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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Red Hat, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import grp
server: Add option to show current configuration Recently we introduced support for drop-in configuration files. This is very powerful feature, but it makes it harder to understand the current configuration since we gather it from multiple directories and files. We also have the issue of keeping configuration synchronized between imageio server and the programs managing it via the control socket. Currently vdsm is using hard-coded control socket (/run/ovirt-imageio/sock) and ovirt-engine is using hard-coded control port (54324). If had a way to get configuration from imageio, we can eliminate this issue. Add --show-config command line option, showing the configuration in json format and exiting. Here is example run using this option when running with the test configuration directory: $ ./ovirt-imageio --show-config --conf-dir ./test { "control": { "port": -1, "socket": "test/daemon.sock", "transport": "unix" }, "daemon": { "buffer_size": 8388608, "drop_privileges": true, "group_name": "ovirtimg", "poll_interval": 1.0, "run_dir": "/run/ovirt-imageio", "user_name": "ovirtimg" }, "formatter_long": { "format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-7s (%(threadName)s) [%(name)s] %(message)s" }, "formatters": { "keys": "long" }, "handler_logfile": { "args": "(\"/var/log/ovirt-imageio/daemon.log\",)", "formatter": "long", "class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler", "kwargs": "{\"maxBytes\": 20971520, \"backupCount\": 10}", "level": "DEBUG" }, "handler_stderr": { "formatter": "long", "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "level": "DEBUG" }, "handlers": { "keys": "stderr" }, "local": { "enable": true, "socket": "\u0000/org/ovirt/imageio" }, "logger_root": { "handlers": "stderr", "level": "DEBUG", "propagate": 0 }, "loggers": { "keys": "root" }, "profile": { "filename": "/run/ovirt-imageio/profile" }, "remote": { "host": "", "port": 54322 }, "tls": { "ca_file": "test/pki/ca.pem", "cert_file": "test/pki/cert.pem", "enable": true, "enable_tls1_1": false, "key_file": "test/pki/key.pem" } } Here is an example using jq tool to show only specific configuration option: ./ovirt-imageio --show-config | jq .control { "port": -1, "socket": "/run/ovirt-imgeio/sock", "transport": "unix" } Programs like vdsm and ovirt-engine can locate now the control service without hard-coding anything. Change-Id: I19733440c4c2395601266633231c6ce872635ce2 Bug-Url: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1835719 Signed-off-by: Nir Soffer <nsoffer@redhat.com>
2020-05-14 13:36:53 +03:00
import json
import os
import pwd
import subprocess
import pytest
from contextlib import contextmanager
from ovirt_imageio._internal import config
from ovirt_imageio._internal import server
from ovirt_imageio._internal import sockutil
from . import http
poll_interval = 0.1
buffer_size = 131072
run_dir = {run_dir}
drop_privileges = {drop_priv}
user_name = {user_name}
group_name = {group_name}
key_file = test/pki/system/key.pem
cert_file = test/pki/system/cert.pem
ca_file = test/pki/system/ca.pem
port = 0
socket =
transport = unix
socket = {run_dir}/sock
requires_root = pytest.mark.skipif(os.geteuid() != 0, reason="Requires root")
requires_unprivileged = pytest.mark.skipif(
os.geteuid() == 0, reason="Requires unprivileged user")
def tmp_dirs(tmpdir):
def test_load_config(monkeypatch, tmpdir):
# Here we test full scenario, when config is loaded from multiple sources
# and test, that specified options were overwritten as expected.
# Install config overwrites the default settings, then vendor config should
# be loaded and overwrite log handler level and finally admin config should
# be loaded and overwrite setup of control service previously defined by
# install config.
install_config = """
transport = unix
socket = test/daemon.sock
class = logging.StreamHandler
args = ()
kwargs = {}
vendor_config = """
level = ERROR
admin_config = """
transport = tcp
port = 10000
etc_dir = tmpdir.mkdir("etc")
etc_conf_d = etc_dir.mkdir("conf.d")
install_cfg = etc_conf_d.join("50-install.conf")
admin_cfg = etc_conf_d.join("90-admin.conf")
vendor_dir = tmpdir.mkdir("vendor")
vendor_cfg = vendor_dir.mkdir("conf.d").join("60-vendor.conf")
monkeypatch.setattr(server, "VENDOR_CONF_DIR", str(vendor_dir))
cfg = server.load_config(str(etc_dir))
assert cfg.control.transport == "tcp"
assert cfg.control.port == 10000
assert cfg.handler_logfile.level == "ERROR"
assert cfg.handler_logfile.keyword__class == "logging.StreamHandler"
def test_load_config_missing():
# Fail fast if conf_dir does not exist.
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_load_config_no_conf_d(tmpdir):
# Fail fast if conf_dir does not contain a cond.d sub directory.
conf_dir = tmpdir.mkdir("user")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_load_config_no_conf_files(tmpdir):
# Fail fast if conf_dir/cond.d/ does not contain any configurtion file.
conf_dir = tmpdir.mkdir("user")
conf_d = conf_dir.mkdir("cond.d")
# Create a disabled configuration file, it will be ignored.
disabled_cfg = conf_d.join("99-user.conf.disabled")
disabled_cfg.write("[control]\ntransport = tcp\n")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
server: Add option to show current configuration Recently we introduced support for drop-in configuration files. This is very powerful feature, but it makes it harder to understand the current configuration since we gather it from multiple directories and files. We also have the issue of keeping configuration synchronized between imageio server and the programs managing it via the control socket. Currently vdsm is using hard-coded control socket (/run/ovirt-imageio/sock) and ovirt-engine is using hard-coded control port (54324). If had a way to get configuration from imageio, we can eliminate this issue. Add --show-config command line option, showing the configuration in json format and exiting. Here is example run using this option when running with the test configuration directory: $ ./ovirt-imageio --show-config --conf-dir ./test { "control": { "port": -1, "socket": "test/daemon.sock", "transport": "unix" }, "daemon": { "buffer_size": 8388608, "drop_privileges": true, "group_name": "ovirtimg", "poll_interval": 1.0, "run_dir": "/run/ovirt-imageio", "user_name": "ovirtimg" }, "formatter_long": { "format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-7s (%(threadName)s) [%(name)s] %(message)s" }, "formatters": { "keys": "long" }, "handler_logfile": { "args": "(\"/var/log/ovirt-imageio/daemon.log\",)", "formatter": "long", "class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler", "kwargs": "{\"maxBytes\": 20971520, \"backupCount\": 10}", "level": "DEBUG" }, "handler_stderr": { "formatter": "long", "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "level": "DEBUG" }, "handlers": { "keys": "stderr" }, "local": { "enable": true, "socket": "\u0000/org/ovirt/imageio" }, "logger_root": { "handlers": "stderr", "level": "DEBUG", "propagate": 0 }, "loggers": { "keys": "root" }, "profile": { "filename": "/run/ovirt-imageio/profile" }, "remote": { "host": "", "port": 54322 }, "tls": { "ca_file": "test/pki/ca.pem", "cert_file": "test/pki/cert.pem", "enable": true, "enable_tls1_1": false, "key_file": "test/pki/key.pem" } } Here is an example using jq tool to show only specific configuration option: ./ovirt-imageio --show-config | jq .control { "port": -1, "socket": "/run/ovirt-imgeio/sock", "transport": "unix" } Programs like vdsm and ovirt-engine can locate now the control service without hard-coding anything. Change-Id: I19733440c4c2395601266633231c6ce872635ce2 Bug-Url: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1835719 Signed-off-by: Nir Soffer <nsoffer@redhat.com>
2020-05-14 13:36:53 +03:00
def test_show_config():
cfg = config.load(["test/conf.d/daemon.conf"])
out = subprocess.check_output(
["./ovirt-imageio", "--conf-dir", "./test", "--show-config"])
assert json.loads(out) == config.to_dict(cfg)
def test_unprivileged_user(tmpdir, tmp_dirs):
with started_imageio(tmpdir) as p:
uid = os.getuid()
gid = os.getuid()
status = process_status(p.pid)
assert status["uids"] == {uid}
assert status["gids"] == {gid}
assert status["groups"] == user_groups(uid)
# Since we run as unprivileged users the daemon run as the same
# user and group and no ownership changes are made.
expected_user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name
expected_group = grp.getgrgid(os.getuid()).gr_name
assert_ownership(tmpdir, expected_user, expected_group)
def test_drop_privileges_disable(tmpdir, tmp_dirs):
with started_imageio(tmpdir, drop_privileges="false") as p:
# Run under root and privileges shouldn't be dropped and ownership of
# files shouldn't be changed.
status = process_status(p.pid)
assert status["uids"] == {0}
assert status["gids"] == {0}
# Asserting groups directly to root groups fails on Jenkins as the test
# probably run there under a mock user which inherits some groups.
# Therefore we assert that the groups are same as groups of the parent
# process.
parent_process_status = process_status(os.getpid())
assert status["groups"] == parent_process_status["groups"]
assert_ownership(tmpdir, "root", "root")
def test_drop_privileges(tmpdir, tmp_dirs):
with started_imageio(tmpdir) as p:
# Run under root but privileges should be dropped, daemon should run
# under nobody user and relevant files should be owned by this user.
status = process_status(p.pid)
pwnam = pwd.getpwnam("nobody")
assert status["uids"] == {pwnam.pw_uid}
assert status["gids"] == {pwnam.pw_gid}
assert status["groups"] == user_groups("nobody")
assert_ownership(tmpdir, "nobody", "nobody")
def prepare_config(tmpdir, drop_privileges="true"):
daemon_conf = DAEMON_CONFIG.format(
run_dir=os.path.join(tmpdir, "run"),
log_dir=os.path.join(tmpdir, "log"),
tmpdir.join("conf", "conf.d", "daemon.conf").write(daemon_conf)
def started_imageio(tmpdir, drop_privileges="true"):
prepare_config(tmpdir, drop_privileges=drop_privileges)
conf_dir = tmpdir.join("conf")
cmd = ["./ovirt-imageio", "--conf-dir", str(conf_dir)]
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
socket = sockutil.UnixAddress(str(tmpdir.join("run", "sock")))
if not sockutil.wait_for_socket(socket, 10):
raise RuntimeError("Timeout waiting for {}".format(socket))
# Wait until server is listening - at this point it already dropped
# privileges.
if drop_privileges:
cfg = config.load(str(conf_dir.join("conf.d", "daemon.conf")))
with http.ControlClient(cfg) as c:
r = c.get("/tickets/no-such-ticket")
assert r.status == 404
yield proc
def user_groups(user):
Return group ids for username (str) or user id (int)
gids = subprocess.check_output(["id", "--groups", "-z", str(user)]).decode(
return {int(gid) for gid in gids}
def parse_ids(line):
_, values = line.split(":", 1)
return set(int(x) for x in values.strip().split())
def process_status(pid):
Returns uid, gid and groups of the process.
Example for the the process with following status:
$ cat /proc/2769/status | egrep '^(Uid:|Gid:|Groups:)'
Uid: 993 993 993 993
Gid: 990 990 990 990
Groups: 990
the output is:
> process_status(2769)
{'uids': {993}, 'gids': {990}, 'groups': {990}}
status_path = os.path.join("/proc", str(pid), "status")
with open(status_path, "r") as f:
status_lines = f.readlines()
for line in status_lines:
if line.startswith("Uid:"):
uids = parse_ids(line)
if line.startswith("Gid:"):
gids = parse_ids(line)
if line.startswith("Groups:"):
groups = parse_ids(line)
return {"uids": uids, "gids": gids, "groups": groups}
def assert_path_owner(path, expected_user, expected_group):
path_stat = os.stat(path)
uid = path_stat.st_uid
gid = path_stat.st_gid
user = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name
group = grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name
assert expected_user == user
assert expected_group == group
def assert_ownership(tmpdir, user, group):
run_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "run")
assert_path_owner(run_dir, user, group)
assert_path_owner(str(tmpdir.join("run", "sock")), user, group)
assert_path_owner(str(tmpdir.join("log", "daemon.log")), user, group)