Michael Shigorin 75f7c62bd1 initial build-vm feature
Yes, mkimage-profiles is now able to build VM disk images.
So far the support is pretty basic:

- a single hard drive image with a single partition/FS
- only stock root password is configurable
- LILO is hardwired as a bootloader

The resulting images tend to boot under qemu/kvm though.

Please see doc/vm.txt for the warning regarding additional
privileges and setup required.  This was started back in
February but I still hoped to avoid sudo/privileged helper
(and libguestfs is almost as undistributable as can be)...


- http://blog.quinthar.com/2008/07/building-1gb-bootable-qemu-image-using.html
- Alexey Morarash who reworked that as https://github.com/tuxofil/linsygen
- led@, legion@, vitty@, aen@ for providing advice and inspiration
2012-06-18 21:56:46 +03:00

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1.1 KiB

# distributions
@$(call add_feature)
# conventional ISO9660 image hybridization
# for direct bootable usbflash imaging
use/pack/iso: use/pack boot/isolinux $(ISOHYBRID:%=use/isohybrid)
ifeq (distro,$(IMAGE_CLASS))
@$(call set,IMAGE_PACKTYPE,isoboot)
@$(call set,IMAGE_PACKTYPE,isodata)
# virtual environments
VE_ARCHIVES := tar cpio
VE_COMPRESSORS := gz xz# there's no sense in bzip2 by now
VE_ZIPS := $(call addsuffices, \
$(addprefix .,$(VE_COMPRESSORS)), \
$(VE_ARCHIVES))# tar.gz cpio.xz ...
VE_EXTS := $(sort $(addprefix .,$(VE_ARCHIVES) $(VE_ZIPS)))# .tar .tar.gz ...
# generate rules for archive/compressor combinations
define PACK_containers
use/pack/$(1): use/pack
@$$(call set,IMAGE_PACKTYPE,$(1))
define PACK_compressors
use/pack/$(1).$(2): use/pack/$(1)
@$$(call set,IMAGE_COMPRESS,$(2))
$(foreach c,$(VE_ARCHIVES), \
$(eval $(call PACK_containers,$(c))) \
$(foreach z,$(VE_COMPRESSORS), \
$(eval $(call PACK_compressors,$(c),$(z)))))
# virtual machines
VM_EXTS := .img
use/pack/img: use/pack; @: