# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later import logging import os import subprocess import tempfile from pathlib import Path import pytest import libnmstate from libnmstate.schema import Description from libnmstate.schema import DNS from libnmstate.schema import Route from libnmstate.schema import RouteRule from .testlib import ifacelib from .testlib.veth import create_veth_pair from .testlib.veth import remove_veth_pair REPORT_HEADER = """RPMs: {rpms} OS: {osname} nmstate: {nmstate_version} """ ISOLATE_NAMESPACE = "nmstate_test_ep" LIBNMSTATE_APPLY = libnmstate.apply LIBNMSTATE_SHOW = libnmstate.show DUMP_STATES_DIR = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), ".states" ) # Dump YAMLs for AI training OPT_DUMP_AI_TRAIN_YAML = "--dump-ai-train-yaml" DUMP_AI_TRAIN_YAML = False def pytest_configure(config): config.addinivalue_line("markers", "slow: mark time consuming test") config.addinivalue_line("markers", "tier2") config.addinivalue_line("markers", "tier1") def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( "--runslow", action="store_true", default=False, help="run slow tests" ) parser.addoption( "--dump-states", action="store_true", default=False, help="dump applied and showed network states", ) parser.addoption( OPT_DUMP_AI_TRAIN_YAML, action="store_true", default=False, help="dump applied network states with top description only", ) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items): if not config.getoption("--runslow"): # --runslow is not in cli: skip slow tests _mark_skip_slow_tests(items) if config.getoption(OPT_DUMP_AI_TRAIN_YAML): global DUMP_AI_TRAIN_YAML DUMP_AI_TRAIN_YAML = True if config.getoption("--dump-states") or config.getoption( OPT_DUMP_AI_TRAIN_YAML ): libnmstate.apply = _custom_apply_with_dump_state libnmstate.show = _custom_show_with_dump_state _mark_tier2_tests(items) def _mark_skip_slow_tests(items): skip_slow = pytest.mark.skip(reason="need --runslow option to run") for item in items: if "slow" in item.keywords: item.add_marker(skip_slow) def _mark_tier2_tests(items): for item in items: if "tier1" not in item.keywords: item.add_marker(pytest.mark.tier2) @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) def test_env_setup(): _logging_setup() old_state = libnmstate.show() old_state = _remove_interfaces_from_env(old_state) _remove_dns_route_route_rule() for nic_name in ["eth1", "eth2"]: remove_veth_pair(nic_name, ISOLATE_NAMESPACE) for nic_name in ["eth1", "eth2"]: create_veth_pair(nic_name, f"{nic_name}.ep", ISOLATE_NAMESPACE) _ethx_init() yield for nic_name in ["eth1", "eth2"]: remove_veth_pair(nic_name, ISOLATE_NAMESPACE) restore_old_state(old_state) def _remove_dns_route_route_rule(): """ Remove existing DNS, routes, route rules in case it interference tests. """ libnmstate.apply( { DNS.KEY: {DNS.CONFIG: {}}, Route.KEY: { Route.CONFIG: [{Route.STATE: Route.STATE_ABSENT}], }, RouteRule.KEY: {RouteRule.CONFIG: []}, }, verify_change=False, ) def _logging_setup(): logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG, ) def _ethx_init(): """Remove any existing definitions on the ethX interfaces.""" ifacelib.ifaces_init("eth1", "eth2") def _remove_interfaces_from_env(state): """ Remove references from interfaces passed to environment variable NMSTATE_TEST_IGNORE_IFACE. """ ignore_iface = os.getenv("NMSTATE_TEST_IGNORE_IFACE") if ignore_iface is None: return state state["interfaces"] = [ i for i in state["interfaces"] if ignore_iface not in i["name"] ] state["routes"]["config"] = [ r for r in state["routes"]["config"] if ignore_iface not in r["next-hop-interface"] ] return state @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def eth1_up(test_env_setup): with ifacelib.iface_up("eth1") as ifstate: yield ifstate @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def eth2_up(test_env_setup): with ifacelib.iface_up("eth2") as ifstate: yield ifstate port0_up = eth1_up port1_up = eth2_up def pytest_report_header(config): nm_ver = _get_package_nvr("NetworkManager") nm_libreswan_ver = _get_package_nvr("NetworkManager-libreswan") return REPORT_HEADER.format( rpms=f"{nm_ver} {nm_libreswan_ver}", osname=_get_osname(), nmstate_version=_get_nmstate_version(), ) def _get_nmstate_version(): """ Prefer RPM version of nmstate, if not found, use libnmstate module version """ try: return _get_package_nvr("nmstate") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return libnmstate.__version__ def _get_package_nvr(package): return subprocess.check_output( ["rpm", "-q", "--qf", "%{name}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}", package] ).decode("utf-8") def _get_osname(): with open("/etc/os-release") as os_release: for line in os_release.readlines(): if line.startswith("PRETTY_NAME="): return line.split("=", maxsplit=1)[1].strip().strip('"') return "" def _dump_state( state, ): path = Path(DUMP_STATES_DIR) path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) test_name = ( os.environ.get("PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST") .split(":")[-1] .split(" ")[0] .lower() ) state_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=path, prefix=test_name + "-", suffix=".yml", delete=False ) with open(state_file.name, "a") as outfile: outfile.write(libnmstate.PrettyState(state).yaml) def _custom_apply_with_dump_state( desired_state, *args, **kwargs, ): if DUMP_AI_TRAIN_YAML: cur_state = libnmstate.show() result = LIBNMSTATE_APPLY( desired_state, *args, **kwargs, ) if DUMP_AI_TRAIN_YAML: if Description.KEY in desired_state: diff_state = libnmstate.generate_differences( desired_state, cur_state ) _dump_state(diff_state) else: _dump_state(desired_state) return result def _custom_show_with_dump_state( *args, **kwargs, ): current_state = LIBNMSTATE_SHOW( *args, **kwargs, ) if not DUMP_AI_TRAIN_YAML: _dump_state(current_state) return current_state # Only restore the interface with IPv4/IPv6 gateway with IP/DNS config only # For test machine, it is expected to lose configurations def restore_old_state(old_state): gw_routes = [ rt for rt in old_state["routes"].get("config", []) if rt["destination"] in ("", "::/0") ] gw_ifaces = [rt["next-hop-interface"] for rt in gw_routes] desire_state = { "interfaces": [], "routes": {"config": gw_routes}, "dns-resolver": old_state.get("dns-resolver", {}), } for iface_name in gw_ifaces: for iface in old_state["interfaces"]: if iface["name"] in gw_ifaces: if iface["state"] == "up": desire_state["interfaces"].append( { "name": iface["name"], "type": iface["type"], "ipv4": iface["ipv4"], "ipv6": iface["ipv6"], } ) if len(desire_state["interfaces"]): libnmstate.apply(desire_state, verify_change=False)