.TH nmstate\&.service 8 "@DATE@" "@VERSION@" "nmstate.service man page" .SH "NAME" nmstate\&.service \- Apply /etc/nmstate network states .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP nmstate\&.service .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP nmstate\&.service invokes \fBnmstatectl service\fR command which apply all network state files ending with \fB.yml\fR in \fB/etc/nmstate\fR folder. By default, the network state file will be renamed with the suffix \fB.applied\fR after applying it. This is to prevent it being applied again when the service runs next. With \fB/etc/nmstate/nmstate.conf\fR holding below content: \fB [service] keep_state_file_after_apply = true \fR The nmstate.service will not remove network state file, just copy applied network stata to file with the suffix \fB.applied\fR after applying it. .SH BUG REPORTS Report bugs on nmstate GitHub issues . .SH COPYRIGHT License Apache 2.0 or any later version .SH SEE ALSO .B nmstatectl\fP(8)