digraph g { graph [ rankdir = "LR" fontname="Helvetica" ]; node [ fontsize = "16" shape = "record" ]; edge [ ]; "archive" [ label = "archive.pxar" shape = "record" ]; "rootdir" [ label = "<f0> ENTRY| \{XATTR\}\* extended attribute list\l | \{ACL_USER\}\* USER ACL entries\l | \{ACL_GROUP\}\* GROUP ACL entries\l| \[ACL_GROUP_OBJ\] the ACL_GROUP_OBJ \l| \[ACL_DEFAULT\] the various default ACL fields\l|\{ACL_DEFAULT_USER\}\* USER ACL entries\l|\{ACL_DEFAULT_GROUP\}\* GROUP ACL entries\l|\[FCAPS\] file capability in Linux disk format\l|\[QUOTA_PROJECT_ID\] the ext4/xfs quota project ID\l| { PAYLOAD | SYMLINK | DEVICE | { <de> \{DirectoryEntries\}\* | GOODBYE}}" shape = "record" ]; "entry" [ label = "<f0> size: u64 = 64\l|type: u64 = ENTRY\l|feature_flags: u64\l|mode: u64\l|flags: u64\l|uid: u64\l|gid: u64\l|mtime: u64\l" labeljust = "l" shape = "record" ]; "direntry" [ label = "<f0> FILENAME |{ENTRY | HARDLINK}" shape = "record" ]; "archive" -> "rootdir":f0 "rootdir":f0 -> "entry":f0 "rootdir":de -> "direntry":f0 }