Adds a helper to create temporal files in XDG_CACHE_HOME. If we cannot create a file there, we fallback to /tmp as before. Note that the temporary files stored by the client might grow arbitrarily in size, making XDG_RUNTIME_DIR a less desirable option. Citing the Arch wiki [1]: > Should not store large files as it may be mounted as a tmpfs. While the cache directory is most often not backed up by an ephemeral FS, using the `O_TMPFILE` flag avoids the need for potential cleanup, e.g. on interruption of a command. As with this flag set the data will be discarded when the last file descriptor is closed. [1] Signed-off-by: Maximiliano Sandoval <> [ TL: mention TMPFILE flag for clarity ] Signed-off-by: Thomas Lamprecht <>