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//--------------------------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-
// CLING - the C++ LLVM-based InterpreterG :)
// author: Axel Naumann <>
2014-01-07 11:08:37 +01:00
// This file is dual-licensed: you can choose to license it under the University
// of Illinois Open Source License or the GNU Lesser General Public License. See
// LICENSE.TXT for details.
2015-04-16 03:33:55 -05:00
#include "ClingUtils.h"
#include "DeclCollector.h"
#include <cling-compiledata.h>
#include "cling/Interpreter/CIFactory.h"
#include "cling/Interpreter/InvocationOptions.h"
#include "cling/Utils/Output.h"
#include "cling/Utils/Paths.h"
#include "cling/Utils/Platform.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Compilation.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Driver.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Job.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Tool.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/VerifyDiagnosticConsumer.h"
#include "clang/Serialization/SerializationDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessorOptions.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Serialization/ASTReader.h"
#include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
2013-09-20 18:20:20 +02:00
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Host.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
2017-05-10 08:18:54 +02:00
#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <memory>
using namespace clang;
using namespace cling;
namespace {
static constexpr unsigned CxxStdCompiledWith() {
// The value of __cplusplus in GCC < 5.0 (e.g. 4.9.3) when
// either -std=c++1y or -std=c++14 is specified is 201300L, which fails
// the test for C++14 or more (201402L) as previously specified.
// I would claim that the check should be relaxed to:
#if __cplusplus > 201402L
return 17;
#elif __cplusplus > 201103L || (defined(LLVM_ON_WIN32) && _MSC_VER >= 1900)
return 14;
#elif __cplusplus >= 201103L
return 11;
#error "Unknown __cplusplus version"
// This function isn't referenced outside its translation unit, but it
// can't use the "static" keyword because its address is used for
// GetMainExecutable (since some platforms don't support taking the
// address of main, and some platforms can't implement GetMainExecutable
// without being given the address of a function in the main executable).
std::string GetExecutablePath(const char *Argv0) {
// This just needs to be some symbol in the binary; C++ doesn't
// allow taking the address of ::main however.
void *MainAddr = (void*) intptr_t(GetExecutablePath);
return llvm::sys::fs::getMainExecutable(Argv0, MainAddr);
class AdditionalArgList {
typedef std::vector< std::pair<const char*,std::string> > container_t;
container_t m_Saved;
void addArgument(const char* arg, std::string value = std::string()) {
container_t::const_iterator begin() const { return m_Saved.begin(); }
container_t::const_iterator end() const { return m_Saved.end(); }
bool empty() const { return m_Saved.empty(); }
#ifndef _MSC_VER
static void ReadCompilerIncludePaths(const char* Compiler,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char>& Buf,
AdditionalArgList& Args,
bool Verbose) {
std::string CppInclQuery("LC_ALL=C ");
CppInclQuery.append(" -xc++ -E -v /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null "
"| awk '/^#include </,/^End of search"
"/{if (!/^#include </ && !/^End of search/){ print }}' "
"| GREP_OPTIONS= grep -E \"(c|g)\\+\\+\"");
if (Verbose)
cling::log() << "Looking for C++ headers with:\n " << CppInclQuery << "\n";
if (FILE *PF = ::popen(CppInclQuery.c_str(), "r")) {
while (fgets(&Buf[0], Buf.capacity_in_bytes(), PF) && Buf[0]) {
llvm::StringRef Path(&Buf[0]);
// Skip leading and trailing whitespace
Path = Path.trim();
if (!Path.empty()) {
if (!llvm::sys::fs::is_directory(Path)) {
if (Verbose)
Args.addArgument("-I", Path.str());
} else {
::perror("popen failure");
// Don't be overly verbose, we already printed the command
if (!Verbose)
cling::errs() << " for '" << CppInclQuery << "'\n";
// Return the query in Buf on failure
if (Args.empty()) {
Buf.insert(Buf.begin(), CppInclQuery.begin(), CppInclQuery.end());
} else if (Verbose) {
cling::log() << "Found:\n";
for (const auto& Arg : Args)
cling::log() << " " << Arg.second << "\n";
static bool AddCxxPaths(llvm::StringRef PathStr, AdditionalArgList& Args,
bool Verbose) {
if (Verbose)
cling::log() << "Looking for C++ headers in \"" << PathStr << "\"\n";
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 6> Paths;
if (!utils::SplitPaths(PathStr, Paths, utils::kFailNonExistant,
platform::kEnvDelim, Verbose))
return false;
if (Verbose) {
cling::log() << "Found:\n";
for (llvm::StringRef Path : Paths)
cling::log() << " " << Path << "\n";
for (llvm::StringRef Path : Paths)
Args.addArgument("-I", Path.str());
return true;
///\brief Adds standard library -I used by whatever compiler is found in PATH.
static void AddHostArguments(llvm::StringRef clingBin,
std::vector<const char*>& args,
const char* llvmdir, const CompilerOptions& opts) {
static AdditionalArgList sArguments;
if (sArguments.empty()) {
const bool Verbose = opts.Verbose;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// When built with access to the proper Windows APIs, try to actually find
// the correct include paths first. Init for UnivSDK.empty check below.
std::string VSDir, WinSDK,
UnivSDK(opts.NoBuiltinInc ? "" : CLING_UCRT_VERSION);
if (platform::GetVisualStudioDirs(VSDir,
opts.NoBuiltinInc ? nullptr : &WinSDK,
opts.NoBuiltinInc ? nullptr : &UnivSDK,
Verbose)) {
if (!opts.NoCXXInc) {
const std::string VSIncl = VSDir + "\\VC\\include";
if (Verbose)
cling::log() << "Adding VisualStudio SDK: '" << VSIncl << "'\n";
sArguments.addArgument("-I", std::move(VSIncl));
if (!opts.NoBuiltinInc) {
if (!WinSDK.empty()) {
if (Verbose)
cling::log() << "Adding Windows SDK: '" << WinSDK << "'\n";
sArguments.addArgument("-I", std::move(WinSDK));
} else {
if (Verbose)
cling::log() << "Adding Platform SDK: '" << VSDir << "'\n";
sArguments.addArgument("-I", std::move(VSDir));
if (!UnivSDK.empty()) {
if (Verbose)
cling::log() << "Adding UniversalCRT SDK: '" << UnivSDK << "'\n";
sArguments.addArgument("-I", std::move(UnivSDK));
// Windows headers use '__declspec(dllexport) __cdecl' for most funcs
// causing a lot of warnings for different redeclarations (eg. coming from
// the test suite).
// Do not warn about such cases.
// Assume Windows.h might be included, and don't spew a ton of warnings
#else // _MSC_VER
// Skip LLVM_CXX execution if -nostdinc++ was provided.
if (!opts.NoCXXInc) {
// Need sArguments.empty as a check condition later
assert(sArguments.empty() && "Arguments not empty");
SmallString<2048> buffer;
// Try to use a version of clang that is located next to cling
// in case cling was built with a new/custom libc++
std::string clang = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(clingBin);
llvm::sys::path::append(buffer, "clang");
clang.assign(&buffer[0], buffer.size());
if (llvm::sys::fs::is_regular_file(clang)) {
if (!opts.StdLib) {
#if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
clang.append(" -stdlib=libc++");
#elif defined(__GLIBCXX__)
clang.append(" -stdlib=libstdc++");
ReadCompilerIncludePaths(clang.c_str(), buffer, sArguments, Verbose);
// first try the include directory cling was built with
if (sArguments.empty())
AddCxxPaths(CLING_CXX_INCL, sArguments, Verbose);
// Then try the absolute path i.e.: '/usr/bin/g++'
if (sArguments.empty())
ReadCompilerIncludePaths(CLING_CXX_PATH, buffer, sArguments, Verbose);
// Finally try the relative path 'g++'
if (sArguments.empty())
ReadCompilerIncludePaths(CLING_CXX_RLTV, buffer, sArguments, Verbose);
if (sArguments.empty()) {
// buffer is a copy of the query string that failed
cling::errs() << "ERROR in cling::CIFactory::createCI(): cannot extract"
" standard library include paths!\n";
#if defined(CLING_CXX_PATH) || defined(CLING_CXX_RLTV)
// Only when ReadCompilerIncludePaths called do we have the command
// Verbose has already printed the command
if (!Verbose)
cling::errs() << "Invoking:\n " << buffer.c_str() << "\n";
cling::errs() << "Results was:\n";
const int ExitCode = system(buffer.c_str());
cling::errs() << "With exit code " << ExitCode << "\n";
#elif !defined(CLING_CXX_INCL)
// Technically a valid configuration that just wants to use libClangs
// internal header detection, but for now give a hint about why.
" are undefined, there was probably an error during"
2016-08-18 10:48:21 +02:00
" configuration.\n";
} else
#if defined(__APPLE__)
if (!opts.NoBuiltinInc && !opts.SysRoot) {
std::string sysRoot;
if (platform::GetISysRoot(sysRoot, Verbose)) {
if (Verbose)
cling::log() << "Using SDK \"" << sysRoot << "\"\n";
sArguments.addArgument("-isysroot", std::move(sysRoot));
#endif // __APPLE__
#endif // _MSC_VER
if (!opts.ResourceDir && !opts.NoBuiltinInc) {
std::string resourcePath;
if (!llvmdir) {
// FIXME: The first arg really does need to be argv[0] on FreeBSD.
// Note: The second arg is not used for Apple, FreeBSD, Linux,
// or cygwin, and can only be used on systems which support
// the use of dladdr().
// Note: On linux and cygwin this uses /proc/self/exe to find the path
// Note: On Apple it uses _NSGetExecutablePath().
// Note: On FreeBSD it uses getprogpath().
// Note: Otherwise it uses dladdr().
= CompilerInvocation::GetResourcesPath("cling",
} else {
llvm::SmallString<512> tmp(llvmdir);
llvm::sys::path::append(tmp, "lib", "clang", CLANG_VERSION_STRING);
resourcePath.assign(&tmp[0], tmp.size());
// FIXME: Handle cases, where the cling is part of a library/framework.
// There we can't rely on the find executable logic.
if (!llvm::sys::fs::is_directory(resourcePath)) {
<< "ERROR in cling::CIFactory::createCI():\n resource directory "
<< resourcePath << " not found!\n";
resourcePath = "";
} else {
sArguments.addArgument("-resource-dir", std::move(resourcePath));
for (auto& arg : sArguments) {
static void SetClingCustomLangOpts(LangOptions& Opts,
const CompilerOptions& CompilerOpts) {
Opts.EmitAllDecls = 0; // Otherwise if PCH attached will codegen all decls.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#ifdef _DEBUG
// FIXME: This requires bufferoverflowu.lib, but adding:
// #pragma comment(lib, "bufferoverflowu.lib") still gives errors!
// Opts.setStackProtector(clang::LangOptions::SSPStrong);
#endif // _DEBUG
#ifdef _CPPRTTI
Opts.RTTIData = 1;
Opts.RTTIData = 0;
#endif // _CPPRTTI
Opts.Trigraphs = 0;
#else // !_MSC_VER
Opts.Trigraphs = 1;
// Opts.RTTIData = 1;
// Opts.DefaultCallingConventions = 1;
// Opts.StackProtector = 0;
#endif // _MSC_VER
2017-03-03 06:55:01 -05:00
Opts.Exceptions = 1;
if (Opts.CPlusPlus) {
Opts.CXXExceptions = 1;
//Opts.Modules = 1;
// See test/CodeUnloading/PCH/VTables.cpp which implicitly compares clang
// to cling lang options. They should be the same, we should not have to
// give extra lang options to their invocations on any platform.
// Except -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions.
Opts.Deprecated = 1;
#ifdef __APPLE__
Opts.Blocks = 1;
Opts.MathErrno = 0;
Opts.POSIXThreads = 1;
#ifdef __FAST_MATH__
Opts.FastMath = 1;
if (CompilerOpts.DefaultLanguage(&Opts)) {
#ifdef __STRICT_ANSI__
Opts.GNUMode = 0;
Opts.GNUMode = 1;
Opts.GNUKeywords = 0;
static void SetClingTargetLangOpts(LangOptions& Opts,
const TargetInfo& Target,
const CompilerOptions& CompilerOpts) {
if (Target.getTriple().getOS() == llvm::Triple::Win32) {
Opts.MicrosoftExt = 1;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
Opts.MSCompatibilityVersion = (_MSC_VER * 100000);
// Should fix
Opts.DelayedTemplateParsing = 1;
} else {
Opts.MicrosoftExt = 0;
if (CompilerOpts.DefaultLanguage(&Opts)) {
// We are compiling with libstdc++ with __float128 enabled.
if (!Target.hasFloat128Type()) {
// clang currently supports native __float128 only on few targets, and
2017-06-28 17:13:23 +02:00
// this target does not have it. The most visible consequence of this is
// a specialization
// __is_floating_point_helper<__float128>
// in include/c++/6.3.0/type_traits:344 that clang then rejects. The
// specialization is protected by !if _GLIBCXX_USE_FLOAT128 (which is
2017-06-28 17:13:23 +02:00
// unconditionally set in c++config.h) and #if !__STRICT_ANSI__. Tweak
// the latter by disabling GNUMode:
2017-06-28 17:12:58 +02:00
2017-07-03 16:29:01 +02:00
<< "Disabling gnu++: "
"clang has no __float128 support on this target!\n";
Opts.GNUMode = 0;
#endif //_GLIBCXX_USE_FLOAT128
2017-06-26 22:11:01 +02:00
// This must be a copy of clang::getClangToolFullVersion(). Luckily
// we'll notice quickly if it ever changes! :-)
static std::string CopyOfClanggetClangToolFullVersion(StringRef ToolName) {
cling::stdstrstream OS;
OS << ToolName << " version " CLANG_VERSION_STRING " "
<< getClangFullRepositoryVersion();
// If vendor supplied, include the base LLVM version as well.
OS << " (based on LLVM " << PACKAGE_VERSION << ")";
return OS.str();
///\brief Check the compile-time clang version vs the run-time clang version,
/// a mismatch could cause havoc. Reports if clang versions differ.
static void CheckClangCompatibility() {
if (clang::getClangToolFullVersion("cling")
!= CopyOfClanggetClangToolFullVersion("cling"))
<< "Warning in cling::CIFactory::createCI():\n "
"Using incompatible clang library! "
"Please use the one provided by cling!\n";
/// \brief Retrieves the clang CC1 specific flags out of the compilation's
/// jobs. Returns NULL on error.
static const llvm::opt::ArgStringList*
GetCC1Arguments(clang::driver::Compilation *Compilation,
clang::DiagnosticsEngine* = nullptr) {
// We expect to get back exactly one Command job, if we didn't something
// failed. Extract that job from the Compilation.
const clang::driver::JobList &Jobs = Compilation->getJobs();
if (!Jobs.size() || !isa<clang::driver::Command>(*Jobs.begin())) {
// diagnose this better...
cling::errs() << "No Command jobs were built.\n";
return nullptr;
// The one job we find should be to invoke clang again.
const clang::driver::Command *Cmd
= cast<clang::driver::Command>(&(*Jobs.begin()));
if (llvm::StringRef(Cmd->getCreator().getName()) != "clang") {
// diagnose this better...
cling::errs() << "Clang wasn't the first job.\n";
return nullptr;
return &Cmd->getArguments();
2016-12-14 15:50:39 -05:00
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(NDEBUG)
static void stringifyPreprocSetting(PreprocessorOptions& PPOpts,
const char* Name, int Val) {
smallstream Strm;
Strm << Name << "=" << Val;
stringifyPreprocSetting(PP, #name, name)
2016-12-01 10:03:22 +01:00
/// Set cling's preprocessor defines to match the cling binary.
static void SetPreprocessorFromBinary(PreprocessorOptions& PPOpts) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// FIXME: Stay consistent with the _HAS_EXCEPTIONS flag settings in SetClingCustomLangOpts
#ifdef _DEBUG
2016-12-14 15:50:39 -05:00
#ifdef NDEBUG
// Since cling, uses clang instead, macros always sees __CLANG__ defined
// In addition, clang also defined __GNUC__, we add the following two macros
// to allow scripts, and more important, dictionary generation to know which
// of the two is the underlying compiler.
#ifdef __clang__
PPOpts.addMacroDef("__CLING__clang__=" ClingStringify(__clang__));
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
PPOpts.addMacroDef("__CLING__GNUC__=" ClingStringify(__GNUC__));
2017-03-10 04:34:57 -05:00
PPOpts.addMacroDef("__CLING__GNUC_MINOR__=" ClingStringify(__GNUC_MINOR__));
2017-02-08 01:05:23 -05:00
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
PPOpts.addMacroDef("__CLING__MSVC__=" ClingStringify(_MSC_VER));
2015-05-07 18:00:15 -05:00
2016-09-20 19:59:19 -04:00
#if defined(LLVM_ON_WIN32)
/// Set target-specific preprocessor defines.
static void SetPreprocessorFromTarget(PreprocessorOptions& PPOpts,
const llvm::Triple& TTriple) {
if (TTriple.getEnvironment() == llvm::Triple::Cygnus) {
// clang "forgets" the basic arch part needed by winnt.h:
if (TTriple.getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86) {
} else if (TTriple.getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86_64) {
} else {
cling::errs() << "Warning in cling::CIFactory::createCI():\n"
"unhandled target architecture "
<< TTriple.getArchName() << '\n';
template <class CONTAINER>
static void insertBehind(CONTAINER& To, const CONTAINER& From) {
To.insert(To.end(), From.begin(), From.end());
static void AddRuntimeIncludePaths(llvm::StringRef ClingBin,
clang::HeaderSearchOptions& HOpts) {
if (HOpts.Verbose)
cling::log() << "Adding runtime include paths:\n";
// Add configuration paths to interpreter's include files.
if (HOpts.Verbose)
cling::log() << " \"" CLING_INCLUDE_PATHS "\"\n";
utils::AddIncludePaths(CLING_INCLUDE_PATHS, HOpts);
llvm::SmallString<512> P(ClingBin);
if (!P.empty()) {
// Remove /cling from foo/bin/clang
llvm::StringRef ExeIncl = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(P);
// Remove /bin from foo/bin
ExeIncl = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(ExeIncl);
// Get foo/include
llvm::sys::path::append(P, "include");
if (llvm::sys::fs::is_directory(P.str()))
utils::AddIncludePaths(P.str(), HOpts, nullptr);
static llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine>
SetupDiagnostics(DiagnosticOptions& DiagOpts) {
// The compiler invocation is the owner of the diagnostic options.
// Everything else points to them.
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticIDs> DiagIDs(new DiagnosticIDs());
DiagnosticPrinter(new TextDiagnosticPrinter(cling::errs(), &DiagOpts));
Diags(new DiagnosticsEngine(DiagIDs, &DiagOpts,
DiagnosticPrinter.get(), /*Owns it*/ true));
return Diags;
static bool
SetupCompiler(CompilerInstance* CI, const CompilerOptions& CompilerOpts,
bool Lang = true, bool Targ = true) {
LangOptions& LangOpts = CI->getLangOpts();
// Set the language options, which cling needs.
// This may have already been done via a precompiled header
if (Lang)
SetClingCustomLangOpts(LangOpts, CompilerOpts);
PreprocessorOptions& PPOpts = CI->getInvocation().getPreprocessorOpts();
// Sanity check that clang delivered the language standard requested
if (CompilerOpts.DefaultLanguage(&LangOpts)) {
switch (CxxStdCompiledWith()) {
case 17: assert(LangOpts.CPlusPlus1z && "Language version mismatch");
case 14: assert(LangOpts.CPlusPlus14 && "Language version mismatch");
case 11: assert(LangOpts.CPlusPlus11 && "Language version mismatch");
default: break;
if (LangOpts.CPlusPlus11 == 1)
if (LangOpts.CPlusPlus14 == 1)
2017-06-26 23:23:28 -04:00
if (CI->getDiagnostics().hasErrorOccurred()) {
cling::errs() << "Compiler error to early in initialization.\n";
return false;
if (!CI->hasTarget()) {
cling::errs() << "Could not determine compiler target.\n";
return false;
// This may have already been done via a precompiled header
if (Targ)
SetClingTargetLangOpts(LangOpts, CI->getTarget(), CompilerOpts);
SetPreprocessorFromTarget(PPOpts, CI->getTarget().getTriple());
return true;
class ActionScan {
std::set<const clang::driver::Action*> m_Visited;
llvm::SmallVector<clang::driver::Action::ActionClass, 2> m_Kinds;
bool find (const clang::driver::Action* A) {
if (A && !m_Visited.count(A)) {
if (std::find(m_Kinds.begin(), m_Kinds.end(), A->getKind()) !=
return true;
return find(*A->input_begin());
return false;
ActionScan(clang::driver::Action::ActionClass a, int b = -1) {
if (b != -1)
bool find (clang::driver::Compilation* C) {
for (clang::driver::Action* A : C->getActions()) {
if (find(A))
return true;
return false;
2017-05-10 08:18:54 +02:00
static CompilerInstance*
createCIImpl(std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> Buffer,
const CompilerOptions& COpts, const char* LLVMDir,
clang::ASTConsumer* customConsumer, bool OnlyLex,
bool HasInput = false) {
// Follow clang -v convention of printing version on first line
if (COpts.Verbose)
cling::log() << "cling version " << ClingStringify(CLING_VERSION) << '\n';
2017-05-10 08:18:54 +02:00
// Create an instance builder, passing the LLVMDir and arguments.
const size_t argc = COpts.Remaining.size();
const char* const* argv = &COpts.Remaining[0];
std::vector<const char*> argvCompile(argv, argv+1);
if (!COpts.Language) {
// We do C++ by default; append right after argv[0] if no "-x" given
argvCompile.push_back( "c++");
if (COpts.DefaultLanguage()) {
// By default, set the standard to what cling was compiled with.
// clang::driver::Compilation will do various things while initializing
// and by enforcing the std version now cling is telling clang what to
// do, rather than after clang has dedcuded a default.
switch (CxxStdCompiledWith()) {
case 17: argvCompile.emplace_back("-std=c++1z"); break;
case 14: argvCompile.emplace_back("-std=c++14"); break;
case 11: argvCompile.emplace_back("-std=c++11"); break;
default: llvm_unreachable("Unrecognized C++ version");
// argv[0] already inserted, get the rest
argvCompile.insert(argvCompile.end(), argv+1, argv + argc);
// Add host specific includes, -resource-dir if necessary, and -isysroot
std::string ClingBin = GetExecutablePath(argv[0]);
AddHostArguments(ClingBin, argvCompile, LLVMDir, COpts);
// Be explicit about the stdlib on OS X
// Would be nice on Linux but will warn 'argument unused during compilation'
// when -nostdinc++ is passed
#ifdef __APPLE__
2017-07-04 12:53:27 -04:00
if (!COpts.StdLib) {
2017-07-04 12:53:27 -04:00
#elif defined(__GLIBCXX__)
2017-07-04 12:53:27 -04:00
2017-07-04 12:53:27 -04:00
if (!COpts.HasOutput || !HasInput) {
auto InvocationPtr = std::make_shared<clang::CompilerInvocation>();
// The compiler invocation is the owner of the diagnostic options.
// Everything else points to them.
DiagnosticOptions& DiagOpts = InvocationPtr->getDiagnosticOpts();
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine> Diags =
if (!Diags) {
cling::errs() << "Could not setup diagnostic engine.\n";
return nullptr;
llvm::Triple TheTriple(llvm::sys::getProcessTriple());
#ifdef LLVM_ON_WIN32
// COFF format currently needs a few changes in LLVM to function properly.
clang::driver::Driver Drvr(argv[0], TheTriple.getTriple(), *Diags);
Drvr.setCheckInputsExist(false); // think foo.C(12)
llvm::ArrayRef<const char*>RF(&(argvCompile[0]), argvCompile.size());
if (!Compilation) {
cling::errs() << "Couldn't create clang::driver::Compilation.\n";
return nullptr;
const driver::ArgStringList* CC1Args = GetCC1Arguments(Compilation.get());
if (!CC1Args) {
cling::errs() << "Could not get cc1 arguments.\n";
return nullptr;
clang::CompilerInvocation::CreateFromArgs(*InvocationPtr, CC1Args->data() + 1,
CC1Args->data() + CC1Args->size(),
2014-03-27 15:12:07 +01:00
// We appreciate the error message about an unknown flag (or do we? if not
// we should switch to a different DiagEngine for parsing the flags).
// But in general we'll happily go on.
// Create and setup a compiler instance.
std::unique_ptr<CompilerInstance> CI(new CompilerInstance());
CI->setDiagnostics(Diags.get()); // Diags is ref-counted
if (!OnlyLex)
CI->getDiagnosticOpts().ShowColors = cling::utils::ColorizeOutput();
// Copied from CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics:
// Chain in -verify checker, if requested.
if (DiagOpts.VerifyDiagnostics)
Diags->setClient(new clang::VerifyDiagnosticConsumer(*Diags));
// Configure our handling of diagnostics.
ProcessWarningOptions(*Diags, DiagOpts);
if (COpts.HasOutput && !OnlyLex) {
ActionScan scan(clang::driver::Action::PrecompileJobClass,
if (!scan.find(Compilation.get())) {
cling::errs() << "Only precompiled header or preprocessor "
"output is supported.\n";
return nullptr;
if (!SetupCompiler(CI.get(), COpts))
return nullptr;
ProcessWarningOptions(*Diags, DiagOpts);
return CI.release();
clang::CompilerInvocation& Invocation = CI->getInvocation();
std::string& PCHFile = Invocation.getPreprocessorOpts().ImplicitPCHInclude;
bool InitLang = true, InitTarget = true;
if (!PCHFile.empty()) {
if (cling::utils::LookForFile(argvCompile, PCHFile,
COpts.Verbose ? "Precompiled header" : nullptr)) {
// Load target options etc from PCH.
struct PCHListener: public ASTReaderListener {
CompilerInvocation& m_Invocation;
bool m_ReadLang, m_ReadTarget;
PCHListener(CompilerInvocation& I) :
m_Invocation(I), m_ReadLang(false), m_ReadTarget(false) {}
bool ReadLanguageOptions(const LangOptions &LangOpts,
bool /*Complain*/,
bool /*AllowCompatibleDifferences*/) override {
*m_Invocation.getLangOpts() = LangOpts;
m_ReadLang = true;
return false;
bool ReadTargetOptions(const TargetOptions &TargetOpts,
bool /*Complain*/,
bool /*AllowCompatibleDifferences*/) override {
m_Invocation.getTargetOpts() = TargetOpts;
m_ReadTarget = true;
return false;
bool ReadPreprocessorOptions(const PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts,
bool /*Complain*/,
std::string &/*SuggestedPredefines*/) override {
// Import selected options, e.g. don't overwrite ImplicitPCHInclude.
PreprocessorOptions& myPP = m_Invocation.getPreprocessorOpts();
insertBehind(myPP.Macros, PPOpts.Macros);
insertBehind(myPP.Includes, PPOpts.Includes);
insertBehind(myPP.MacroIncludes, PPOpts.MacroIncludes);
return false;
PCHListener listener(Invocation);
if (ASTReader::readASTFileControlBlock(PCHFile,
false /*FindModuleFileExt*/,
/*ValidateDiagnosticOptions=*/false)) {
// When running interactively pass on the info that the PCH
// has failed so that IncrmentalParser::Initialize won't try again.
if (!HasInput && llvm::sys::Process::StandardInIsUserInput()) {
const unsigned ID = Diags->getCustomDiagID(
"Problems loading PCH: '%0'.");
Diags->Report(ID) << PCHFile;
// If this was the only error, then don't let it stop anything
if (Diags->getClient()->getNumErrors() == 1)
// Clear the include so no one else uses it.
// All we care about is if Language and Target options were successful.
InitLang = !listener.m_ReadLang;
InitTarget = !listener.m_ReadTarget;
Invocation.getFrontendOpts().DisableFree = true;
// Set up compiler language and target
if (!SetupCompiler(CI.get(), COpts, InitLang, InitTarget))
return nullptr;
// Set up source managers
SourceManager* SM = new SourceManager(CI->getDiagnostics(),
/*UserFilesAreVolatile*/ true);
CI->setSourceManager(SM); // CI now owns SM
// As main file we want
// * a virtual file that is claiming to be huge
// * with an empty memory buffer attached (to bring the content)
FileManager& FM = SM->getFileManager();
// When asking for the input file below (which does not have a directory
// name), clang will call $PWD "." which is terrible if we ever change
// directories (see ROOT-7114). By asking for $PWD (and not ".") it will
// be registered as $PWD instead, which is stable even after chdirs.
// Build the virtual file, Give it a name that's likely not to ever
2016-12-19 11:57:06 +01:00
// be #included (so we won't get a clash in clang's cache).
const char* Filename = "<<< cling interactive line includer >>>";
const FileEntry* FE = FM.getVirtualFile(Filename, 1U << 15U, time(0));
// Tell ASTReader to create a FileID even if this file does not exist:
FileID MainFileID = SM->createFileID(FE, SourceLocation(), SrcMgr::C_User);
const SrcMgr::SLocEntry& MainFileSLocE = SM->getSLocEntry(MainFileID);
const SrcMgr::ContentCache* MainFileCC
= MainFileSLocE.getFile().getContentCache();
if (!Buffer)
2016-11-09 17:53:50 +01:00
Buffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer("/*CLING DEFAULT MEMBUF*/;\n");
// Set up the preprocessor
Preprocessor& PP = CI->getPreprocessor();
2016-04-22 15:11:18 +02:00
// Set up the ASTContext
if (OnlyLex) {
assert(customConsumer == nullptr && "Can't specify a custom consumer"
" when in OnlyLex mode");
class IgnoreConsumer: public clang::ASTConsumer {};
std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTConsumer>(new IgnoreConsumer()));
} else {
assert(customConsumer != nullptr && "Need to specify a custom consumer"
" when not in OnlyLex mode");
// Set up Sema
CodeCompleteConsumer* CCC = 0;
CI->createSema(TU_Complete, CCC);
2017-03-27 16:41:26 +02:00
// Set CodeGen options.
CodeGenOptions& CGOpts = CI->getCodeGenOpts();
#ifdef _MSC_VER
2017-03-27 16:41:26 +02:00
CGOpts.MSVolatile = 1;
CGOpts.RelaxedAliasing = 1;
CGOpts.EmitCodeView = 1;
CGOpts.CXXCtorDtorAliases = 1;
2017-03-27 16:41:26 +02:00
// Reduce amount of emitted symbols by optimizing more.
CGOpts.OptimizationLevel = 2;
// Taken from a -O2 run of clang:
2017-03-27 16:41:26 +02:00
CGOpts.DiscardValueNames = 1;
CGOpts.OmitLeafFramePointer = 1;
CGOpts.UnrollLoops = 1;
CGOpts.VectorizeLoop = 1;
CGOpts.VectorizeSLP = 1;
// CGOpts.setDebugInfo(clang::CodeGenOptions::FullDebugInfo);
// CGOpts.EmitDeclMetadata = 1; // For unloading, for later
// aliasing the complete ctor to the base ctor causes the JIT to crash
CGOpts.CXXCtorDtorAliases = 0;
CGOpts.VerifyModule = 0; // takes too long
if (!OnlyLex) {
// -nobuiltininc
clang::HeaderSearchOptions& HOpts = CI->getHeaderSearchOpts();
if (CI->getHeaderSearchOpts().UseBuiltinIncludes)
AddRuntimeIncludePaths(ClingBin, HOpts);
// Write a marker to know the rest of the output is from clang
if (COpts.Verbose)
cling::log() << "Setting up system headers with clang:\n";
// ### FIXME:
// Want to update LLVM to 3.9 realease and better testing first, but
// ApplyHeaderSearchOptions shouldn't even be called here:
// 1. It's already been called via CI->createPreprocessor(TU_Complete)
// 2. It could corrupt clang's directory cache
// HeaderSearchOptions.::AddSearchPath is a better alternative
clang::ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(PP.getHeaderSearchInfo(), HOpts,
return CI.release(); // Passes over the ownership to the caller.
} // unnamed namespace
namespace cling {
CompilerInstance* CIFactory::createCI(llvm::StringRef Code,
const InvocationOptions& Opts,
const char* LLVMDir,
clang::ASTConsumer* consumer) {
return createCIImpl(llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(Code), Opts.CompilerOpts,
LLVMDir, consumer, false /*OnlyLex*/,
CompilerInstance* CIFactory::createCI(MemBufPtr_t Buffer, int argc,
const char* const* argv,
const char* LLVMDir,
clang::ASTConsumer* consumer,
bool OnlyLex) {
return createCIImpl(std::move(Buffer), CompilerOptions(argc, argv), LLVMDir,
consumer, OnlyLex);
} // namespace cling