98 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File
98 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File
# analyze free space, preferring tmpfs over really many gigaz
# and taking into account configured hasher workdir prefices
# NB: use BUILDDIR to override autodetection (see ../QUICKSTART)
# hope there aren't spaces in RM's $HOME are they?
DIRS="$TMP $TMPDIR $HOME/hasher /tmp /var/tmp .."
MINSIZE=262144 # face control criterion
# mkimage needs /proc among those, be clear about that
grep -wqs "^allowed_mountpoints=[^#]*/proc" \
/etc/hasher-priv/system \
# poor man's SourceIfExists()
try_source() { [ -f "$1" ] && . "$1"; }
# hasher accepted ones
try_source /etc/hasher-priv/system || exit 1
try_source `/usr/libexec/hasher-priv/getconf.sh`
echo "$prefix" | tr ':' '\n' | while read i; do realpath "$i"; done
# drop candidates that hasher won't handle anyways
# NB: doesn't take --number into account,
# prefix lists are defined by the primary configuration
for d in "$@"; do
D="`realpath "$d"`";
for p in `get_prefices`; do
[ "${D#$p}" = "$D" ] || echo "$D";
done \
| uniq # _not_ sort -u
# hasher emits no meaningful errors regarding those, sigh
! grep -E -q "^$1 $2 .*no(dev|exec)" /proc/mounts
# pick existing, writeable, >256M free space dirs
# rank them wrt type: tmpfs > realfs > rootfs
choose_tmpdir() {
for i in "$@"; do
[ -d "$i" -a -w "$i" ] || continue
echo -n "$i "
df -PT "$i" | tail -1
done \
| sort -unk5 \
| while read dir dev fstype size used free percent mnt; do
check_options "$dev" "$mnt" || continue
[ "$free" -gt "$MINSIZE" ] || continue
[ "$fstype" = "tmpfs" ] && { echo "2 $dir $free"; continue; }
[ "$mnt" = "/" ] && { echo "0 $dir $free"; continue; }
echo "1 $dir $free"
done \
| sort -n \
| tail -1 \
| cut -f2 -d' '
# bringing it all together
if ! check_allowed_mountpoints; then
echo "error: hasher's allowed_mountpoints do not include /proc;"
echo "please check hasher docs and /etc/hasher-priv/system"
exit 1
fi >&2
TMPDIRS="`contemplate_dirs $DIRS`"
if [ -z "$TMPDIRS" ]; then
echo "error: no suitable directories found;"
echo "please check QUICKSTART, filesystem and hasher setup"
echo "(mount enough tmpfs into /tmp or fix hasher-priv prefix?)"
exit 1
fi >&2
TEMP="`choose_tmpdir $TMPDIRS`"
if [ -z "$TEMP" ]; then
echo "error: no suitable directories found;"
echo "please check hasher docs and filesystem setup"
echo "(nodev and/or noexec on an otherwise suitable filesystem?)"
exit 1
fi >&2
DIR="$TEMP/`dirname "$1"`"
NAME="`basename "${1:-tmpdir}"`"
mkdir -p "$DIR" # in case $1 contains slash(es)
mktemp -d "$NAME.XXXXXXX" --tmpdir="${DIR%/.}"