#!/usr/bin/python3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Red Hat, Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later """ Demonstrate ova support in imageio client. Requirements: - Must run in the ovirt-engine-sdk/sdk/examples directory. - fedora-32.ova tar file must exist in the current directory - A fedora-32.qcow2 compressed image must exist in the ova file. - Engine url and credentials should be adapted to your environment - Assumes active NFS storage domain named "nfs1" - ovirt-imageio-client supporting ova must be installed, or path to ovirt-imageio/daemon must be added to PYTHONPATH. - demo.py from https://github.com/nirs/demo installed in PYTHONPATH. """ from demo import * run("clear") msg() msg("### HOW TO UPLOAD A DISK FROM OVA FILE TO OVIRT ###") msg() msg("We have this ova file with compressed qcow2 image:") msg() run("tar", "tf", "fedora-32.ova") msg() run("du", "-hL", "fedora-32.ova") msg() msg("Let's upload the qcow2 image to oVirt...") msg("Oh, wait! I want to convert it to raw format") msg("actually raw preallocated disk on storage domain nfs1") msg() msg("will it blend?") msg() run("./upload_from_ova.py", "--engine-url", "https://engine3", "--username", "admin@internal", "--password-file", "engine3-password", "--cafile", "engine3.pem", "--ova-disk-name", "fedora-32.qcow2", "--disk-format", "raw", "--sd-name", "nfs1", "fedora-32.ova") msg() msg("How cool is that?", color=YELLOW) msg() msg("[Created with https://github.com/nirs/demo]", color=GREY)