This is the official v0.8.0-alpha.1 release. Signed-off-by: Andrew Rynhard <>
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v0.8.0-alpha.1 (2020-11-25)
- add cloud image uploader (AWS AMIs for now)
- bump K8s to 1.19.4 in e2e scripts with CABPT version
- build arm64 images in CI
- remove maintenance service interface and use machine service
- provide list of AMIs on AWS documentation page
- add 0.8 docs for the upcoming release
- ensure we configure nodes in guides
- ensure gcp docs have firewall and node info
- add qemu diagram and video walkthrough
- graduate v0.7 docs
- improve configuration reference documentation
- fix small typo in talosctl processes cast
- update asciinemas with talosctl
- add proxmox doc
- add live walkthroughs where applicable
- support openstack platform
- update Kubernetes to v1.20.0-beta.2
- change UI component for disks selector
- support cluster expansion in the interactive installer
- implement apply configuration without reboot
- make GenerateConfiguration API reuse current node auth
- sync time before installer runs
- set interface MTU in DHCP mode even if DHCP is not successful
- print hint about using interative installer in mainenance mode
- add TUI based talos interactive installer
- support ipv6 routes
- return client config as the second value in GenerateConfiguration
- correctly merge talosconfig (don't ever overwrite)
- drop to maintenance mode in cloud platforms if userdata is missing
- read config from extra guestinfo key (vmware)
- update Go to 1.15.5
- add generate config gRPC API
- upgrade Kubernetes default version to 1.19.4
- add example command in maintenance, enforce cert fingerprint
- add storage API
- bump blockdevice library for
part name fix - ignore 'not found' errors when stopping/removing CRI pods
- return hostname from packet platform
- make fingerprint clearly optional in a boot hint
- ensure packet nics get all IPs
- use
- bump timeout for config downloading on bare metal
- drop osd compatibility layer
- update integration test versions, clean up names