sgutils2: further improve error messages
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,117 +23,6 @@ pub struct SenseInfo {
pub ascq: u8,
impl ToString for SenseInfo {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
// Added codes from IBM TS4300 Tape Library SCSI reference manual
// Added codes from Quantum Intelligent Libraries SCSI Reference Guide
match (self.sense_key, self.asc, self.ascq) {
(0x00, asc, ascq) => format!("no sense, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
(0x01, asc, ascq) => format!("recevered error, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Not Ready
(0x02, 0x04, 0x00) => String::from("Not ready, cause not reportable"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x01) => String::from("Not ready, operation in progress"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x03) => String::from("Not ready, manual intervention required"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x12) => String::from("Not ready, offline"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x83) => String::from("The library is not ready due to aisle power being disabled"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x8D) => String::from(" The library is not ready because it is offline"),
(0x02, 0x3B, 0x12) => String::from("Not ready, magazine removed"),
(0x02, asc, ascq) => format!("not ready, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Media Error
(0x03, 0x30, 0x00) => String::from("Media error"),
(0x03, 0x30, 0x07) => String::from("Cleaning failure"),
(0x03, asc, ascq) => format!("media error, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Hardware Error
(0x04, 0x15, 0x01) => String::from("A mechanical positioning error occurred"),
(0x04, 0x3B, 0x0D) => String::from("Medium destination element full"),
(0x04, 0x3B, 0x0E) => String::from("Medium source element empty"),
(0x04, 0x3F, 0x0F) => String::from("Echo buffer overwritten"),
(0x04, 0x40, 0x80) => String::from("Component failure"),
(0x04, 0x44, 0x00) => String::from("Firmware detected an internal logic failure"),
(0x04, 0x53, 0x00) => String::from("A drive did not load or unload a tape"),
(0x04, 0x53, 0x01) => String::from("A drive did not unload a cartridge"),
(0x04, 0x53, 0x82) => String::from("Cannot lock the I/E station"),
(0x04, 0x53, 0x83) => String::from("Cannot unlock the I/E station"),
(0x04, 0x80, 0xD7) => String::from("Internal software error"),
(0x04, 0x80, 0xD8) => String::from("Database access error"),
(0x04, 0x81, 0xB0) => String::from("Internal system communication failed"),
(0x04, 0x81, 0xB2) => String::from("Robotic controller communication failed"),
(0x04, 0x81, 0xB3) => String::from("Mechanical positioning error"),
(0x04, 0x81, 0xB4) => String::from("Cartridge did not transport completely."),
(0x04, 0x82, 0xFC) => String::from("Drive configuration failed"),
(0x04, 0x83, 0x00) => String::from("Label too short or too long"),
(0x04, asc, ascq) => format!("hardware error, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Illegal Request
(0x05, 0x04, 0x83) => String::from("Door open"),
(0x05, 0x1A, 0x00) => String::from("Parameter length error"),
(0x05, 0x20, 0x00) => String::from("Invalid command operation code"),
(0x05, 0x21, 0x01) => String::from("Invalid element address"),
(0x05, 0x24, 0x00) => String::from("Invalid field CDB"),
(0x05, 0x25, 0x00) => String::from("Invalid LUN"),
(0x05, 0x26, 0x00) => String::from("Invalid field in parameter list"),
(0x05, 0x26, 0x01) => String::from("Parameter list error: parameter not supported"),
(0x05, 0x26, 0x02) => String::from("Parameter value invalid"),
(0x05, 0x26, 0x04) => String::from("Invalid release of persistent reservation"),
(0x05, 0x2C, 0x00) => String::from("Saving parameters is not supported"),
(0x05, 0x30, 0x00) => String::from("Incompatible medium installed"),
(0x05, 0x30, 0x12) => String::from("Incompatible Media loaded to drive"),
(0x05, 0x39, 0x00) => String::from("Saving parameters is not supported"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x0D) => String::from("Medium destination element full"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x0E) => String::from("Medium source element empty"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x11) => String::from("Magazine not accessible"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x12) => String::from("Magazine not installed"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x18) => String::from("Element disabled"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x1A) => String::from("Data transfer element removed"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0xA0) => String::from("Media type does not match destination media type"),
(0x05, 0x3F, 0x01) => String::from("New firmware loaded"),
(0x05, 0x3F, 0x03) => String::from("Inquiry data changed"),
(0x05, 0x44, 0x81) => String::from("Source element not ready"),
(0x05, 0x44, 0x82) => String::from("Destination element not ready"),
(0x05, 0x53, 0x02) => String::from("Library media removal prevented state set."),
(0x05, 0x53, 0x03) => String::from("Drive media removal prevented state set"),
(0x05, 0x53, 0x81) => String::from("Insert/Eject station door is open"),
(0x05, 0x82, 0x93) => String::from("Failure session sequence error"),
(0x05, 0x82, 0x94) => String::from("Failover command sequence error"),
(0x05, 0x82, 0x95) => String::from("Duplicate failover session key"),
(0x05, 0x82, 0x96) => String::from("Invalid failover key"),
(0x05, 0x82, 0x97) => String::from("Failover session that is released"),
(0x05, 0x83, 0x02) => String::from("Barcode label questionable"),
(0x05, 0x83, 0x03) => String::from("Cell status and barcode label questionable"),
(0x05, 0x83, 0x04) => String::from("Data transfer element not installed"),
(0x05, 0x83, 0x05) => String::from("Data transfer element is varied off and not accessible for library operations"),
(0x05, 0x83, 0x06) => String::from("Element is contained within an offline tower or I/E station and is not accessible for library operations"),
(0x05, asc, ascq) => format!("illegal request, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Unit Attention
(0x06, 0x28, 0x00) => String::from("Not ready to change, medium changed"),
(0x06, 0x28, 0x01) => String::from("Import/export element that is accessed"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x00) => String::from("Power-on or reset occurred"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x01) => String::from("Power on occurred"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x02) => String::from("SCSI Bus reset occurred"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x03) => String::from("Device reset occurred"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x04) => String::from("Internal reset occurred"),
(0x06, 0x2A, 0x01) => String::from("Mode parameters have been changed"),
(0x06, 0x2A, 0x03) => String::from("Reservations preempted"),
(0x06, 0x2A, 0x04) => String::from("Reservations released"),
(0x06, 0x2A, 0x05) => String::from("Registrations preempted"),
(0x06, asc, ascq) => format!("unit attention, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Aborted Command
(0x0B, 0x3F, 0x0F) => String::from("ECHO buffer overwritten"),
(0x0B, 0x44, 0x00) => String::from("Firmware detected an internal logic failure"),
(0x0B, 0x45, 0x00) => String::from("Select or reselect failure"),
(0x0B, 0x47, 0x00) => String::from("SCSI parity error"),
(0x0B, 0x48, 0x00) => String::from("Initiator detected error message received"),
(0x0B, 0x49, 0x00) => String::from("Invalid message error"),
(0x0B, 0x4A, 0x00) => String::from("Command phase error"),
(0x0B, 0x4B, 0x00) => String::from("Data phase error"),
(0x0B, 0x4E, 0x00) => String::from("Overlapped command attempt"),
(0x0B, asc, ascq) => format!("aborted command, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Else, simply report values
_ => format!("sense_key = 0x{:02x}, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", self.sense_key, self.asc, self.ascq),
pub struct ScsiError {
@ -655,3 +544,255 @@ pub fn scsi_inquiry<F: AsRawFd>(
}).map_err(|err: Error| format_err!("decode inquiry page failed - {}", err))
impl ToString for SenseInfo {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
// Added codes from Seagate SCSI Commands Reference Manual
// Added codes from IBM TS4300 Tape Library SCSI reference manual
// Added codes from Quantum Intelligent Libraries SCSI Reference Guide
match (self.sense_key, self.asc, self.ascq) {
// No sense
(0x00, 0x00, 0x00) => String::from("No Additional Sense Information"),
(0x00, 0x81, 0x00) => String::from("LA Check Error, LCM bit ="),
(0x00, asc, ascq) => format!("no sense, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Recovered Error
(0x01, 0x03, 0x00) => String::from("Peripheral Device Write Fault"),
(0x01, 0x09, 0x00) => String::from("Track Following Error"),
(0x01, 0x09, 0x01) => String::from("Servo Fault"),
(0x01, 0x09, 0x0D) => String::from("Write to at least one copy of a redundant file failed"),
(0x01, 0x09, 0x0E) => String::from("Redundant files have < 50% good copies"),
(0x01, 0x09, 0xF8) => String::from("Calibration is needed but the QST is set without the Recal Only bit"),
(0x01, 0x09, 0xFF) => String::from("Servo Cal completed as part of self-test"),
(0x01, 0x0B, 0x01) => String::from("Warning—Specified Temperature Exceeded"),
(0x01, 0x0B, 0x02) => String::from("Warning, Enclosure Degraded"),
(0x01, 0x0C, 0x01) => String::from("Write Error Recovered With Auto-Reallocation"),
(0x01, 0x11, 0x00) => String::from("Unrecovered Read Error"),
(0x01, 0x15, 0x01) => String::from("Mechanical Positioning Error"),
(0x01, 0x16, 0x00) => String::from("Data Synchronization Mark Error"),
(0x01, 0x17, 0x01) => String::from("Recovered Data Using Retries"),
(0x01, 0x17, 0x02) => String::from("Recovered Data Using Positive Offset"),
(0x01, 0x17, 0x03) => String::from("Recovered Data Using Negative Offset"),
(0x01, 0x18, 0x00) => String::from("Recovered Data With ECC"),
(0x01, 0x18, 0x01) => String::from("Recovered Data With ECC And Retries Applied"),
(0x01, 0x18, 0x02) => String::from("Recovered Data With ECC And/Or Retries, Data Auto-Reallocated"),
(0x01, 0x18, 0x07) => String::from("Recovered Data With ECC—Data Rewritten"),
(0x01, 0x19, 0x00) => String::from("Defect List Error"),
(0x01, 0x1C, 0x00) => String::from("Defect List Not Found"),
(0x01, 0x1F, 0x00) => String::from("Number of Defects Overflows the Allocated Space That The Read Defect Command Can Handle"),
(0x01, 0x37, 0x00) => String::from("Parameter Rounded"),
(0x01, 0x3F, 0x80) => String::from("Buffer contents have changed"),
(0x01, 0x40, 0x01) => String::from("DRAM Parity Error"),
(0x01, 0x40, 0x02) => String::from("Spinup Error recovered with retries"),
(0x01, 0x44, 0x00) => String::from("Internal Target Failure"),
(0x01, 0x5D, 0x00) => String::from("Failure Prediction Threshold Exceeded"),
(0x01, 0x5D, 0xFF) => String::from("False Failure Prediction Threshold Exceeded"),
(0x01, asc, ascq) => format!("recovered error, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Not Ready
(0x02, 0x04, 0x00) => String::from("Logical Unit Not Ready, Cause Not Reportable"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x01) => String::from("Logical Unit Not Ready, Becoming Ready"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x02) => String::from("Logical Unit Not Ready, START UNIT Required"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x03) => String::from("Logical Unit Not Ready, Manual Intervention Required"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x04) => String::from("Logical Unit Not Ready, Format in Progress"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x09) => String::from("Logical Unit Not Ready, Self Test in Progress"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x0A) => String::from("Logical Unit Not Ready, NVC recovery in progress after and exception event"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x11) => String::from("Logical Unit Not Ready, Notify (Enable Spinup) required"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x12) => String::from("Not ready, offline"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x22) => String::from("Logical unit not ready, power cycle required"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x83) => String::from("The library is not ready due to aisle power being disabled"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0x8D) => String::from(" The library is not ready because it is offline"),
(0x02, 0x04, 0xF0) => String::from("Logical unit not ready, super certify in progress"),
(0x02, 0x35, 0x02) => String::from("Enclosure Services Unavailable"),
(0x02, 0x3B, 0x12) => String::from("Not ready, magazine removed"),
(0x02, asc, ascq) => format!("not ready, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Media Error
(0x03, 0x03, 0x00) => String::from("Peripheral Device Write Fault"),
(0x03, 0x09, 0x00) => String::from("Track Following Error"),
(0x03, 0x09, 0x04) => String::from("Head Select Fault"),
(0x03, 0x0A, 0x01) => String::from("Failed to write super certify log file"),
(0x03, 0x0A, 0x02) => String::from("Failed to read super certify log file"),
(0x03, 0x0C, 0x00) => String::from("Write Error"),
(0x03, 0x0C, 0x02) => String::from("Write Error—Auto Reallocation Failed"),
(0x03, 0x0C, 0x03) => String::from("Write Error—Recommend Reassignment"),
(0x03, 0x0C, 0xFF) => String::from("Write Error—Too many error recovery revs"),
(0x03, 0x11, 0x00) => String::from("Unrecovered Read Error"),
(0x03, 0x11, 0x04) => String::from("Unrecovered Read Error—Auto Reallocation Failed"),
(0x03, 0x11, 0xFF) => String::from("Unrecovered Read Error—Too many error recovery revs"),
(0x03, 0x14, 0x01) => String::from("Record Not Found"),
(0x03, 0x15, 0x01) => String::from("Mechanical Positioning Error"),
(0x03, 0x16, 0x00) => String::from("Data Synchronization Mark Error"),
(0x03, 0x30, 0x00) => String::from("Media error"),
(0x03, 0x30, 0x07) => String::from("Cleaning failure"),
(0x03, 0x31, 0x00) => String::from("Medium Format Corrupted"),
(0x03, 0x31, 0x01) => String::from("Corruption in R/W format request"),
(0x03, 0x31, 0x91) => String::from("Corrupt World Wide Name (WWN) in drive information file"),
(0x03, 0x32, 0x01) => String::from("Defect List Update Error"),
(0x03, 0x32, 0x03) => String::from("Defect list longer than allocated memory"),
(0x03, 0x33, 0x00) => String::from("Flash not ready for access"),
(0x03, 0x44, 0x00) => String::from("Internal Target Failure"),
(0x03, asc, ascq) => format!("media error, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Hardware Error
(0x04, 0x01, 0x00) => String::from("No Index/Logical Block Signal"),
(0x04, 0x02, 0x00) => String::from("No SEEK Complete"),
(0x04, 0x03, 0x00) => String::from("Peripheral Device Write Fault"),
(0x04, 0x09, 0x00) => String::from("Track Following Error"),
(0x04, 0x09, 0x01) => String::from("Servo Fault"),
(0x04, 0x09, 0x04) => String::from("Head Select Fault"),
(0x04, 0x15, 0x01) => String::from("Mechanical Positioning Error"),
(0x04, 0x16, 0x00) => String::from("Data Synchronization Mark Error"),
(0x04, 0x19, 0x00) => String::from("Defect List Error"),
(0x04, 0x1C, 0x00) => String::from("Defect List Not Found"),
(0x04, 0x29, 0x00) => String::from("Flashing LED occurred"),
(0x04, 0x32, 0x00) => String::from("No Defect Spare Location Available"),
(0x04, 0x32, 0x01) => String::from("Defect List Update Error"),
(0x04, 0x35, 0x00) => String::from("Unspecified Enclosure Services Failure"),
(0x04, 0x35, 0x03) => String::from("Enclosure Transfer Failure"),
(0x04, 0x35, 0x04) => String::from("Enclosure Transfer Refused"),
(0x04, 0x3B, 0x0D) => String::from("Medium destination element full"),
(0x04, 0x3B, 0x0E) => String::from("Medium source element empty"),
(0x04, 0x3E, 0x03) => String::from("Logical Unit Failed Self Test"),
(0x04, 0x3F, 0x0F) => String::from("Echo buffer overwritten"),
(0x04, 0x40, 0x01) => String::from("DRAM Parity Error"),
(0x04, 0x40, 0x80) => String::from("Component failure"),
(0x04, 0x42, 0x00) => String::from("Power-On Or Self-Test Failure"),
(0x04, 0x42, 0x0A) => String::from("Port A failed loopback test"),
(0x04, 0x42, 0x0B) => String::from("Port B failed loopback test"),
(0x04, 0x44, 0x00) => String::from("Internal Target Failure"),
(0x04, 0x44, 0xF2) => String::from("Data Integrity Check Failed on verify"),
(0x04, 0x44, 0xF6) => String::from("Data Integrity Check Failed during write"),
(0x04, 0x44, 0xFF) => String::from("XOR CDB check error"),
(0x04, 0x53, 0x00) => String::from("A drive did not load or unload a tape"),
(0x04, 0x53, 0x01) => String::from("A drive did not unload a cartridge"),
(0x04, 0x53, 0x82) => String::from("Cannot lock the I/E station"),
(0x04, 0x53, 0x83) => String::from("Cannot unlock the I/E station"),
(0x04, 0x65, 0x00) => String::from("Voltage Fault"),
(0x04, 0x80, 0xD7) => String::from("Internal software error"),
(0x04, 0x80, 0xD8) => String::from("Database access error"),
(0x04, 0x81, 0x00) => String::from("LA Check Error, LCM bit ="),
(0x04, 0x81, 0xB0) => String::from("Internal system communication failed"),
(0x04, 0x81, 0xB2) => String::from("Robotic controller communication failed"),
(0x04, 0x81, 0xB3) => String::from("Mechanical positioning error"),
(0x04, 0x81, 0xB4) => String::from("Cartridge did not transport completely."),
(0x04, 0x82, 0xFC) => String::from("Drive configuration failed"),
(0x04, 0x83, 0x00) => String::from("Label too short or too long"),
(0x04, asc, ascq) => format!("hardware error, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Illegal Request
(0x05, 0x04, 0x83) => String::from("Door open"),
(0x05, 0x1A, 0x00) => String::from("Parameter List Length Error"),
(0x05, 0x20, 0x00) => String::from("Invalid Command Operation Code"),
(0x05, 0x20, 0xF3) => String::from("Invalid linked command operation code"),
(0x05, 0x21, 0x01) => String::from("Invalid element address"),
(0x05, 0x24, 0x00) => String::from("Invalid Field In CDB"),
(0x05, 0x24, 0x01) => String::from("Illegal Queue Type for CDB (Low priority commands must be SIMPLE queue)"),
(0x05, 0x24, 0xF0) => String::from("Invalid LBA in linked command"),
(0x05, 0x24, 0xF2) => String::from("Invalid linked command operation code"),
(0x05, 0x24, 0xF3) => String::from("Illegal G->P operation request"),
(0x05, 0x25, 0x00) => String::from("Logical Unit Not Supported"),
(0x05, 0x26, 0x00) => String::from("Invalid Field In Parameter List"),
(0x05, 0x26, 0x01) => String::from("Parameter Not Supported"),
(0x05, 0x26, 0x02) => String::from("Parameter Value Invalid"),
(0x05, 0x26, 0x03) => String::from("Invalid Field Parameter—Threshold Parameter"),
(0x05, 0x26, 0x04) => String::from("Invalid Release of Active Persistent Reserve"),
(0x05, 0x26, 0x05) => String::from("Fail to read valid log dump data"),
(0x05, 0x2C, 0x00) => String::from("Command Sequence Error"),
(0x05, 0x30, 0x00) => String::from("Incompatible medium installed"),
(0x05, 0x30, 0x12) => String::from("Incompatible Media loaded to drive"),
(0x05, 0x32, 0x01) => String::from("Defect List Update Error"),
(0x05, 0x35, 0x01) => String::from("Unsupported Enclosure Function"),
(0x05, 0x39, 0x00) => String::from("Saving parameters is not supported"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x0D) => String::from("Medium destination element full"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x0E) => String::from("Medium source element empty"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x11) => String::from("Magazine not accessible"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x12) => String::from("Magazine not installed"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x18) => String::from("Element disabled"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0x1A) => String::from("Data transfer element removed"),
(0x05, 0x3B, 0xA0) => String::from("Media type does not match destination media type"),
(0x05, 0x3F, 0x01) => String::from("New firmware loaded"),
(0x05, 0x3F, 0x03) => String::from("Inquiry data changed"),
(0x05, 0x44, 0x81) => String::from("Source element not ready"),
(0x05, 0x44, 0x82) => String::from("Destination element not ready"),
(0x05, 0x53, 0x02) => String::from("Library media removal prevented state set."),
(0x05, 0x53, 0x03) => String::from("Drive media removal prevented state set"),
(0x05, 0x53, 0x81) => String::from("Insert/Eject station door is open"),
(0x05, 0x55, 0x04) => String::from("PRKT table is full"),
(0x05, 0x82, 0x93) => String::from("Failure session sequence error"),
(0x05, 0x82, 0x94) => String::from("Failover command sequence error"),
(0x05, 0x82, 0x95) => String::from("Duplicate failover session key"),
(0x05, 0x82, 0x96) => String::from("Invalid failover key"),
(0x05, 0x82, 0x97) => String::from("Failover session that is released"),
(0x05, 0x83, 0x02) => String::from("Barcode label questionable"),
(0x05, 0x83, 0x03) => String::from("Cell status and barcode label questionable"),
(0x05, 0x83, 0x04) => String::from("Data transfer element not installed"),
(0x05, 0x83, 0x05) => String::from("Data transfer element is varied off and not accessible for library operations"),
(0x05, 0x83, 0x06) => String::from("Element is contained within an offline tower or I/E station and is not accessible for library operations"),
(0x05, asc, ascq) => format!("illegal request, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Unit Attention
(0x06, 0x0B, 0x01) => String::from("Warning—Specified Temperature Exceeded"),
(0x06, 0x28, 0x00) => String::from("Not ready to change, medium changed"),
(0x06, 0x28, 0x01) => String::from("Import/export element that is accessed"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x00) => String::from("Power On, Reset, Or Bus Device Reset Occurred"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x01) => String::from("Power-On Reset Occurred"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x02) => String::from("SCSI Bus Reset Occurred"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x03) => String::from("Bus Device Reset Function Occurred"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x04) => String::from("Internal Reset Occurred"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x05) => String::from("Transceiver Mode Changed To Single-Ended"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x06) => String::from("Transceiver Mode Changed To LVD"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x07) => String::from("Write Log Dump data to disk successful OR IT Nexus Loss"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x08) => String::from("Write Log Dump data to disk fail"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x09) => String::from("Write Log Dump Entry information fail"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x0A) => String::from("Reserved disk space is full"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x0B) => String::from("SDBP test service contained an error, examine status packet(s) for details"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0x0C) => String::from("SDBP incoming buffer overflow (incoming packet too big)"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0xCD) => String::from("Flashing LED occurred. (Cold reset)"),
(0x06, 0x29, 0xCE) => String::from("Flashing LED occurred. (Warm reset)"),
(0x06, 0x2A, 0x01) => String::from("Mode Parameters Changed"),
(0x06, 0x2A, 0x02) => String::from("Log Parameters Changed"),
(0x06, 0x2A, 0x03) => String::from("Reservations preempted"),
(0x06, 0x2A, 0x04) => String::from("Reservations Released"),
(0x06, 0x2A, 0x05) => String::from("Registrations Preempted"),
(0x06, 0x2F, 0x00) => String::from("Tagged Commands Cleared By Another Initiator"),
(0x06, 0x3F, 0x00) => String::from("Target Operating Conditions Have Changed"),
(0x06, 0x3F, 0x01) => String::from("Device internal reset occurred"),
(0x06, 0x3F, 0x02) => String::from("Changed Operating Definition"),
(0x06, 0x3F, 0x05) => String::from("Device Identifier Changed"),
(0x06, 0x3F, 0x91) => String::from("World Wide Name (WWN) Mismatch"),
(0x06, 0x5C, 0x00) => String::from("RPL Status Change"),
(0x06, 0x5D, 0x00) => String::from("Failure Prediction Threshold Exceeded"),
(0x06, 0x5D, 0xFF) => String::from("False Failure Prediction Threshold Exceeded"),
(0x06, 0xB4, 0x00) => String::from("Unreported Deferred Errors have been logged on log page 34h"),
(0x06, asc, ascq) => format!("unit attention, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Aborted Command
(0x0B, 0x08, 0x00) => String::from("Logical Unit Communication Failure"),
(0x0B, 0x08, 0x01) => String::from("Logical Unit Communication Time-Out"),
(0x0B, 0x0B, 0x00) => String::from("Aborted Command"),
(0x0B, 0x3F, 0x0F) => String::from("Echo buffer overwritten"),
(0x0B, 0x43, 0x00) => String::from("Message Reject Error"),
(0x0B, 0x44, 0x00) => String::from("Firmware detected an internal logic failure"),
(0x0B, 0x45, 0x00) => String::from("Select/Reselection Failure"),
(0x0B, 0x47, 0x00) => String::from("SCSI Parity Error"),
(0x0B, 0x47, 0x03) => String::from("Information Unit CRC Error"),
(0x0B, 0x47, 0x80) => String::from("Fibre Channel Sequence Error"),
(0x0B, 0x48, 0x00) => String::from("Initiator Detected Error Message Received"),
(0x0B, 0x49, 0x00) => String::from("Invalid Message Received"),
(0x0B, 0x4A, 0x00) => String::from("Command phase error"),
(0x0B, 0x4B, 0x00) => String::from("Data Phase Error"),
(0x0B, 0x4B, 0x01) => String::from("Invalid transfer tag"),
(0x0B, 0x4B, 0x02) => String::from("Too many write data"),
(0x0B, 0x4B, 0x03) => String::from("ACK NAK Timeout"),
(0x0B, 0x4B, 0x04) => String::from("NAK received"),
(0x0B, 0x4B, 0x05) => String::from("Data Offset error"),
(0x0B, 0x4B, 0x06) => String::from("Initiator response timeout"),
(0x0B, 0x4E, 0x00) => String::from("Overlapped Commands Attempted"),
(0x0B, 0x81, 0x00) => String::from("LA Check Error"),
(0x0B, asc, ascq) => format!("aborted command, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", asc, ascq),
// Volume overflow
(0x0D, 0x0D, 0x00) => String::from("Volume Overflow Constants"),
(0x0D, 0x21, 0x00) => String::from("Logical Block Address Out Of Range"),
// Miscompare
(0x0E, 0x0E, 0x00) => String::from("Data Miscompare"),
(0x0E, 0x1D, 0x00) => String::from("Miscompare During Verify Operation"),
// Else, simply report values
_ => format!("sense_key = 0x{:02x}, ASC = 0x{:02x}, ASCQ = 0x{:02x}", self.sense_key, self.asc, self.ascq),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user