2\r\n\$$size\r\n" [string repeat v $size]] ""]
$rr flush
set client_mem [client_field client-$i tot-mem]
# Update our size list based on actual used up size (this is usually
# slightly more than expected because of allocator bins
assert {$client_mem >= $size}
set sizes [lreplace $sizes $i $i $client_mem]
# Account total client memory usage
incr total_mem [expr $clients_per_size * $client_mem]
# Make sure all clients are connected
set clients [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $sizes]} {incr i} {
assert_equal [llength [lsearch -all $clients "*name=client-$i *"]] $clients_per_size
# For each size reduce maxmemory-clients so relevant clients should be evicted
# do this from largest to smallest
foreach size [lreverse $sizes] {
set control_mem [client_field control tot-mem]
set total_mem [expr $total_mem - $clients_per_size * $size]
r config set maxmemory-clients [expr $total_mem + $control_mem]
set clients [split [string trim [r client list]] "\r\n"]
# Verify only relevant clients were evicted
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $sizes]} {incr i} {
set verify_size [lindex $sizes $i]
set count [llength [lsearch -all $clients "*name=client-$i *"]]
if {$verify_size < $size} {
assert_equal $count $clients_per_size
} else {
assert_equal $count 0
# Restore the reply buffer resize to default
r debug replybuffer resizing 1
foreach rr $rrs {$rr close}
} {} {needs:debug}
start_server {} {
foreach type {"client no-evict" "maxmemory-clients disabled"} {
r flushall
r client no-evict on
r config set maxmemory-clients 0
test "client total memory grows during $type" {
r setrange k [mb 1] v
set rr [redis_client]
$rr client setname test_client
if {$type eq "client no-evict"} {
$rr client no-evict on
r config set maxmemory-clients 1
$rr deferred 1
# Fill output buffer in loop without reading it and make sure
# the tot-mem of client has increased (OS buffers didn't swallow it)
# and eviction not occurring.
while {true} {
$rr get k
$rr flush
after 10
if {[client_field test_client tot-mem] > [mb 10]} {
# Trigger the client eviction, by flipping the no-evict flag to off
if {$type eq "client no-evict"} {
$rr client no-evict off
} else {
r config set maxmemory-clients 1
# wait for the client to be disconnected
wait_for_condition 5000 50 {
![client_exists test_client]
} else {
puts [r client list]
fail "client was not disconnected"
$rr close
} ;# tags