Nir Soffer d5e9c757e0 http: Configurable inactivity timeout
We used 60 seconds timeout for disconnecting inactive clients. This is
too long to protect from bad clients leaving open connections, and too
short for applications that need long timeout[1].

Change the default timeout to 15 seconds, configurable via
daemon:auth_timeout. This timeout is used for new unauthorized
connections. If a connection does not authorize within this timeout, it
is disconnected.

When a connection is authorized during the first request, the connection
timeout is increased to ticket.inactivity_timeout. The default value is
60 seconds, configurable via daemon:inactivity_timeout.

Application with special needs can request a larger timeout when
creating an image transfer. Engine need to include the transfer
inactivity timeout in the ticket.


Fixes #14.

Signed-off-by: Nir Soffer <>
2021-12-20 21:13:12 +02:00
2021-12-20 21:13:12 +02:00

# An example for an ovirt-imageio configuration file.
# Below is a list of available options which can be configured.
# imageio supports drop-in configuration, which means there can
# be multiple config files, which are all read in succession to get
# final configuration.
# imageio searches the following directories for config files:
# - /etc/ovirt-imageio/conf.d/ where admins should place their configs.
#   Also oVirt engine-setup writes there a config file.
# - /usr/lib/ovirt-imageio/conf.d/ where vendor configs should be placed.
# Config files have to be in the directories listed above and must have *.conf
# suffix. Files are read in alphabetical order, taking into account only
# base name of the config file, not directory name. E.g. if there are two
# config files, 50-vdsm.conf and 99-admin.conf (see conf.d listing below),
# config options specified in 99-admin.conf will overwrite corresponding
# config options in 50-vdsm.conf.
#     $ tree /etc/ovirt-imageio/conf.d/
#       /etc/ovirt-imageio/conf.d/
#       ├── 50-vdsm.conf
#       └── 99-admin.conf
# You can check the final configuration by executing
#     ovirt-imageio --show-config

# Interval in seconds for checking termination conditions.
# The default internal:
#   poll_interval = 1.0

# Maximum number of connections for same /image/ticket-id URL. Using more
# connections improves throughput of a single image transfer. When transferring
# images concurrently, using more connections per transfer may decrease
# throughput.
# Some backends do not support more than 8 connections, regardless of this
# value set here. Some backends limit the number of writers regardless of the
# value set here.
# To disable multiple connections set the value to 1. This will ensure single
# reader or writer for upload and downloads.
# The default value:
#   max_connections = 8

# Number of seconds before unauthorized connections are
# disconnected.
# The default value:
#   auth_timeout = 15

# Number of seconds before inactive connections are disconnected.
# Clients with special needs can request a larger timeout when
# creating an image transfer.
# The default value:
#   inactivity_timeout = 60

# Enable TLS. Note that without TLS transfer tickets and image data are
# transferred in clear text. If TLS is enabled, paths to related files
# with keys/certificates (see lines below) have to be configured as well,
# otherwise server will fails to start.
# The default value:
#   enable = true

# Private key file.
# There's no default private key and needs to be configured if tls is
# enabled:
#   key_file =

# Certificate file.
# There's no default cert file and needs to be configured if tls is
# enabled:
#   cert_file =

# CA certificate file.
# This should be configured if tls is enabled and cert_file is not
# signed by a certificate authority trusted by the host. An example is
# the default self-signed certificate used in oVirt. Leave empty if
# cert_file is signed by a trusted certificate authority.
#   ca_file =

# Enable TLSv1.1, for legacy user applications that do not support TLSv1.2.
# The default value:
#   enable_tls1_1 = false

# Buffer size in bytes for reading and writing using the file backend.
# The default value seems to give optimal throughput with both low end
# and high end storage, using iSCSI and FC. Larger values may increase
# throughput slightly, but may also decrease it significantly. The
# default value was tested with single connection and requires more
# testing with multiple connections.
# The default buffer size:
#   buffer_size = 8388608

# CA certificate file to be used with HTTP backend. Empty value is valid,
# meaning use CA file configured in TLS section.
# This option has to be used when the daemon serving as a proxy uses
# different CA than daemon serving storage backend. In most of the cases
# these CAs are the same and one would use same value as configured in
# tls.ca_file option.
# The default value:
#   ca_file =

# Buffer size in bytes for handling proxy requests. The default value
# was copied from the file backend and requires more testing with
# multiple connections.
# The default buffer size:
#   buffer_size = 8388608

# Buffer size in bytes for reading and writing to the nbd backend. The
# default value was copied from the file backend and requires more
# testing with multiple connections.
# The default buffer size:
#   buffer_size = 8388608

# Remote service interface. Use "::" to listen on any interface on both
# IPv4 and IPv6. To listen only on IPv4, use "".
# The default value:
#   host = ::

# Remote service port. Changing this value requires changes in the
# firewall rules on the host, and changing this value in engine
# configuration.
# The defualt value:
#   port = 54322

# Enable local service.
# The defualt value:
#   enable = true

# Local service socket for accessing images locally.
# The default socket:
#   socket = "\0/org/ovirt/imageio"
# Set to empty to use random socket:
#   socket =

# Transport be used to communicate with control service socket.
# Can be either "tcp" or "unix". If "unix" is used, communication will
# be done over UNIX socket which path is specified in "socket" option.
# In case of TCP transport, you must specify the port using "port" option.
# Preferred transport is unix as has better security - only users in
# ovirtimg group can read/write into the socket.
# transport = "unix"

# Control service socket path. This socket is used to control the daemon
# and must be accessible only to the program controlling the daemon.
# The default value:
#   socket = /run/ovirt-imageio/sock

# Control service port when run over TCP. Changing this value require
# changing this value in engine configuration.
# The default value is not set. If you want to use TCP transport, you
# must specify port.
#   port = -1

# Determines if IPv4 address should be preferred when the address of
# control service is resolved. This option allows compatibility with java
# clients which may prefer IPv4 address and don't try other addresses on
# dual stack system.
#   prefer_ipv4 = true

# Number of seconds to wait when removing a ticket. If ticket cannot be removed
# within this timeout, the request will fail with "409 Conflict", and the user
# need to retry the request again. A ticket can be removed only when the number
# of connections using the ticket is zero.
# The default value:
#   remove_timeout = 60

# Filename for storing profile data. Profiling requires the "yappi"
# package. Version 0.93 is recommended for best performance.
# The default filename:
#   filename = /run/ovirt-imageio/profile

# Logger configuration.
# See Python logging documentation for details how to configure loggers.
# (

keys = root

keys = logfile

keys = long

level = INFO
handlers = logfile
propagate = 0

class = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
args = ('/var/log/ovirt-imageio/daemon.log',)
kwargs = {'maxBytes': 20971520, 'backupCount': 10}
level = DEBUG
formatter = long

class = logging.StreamHandler
level = DEBUG
formatter = long

format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-7s (%(threadName)s) [%(name)s] %(message)s