Albert Esteve fc6e58d9e6 reuse: addheader test/*.py
Add SPDX header to python files with
the 'py' extension in the test directory.

Signed-off-by: Albert Esteve <aesteve@redhat.com>
2022-10-18 13:04:20 +02:00

931 lines
24 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Red Hat, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import itertools
import logging
import time
import pytest
from ovirt_imageio._internal import config
from ovirt_imageio._internal import errors
from ovirt_imageio._internal import ops
from ovirt_imageio._internal import util
from ovirt_imageio._internal.auth import Ticket, Authorizer
from test import testutil
CHUNK_SIZE = 8 * 1024**2
log = logging.getLogger("test")
class Context:
def __init__(self):
self.closed = False
def close(self):
self.closed = True
class Operation:
Used to fake a ops.Operation object.
def __init__(self, offset=0, size=0):
self.offset = offset
self.size = size
self.done = 0
self.canceled = False
def run(self):
if self.canceled:
raise ops.Canceled
self.done = self.size
def cancel(self):
self.canceled = True
def cfg():
return config.load(["test/conf.d/daemon.conf"])
def test_transfered_nothing(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
assert ticket.transferred() == 0
def test_transfered_inactive_empty_ops(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
ticket.run(Operation(0, 0))
assert ticket.transferred() == 0
ticket.run(Operation(1000, 0))
assert ticket.transferred() == 0
def test_transfered_inactive_ordered_ops(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
ticket.run(Operation(0, 100))
assert ticket.transferred() == 100
ticket.run(Operation(100, 100))
assert ticket.transferred() == 200
ticket.run(Operation(200, 100))
assert ticket.transferred() == 300
def test_transfered_inactive_unordered_ops(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
ticket.run(Operation(100, 100))
assert ticket.transferred() == 100
ticket.run(Operation(0, 100))
assert ticket.transferred() == 200
ticket.run(Operation(200, 100))
assert ticket.transferred() == 300
def test_transfered_inactive_overlapping_ops(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
ticket.run(Operation(0, 120))
assert ticket.transferred() == 120
ticket.run(Operation(100, 100))
assert ticket.transferred() == 200
ticket.run(Operation(180, 120))
assert ticket.transferred() == 300
def test_transfered_inactive_non_continuous_ops(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
# Run 2 non-continutes operations
ticket.run(Operation(0, 100))
ticket.run(Operation(200, 100))
assert ticket.transferred() == 200
# Run last operation filling the hole - with some overlap.
ticket.run(Operation(80, 120))
assert ticket.transferred() == 300
def test_transfered_ongoing_concurrent_ops(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
# Start 2 ongoing operations:
# ongoing: 0-0, 100-100
# completed:
op1 = Operation(0, 100)
assert ticket.transferred() == 0
assert ticket.active()
op2 = Operation(100, 100)
assert ticket.transferred() == 0
assert ticket.active()
# Consume op1 data:
# ongoing: 0-100, 100-100
# completed:
assert ticket.transferred() == 100
assert ticket.active()
# Consume op2 data:
# ongoing: 0-100, 100-200
# completed:
assert ticket.transferred() == 200
assert not ticket.active()
def test_transfered_ongoing_overlapping_ops(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
# Start 2 ongoing operations.
# ongoing: 0-0, 80-80
# completed:
op1 = Operation(0, 120)
op2 = Operation(80, 120)
assert ticket.transferred() == 0
assert ticket.active()
# Consume op1 data:
# ongoing: 0-120, 80-80
# completed:
assert ticket.transferred() == 120
assert ticket.active()
# Consume op2 data:
# ongoing: 0-120, 80-200
# completed:
assert ticket.transferred() == 200
assert not ticket.active()
def test_transfered_ongoing_non_continues_ops(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
# Start 2 ongoing operations.
# ongoing: 0-0, 200-200
# completed:
op1 = Operation(0, 100)
op2 = Operation(200, 100)
assert ticket.transferred() == 0
assert ticket.active()
# Consume op1 data:
# ongoing: 0-100, 200-200
# completed:
assert ticket.transferred() == 100
# Consume op2 data:
# ongoing: 0-100, 200-300
# completed:
assert ticket.transferred() == 200
class Client:
name = "client"
workers = 1
io_size = 1024**2
def run(self):
start = time.monotonic()
threads = []
for i in range(self.workers):
t = util.start_thread(self._worker, name=f"{self.name}/{i}")
for t in threads:
return time.monotonic() - start
def _worker(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class Nbdcopy(Client):
Simulate nbdcopy client calls.
The image is split to 128 MiB segments, and each worker sends one segment
at a time to the server.
Because very worker is sending to a different area, completed ranges are
always non-continuous, until the segment is completed.
worker 1: [=====- ]
worker 2: [=====- ]
worker 3: [=====- ]
worker 4: [=====- ]
completed: [===== ===== ===== ===== ]
ongoing: [ - - - - ]
name = "nbdcopy"
segment_size = 128 * 1024**2
def __init__(self, ticket, workers):
assert (ticket.size % self.segment_size) == 0
self.ticket = ticket
self.image_size = ticket.size
self.segment_count = self.image_size // self.segment_size
self.workers = min(workers, self.segment_count)
self.segment_counter = itertools.count()
def _worker(self):
for segment in iter(self._next_segment, None):
offset = segment * self.segment_size
log.info("Transferring segment %d offset %d", segment, offset)
end = offset + self.segment_size
while offset < end:
self.ticket.run(Operation(offset, self.io_size))
offset += self.io_size
def _next_segment(self):
n = next(self.segment_counter)
if n < self.segment_count:
return n
class Imageio(Client):
Simulate imageio client calls.
Workers read extents from a queue and send requests to the server.
Because all threads are sending to same area, operations are more likely to
be consecutive, and merged immediately with the previous requests.
worker 1: [== == -- ]
worker 2: [ == == -- ]
worker 3: [ == == -- ]
worker 4: [ == == -- ]
completed: [================ ]
ongoing: [ -------- ]
name = "imageio"
def __init__(self, ticket, workers):
assert (ticket.size % self.io_size) == 0
self.ticket = ticket
self.image_size = ticket.size
self.workers = workers
self.request_count = self.image_size // self.io_size
self.request_counter = itertools.count()
def _worker(self):
for request in iter(self._next_request, None):
offset = request * self.io_size
self.ticket.run(Operation(offset, self.io_size))
def _next_request(self):
n = next(self.request_counter)
if n < self.request_count:
return n
@pytest.mark.parametrize("workers", [1, 2, 4, 8])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [Nbdcopy, Imageio],
ids=lambda x: x.name)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", [
pytest.param(["read"], id="ro"),
pytest.param(["read", "write"], id="rw"),
def test_run_benchmark(cfg, workers, client_class, mode):
ticket = Ticket(
size=100 * 1024**3,
client = client_class(ticket, workers)
elapsed = client.run()
if mode != ["read", "write"]:
assert ticket.transferred() == ticket.size
ops = ticket.size // client.io_size
print("%d workers, %d ops, %.3f s, %.2f ops/s"
% (client.workers, ops, elapsed, ops / elapsed))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("workers", [1, 2, 4, 8])
def test_transferred_benchmark(cfg, workers):
# Time trransferred call with multiple ongoing and completed operations.
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
ops = 10000
# Add some completed ranges - assume worst case when ranges are not
# continues.
for i in range(workers):
ticket.run(Operation(i * 1000, 100))
# Add some ongoing operations - assume worst case when ranges are not
# continues.
for i in range(workers):
ticket._add_operation(Operation(i * 1000 + 200, 100))
# Time transferred call - merging ongoing and completed ranges.
start = time.monotonic()
for i in range(ops):
elapsed = time.monotonic() - start
print("%d workers, %d ops, %.3f s, %.2f ops/s"
% (workers, ops, elapsed, ops / elapsed))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("arg", [
"not a dict",
["not", "a", "dict"],
def test_invalid_argument(arg, cfg):
with pytest.raises(errors.InvalidTicket):
Ticket(arg, cfg)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("kw", [
{"uuid": 1},
{"size": "not an int"},
{"ops": "not a list"},
{"timeout": "not an int"},
{"url": 1},
{"transfer_id": 1},
{"filename": 1},
{"sparse": 1},
{"dirty": 1},
{"inactivity_timeout": "invalid"},
def test_invalid_parameter(kw, cfg):
with pytest.raises(errors.InvalidTicketParameter):
Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(**kw), cfg)
def test_inactivity_timeout_unset(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(inactivity_timeout=None), cfg)
assert ticket.inactivity_timeout == cfg.daemon.inactivity_timeout
def test_sparse_unset(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(), cfg)
assert not ticket.sparse
def test_sparse(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(sparse=True), cfg)
assert ticket.sparse
def test_dirty_unset(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(), cfg)
assert not ticket.dirty
def test_dirty(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(dirty=True), cfg)
assert ticket.dirty
def test_transfer_id_unset(cfg):
d = testutil.create_ticket()
del d["transfer_id"]
ticket = Ticket(d, cfg)
assert ticket.transfer_id == f"(ticket/{ticket.uuid[:18]})"
def test_transfer_id(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(transfer_id="123"), cfg)
assert ticket.transfer_id == "123"
def test_repr(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(
ops=["read"], filename="tmp_file"),
ticket_repr = repr(ticket)
info = ticket.info()
del info["timeout"]
for key, value in info.items():
pair = "%s=%r" % (key, value)
assert pair in ticket_repr
def test_ticket_run(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
op = Operation(0, 100)
assert ticket.transferred() == op.done
assert op.done == 0
assert ticket.transferred() == op.done
assert op.done == 100
def test_cancel_no_connection(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
# Ticket is canceled and can be removed immediately.
assert ticket.canceled
info = ticket.info()
assert info["canceled"]
assert not info["active"]
assert info["connections"] == 0
def test_cancel_idle_connection(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
ctx = Context()
ticket.add_context(1, ctx)
# Ticket is canceled and can be removed immediately.
assert ticket.canceled
assert ctx.closed
info = ticket.info()
assert info["canceled"]
assert not info["active"]
# The conection context was closed. The connection will be closed when it
# times out or when a user send the next request.
assert info["connections"] == 1
def test_cancel_timeout(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
# Add conection - having connections does not block cancelation, but we
# cannot have ongoing operations without a connection.
ctx = Context()
ticket.add_context(1, ctx)
# Ongoing operation blocks cancel.
ticket._add_operation(Operation(0, 100))
# Canceling will time out.
with pytest.raises(errors.TransferCancelTimeout):
# Ticket is marked as canceled, but the context was not closed.
assert ticket.canceled
assert not ctx.closed
# Caller can poll ticket "active" property and remove the ticket when the
# ticket is inactive.
info = ticket.info()
assert info["canceled"]
assert info["active"]
assert info["connections"] == 1
def test_cancel_async(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
ctx = Context()
ticket.add_context(1, ctx)
ticket._add_operation(Operation(0, 100))
# Ticket is marked as canceled, but the context was not closed.
assert ticket.canceled
assert not ctx.closed
info = ticket.info()
assert info["canceled"]
assert info["active"]
assert info["connections"] == 1
def test_cancel_ongoing_operations(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
# Few connections are using this ticket. Each running an operation.
ops = []
for i in range(4):
ctx = Context()
op = Operation()
ticket.add_context(i, ctx)
# Add idle connection.
idle_ctx = Context()
ticket.add_context(4, idle_ctx)
# All ongoing operations are canceled.
assert all(op.canceled for op in ops)
# Idle context was not closed.
assert not idle_ctx.closed
def test_cancel_wait(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
# Add connections using this ticket.
users = []
for cid in range(4):
ctx = Context()
op = Operation(cid * 1024**2, 1024**2)
ticket.add_context(cid, ctx)
users.append((cid, ctx, op))
# Add idle connection.
idle_ctx = Context()
ticket.add_context(4, idle_ctx)
def finish_operations():
for cid, ctx, op in users:
# Removing operation from a canceled ticket raises, send and error
# and close the connection.
except errors.AuthorizationError:
info = ticket.info()
assert not info["canceled"]
assert info["connections"] == 5
assert info["active"]
t = util.start_thread(finish_operations)
info = ticket.info()
# After the ticket was canceled, ticket is inactive, and all ongoging
# connnections removed from ticket. The idle connection is left, but its
# context is closed.
assert not info["active"]
assert info["connections"] == 1
assert all(ctx.closed for cid, ctx, op in users)
assert idle_ctx.closed
def test_canceled_fail_run_before(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
op = Operation()
# Running operations must fail.
with pytest.raises(errors.AuthorizationError):
# Operation was not run.
assert op.done == 0
def test_canceled_fail_run_after(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
class Operation:
def __init__(self):
self.done = False
self.canceled = False
def run(self):
self.done = True
def cancel(self):
self.canceled = True
op = Operation()
# If ticket was canceled while ongoing operations are running, ticket run
# will fail removing the operations.
with pytest.raises(errors.AuthorizationError):
assert op.done
def test_canceled_fail_add_context(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
ctx = Context()
# Adding new context must fail.
with pytest.raises(errors.AuthorizationError):
ticket.add_context(2, ctx)
def test_get_context_missing(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_get_context(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
ctx = Context()
ticket.add_context(1, ctx)
assert ticket.get_context(1) is ctx
def test_remove_context_missing(cfg):
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
ticket.add_context(1, Context())
assert ticket.info()["connections"] == 1
assert ticket.info()["connections"] == 1
def test_remove_context_error(cfg):
class FailingContext:
def __init__(self):
self.count = 1
self.closed = False
def close(self):
if self.count > 0:
self.count -= 1
raise RuntimeError("Cannot close yet")
self.closed = True
ticket = Ticket(testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"]), cfg)
ctx = FailingContext()
ticket.add_context(1, ctx)
# If closing a context fails, fail. The ticket cannot be removed
# until this context is closed successfully.
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
assert not ctx.closed
# Calling again will close context successfully, and the ticket can
# be removed.
assert ctx.closed
def test_authorizer_add(cfg):
auth = Authorizer(cfg)
ticket_info = testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"])
ticket = auth.get(ticket_info["uuid"])
assert ticket.uuid == ticket_info["uuid"]
def test_authorizer_remove_unused(cfg):
auth = Authorizer(cfg)
ticket_info = testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"])
# Ticket is unused so it will be removed.
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_authorizer_remove_timeout(cfg):
auth = Authorizer(cfg)
ticket_info = testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"])
ticket = auth.get(ticket_info["uuid"])
ctx = Context()
ticket.add_context(1, ctx)
idle_ctx = Context()
ticket.add_context(2, idle_ctx)
assert ticket.info()["connections"] == 2
assert not ticket.info()["active"]
op = Operation(0, 100)
assert ticket.info()["active"]
# Use short timeout to keep the tests fast.
cfg.control.remove_timeout = 0.001
# Ticket cannot be removed since it is used by connection 1.
with pytest.raises(errors.TransferCancelTimeout):
# Ticket was not removed.
assert auth.get(ticket.uuid) is ticket
# But was canceled.
info = ticket.info()
assert info["canceled"]
assert info["active"]
assert info["connections"] == 2
# Contexts not closed.
assert not ctx.closed
assert not idle_ctx.closed
# Ending the operation makes the ticket inactive. The call raise and
# error handller close the connection, which remove the contenxt
# from the ticket.
except errors.AuthorizationError:
info = ticket.info()
assert info["canceled"]
assert not info["active"]
assert info["connections"] == 1
assert ctx.closed
# Idle context not closed yet.
assert not idle_ctx.closed
# Removing the ticket again close the idle context.
assert idle_ctx.closed
# Ticket was removed.
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_authorizer_remove_async(cfg):
auth = Authorizer(cfg)
ticket_info = testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"])
ticket = auth.get(ticket_info["uuid"])
ctx = Context()
ticket.add_context(1, ctx)
idle_ctx = Context()
ticket.add_context(2, idle_ctx)
assert not ticket.info()["active"]
op = Operation(0, 100)
assert ticket.info()["active"]
# Disable the timeout, so removing a ticket cancel the ticket
# without waiting, and requiring polling the ticket status.
cfg.control.remove_timeout = 0
# Ticket is canceled, but not removed.
assert ticket.canceled
assert auth.get(ticket.uuid) is ticket
info = ticket.info()
assert info["active"]
assert info["connections"] == 2
assert not ctx.closed
assert not idle_ctx.closed
# Ending the operation makes the ticket inactive. The call raise and
# error handller close the connection, which remove the contenxt
# from the ticket.
except errors.AuthorizationError:
info = ticket.info()
assert info["canceled"]
assert not info["active"]
assert info["connections"] == 1
assert ctx.closed
# Idle context not closed yet.
assert not idle_ctx.closed
# Removing the ticket again close the idle context.
assert idle_ctx.closed
# Ticket was removed.
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
def test_authorizer_remove_mising(cfg):
auth = Authorizer(cfg)
# Removing missing ticket does not raise.
def test_authorize_read(cfg):
auth = Authorizer(cfg)
ticket_info = testutil.create_ticket(ops=["read"])
ticket = auth.get(ticket_info["uuid"])
assert auth.authorize(ticket.uuid, "read") == ticket
with pytest.raises(errors.AuthorizationError):
auth.authorize(ticket.uuid, "write")
def test_authorize_write(cfg):
auth = Authorizer(cfg)
ticket_info = testutil.create_ticket(ops=["write"])
ticket = auth.get(ticket_info["uuid"])
assert auth.authorize(ticket.uuid, "write") == ticket
# "write" implies also "read".
assert auth.authorize(ticket.uuid, "read") == ticket
def test_authorizer_no_ticket(cfg):
auth = Authorizer(cfg)
with pytest.raises(errors.AuthorizationError):
auth.authorize("no-such-ticket", "read")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ops,allowed", [
(["read"], ["read"]),
(["write"], ["read", "write"]),
def test_authorizer_canceled(ops, allowed, cfg):
auth = Authorizer(cfg)
ticket_info = testutil.create_ticket(ops=ops)
ticket = auth.get(ticket_info["uuid"])
# Cancelling the ticket disables any operation.
for op in allowed:
with pytest.raises(errors.AuthorizationError):
auth.authorize(ticket.uuid, op)
def test_authorizer_expired(cfg):
auth = Authorizer(cfg)
ticket_info = testutil.create_ticket(ops=["write"])
ticket = auth.get(ticket_info["uuid"])
# Extending with zero timeout expire the ticket.
for op in ("read", "write"):
with pytest.raises(errors.AuthorizationError):
auth.authorize(ticket.uuid, op)