The only thing to be fixed was setarch(8) symlinks assumption that is correct for x86 but not for ARM. There's also some hasher(7) setup to be done: mkdir -p ~/.hasher echo >> ~/.hasher/config <<-EOF def_target=arm #cache_dir=$HOME/tmp # depends on RAM/storage configuration EOF ...and of course apt(8) should be properly set up too. An example PoC build on a CM-A510 board (tmpfs): $ make BRANDING=altlinux-centaurus ve/bare.tar.gz ** ARCH: arm 18:10:45 initializing BUILDDIR: build/ 18:10:45 preparing distro config: build/ 18:10:46 starting image build: tail -f build/build.log 18:14:49 done (4:02) ** image: $TMP/out/bare-20120706-arm.tar.gz [23M]