KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/ *
* This p r o g r a m i s f r e e s o f t w a r e ; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it u n d e r t h e t e r m s o f t h e G N U G e n e r a l P u b l i c L i c e n s e , v e r s i o n 2 , a s
* published b y t h e F r e e S o f t w a r e F o u n d a t i o n .
* This p r o g r a m i s d i s t r i b u t e d i n t h e h o p e t h a t i t w i l l b e u s e f u l ,
* but W I T H O U T A N Y W A R R A N T Y ; without even the implied warranty of
* MERCHANTABILITY o r F I T N E S S F O R A P A R T I C U L A R P U R P O S E . S e e t h e
* GNU G e n e r a l P u b l i c L i c e n s e f o r m o r e d e t a i l s .
* Copyright 2 0 1 1 P a u l M a c k e r r a s , I B M C o r p . < p a u l u s @au1.ibm.com>
* Derived f r o m b o o k 3 s _ r m h a n d l e r s . S a n d o t h e r f i l e s , w h i c h a r e :
* Copyright S U S E L i n u x P r o d u c t s G m b H 2 0 0 9
* Authors : Alexander G r a f < a g r a f @suse.de>
* /
# include < a s m / p p c _ a s m . h >
# include < a s m / k v m _ a s m . h >
# include < a s m / r e g . h >
2011-07-23 17:41:11 +10:00
# include < a s m / m m u . h >
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
# include < a s m / p a g e . h >
2011-07-23 17:41:11 +10:00
# include < a s m / p t r a c e . h >
# include < a s m / h v c a l l . h >
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
# include < a s m / a s m - o f f s e t s . h >
# include < a s m / e x c e p t i o n - 6 4 s . h >
2012-02-03 00:54:17 +00:00
# include < a s m / k v m _ b o o k 3 s _ a s m . h >
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
# include < a s m / m m u - h a s h64 . h >
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* Real M o d e h a n d l e r s t h a t n e e d t o b e i n t h e l i n e a r m a p p i n g *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
.globl kvmppc_skip_interrupt
kvmppc_skip_interrupt :
mfspr r13 ,S P R N _ S R R 0
addi r13 ,r13 ,4
mtspr S P R N _ S R R 0 ,r13
GET_ S C R A T C H 0 ( r13 )
b .
.globl kvmppc_skip_Hinterrupt
kvmppc_skip_Hinterrupt :
mfspr r13 ,S P R N _ H S R R 0
addi r13 ,r13 ,4
mtspr S P R N _ H S R R 0 ,r13
GET_ S C R A T C H 0 ( r13 )
b .
/ *
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
* Call k v m p p c _ h v _ e n t r y i n r e a l m o d e .
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
* Must b e c a l l e d w i t h i n t e r r u p t s h a r d - d i s a b l e d .
* Input R e g i s t e r s :
* LR = r e t u r n a d d r e s s t o c o n t i n u e a t a f t e r e v e n t u a l l y r e - e n a b l i n g M M U
* /
_ GLOBAL( k v m p p c _ h v _ e n t r y _ t r a m p o l i n e )
mfmsr r10
LOAD_ R E G _ A D D R ( r5 , k v m p p c _ h v _ e n t r y )
li r0 ,M S R _ R I
andc r0 ,r10 ,r0
li r6 ,M S R _ I R | M S R _ D R
andc r6 ,r10 ,r6
mtmsrd r0 ,1 / * c l e a r R I i n M S R * /
mtsrr0 r5
mtsrr1 r6
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* Entry c o d e *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
# define X I C S _ X I R R 4
# define X I C S _ Q I R R 0 x c
2012-02-03 00:54:17 +00:00
# define X I C S _ I P I 2 / * i n t e r r u p t s o u r c e # f o r I P I s * /
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
/ *
* We c o m e i n h e r e w h e n w a k e n e d f r o m n a p m o d e o n a s e c o n d a r y h w t h r e a d .
* Relocation i s o f f a n d m o s t r e g i s t e r v a l u e s a r e l o s t .
* r1 3 p o i n t s t o t h e P A C A .
* /
.globl kvm_start_guest
kvm_start_guest :
ld r1 ,P A C A E M E R G S P ( r13 )
subi r1 ,r1 ,S T A C K _ F R A M E _ O V E R H E A D
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
ld r2 ,P A C A T O C ( r13 )
2012-02-03 00:54:17 +00:00
li r0 ,K V M _ H W T H R E A D _ I N _ K V M
stb r0 ,H S T A T E _ H W T H R E A D _ S T A T E ( r13 )
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
2012-02-03 00:54:17 +00:00
/* NV GPR values from power7_idle() will no longer be valid */
li r0 ,1
stb r0 ,P A C A _ N A P S T A T E L O S T ( r13 )
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
2012-02-03 00:54:17 +00:00
/* get vcpu pointer, NULL if we have no vcpu to run */
ld r4 ,H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C P U ( r13 )
cmpdi c r1 ,r4 ,0
/* Check the wake reason in SRR1 to see why we got here */
mfspr r3 ,S P R N _ S R R 1
rlwinm r3 ,r3 ,4 4 - 3 1 ,0 x7 / * e x t r a c t w a k e r e a s o n f i e l d * /
cmpwi r3 ,4 / * w a s i t a n e x t e r n a l i n t e r r u p t ? * /
bne 2 7 f
/ *
* External i n t e r r u p t - f o r n o w a s s u m e i t i s a n I P I , s i n c e w e
* should n e v e r g e t a n y o t h e r i n t e r r u p t s s e n t t o o f f l i n e t h r e a d s .
* Only d o t h i s f o r s e c o n d a r y t h r e a d s .
* /
beq c r1 ,2 5 f
lwz r3 ,V C P U _ P T I D ( r4 )
cmpwi r3 ,0
beq 2 7 f
25 : ld r5 ,H S T A T E _ X I C S _ P H Y S ( r13 )
li r0 ,0 x f f
li r6 ,X I C S _ Q I R R
li r7 ,X I C S _ X I R R
lwzcix r8 ,r5 ,r7 / * g e t a n d a c k t h e i n t e r r u p t * /
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
2012-02-03 00:54:17 +00:00
clrldi. r9 ,r8 ,4 0 / * g e t i n t e r r u p t s o u r c e I D . * /
beq 2 7 f / * n o n e t h e r e ? * /
cmpwi r9 ,X I C S _ I P I
bne 2 6 f
stbcix r0 ,r5 ,r6 / * c l e a r I P I * /
26 : stwcix r8 ,r5 ,r7 / * E O I t h e i n t e r r u p t * /
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
2012-02-03 00:54:17 +00:00
27 : /* XXX should handle hypervisor maintenance interrupts etc. here */
2012-10-15 01:16:14 +00:00
/* reload vcpu pointer after clearing the IPI */
ld r4 ,H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C P U ( r13 )
cmpdi r4 ,0
2012-02-03 00:54:17 +00:00
/* if we have no vcpu to run, go back to sleep */
2012-10-15 01:16:14 +00:00
beq k v m _ n o _ g u e s t
2012-02-03 00:54:17 +00:00
/* were we napping due to cede? */
lbz r0 ,H S T A T E _ N A P P I N G ( r13 )
cmpwi r0 ,0
bne k v m _ e n d _ c e d e
2011-12-05 19:47:26 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
.global kvmppc_hv_entry
kvmppc_hv_entry :
/ * Required s t a t e :
* R4 = v c p u p o i n t e r
* MSR = ~ I R | D R
* R1 3 = P A C A
* R1 = h o s t R 1
* all o t h e r v o l a t i l e G P R S = f r e e
* /
mflr r0
std r0 , H S T A T E _ V M H A N D L E R ( r13 )
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
/* Set partition DABR */
/* Do this before re-enabling PMU to avoid P7 DABR corruption bug */
li r5 ,3
ld r6 ,V C P U _ D A B R ( r4 )
mtspr S P R N _ D A B R X ,r5
mtspr S P R N _ D A B R ,r6
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Load guest PMU registers */
/* R4 is live here (vcpu pointer) */
li r3 , 1
sldi r3 , r3 , 3 1 / * M M C R 0 _ F C ( f r e e z e c o u n t e r s ) b i t * /
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R 0 , r3 / * f r e e z e a l l c o u n t e r s , d i s a b l e i n t s * /
lwz r3 , V C P U _ P M C ( r4 ) / * a l w a y s l o a d u p g u e s t P M U r e g i s t e r s * /
lwz r5 , V C P U _ P M C + 4 ( r4 ) / * t o p r e v e n t i n f o r m a t i o n l e a k * /
lwz r6 , V C P U _ P M C + 8 ( r4 )
lwz r7 , V C P U _ P M C + 1 2 ( r4 )
lwz r8 , V C P U _ P M C + 1 6 ( r4 )
lwz r9 , V C P U _ P M C + 2 0 ( r4 )
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
lwz r10 , V C P U _ P M C + 2 4 ( r4 )
lwz r11 , V C P U _ P M C + 2 8 ( r4 )
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 1 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 1 , r3
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 2 , r5
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 3 , r6
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 4 , r7
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 5 , r8
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 6 , r9
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 7 , r10
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 8 , r11
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 1 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
ld r3 , V C P U _ M M C R ( r4 )
ld r5 , V C P U _ M M C R + 8 ( r4 )
ld r6 , V C P U _ M M C R + 1 6 ( r4 )
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R 1 , r5
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R A , r6
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R 0 , r3
/* Load up FP, VMX and VSX registers */
bl k v m p p c _ l o a d _ f p
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
ld r14 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 4 ) ( r4 )
ld r15 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 5 ) ( r4 )
ld r16 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 6 ) ( r4 )
ld r17 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 7 ) ( r4 )
ld r18 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 8 ) ( r4 )
ld r19 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 9 ) ( r4 )
ld r20 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 0 ) ( r4 )
ld r21 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 1 ) ( r4 )
ld r22 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 2 ) ( r4 )
ld r23 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 3 ) ( r4 )
ld r24 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 4 ) ( r4 )
ld r25 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 5 ) ( r4 )
ld r26 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 6 ) ( r4 )
ld r27 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 7 ) ( r4 )
ld r28 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 8 ) ( r4 )
ld r29 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 9 ) ( r4 )
ld r30 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 0 ) ( r4 )
ld r31 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 1 ) ( r4 )
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Switch DSCR to guest value */
ld r5 , V C P U _ D S C R ( r4 )
mtspr S P R N _ D S C R , r5
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/ *
* Set t h e d e c r e m e n t e r t o t h e g u e s t d e c r e m e n t e r .
* /
ld r8 ,V C P U _ D E C _ E X P I R E S ( r4 )
mftb r7
subf r3 ,r7 ,r8
mtspr S P R N _ D E C ,r3
stw r3 ,V C P U _ D E C ( r4 )
ld r5 , V C P U _ S P R G 0 ( r4 )
ld r6 , V C P U _ S P R G 1 ( r4 )
ld r7 , V C P U _ S P R G 2 ( r4 )
ld r8 , V C P U _ S P R G 3 ( r4 )
mtspr S P R N _ S P R G 0 , r5
mtspr S P R N _ S P R G 1 , r6
mtspr S P R N _ S P R G 2 , r7
mtspr S P R N _ S P R G 3 , r8
/* Save R1 in the PACA */
std r1 , H S T A T E _ H O S T _ R 1 ( r13 )
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
/* Increment yield count if they have a VPA */
ld r3 , V C P U _ V P A ( r4 )
cmpdi r3 , 0
beq 2 5 f
lwz r5 , L P P A C A _ Y I E L D C O U N T ( r3 )
addi r5 , r5 , 1
stw r5 , L P P A C A _ Y I E L D C O U N T ( r3 )
25 :
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Load up DAR and DSISR */
ld r5 , V C P U _ D A R ( r4 )
lwz r6 , V C P U _ D S I S R ( r4 )
mtspr S P R N _ D A R , r5
mtspr S P R N _ D S I S R , r6
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Restore AMR and UAMOR, set AMOR to all 1s */
ld r5 ,V C P U _ A M R ( r4 )
ld r6 ,V C P U _ U A M O R ( r4 )
li r7 ,- 1
mtspr S P R N _ A M R ,r5
mtspr S P R N _ U A M O R ,r6
mtspr S P R N _ A M O R ,r7
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Clear out SLB */
li r6 ,0
slbmte r6 ,r6
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
b 3 0 f
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 1 )
/ *
* POWER7 h o s t - > g u e s t p a r t i t i o n s w i t c h c o d e .
* We d o n ' t h a v e t o l o c k a g a i n s t c o n c u r r e n t t l b i e s ,
* but w e d o h a v e t o c o o r d i n a t e a c r o s s h a r d w a r e t h r e a d s .
* /
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
/* Increment entry count iff exit count is zero. */
ld r5 ,H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C O R E ( r13 )
addi r9 ,r5 ,V C O R E _ E N T R Y _ E X I T
21 : lwarx r3 ,0 ,r9
cmpwi r3 ,0 x10 0 / * a n y t h r e a d s s t a r t i n g t o e x i t ? * /
bge s e c o n d a r y _ t o o _ l a t e / * i f s o w e ' r e t o o l a t e t o t h e p a r t y * /
addi r3 ,r3 ,1
stwcx. r3 ,0 ,r9
bne 2 1 b
/* Primary thread switches to guest partition. */
KVM: PPC: Allocate RMAs (Real Mode Areas) at boot for use by guests
This adds infrastructure which will be needed to allow book3s_hv KVM to
run on older POWER processors, including PPC970, which don't support
the Virtual Real Mode Area (VRMA) facility, but only the Real Mode
Offset (RMO) facility. These processors require a physically
contiguous, aligned area of memory for each guest. When the guest does
an access in real mode (MMU off), the address is compared against a
limit value, and if it is lower, the address is ORed with an offset
value (from the Real Mode Offset Register (RMOR)) and the result becomes
the real address for the access. The size of the RMA has to be one of
a set of supported values, which usually includes 64MB, 128MB, 256MB
and some larger powers of 2.
Since we are unlikely to be able to allocate 64MB or more of physically
contiguous memory after the kernel has been running for a while, we
allocate a pool of RMAs at boot time using the bootmem allocator. The
size and number of the RMAs can be set using the kvm_rma_size=xx and
kvm_rma_count=xx kernel command line options.
KVM exports a new capability, KVM_CAP_PPC_RMA, to signal the availability
of the pool of preallocated RMAs. The capability value is 1 if the
processor can use an RMA but doesn't require one (because it supports
the VRMA facility), or 2 if the processor requires an RMA for each guest.
This adds a new ioctl, KVM_ALLOCATE_RMA, which allocates an RMA from the
pool and returns a file descriptor which can be used to map the RMA. It
also returns the size of the RMA in the argument structure.
Having an RMA means we will get multiple KMV_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION
ioctl calls from userspace. To cope with this, we now preallocate the
kvm->arch.ram_pginfo array when the VM is created with a size sufficient
for up to 64GB of guest memory. Subsequently we will get rid of this
array and use memory associated with each memslot instead.
This moves most of the code that translates the user addresses into
host pfns (page frame numbers) out of kvmppc_prepare_vrma up one level
to kvmppc_core_prepare_memory_region. Also, instead of having to look
up the VMA for each page in order to check the page size, we now check
that the pages we get are compound pages of 16MB. However, if we are
adding memory that is mapped to an RMA, we don't bother with calling
get_user_pages_fast and instead just offset from the base pfn for the
Typically the RMA gets added after vcpus are created, which makes it
inconvenient to have the LPCR (logical partition control register) value
in the vcpu->arch struct, since the LPCR controls whether the processor
uses RMA or VRMA for the guest. This moves the LPCR value into the
kvm->arch struct and arranges for the MER (mediated external request)
bit, which is the only bit that varies between vcpus, to be set in
assembly code when going into the guest if there is a pending external
interrupt request.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:25:44 +00:00
ld r9 ,V C P U _ K V M ( r4 ) / * p o i n t e r t o s t r u c t k v m * /
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
lwz r6 ,V C P U _ P T I D ( r4 )
cmpwi r6 ,0
bne 2 0 f
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
ld r6 ,K V M _ S D R 1 ( r9 )
lwz r7 ,K V M _ L P I D ( r9 )
li r0 ,L P I D _ R S V D / * s w i t c h t o r e s e r v e d L P I D * /
mtspr S P R N _ L P I D ,r0
mtspr S P R N _ S D R 1 ,r6 / * s w i t c h t o p a r t i t i o n p a g e t a b l e * /
mtspr S P R N _ L P I D ,r7
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Improve handling of local vs. global TLB invalidations
When we change or remove a HPT (hashed page table) entry, we can do
either a global TLB invalidation (tlbie) that works across the whole
machine, or a local invalidation (tlbiel) that only affects this core.
Currently we do local invalidations if the VM has only one vcpu or if
the guest requests it with the H_LOCAL flag, though the guest Linux
kernel currently doesn't ever use H_LOCAL. Then, to cope with the
possibility that vcpus moving around to different physical cores might
expose stale TLB entries, there is some code in kvmppc_hv_entry to
flush the whole TLB of entries for this VM if either this vcpu is now
running on a different physical core from where it last ran, or if this
physical core last ran a different vcpu.
There are a number of problems on POWER7 with this as it stands:
- The TLB invalidation is done per thread, whereas it only needs to be
done per core, since the TLB is shared between the threads.
- With the possibility of the host paging out guest pages, the use of
H_LOCAL by an SMP guest is dangerous since the guest could possibly
retain and use a stale TLB entry pointing to a page that had been
removed from the guest.
- The TLB invalidations that we do when a vcpu moves from one physical
core to another are unnecessary in the case of an SMP guest that isn't
using H_LOCAL.
- The optimization of using local invalidations rather than global should
apply to guests with one virtual core, not just one vcpu.
(None of this applies on PPC970, since there we always have to
invalidate the whole TLB when entering and leaving the guest, and we
can't support paging out guest memory.)
To fix these problems and simplify the code, we now maintain a simple
cpumask of which cpus need to flush the TLB on entry to the guest.
(This is indexed by cpu, though we only ever use the bits for thread
0 of each core.) Whenever we do a local TLB invalidation, we set the
bits for every cpu except the bit for thread 0 of the core that we're
currently running on. Whenever we enter a guest, we test and clear the
bit for our core, and flush the TLB if it was set.
On initial startup of the VM, and when resetting the HPT, we set all the
bits in the need_tlb_flush cpumask, since any core could potentially have
stale TLB entries from the previous VM to use the same LPID, or the
previous contents of the HPT.
Then, we maintain a count of the number of online virtual cores, and use
that when deciding whether to use a local invalidation rather than the
number of online vcpus. The code to make that decision is extracted out
into a new function, global_invalidates(). For multi-core guests on
POWER7 (i.e. when we are using mmu notifiers), we now never do local
invalidations regardless of the H_LOCAL flag.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-21 23:28:08 +00:00
/* See if we need to flush the TLB */
lhz r6 ,P A C A P A C A I N D E X ( r13 ) / * t e s t _ b i t ( c p u , n e e d _ t l b _ f l u s h ) * /
clrldi r7 ,r6 ,6 4 - 6 / * e x t r a c t b i t n u m b e r ( 6 b i t s ) * /
srdi r6 ,r6 ,6 / * d o u b l e w o r d n u m b e r * /
sldi r6 ,r6 ,3 / * a d d r e s s o f f s e t * /
add r6 ,r6 ,r9
addi r6 ,r6 ,K V M _ N E E D _ F L U S H / * d w o r d i n k v m - > a r c h . n e e d _ t l b _ f l u s h * /
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
li r0 ,1
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Improve handling of local vs. global TLB invalidations
When we change or remove a HPT (hashed page table) entry, we can do
either a global TLB invalidation (tlbie) that works across the whole
machine, or a local invalidation (tlbiel) that only affects this core.
Currently we do local invalidations if the VM has only one vcpu or if
the guest requests it with the H_LOCAL flag, though the guest Linux
kernel currently doesn't ever use H_LOCAL. Then, to cope with the
possibility that vcpus moving around to different physical cores might
expose stale TLB entries, there is some code in kvmppc_hv_entry to
flush the whole TLB of entries for this VM if either this vcpu is now
running on a different physical core from where it last ran, or if this
physical core last ran a different vcpu.
There are a number of problems on POWER7 with this as it stands:
- The TLB invalidation is done per thread, whereas it only needs to be
done per core, since the TLB is shared between the threads.
- With the possibility of the host paging out guest pages, the use of
H_LOCAL by an SMP guest is dangerous since the guest could possibly
retain and use a stale TLB entry pointing to a page that had been
removed from the guest.
- The TLB invalidations that we do when a vcpu moves from one physical
core to another are unnecessary in the case of an SMP guest that isn't
using H_LOCAL.
- The optimization of using local invalidations rather than global should
apply to guests with one virtual core, not just one vcpu.
(None of this applies on PPC970, since there we always have to
invalidate the whole TLB when entering and leaving the guest, and we
can't support paging out guest memory.)
To fix these problems and simplify the code, we now maintain a simple
cpumask of which cpus need to flush the TLB on entry to the guest.
(This is indexed by cpu, though we only ever use the bits for thread
0 of each core.) Whenever we do a local TLB invalidation, we set the
bits for every cpu except the bit for thread 0 of the core that we're
currently running on. Whenever we enter a guest, we test and clear the
bit for our core, and flush the TLB if it was set.
On initial startup of the VM, and when resetting the HPT, we set all the
bits in the need_tlb_flush cpumask, since any core could potentially have
stale TLB entries from the previous VM to use the same LPID, or the
previous contents of the HPT.
Then, we maintain a count of the number of online virtual cores, and use
that when deciding whether to use a local invalidation rather than the
number of online vcpus. The code to make that decision is extracted out
into a new function, global_invalidates(). For multi-core guests on
POWER7 (i.e. when we are using mmu notifiers), we now never do local
invalidations regardless of the H_LOCAL flag.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-21 23:28:08 +00:00
sld r0 ,r0 ,r7
ld r7 ,0 ( r6 )
and. r7 ,r7 ,r0
beq 2 2 f
23 : ldarx r7 ,0 ,r6 / * i f s e t , c l e a r t h e b i t * /
andc r7 ,r7 ,r0
stdcx. r7 ,0 ,r6
bne 2 3 b
li r6 ,1 2 8 / * a n d f l u s h t h e T L B * /
mtctr r6
li r7 ,0 x80 0 / * I S f i e l d = 0 b10 * /
28 : tlbiel r7
addi r7 ,r7 ,0 x10 0 0
bdnz 2 8 b
22 : li r0 ,1
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
stb r0 ,V C O R E _ I N _ G U E S T ( r5 ) / * s i g n a l s e c o n d a r i e s t o c o n t i n u e * /
b 1 0 f
/* Secondary threads wait for primary to have done partition switch */
20 : lbz r0 ,V C O R E _ I N _ G U E S T ( r5 )
cmpwi r0 ,0
beq 2 0 b
KVM: PPC: Allocate RMAs (Real Mode Areas) at boot for use by guests
This adds infrastructure which will be needed to allow book3s_hv KVM to
run on older POWER processors, including PPC970, which don't support
the Virtual Real Mode Area (VRMA) facility, but only the Real Mode
Offset (RMO) facility. These processors require a physically
contiguous, aligned area of memory for each guest. When the guest does
an access in real mode (MMU off), the address is compared against a
limit value, and if it is lower, the address is ORed with an offset
value (from the Real Mode Offset Register (RMOR)) and the result becomes
the real address for the access. The size of the RMA has to be one of
a set of supported values, which usually includes 64MB, 128MB, 256MB
and some larger powers of 2.
Since we are unlikely to be able to allocate 64MB or more of physically
contiguous memory after the kernel has been running for a while, we
allocate a pool of RMAs at boot time using the bootmem allocator. The
size and number of the RMAs can be set using the kvm_rma_size=xx and
kvm_rma_count=xx kernel command line options.
KVM exports a new capability, KVM_CAP_PPC_RMA, to signal the availability
of the pool of preallocated RMAs. The capability value is 1 if the
processor can use an RMA but doesn't require one (because it supports
the VRMA facility), or 2 if the processor requires an RMA for each guest.
This adds a new ioctl, KVM_ALLOCATE_RMA, which allocates an RMA from the
pool and returns a file descriptor which can be used to map the RMA. It
also returns the size of the RMA in the argument structure.
Having an RMA means we will get multiple KMV_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION
ioctl calls from userspace. To cope with this, we now preallocate the
kvm->arch.ram_pginfo array when the VM is created with a size sufficient
for up to 64GB of guest memory. Subsequently we will get rid of this
array and use memory associated with each memslot instead.
This moves most of the code that translates the user addresses into
host pfns (page frame numbers) out of kvmppc_prepare_vrma up one level
to kvmppc_core_prepare_memory_region. Also, instead of having to look
up the VMA for each page in order to check the page size, we now check
that the pages we get are compound pages of 16MB. However, if we are
adding memory that is mapped to an RMA, we don't bother with calling
get_user_pages_fast and instead just offset from the base pfn for the
Typically the RMA gets added after vcpus are created, which makes it
inconvenient to have the LPCR (logical partition control register) value
in the vcpu->arch struct, since the LPCR controls whether the processor
uses RMA or VRMA for the guest. This moves the LPCR value into the
kvm->arch struct and arranges for the MER (mediated external request)
bit, which is the only bit that varies between vcpus, to be set in
assembly code when going into the guest if there is a pending external
interrupt request.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:25:44 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
/* Set LPCR and RMOR. */
KVM: PPC: Allocate RMAs (Real Mode Areas) at boot for use by guests
This adds infrastructure which will be needed to allow book3s_hv KVM to
run on older POWER processors, including PPC970, which don't support
the Virtual Real Mode Area (VRMA) facility, but only the Real Mode
Offset (RMO) facility. These processors require a physically
contiguous, aligned area of memory for each guest. When the guest does
an access in real mode (MMU off), the address is compared against a
limit value, and if it is lower, the address is ORed with an offset
value (from the Real Mode Offset Register (RMOR)) and the result becomes
the real address for the access. The size of the RMA has to be one of
a set of supported values, which usually includes 64MB, 128MB, 256MB
and some larger powers of 2.
Since we are unlikely to be able to allocate 64MB or more of physically
contiguous memory after the kernel has been running for a while, we
allocate a pool of RMAs at boot time using the bootmem allocator. The
size and number of the RMAs can be set using the kvm_rma_size=xx and
kvm_rma_count=xx kernel command line options.
KVM exports a new capability, KVM_CAP_PPC_RMA, to signal the availability
of the pool of preallocated RMAs. The capability value is 1 if the
processor can use an RMA but doesn't require one (because it supports
the VRMA facility), or 2 if the processor requires an RMA for each guest.
This adds a new ioctl, KVM_ALLOCATE_RMA, which allocates an RMA from the
pool and returns a file descriptor which can be used to map the RMA. It
also returns the size of the RMA in the argument structure.
Having an RMA means we will get multiple KMV_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION
ioctl calls from userspace. To cope with this, we now preallocate the
kvm->arch.ram_pginfo array when the VM is created with a size sufficient
for up to 64GB of guest memory. Subsequently we will get rid of this
array and use memory associated with each memslot instead.
This moves most of the code that translates the user addresses into
host pfns (page frame numbers) out of kvmppc_prepare_vrma up one level
to kvmppc_core_prepare_memory_region. Also, instead of having to look
up the VMA for each page in order to check the page size, we now check
that the pages we get are compound pages of 16MB. However, if we are
adding memory that is mapped to an RMA, we don't bother with calling
get_user_pages_fast and instead just offset from the base pfn for the
Typically the RMA gets added after vcpus are created, which makes it
inconvenient to have the LPCR (logical partition control register) value
in the vcpu->arch struct, since the LPCR controls whether the processor
uses RMA or VRMA for the guest. This moves the LPCR value into the
kvm->arch struct and arranges for the MER (mediated external request)
bit, which is the only bit that varies between vcpus, to be set in
assembly code when going into the guest if there is a pending external
interrupt request.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:25:44 +00:00
10 : ld r8 ,K V M _ L P C R ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
mtspr S P R N _ L P C R ,r8
KVM: PPC: Allocate RMAs (Real Mode Areas) at boot for use by guests
This adds infrastructure which will be needed to allow book3s_hv KVM to
run on older POWER processors, including PPC970, which don't support
the Virtual Real Mode Area (VRMA) facility, but only the Real Mode
Offset (RMO) facility. These processors require a physically
contiguous, aligned area of memory for each guest. When the guest does
an access in real mode (MMU off), the address is compared against a
limit value, and if it is lower, the address is ORed with an offset
value (from the Real Mode Offset Register (RMOR)) and the result becomes
the real address for the access. The size of the RMA has to be one of
a set of supported values, which usually includes 64MB, 128MB, 256MB
and some larger powers of 2.
Since we are unlikely to be able to allocate 64MB or more of physically
contiguous memory after the kernel has been running for a while, we
allocate a pool of RMAs at boot time using the bootmem allocator. The
size and number of the RMAs can be set using the kvm_rma_size=xx and
kvm_rma_count=xx kernel command line options.
KVM exports a new capability, KVM_CAP_PPC_RMA, to signal the availability
of the pool of preallocated RMAs. The capability value is 1 if the
processor can use an RMA but doesn't require one (because it supports
the VRMA facility), or 2 if the processor requires an RMA for each guest.
This adds a new ioctl, KVM_ALLOCATE_RMA, which allocates an RMA from the
pool and returns a file descriptor which can be used to map the RMA. It
also returns the size of the RMA in the argument structure.
Having an RMA means we will get multiple KMV_SET_USER_MEMORY_REGION
ioctl calls from userspace. To cope with this, we now preallocate the
kvm->arch.ram_pginfo array when the VM is created with a size sufficient
for up to 64GB of guest memory. Subsequently we will get rid of this
array and use memory associated with each memslot instead.
This moves most of the code that translates the user addresses into
host pfns (page frame numbers) out of kvmppc_prepare_vrma up one level
to kvmppc_core_prepare_memory_region. Also, instead of having to look
up the VMA for each page in order to check the page size, we now check
that the pages we get are compound pages of 16MB. However, if we are
adding memory that is mapped to an RMA, we don't bother with calling
get_user_pages_fast and instead just offset from the base pfn for the
Typically the RMA gets added after vcpus are created, which makes it
inconvenient to have the LPCR (logical partition control register) value
in the vcpu->arch struct, since the LPCR controls whether the processor
uses RMA or VRMA for the guest. This moves the LPCR value into the
kvm->arch struct and arranges for the MER (mediated external request)
bit, which is the only bit that varies between vcpus, to be set in
assembly code when going into the guest if there is a pending external
interrupt request.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:25:44 +00:00
ld r8 ,K V M _ R M O R ( r9 )
mtspr S P R N _ R M O R ,r8
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Check if HDEC expires soon */
mfspr r3 ,S P R N _ H D E C
cmpwi r3 ,1 0
li r12 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ H V _ D E C R E M E N T E R
mr r9 ,r4
blt h d e c _ s o o n
/* Save purr/spurr */
mfspr r5 ,S P R N _ P U R R
mfspr r6 ,S P R N _ S P U R R
std r5 ,H S T A T E _ P U R R ( r13 )
std r6 ,H S T A T E _ S P U R R ( r13 )
ld r7 ,V C P U _ P U R R ( r4 )
ld r8 ,V C P U _ S P U R R ( r4 )
mtspr S P R N _ P U R R ,r7
mtspr S P R N _ S P U R R ,r8
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
b 3 1 f
/ *
* PPC9 7 0 h o s t - > g u e s t p a r t i t i o n s w i t c h c o d e .
* We h a v e t o l o c k a g a i n s t c o n c u r r e n t t l b i e s ,
* using n a t i v e _ t l b i e _ l o c k t o l o c k a g a i n s t h o s t t l b i e s
* and k v m - > a r c h . t l b i e _ l o c k t o l o c k a g a i n s t g u e s t t l b i e s .
* We a l s o h a v e t o i n v a l i d a t e t h e T L B s i n c e i t s
* entries a r e n ' t t a g g e d w i t h t h e L P I D .
* /
30 : ld r9 ,V C P U _ K V M ( r4 ) / * p o i n t e r t o s t r u c t k v m * /
/* first take native_tlbie_lock */
.section " .toc " , " aw"
toc_tlbie_lock :
.tc native_ t l b i e _ l o c k [ T C ] ,n a t i v e _ t l b i e _ l o c k
ld r3 ,t o c _ t l b i e _ l o c k @toc(2)
lwz r8 ,P A C A _ L O C K _ T O K E N ( r13 )
24 : lwarx r0 ,0 ,r3
cmpwi r0 ,0
bne 2 4 b
stwcx. r8 ,0 ,r3
bne 2 4 b
ld r7 ,K V M _ L P C R ( r9 ) / * u s e k v m - > a r c h . l p c r t o s t o r e H I D 4 * /
li r0 ,0 x18 f
rotldi r0 ,r0 ,H I D 4 _ L P I D 5 _ S H / * a l l l p i d b i t s i n H I D 4 = 1 * /
or r0 ,r7 ,r0
mtspr S P R N _ H I D 4 ,r0 / * s w i t c h t o r e s e r v e d L P I D * /
li r0 ,0
stw r0 ,0 ( r3 ) / * d r o p n a t i v e _ t l b i e _ l o c k * /
/* invalidate the whole TLB */
li r0 ,2 5 6
mtctr r0
li r6 ,0
25 : tlbiel r6
addi r6 ,r6 ,0 x10 0 0
bdnz 2 5 b
/* Take the guest's tlbie_lock */
addi r3 ,r9 ,K V M _ T L B I E _ L O C K
24 : lwarx r0 ,0 ,r3
cmpwi r0 ,0
bne 2 4 b
stwcx. r8 ,0 ,r3
bne 2 4 b
ld r6 ,K V M _ S D R 1 ( r9 )
mtspr S P R N _ S D R 1 ,r6 / * s w i t c h t o p a r t i t i o n p a g e t a b l e * /
/* Set up HID4 with the guest's LPID etc. */
mtspr S P R N _ H I D 4 ,r7
/* drop the guest's tlbie_lock */
li r0 ,0
stw r0 ,0 ( r3 )
/* Check if HDEC expires soon */
mfspr r3 ,S P R N _ H D E C
cmpwi r3 ,1 0
li r12 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ H V _ D E C R E M E N T E R
mr r9 ,r4
blt h d e c _ s o o n
/* Enable HDEC interrupts */
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
li r3 ,1
rldimi r0 ,r3 , H I D 0 _ H D I C E _ S H , 6 4 - H I D 0 _ H D I C E _ S H - 1
mtspr S P R N _ H I D 0 ,r0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Load up guest SLB entries */
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
31 : lwz r5 ,V C P U _ S L B _ M A X ( r4 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
cmpwi r5 ,0
beq 9 f
mtctr r5
addi r6 ,r4 ,V C P U _ S L B
1 : ld r8 ,V C P U _ S L B _ E ( r6 )
ld r9 ,V C P U _ S L B _ V ( r6 )
slbmte r9 ,r8
addi r6 ,r6 ,V C P U _ S L B _ S I Z E
bdnz 1 b
9 :
/* Restore state of CTRL run bit; assume 1 on entry */
lwz r5 ,V C P U _ C T R L ( r4 )
andi. r5 ,r5 ,1
bne 4 f
mfspr r6 ,S P R N _ C T R L F
clrrdi r6 ,r6 ,1
mtspr S P R N _ C T R L T ,r6
4 :
ld r6 , V C P U _ C T R ( r4 )
lwz r7 , V C P U _ X E R ( r4 )
mtctr r6
mtxer r7
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
kvmppc_cede_reentry : /* r4 = vcpu, r13 = paca */
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
ld r6 , V C P U _ S R R 0 ( r4 )
ld r7 , V C P U _ S R R 1 ( r4 )
ld r10 , V C P U _ P C ( r4 )
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
ld r11 , V C P U _ M S R ( r4 ) / * r11 = v c p u - > a r c h . m s r & ~ M S R _ H V * /
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
rldicl r11 , r11 , 6 3 - M S R _ H V _ L G , 1
rotldi r11 , r11 , 1 + M S R _ H V _ L G
ori r11 , r11 , M S R _ M E
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
/* Check if we can deliver an external or decrementer interrupt now */
ld r0 ,V C P U _ P E N D I N G _ E X C ( r4 )
li r8 ,( 1 < < B O O K 3 S _ I R Q P R I O _ E X T E R N A L )
oris r8 ,r8 ,( 1 < < B O O K 3 S _ I R Q P R I O _ E X T E R N A L _ L E V E L ) @h
and r0 ,r0 ,r8
cmpdi c r1 ,r0 ,0
andi. r0 ,r11 ,M S R _ E E
beq c r1 ,1 1 f
mfspr r8 ,S P R N _ L P C R
ori r8 ,r8 ,L P C R _ M E R
mtspr S P R N _ L P C R ,r8
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
beq 5 f
li r0 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ E X T E R N A L
12 : mr r6 ,r10
mr r10 ,r0
mr r7 ,r11
li r11 ,( M S R _ M E < < 1 ) | 1 / * s y n t h e s i z e M S R _ S F | M S R _ M E * /
rotldi r11 ,r11 ,6 3
b 5 f
11 : beq 5 f
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ D E C
cmpwi r0 ,0
li r0 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ D E C R E M E N T E R
blt 1 2 b
/* Move SRR0 and SRR1 into the respective regs */
5 : mtspr S P R N _ S R R 0 , r6
mtspr S P R N _ S R R 1 , r7
li r0 ,0
stb r0 ,V C P U _ C E D E D ( r4 ) / * c a n c e l c e d e * /
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
fast_guest_return :
mtspr S P R N _ H S R R 0 ,r10
mtspr S P R N _ H S R R 1 ,r11
/* Activate guest mode, so faults get handled by KVM */
li r9 , K V M _ G U E S T _ M O D E _ G U E S T
stb r9 , H S T A T E _ I N _ G U E S T ( r13 )
/* Enter guest */
2013-02-04 18:10:51 +00:00
ld r5 , V C P U _ C F A R ( r4 )
mtspr S P R N _ C F A R , r5
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ C F A R )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
ld r5 , V C P U _ L R ( r4 )
lwz r6 , V C P U _ C R ( r4 )
mtlr r5
mtcr r6
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
ld r0 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 0 ) ( r4 )
ld r1 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 ) ( r4 )
ld r2 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 ) ( r4 )
ld r3 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 ) ( r4 )
ld r5 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 5 ) ( r4 )
ld r6 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 6 ) ( r4 )
ld r7 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 7 ) ( r4 )
ld r8 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 8 ) ( r4 )
ld r9 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 9 ) ( r4 )
ld r10 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 0 ) ( r4 )
ld r11 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 1 ) ( r4 )
ld r12 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 2 ) ( r4 )
ld r13 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 3 ) ( r4 )
ld r4 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 4 ) ( r4 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
b .
/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* Exit c o d e *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
/ *
* We c o m e h e r e f r o m t h e f i r s t - l e v e l i n t e r r u p t h a n d l e r s .
* /
.globl kvmppc_interrupt
kvmppc_interrupt :
/ *
* Register c o n t e n t s :
* R1 2 = i n t e r r u p t v e c t o r
* R1 3 = P A C A
* guest C R , R 1 2 s a v e d i n s h a d o w V C P U S C R A T C H 1 / 0
* guest R 1 3 s a v e d i n S P R N _ S C R A T C H 0
* /
/* abuse host_r2 as third scratch area; we get r2 from PACATOC(r13) */
std r9 , H S T A T E _ H O S T _ R 2 ( r13 )
ld r9 , H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C P U ( r13 )
/* Save registers */
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
std r0 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 0 ) ( r9 )
std r1 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 ) ( r9 )
std r2 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 ) ( r9 )
std r3 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 ) ( r9 )
std r4 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 4 ) ( r9 )
std r5 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 5 ) ( r9 )
std r6 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 6 ) ( r9 )
std r7 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 7 ) ( r9 )
std r8 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 8 ) ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
ld r0 , H S T A T E _ H O S T _ R 2 ( r13 )
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
std r0 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 9 ) ( r9 )
std r10 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 0 ) ( r9 )
std r11 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 1 ) ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
ld r3 , H S T A T E _ S C R A T C H 0 ( r13 )
lwz r4 , H S T A T E _ S C R A T C H 1 ( r13 )
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
std r3 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 2 ) ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
stw r4 , V C P U _ C R ( r9 )
2013-02-04 18:10:51 +00:00
ld r3 , H S T A T E _ C F A R ( r13 )
std r3 , V C P U _ C F A R ( r9 )
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ C F A R )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Restore R1/R2 so we can handle faults */
ld r1 , H S T A T E _ H O S T _ R 1 ( r13 )
ld r2 , P A C A T O C ( r13 )
mfspr r10 , S P R N _ S R R 0
mfspr r11 , S P R N _ S R R 1
std r10 , V C P U _ S R R 0 ( r9 )
std r11 , V C P U _ S R R 1 ( r9 )
andi. r0 , r12 , 2 / * n e e d t o r e a d H S R R 0 / 1 ? * /
beq 1 f
mfspr r10 , S P R N _ H S R R 0
mfspr r11 , S P R N _ H S R R 1
clrrdi r12 , r12 , 2
1 : std r10 , V C P U _ P C ( r9 )
std r11 , V C P U _ M S R ( r9 )
GET_ S C R A T C H 0 ( r3 )
mflr r4
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
std r3 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 3 ) ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
std r4 , V C P U _ L R ( r9 )
/* Unset guest mode */
li r0 , K V M _ G U E S T _ M O D E _ N O N E
stb r0 , H S T A T E _ I N _ G U E S T ( r13 )
stw r12 ,V C P U _ T R A P ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
/ * Save H E I R ( H V e m u l a t i o n a s s i s t r e g ) i n l a s t _ i n s t
if t h i s i s a n H E I ( H V e m u l a t i o n i n t e r r u p t , e 4 0 ) * /
li r3 ,K V M _ I N S T _ F E T C H _ F A I L E D
cmpwi r12 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ H _ E M U L _ A S S I S T
bne 1 1 f
mfspr r3 ,S P R N _ H E I R
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
11 : stw r3 ,V C P U _ L A S T _ I N S T ( r9 )
/* these are volatile across C function calls */
mfctr r3
mfxer r4
std r3 , V C P U _ C T R ( r9 )
stw r4 , V C P U _ X E R ( r9 )
/* If this is a page table miss then see if it's theirs or ours */
cmpwi r12 , B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ H _ D A T A _ S T O R A G E
beq k v m p p c _ h d s i
KVM: PPC: Implement MMU notifiers for Book3S HV guests
This adds the infrastructure to enable us to page out pages underneath
a Book3S HV guest, on processors that support virtualized partition
memory, that is, POWER7. Instead of pinning all the guest's pages,
we now look in the host userspace Linux page tables to find the
mapping for a given guest page. Then, if the userspace Linux PTE
gets invalidated, kvm_unmap_hva() gets called for that address, and
we replace all the guest HPTEs that refer to that page with absent
HPTEs, i.e. ones with the valid bit clear and the HPTE_V_ABSENT bit
set, which will cause an HDSI when the guest tries to access them.
Finally, the page fault handler is extended to reinstantiate the
guest HPTE when the guest tries to access a page which has been paged
Since we can't intercept the guest DSI and ISI interrupts on PPC970,
we still have to pin all the guest pages on PPC970. We have a new flag,
kvm->arch.using_mmu_notifiers, that indicates whether we can page
guest pages out. If it is not set, the MMU notifier callbacks do
nothing and everything operates as before.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:38:05 +00:00
cmpwi r12 , B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ H _ I N S T _ S T O R A G E
beq k v m p p c _ h i s i
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* See if this is a leftover HDEC interrupt */
cmpwi r12 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ H V _ D E C R E M E N T E R
bne 2 f
mfspr r3 ,S P R N _ H D E C
cmpwi r3 ,0
bge i g n o r e _ h d e c
2 :
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
/* See if this is an hcall we can handle in real mode */
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
cmpwi r12 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ S Y S C A L L
beq h c a l l _ t r y _ r e a l _ m o d e
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Check for mediated interrupts (could be done earlier really ...) */
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
cmpwi r12 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ E X T E R N A L
bne+ 1 f
andi. r0 ,r11 ,M S R _ E E
beq 1 f
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
mfspr r5 ,S P R N _ L P C R
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
andi. r0 ,r5 ,L P C R _ M E R
bne b o u n c e _ e x t _ i n t e r r u p t
1 :
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
guest_exit_cont : /* r9 = vcpu, r12 = trap, r13 = paca */
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Save DEC */
mfspr r5 ,S P R N _ D E C
mftb r6
extsw r5 ,r5
add r5 ,r5 ,r6
std r5 ,V C P U _ D E C _ E X P I R E S ( r9 )
/* Save more register state */
mfdar r6
mfdsisr r7
std r6 , V C P U _ D A R ( r9 )
stw r7 , V C P U _ D S I S R ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
/* don't overwrite fault_dar/fault_dsisr if HDSI */
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
cmpwi r12 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ H _ D A T A _ S T O R A G E
beq 6 f
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
std r6 , V C P U _ F A U L T _ D A R ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
stw r7 , V C P U _ F A U L T _ D S I S R ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
/* See if it is a machine check */
cmpwi r12 , B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ M A C H I N E _ C H E C K
beq m a c h i n e _ c h e c k _ r e a l m o d e
mc_cont :
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Save guest CTRL register, set runlatch to 1 */
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
6 : mfspr r6 ,S P R N _ C T R L F
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
stw r6 ,V C P U _ C T R L ( r9 )
andi. r0 ,r6 ,1
bne 4 f
ori r6 ,r6 ,1
mtspr S P R N _ C T R L T ,r6
4 :
/* Read the guest SLB and save it away */
lwz r0 ,V C P U _ S L B _ N R ( r9 ) / * n u m b e r o f e n t r i e s i n S L B * /
mtctr r0
li r6 ,0
addi r7 ,r9 ,V C P U _ S L B
li r5 ,0
1 : slbmfee r8 ,r6
andis. r0 ,r8 ,S L B _ E S I D _ V @h
beq 2 f
add r8 ,r8 ,r6 / * p u t i n d e x i n * /
slbmfev r3 ,r6
std r8 ,V C P U _ S L B _ E ( r7 )
std r3 ,V C P U _ S L B _ V ( r7 )
addi r7 ,r7 ,V C P U _ S L B _ S I Z E
addi r5 ,r5 ,1
2 : addi r6 ,r6 ,1
bdnz 1 b
stw r5 ,V C P U _ S L B _ M A X ( r9 )
/ *
* Save t h e g u e s t P U R R / S P U R R
* /
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
mfspr r5 ,S P R N _ P U R R
mfspr r6 ,S P R N _ S P U R R
ld r7 ,V C P U _ P U R R ( r9 )
ld r8 ,V C P U _ S P U R R ( r9 )
std r5 ,V C P U _ P U R R ( r9 )
std r6 ,V C P U _ S P U R R ( r9 )
subf r5 ,r7 ,r5
subf r6 ,r8 ,r6
/ *
* Restore h o s t P U R R / S P U R R a n d a d d g u e s t t i m e s
* so t h a t t h e t i m e i n t h e g u e s t g e t s a c c o u n t e d .
* /
ld r3 ,H S T A T E _ P U R R ( r13 )
ld r4 ,H S T A T E _ S P U R R ( r13 )
add r3 ,r3 ,r5
add r4 ,r4 ,r6
mtspr S P R N _ P U R R ,r3
mtspr S P R N _ S P U R R ,r4
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F C L R ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 1 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Clear out SLB */
li r5 ,0
slbmte r5 ,r5
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
hdec_soon : /* r9 = vcpu, r12 = trap, r13 = paca */
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
b 3 2 f
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 1 )
/ *
* POWER7 g u e s t - > h o s t p a r t i t i o n s w i t c h c o d e .
* We d o n ' t h a v e t o l o c k a g a i n s t t l b i e s b u t w e d o
* have t o c o o r d i n a t e t h e h a r d w a r e t h r e a d s .
* /
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
/ * Increment t h e t h r e a d s - e x i t i n g - g u e s t c o u n t i n t h e 0 x f f00
bits o f v c o r e - > e n t r y _ e x i t _ c o u n t * /
ld r5 ,H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C O R E ( r13 )
addi r6 ,r5 ,V C O R E _ E N T R Y _ E X I T
41 : lwarx r3 ,0 ,r6
addi r0 ,r3 ,0 x10 0
stwcx. r0 ,0 ,r6
bne 4 1 b
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
/ *
* At t h i s p o i n t w e h a v e a n i n t e r r u p t t h a t w e h a v e t o p a s s
* up t o t h e k e r n e l o r q e m u ; we can't handle it in real mode.
* Thus w e h a v e t o d o a p a r t i t i o n s w i t c h , s o w e h a v e t o
* collect t h e o t h e r t h r e a d s , i f w e a r e t h e f i r s t t h r e a d
* to t a k e a n i n t e r r u p t . T o d o t h i s , w e s e t t h e H D E C t o 0 ,
* which c a u s e s a n H D E C i n t e r r u p t i n a l l t h r e a d s w i t h i n 2 n s
* because t h e H D E C r e g i s t e r i s s h a r e d b e t w e e n a l l 4 t h r e a d s .
* However, w e d o n ' t n e e d t o b o t h e r i f t h i s i s a n H D E C
* interrupt, s i n c e t h e o t h e r t h r e a d s w i l l a l r e a d y b e o n t h e i r
* way h e r e i n t h a t c a s e .
* /
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
cmpwi r3 ,0 x10 0 / * A r e w e t h e f i r s t h e r e ? * /
bge 4 3 f
cmpwi r3 ,1 / * A r e a n y o t h e r t h r e a d s i n t h e g u e s t ? * /
ble 4 3 f
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
cmpwi r12 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ H V _ D E C R E M E N T E R
beq 4 0 f
li r0 ,0
mtspr S P R N _ H D E C ,r0
40 :
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
/ *
* Send a n I P I t o a n y n a p p i n g t h r e a d s , s i n c e a n H D E C i n t e r r u p t
* doesn' t w a k e C P U s u p f r o m n a p .
* /
lwz r3 ,V C O R E _ N A P P I N G _ T H R E A D S ( r5 )
lwz r4 ,V C P U _ P T I D ( r9 )
li r0 ,1
2012-06-25 13:33:11 +00:00
sld r0 ,r0 ,r4
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
andc. r3 ,r3 ,r0 / * n o s e n s e I P I ' i n g o u r s e l v e s * /
beq 4 3 f
mulli r4 ,r4 ,P A C A _ S I Z E / * g e t p a c a f o r t h r e a d 0 * /
subf r6 ,r4 ,r13
42 : andi. r0 ,r3 ,1
beq 4 4 f
ld r8 ,H S T A T E _ X I C S _ P H Y S ( r6 ) / * g e t t h r e a d ' s X I C S r e g a d d r * /
li r0 ,I P I _ P R I O R I T Y
li r7 ,X I C S _ Q I R R
stbcix r0 ,r7 ,r8 / * t r i g g e r t h e I P I * /
44 : srdi. r3 ,r3 ,1
addi r6 ,r6 ,P A C A _ S I Z E
bne 4 2 b
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
/* Secondary threads wait for primary to do partition switch */
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
43 : ld r4 ,V C P U _ K V M ( r9 ) / * p o i n t e r t o s t r u c t k v m * /
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
ld r5 ,H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C O R E ( r13 )
lwz r3 ,V C P U _ P T I D ( r9 )
cmpwi r3 ,0
beq 1 5 f
13 : lbz r3 ,V C O R E _ I N _ G U E S T ( r5 )
cmpwi r3 ,0
bne 1 3 b
b 1 6 f
/* Primary thread waits for all the secondaries to exit guest */
15 : lwz r3 ,V C O R E _ E N T R Y _ E X I T ( r5 )
srwi r0 ,r3 ,8
clrldi r3 ,r3 ,5 6
cmpw r3 ,r0
bne 1 5 b
/* Primary thread switches back to host partition */
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
ld r6 ,K V M _ H O S T _ S D R 1 ( r4 )
lwz r7 ,K V M _ H O S T _ L P I D ( r4 )
li r8 ,L P I D _ R S V D / * s w i t c h t o r e s e r v e d L P I D * /
mtspr S P R N _ L P I D ,r8
mtspr S P R N _ S D R 1 ,r6 / * s w i t c h t o p a r t i t i o n p a g e t a b l e * /
mtspr S P R N _ L P I D ,r7
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
li r0 ,0
stb r0 ,V C O R E _ I N _ G U E S T ( r5 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
lis r8 ,0 x7 f f f / * M A X _ I N T @h */
mtspr S P R N _ H D E C ,r8
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
16 : ld r8 ,K V M _ H O S T _ L P C R ( r4 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
mtspr S P R N _ L P C R ,r8
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
b 3 3 f
/ *
* PPC9 7 0 g u e s t - > h o s t p a r t i t i o n s w i t c h c o d e .
* We h a v e t o l o c k a g a i n s t c o n c u r r e n t t l b i e s , a n d
* we h a v e t o f l u s h t h e w h o l e T L B .
* /
32 : ld r4 ,V C P U _ K V M ( r9 ) / * p o i n t e r t o s t r u c t k v m * /
/* Take the guest's tlbie_lock */
lwz r8 ,P A C A _ L O C K _ T O K E N ( r13 )
addi r3 ,r4 ,K V M _ T L B I E _ L O C K
24 : lwarx r0 ,0 ,r3
cmpwi r0 ,0
bne 2 4 b
stwcx. r8 ,0 ,r3
bne 2 4 b
ld r7 ,K V M _ H O S T _ L P C R ( r4 ) / * u s e k v m - > a r c h . h o s t _ l p c r f o r H I D 4 * /
li r0 ,0 x18 f
rotldi r0 ,r0 ,H I D 4 _ L P I D 5 _ S H / * a l l l p i d b i t s i n H I D 4 = 1 * /
or r0 ,r7 ,r0
mtspr S P R N _ H I D 4 ,r0 / * s w i t c h t o r e s e r v e d L P I D * /
li r0 ,0
stw r0 ,0 ( r3 ) / * d r o p g u e s t t l b i e _ l o c k * /
/* invalidate the whole TLB */
li r0 ,2 5 6
mtctr r0
li r6 ,0
25 : tlbiel r6
addi r6 ,r6 ,0 x10 0 0
bdnz 2 5 b
/* take native_tlbie_lock */
ld r3 ,t o c _ t l b i e _ l o c k @toc(2)
24 : lwarx r0 ,0 ,r3
cmpwi r0 ,0
bne 2 4 b
stwcx. r8 ,0 ,r3
bne 2 4 b
ld r6 ,K V M _ H O S T _ S D R 1 ( r4 )
mtspr S P R N _ S D R 1 ,r6 / * s w i t c h t o h o s t p a g e t a b l e * /
/* Set up host HID4 value */
mtspr S P R N _ H I D 4 ,r7
li r0 ,0
stw r0 ,0 ( r3 ) / * d r o p n a t i v e _ t l b i e _ l o c k * /
lis r8 ,0 x7 f f f / * M A X _ I N T @h */
mtspr S P R N _ H D E C ,r8
/* Disable HDEC interrupts */
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
li r3 ,0
rldimi r0 ,r3 , H I D 0 _ H D I C E _ S H , 6 4 - H I D 0 _ H D I C E _ S H - 1
mtspr S P R N _ H I D 0 ,r0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
mfspr r0 ,S P R N _ H I D 0
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* load host SLB entries */
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
33 : ld r8 ,P A C A _ S L B S H A D O W P T R ( r13 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
ld r5 ,S L B S H A D O W _ S A V E A R E A ( r8 )
ld r6 ,S L B S H A D O W _ S A V E A R E A + 8 ( r8 )
andis. r7 ,r5 ,S L B _ E S I D _ V @h
beq 1 f
slbmte r6 ,r5
1 : addi r8 ,r8 ,1 6
/* Save and reset AMR and UAMOR before turning on the MMU */
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
mfspr r5 ,S P R N _ A M R
mfspr r6 ,S P R N _ U A M O R
std r5 ,V C P U _ A M R ( r9 )
std r6 ,V C P U _ U A M O R ( r9 )
li r6 ,0
mtspr S P R N _ A M R ,r6
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Switch DSCR back to host value */
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
mfspr r8 , S P R N _ D S C R
ld r7 , H S T A T E _ D S C R ( r13 )
std r8 , V C P U _ D S C R ( r7 )
mtspr S P R N _ D S C R , r7
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Save non-volatile GPRs */
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
std r14 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 4 ) ( r9 )
std r15 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 5 ) ( r9 )
std r16 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 6 ) ( r9 )
std r17 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 7 ) ( r9 )
std r18 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 8 ) ( r9 )
std r19 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 9 ) ( r9 )
std r20 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 0 ) ( r9 )
std r21 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 1 ) ( r9 )
std r22 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 2 ) ( r9 )
std r23 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 3 ) ( r9 )
std r24 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 4 ) ( r9 )
std r25 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 5 ) ( r9 )
std r26 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 6 ) ( r9 )
std r27 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 7 ) ( r9 )
std r28 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 8 ) ( r9 )
std r29 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 9 ) ( r9 )
std r30 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 0 ) ( r9 )
std r31 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 1 ) ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* Save SPRGs */
mfspr r3 , S P R N _ S P R G 0
mfspr r4 , S P R N _ S P R G 1
mfspr r5 , S P R N _ S P R G 2
mfspr r6 , S P R N _ S P R G 3
std r3 , V C P U _ S P R G 0 ( r9 )
std r4 , V C P U _ S P R G 1 ( r9 )
std r5 , V C P U _ S P R G 2 ( r9 )
std r6 , V C P U _ S P R G 3 ( r9 )
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
/* save FP state */
mr r3 , r9
bl . k v m p p c _ s a v e _ f p
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
/* Increment yield count if they have a VPA */
ld r8 , V C P U _ V P A ( r9 ) / * d o t h e y h a v e a V P A ? * /
cmpdi r8 , 0
beq 2 5 f
lwz r3 , L P P A C A _ Y I E L D C O U N T ( r8 )
addi r3 , r3 , 1
stw r3 , L P P A C A _ Y I E L D C O U N T ( r8 )
25 :
/* Save PMU registers if requested */
/* r8 and cr0.eq are live here */
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
li r3 , 1
sldi r3 , r3 , 3 1 / * M M C R 0 _ F C ( f r e e z e c o u n t e r s ) b i t * /
mfspr r4 , S P R N _ M M C R 0 / * s a v e M M C R 0 * /
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R 0 , r3 / * f r e e z e a l l c o u n t e r s , d i s a b l e i n t s * /
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
mfspr r6 , S P R N _ M M C R A
/* On P7, clear MMCRA in order to disable SDAR updates */
li r7 , 0
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R A , r7
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
beq 2 1 f / * i f n o V P A , s a v e P M U s t u f f a n y w a y * /
lbz r7 , L P P A C A _ P M C I N U S E ( r8 )
cmpwi r7 , 0 / * d i d t h e y a s k f o r P M U s t u f f t o b e s a v e d ? * /
bne 2 1 f
std r3 , V C P U _ M M C R ( r9 ) / * i f n o t , s e t s a v e d M M C R 0 t o F C * /
b 2 2 f
21 : mfspr r5 , S P R N _ M M C R 1
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
std r4 , V C P U _ M M C R ( r9 )
std r5 , V C P U _ M M C R + 8 ( r9 )
std r6 , V C P U _ M M C R + 1 6 ( r9 )
mfspr r3 , S P R N _ P M C 1
mfspr r4 , S P R N _ P M C 2
mfspr r5 , S P R N _ P M C 3
mfspr r6 , S P R N _ P M C 4
mfspr r7 , S P R N _ P M C 5
mfspr r8 , S P R N _ P M C 6
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
mfspr r10 , S P R N _ P M C 7
mfspr r11 , S P R N _ P M C 8
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 1 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
stw r3 , V C P U _ P M C ( r9 )
stw r4 , V C P U _ P M C + 4 ( r9 )
stw r5 , V C P U _ P M C + 8 ( r9 )
stw r6 , V C P U _ P M C + 1 2 ( r9 )
stw r7 , V C P U _ P M C + 1 6 ( r9 )
stw r8 , V C P U _ P M C + 2 0 ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
stw r10 , V C P U _ P M C + 2 4 ( r9 )
stw r11 , V C P U _ P M C + 2 8 ( r9 )
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 1 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
22 :
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
/* Secondary threads go off to take a nap on POWER7 */
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
lwz r0 ,V C P U _ P T I D ( r9 )
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
cmpwi r0 ,0
bne s e c o n d a r y _ n a p
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
/* Restore host DABR and DABRX */
ld r5 ,H S T A T E _ D A B R ( r13 )
li r6 ,7
mtspr S P R N _ D A B R ,r5
mtspr S P R N _ D A B R X ,r6
2012-07-04 20:37:11 +00:00
/* Restore SPRG3 */
2012-09-06 02:49:44 +00:00
ld r3 ,P A C A _ S P R G 3 ( r13 )
2012-07-04 20:37:11 +00:00
mtspr S P R N _ S P R G 3 ,r3
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/ *
* Reload D E C . H D E C i n t e r r u p t s w e r e d i s a b l e d w h e n
* we r e l o a d e d t h e h o s t ' s L P C R v a l u e .
* /
ld r3 , H S T A T E _ D E C E X P ( r13 )
mftb r4
subf r4 , r4 , r3
mtspr S P R N _ D E C , r4
/* Reload the host's PMU registers */
ld r3 , P A C A L P P A C A P T R ( r13 ) / * i s t h e h o s t u s i n g t h e P M U ? * /
lbz r4 , L P P A C A _ P M C I N U S E ( r3 )
cmpwi r4 , 0
beq 2 3 f / * s k i p i f n o t * /
lwz r3 , H S T A T E _ P M C ( r13 )
lwz r4 , H S T A T E _ P M C + 4 ( r13 )
lwz r5 , H S T A T E _ P M C + 8 ( r13 )
lwz r6 , H S T A T E _ P M C + 1 2 ( r13 )
lwz r8 , H S T A T E _ P M C + 1 6 ( r13 )
lwz r9 , H S T A T E _ P M C + 2 0 ( r13 )
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
lwz r10 , H S T A T E _ P M C + 2 4 ( r13 )
lwz r11 , H S T A T E _ P M C + 2 8 ( r13 )
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 1 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 1 , r3
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 2 , r4
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 3 , r5
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 4 , r6
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 5 , r8
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 6 , r9
KVM: PPC: book3s_hv: Add support for PPC970-family processors
This adds support for running KVM guests in supervisor mode on those
PPC970 processors that have a usable hypervisor mode. Unfortunately,
Apple G5 machines have supervisor mode disabled (MSR[HV] is forced to
1), but the YDL PowerStation does have a usable hypervisor mode.
There are several differences between the PPC970 and POWER7 in how
guests are managed. These differences are accommodated using the
CPU_FTR_ARCH_201 (PPC970) and CPU_FTR_ARCH_206 (POWER7) CPU feature
bits. Notably, on PPC970:
* The LPCR, LPID or RMOR registers don't exist, and the functions of
those registers are provided by bits in HID4 and one bit in HID0.
* External interrupts can be directed to the hypervisor, but unlike
POWER7 they are masked by MSR[EE] in non-hypervisor modes and use
SRR0/1 not HSRR0/1.
* There is no virtual RMA (VRMA) mode; the guest must use an RMO
(real mode offset) area.
* The TLB entries are not tagged with the LPID, so it is necessary to
flush the whole TLB on partition switch. Furthermore, when switching
partitions we have to ensure that no other CPU is executing the tlbie
or tlbsync instructions in either the old or the new partition,
otherwise undefined behaviour can occur.
* The PMU has 8 counters (PMC registers) rather than 6.
* The DSCR, PURR, SPURR, AMR, AMOR, UAMOR registers don't exist.
* The SLB has 64 entries rather than 32.
* There is no mediated external interrupt facility, so if we switch to
a guest that has a virtual external interrupt pending but the guest
has MSR[EE] = 0, we have to arrange to have an interrupt pending for
it so that we can get control back once it re-enables interrupts. We
do that by sending ourselves an IPI with smp_send_reschedule after
hard-disabling interrupts.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:40:08 +00:00
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 7 , r10
mtspr S P R N _ P M C 8 , r11
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 1 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
ld r3 , H S T A T E _ M M C R ( r13 )
ld r4 , H S T A T E _ M M C R + 8 ( r13 )
ld r5 , H S T A T E _ M M C R + 1 6 ( r13 )
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R 1 , r4
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R A , r5
mtspr S P R N _ M M C R 0 , r3
23 :
/ *
* For e x t e r n a l a n d m a c h i n e c h e c k i n t e r r u p t s , w e n e e d
* to c a l l t h e L i n u x h a n d l e r t o p r o c e s s t h e i n t e r r u p t .
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
* We d o t h a t b y j u m p i n g t o a b s o l u t e a d d r e s s 0 x50 0 f o r
* external i n t e r r u p t s , o r t h e m a c h i n e _ c h e c k _ f w n m i l a b e l
* for m a c h i n e c h e c k s ( s i n c e f i r m w a r e m i g h t h a v e p a t c h e d
* the v e c t o r a r e a a t 0 x20 0 ) . T h e [ h ] r f i d a t t h e e n d o f t h e
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
* handler w i l l r e t u r n t o t h e b o o k 3 s _ h v _ i n t e r r u p t s . S c o d e .
* For o t h e r i n t e r r u p t s w e d o t h e r f i d t o g e t b a c k
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
* to t h e b o o k 3 s _ h v _ i n t e r r u p t s . S c o d e h e r e .
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
* /
ld r8 , H S T A T E _ V M H A N D L E R ( r13 )
ld r7 , H S T A T E _ H O S T _ M S R ( r13 )
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
cmpwi c r1 , r12 , B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ M A C H I N E _ C H E C K
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
cmpwi r12 , B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ E X T E R N A L
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
beq 1 1 f
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/* RFI into the highmem handler, or branch to interrupt handler */
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
mfmsr r6
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
li r0 , M S R _ R I
andc r6 , r6 , r0
mtmsrd r6 , 1 / * C l e a r R I i n M S R * /
mtsrr0 r8
mtsrr1 r7
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
beqa 0 x50 0 / * e x t e r n a l i n t e r r u p t ( P P C 9 7 0 ) * /
beq c r1 , 1 3 f / * m a c h i n e c h e c k * /
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
/* On POWER7, we have external interrupts set to use HSRR0/1 */
11 : mtspr S P R N _ H S R R 0 , r8
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
mtspr S P R N _ H S R R 1 , r7
ba 0 x50 0
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
13 : b m a c h i n e _ c h e c k _ f w n m i
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
/ *
* Check w h e t h e r a n H D S I i s a n H P T E n o t f o u n d f a u l t o r s o m e t h i n g e l s e .
* If i t i s a n H P T E n o t f o u n d f a u l t t h a t i s d u e t o t h e g u e s t a c c e s s i n g
* a p a g e t h a t t h e y h a v e m a p p e d b u t w h i c h w e h a v e p a g e d o u t , t h e n
* we c o n t i n u e o n w i t h t h e g u e s t e x i t p a t h . I n a l l o t h e r c a s e s ,
* reflect t h e H D S I t o t h e g u e s t a s a D S I .
* /
kvmppc_hdsi :
mfspr r4 , S P R N _ H D A R
mfspr r6 , S P R N _ H D S I S R
2011-12-12 12:38:51 +00:00
/* HPTE not found fault or protection fault? */
andis. r0 , r6 , ( D S I S R _ N O H P T E | D S I S R _ P R O T F A U L T ) @h
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
beq 1 f / * i f n o t , s e n d i t t o t h e g u e s t * /
andi. r0 , r11 , M S R _ D R / * d a t a r e l o c a t i o n e n a b l e d ? * /
beq 3 f
clrrdi r0 , r4 , 2 8
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
PPC_ S L B F E E _ D O T ( R 5 , R 0 ) / * i f s o , l o o k u p S L B * /
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
bne 1 f / * i f n o S L B e n t r y f o u n d * /
4 : std r4 , V C P U _ F A U L T _ D A R ( r9 )
stw r6 , V C P U _ F A U L T _ D S I S R ( r9 )
/* Search the hash table. */
mr r3 , r9 / * v c p u p o i n t e r * /
KVM: PPC: Implement MMU notifiers for Book3S HV guests
This adds the infrastructure to enable us to page out pages underneath
a Book3S HV guest, on processors that support virtualized partition
memory, that is, POWER7. Instead of pinning all the guest's pages,
we now look in the host userspace Linux page tables to find the
mapping for a given guest page. Then, if the userspace Linux PTE
gets invalidated, kvm_unmap_hva() gets called for that address, and
we replace all the guest HPTEs that refer to that page with absent
HPTEs, i.e. ones with the valid bit clear and the HPTE_V_ABSENT bit
set, which will cause an HDSI when the guest tries to access them.
Finally, the page fault handler is extended to reinstantiate the
guest HPTE when the guest tries to access a page which has been paged
Since we can't intercept the guest DSI and ISI interrupts on PPC970,
we still have to pin all the guest pages on PPC970. We have a new flag,
kvm->arch.using_mmu_notifiers, that indicates whether we can page
guest pages out. If it is not set, the MMU notifier callbacks do
nothing and everything operates as before.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:38:05 +00:00
li r7 , 1 / * d a t a f a u l t * /
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
bl . k v m p p c _ h p t e _ h v _ f a u l t
ld r9 , H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C P U ( r13 )
ld r10 , V C P U _ P C ( r9 )
ld r11 , V C P U _ M S R ( r9 )
li r12 , B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ H _ D A T A _ S T O R A G E
cmpdi r3 , 0 / * r e t r y t h e i n s t r u c t i o n * /
beq 6 f
cmpdi r3 , - 1 / * h a n d l e i n k e r n e l m o d e * /
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
beq g u e s t _ e x i t _ c o n t
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
cmpdi r3 , - 2 / * M M I O e m u l a t i o n ; need instr word */
beq 2 f
/* Synthesize a DSI for the guest */
ld r4 , V C P U _ F A U L T _ D A R ( r9 )
mr r6 , r3
1 : mtspr S P R N _ D A R , r4
mtspr S P R N _ D S I S R , r6
mtspr S P R N _ S R R 0 , r10
mtspr S P R N _ S R R 1 , r11
li r10 , B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ D A T A _ S T O R A G E
li r11 , ( M S R _ M E < < 1 ) | 1 / * s y n t h e s i z e M S R _ S F | M S R _ M E * /
rotldi r11 , r11 , 6 3
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
fast_interrupt_c_return :
KVM: PPC: Implement MMIO emulation support for Book3S HV guests
This provides the low-level support for MMIO emulation in Book3S HV
guests. When the guest tries to map a page which is not covered by
any memslot, that page is taken to be an MMIO emulation page. Instead
of inserting a valid HPTE, we insert an HPTE that has the valid bit
clear but another hypervisor software-use bit set, which we call
HPTE_V_ABSENT, to indicate that this is an absent page. An
absent page is treated much like a valid page as far as guest hcalls
(H_ENTER, H_REMOVE, H_READ etc.) are concerned, except of course that
an absent HPTE doesn't need to be invalidated with tlbie since it
was never valid as far as the hardware is concerned.
When the guest accesses a page for which there is an absent HPTE, it
will take a hypervisor data storage interrupt (HDSI) since we now set
the VPM1 bit in the LPCR. Our HDSI handler for HPTE-not-present faults
looks up the hash table and if it finds an absent HPTE mapping the
requested virtual address, will switch to kernel mode and handle the
fault in kvmppc_book3s_hv_page_fault(), which at present just calls
kvmppc_hv_emulate_mmio() to set up the MMIO emulation.
This is based on an earlier patch by Benjamin Herrenschmidt, but since
heavily reworked.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:36:37 +00:00
6 : ld r7 , V C P U _ C T R ( r9 )
lwz r8 , V C P U _ X E R ( r9 )
mtctr r7
mtxer r8
mr r4 , r9
b f a s t _ g u e s t _ r e t u r n
3 : ld r5 , V C P U _ K V M ( r9 ) / * n o t r e l o c a t e d , u s e V R M A * /
ld r5 , K V M _ V R M A _ S L B _ V ( r5 )
b 4 b
/* If this is for emulated MMIO, load the instruction word */
2 : li r8 , K V M _ I N S T _ F E T C H _ F A I L E D / * I n c a s e l w z f a u l t s * /
/ * Set g u e s t m o d e t o ' j u m p o v e r i n s t r u c t i o n ' s o i f l w z f a u l t s
* we' l l j u s t c o n t i n u e a t t h e n e x t I P . * /
li r0 , K V M _ G U E S T _ M O D E _ S K I P
stb r0 , H S T A T E _ I N _ G U E S T ( r13 )
/* Do the access with MSR:DR enabled */
mfmsr r3
ori r4 , r3 , M S R _ D R / * E n a b l e p a g i n g f o r d a t a * /
mtmsrd r4
lwz r8 , 0 ( r10 )
mtmsrd r3
/* Store the result */
stw r8 , V C P U _ L A S T _ I N S T ( r9 )
/* Unset guest mode. */
li r0 , K V M _ G U E S T _ M O D E _ N O N E
stb r0 , H S T A T E _ I N _ G U E S T ( r13 )
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
b g u e s t _ e x i t _ c o n t
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
KVM: PPC: Implement MMU notifiers for Book3S HV guests
This adds the infrastructure to enable us to page out pages underneath
a Book3S HV guest, on processors that support virtualized partition
memory, that is, POWER7. Instead of pinning all the guest's pages,
we now look in the host userspace Linux page tables to find the
mapping for a given guest page. Then, if the userspace Linux PTE
gets invalidated, kvm_unmap_hva() gets called for that address, and
we replace all the guest HPTEs that refer to that page with absent
HPTEs, i.e. ones with the valid bit clear and the HPTE_V_ABSENT bit
set, which will cause an HDSI when the guest tries to access them.
Finally, the page fault handler is extended to reinstantiate the
guest HPTE when the guest tries to access a page which has been paged
Since we can't intercept the guest DSI and ISI interrupts on PPC970,
we still have to pin all the guest pages on PPC970. We have a new flag,
kvm->arch.using_mmu_notifiers, that indicates whether we can page
guest pages out. If it is not set, the MMU notifier callbacks do
nothing and everything operates as before.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:38:05 +00:00
/ *
* Similarly f o r a n H I S I , r e f l e c t i t t o t h e g u e s t a s a n I S I u n l e s s
* it i s a n H P T E n o t f o u n d f a u l t f o r a p a g e t h a t w e h a v e p a g e d o u t .
* /
kvmppc_hisi :
andis. r0 , r11 , S R R 1 _ I S I _ N O P T @h
beq 1 f
andi. r0 , r11 , M S R _ I R / * i n s t r u c t i o n r e l o c a t i o n e n a b l e d ? * /
beq 3 f
clrrdi r0 , r10 , 2 8
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
PPC_ S L B F E E _ D O T ( R 5 , R 0 ) / * i f s o , l o o k u p S L B * /
KVM: PPC: Implement MMU notifiers for Book3S HV guests
This adds the infrastructure to enable us to page out pages underneath
a Book3S HV guest, on processors that support virtualized partition
memory, that is, POWER7. Instead of pinning all the guest's pages,
we now look in the host userspace Linux page tables to find the
mapping for a given guest page. Then, if the userspace Linux PTE
gets invalidated, kvm_unmap_hva() gets called for that address, and
we replace all the guest HPTEs that refer to that page with absent
HPTEs, i.e. ones with the valid bit clear and the HPTE_V_ABSENT bit
set, which will cause an HDSI when the guest tries to access them.
Finally, the page fault handler is extended to reinstantiate the
guest HPTE when the guest tries to access a page which has been paged
Since we can't intercept the guest DSI and ISI interrupts on PPC970,
we still have to pin all the guest pages on PPC970. We have a new flag,
kvm->arch.using_mmu_notifiers, that indicates whether we can page
guest pages out. If it is not set, the MMU notifier callbacks do
nothing and everything operates as before.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:38:05 +00:00
bne 1 f / * i f n o S L B e n t r y f o u n d * /
4 :
/* Search the hash table. */
mr r3 , r9 / * v c p u p o i n t e r * /
mr r4 , r10
mr r6 , r11
li r7 , 0 / * i n s t r u c t i o n f a u l t * /
bl . k v m p p c _ h p t e _ h v _ f a u l t
ld r9 , H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C P U ( r13 )
ld r10 , V C P U _ P C ( r9 )
ld r11 , V C P U _ M S R ( r9 )
li r12 , B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ H _ I N S T _ S T O R A G E
cmpdi r3 , 0 / * r e t r y t h e i n s t r u c t i o n * /
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
beq f a s t _ i n t e r r u p t _ c _ r e t u r n
KVM: PPC: Implement MMU notifiers for Book3S HV guests
This adds the infrastructure to enable us to page out pages underneath
a Book3S HV guest, on processors that support virtualized partition
memory, that is, POWER7. Instead of pinning all the guest's pages,
we now look in the host userspace Linux page tables to find the
mapping for a given guest page. Then, if the userspace Linux PTE
gets invalidated, kvm_unmap_hva() gets called for that address, and
we replace all the guest HPTEs that refer to that page with absent
HPTEs, i.e. ones with the valid bit clear and the HPTE_V_ABSENT bit
set, which will cause an HDSI when the guest tries to access them.
Finally, the page fault handler is extended to reinstantiate the
guest HPTE when the guest tries to access a page which has been paged
Since we can't intercept the guest DSI and ISI interrupts on PPC970,
we still have to pin all the guest pages on PPC970. We have a new flag,
kvm->arch.using_mmu_notifiers, that indicates whether we can page
guest pages out. If it is not set, the MMU notifier callbacks do
nothing and everything operates as before.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:38:05 +00:00
cmpdi r3 , - 1 / * h a n d l e i n k e r n e l m o d e * /
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
beq g u e s t _ e x i t _ c o n t
KVM: PPC: Implement MMU notifiers for Book3S HV guests
This adds the infrastructure to enable us to page out pages underneath
a Book3S HV guest, on processors that support virtualized partition
memory, that is, POWER7. Instead of pinning all the guest's pages,
we now look in the host userspace Linux page tables to find the
mapping for a given guest page. Then, if the userspace Linux PTE
gets invalidated, kvm_unmap_hva() gets called for that address, and
we replace all the guest HPTEs that refer to that page with absent
HPTEs, i.e. ones with the valid bit clear and the HPTE_V_ABSENT bit
set, which will cause an HDSI when the guest tries to access them.
Finally, the page fault handler is extended to reinstantiate the
guest HPTE when the guest tries to access a page which has been paged
Since we can't intercept the guest DSI and ISI interrupts on PPC970,
we still have to pin all the guest pages on PPC970. We have a new flag,
kvm->arch.using_mmu_notifiers, that indicates whether we can page
guest pages out. If it is not set, the MMU notifier callbacks do
nothing and everything operates as before.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:38:05 +00:00
/* Synthesize an ISI for the guest */
mr r11 , r3
1 : mtspr S P R N _ S R R 0 , r10
mtspr S P R N _ S R R 1 , r11
li r10 , B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ I N S T _ S T O R A G E
li r11 , ( M S R _ M E < < 1 ) | 1 / * s y n t h e s i z e M S R _ S F | M S R _ M E * /
rotldi r11 , r11 , 6 3
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
b f a s t _ i n t e r r u p t _ c _ r e t u r n
KVM: PPC: Implement MMU notifiers for Book3S HV guests
This adds the infrastructure to enable us to page out pages underneath
a Book3S HV guest, on processors that support virtualized partition
memory, that is, POWER7. Instead of pinning all the guest's pages,
we now look in the host userspace Linux page tables to find the
mapping for a given guest page. Then, if the userspace Linux PTE
gets invalidated, kvm_unmap_hva() gets called for that address, and
we replace all the guest HPTEs that refer to that page with absent
HPTEs, i.e. ones with the valid bit clear and the HPTE_V_ABSENT bit
set, which will cause an HDSI when the guest tries to access them.
Finally, the page fault handler is extended to reinstantiate the
guest HPTE when the guest tries to access a page which has been paged
Since we can't intercept the guest DSI and ISI interrupts on PPC970,
we still have to pin all the guest pages on PPC970. We have a new flag,
kvm->arch.using_mmu_notifiers, that indicates whether we can page
guest pages out. If it is not set, the MMU notifier callbacks do
nothing and everything operates as before.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
Signed-off-by: Avi Kivity <avi@redhat.com>
2011-12-12 12:38:05 +00:00
3 : ld r6 , V C P U _ K V M ( r9 ) / * n o t r e l o c a t e d , u s e V R M A * /
ld r5 , K V M _ V R M A _ S L B _ V ( r6 )
b 4 b
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
/ *
* Try t o h a n d l e a n h c a l l i n r e a l m o d e .
* Returns t o t h e g u e s t i f w e h a n d l e i t , o r c o n t i n u e s o n u p t o
* the k e r n e l i f w e c a n ' t ( i . e . i f w e d o n ' t h a v e a h a n d l e r f o r
* it, o r i f t h e h a n d l e r r e t u r n s H _ T O O _ H A R D ) .
* /
.globl hcall_try_real_mode
hcall_try_real_mode :
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
ld r3 ,V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 ) ( r9 )
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
andi. r0 ,r11 ,M S R _ P R
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
bne g u e s t _ e x i t _ c o n t
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
clrrdi r3 ,r3 ,2
cmpldi r3 ,h c a l l _ r e a l _ t a b l e _ e n d - h c a l l _ r e a l _ t a b l e
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
bge g u e s t _ e x i t _ c o n t
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
LOAD_ R E G _ A D D R ( r4 , h c a l l _ r e a l _ t a b l e )
lwzx r3 ,r3 ,r4
cmpwi r3 ,0
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
beq g u e s t _ e x i t _ c o n t
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
add r3 ,r3 ,r4
mtctr r3
mr r3 ,r9 / * g e t v c p u p o i n t e r * /
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
ld r4 ,V C P U _ G P R ( R 4 ) ( r9 )
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
cmpdi r3 ,H _ T O O _ H A R D
beq h c a l l _ r e a l _ f a l l b a c k
ld r4 ,H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C P U ( r13 )
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
std r3 ,V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 ) ( r4 )
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
ld r10 ,V C P U _ P C ( r4 )
ld r11 ,V C P U _ M S R ( r4 )
b f a s t _ g u e s t _ r e t u r n
/ * We' v e a t t e m p t e d a r e a l m o d e h c a l l , b u t i t ' s p u n t e d i t b a c k
* to u s e r s p a c e . W e n e e d t o r e s t o r e s o m e c l o b b e r e d v o l a t i l e s
* before r e s u m i n g t h e p a s s - i t - t o - q e m u p a t h * /
hcall_real_fallback :
li r12 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ S Y S C A L L
ld r9 , H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C P U ( r13 )
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
b g u e s t _ e x i t _ c o n t
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
.globl hcall_real_table
hcall_real_table :
.long 0 /* 0 - unused */
.long .kvmppc_h_remove - hcall_ r e a l _ t a b l e
.long .kvmppc_h_enter - hcall_ r e a l _ t a b l e
.long .kvmppc_h_read - hcall_ r e a l _ t a b l e
.long 0 /* 0x10 - H_CLEAR_MOD */
.long 0 /* 0x14 - H_CLEAR_REF */
.long .kvmppc_h_protect - hcall_ r e a l _ t a b l e
.long 0 /* 0x1c - H_GET_TCE */
2011-06-29 00:22:41 +00:00
.long .kvmppc_h_put_tce - hcall_ r e a l _ t a b l e
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
.long 0 /* 0x24 - H_SET_SPRG0 */
.long .kvmppc_h_set_dabr - hcall_ r e a l _ t a b l e
.long 0 /* 0x2c */
.long 0 /* 0x30 */
.long 0 /* 0x34 */
.long 0 /* 0x38 */
.long 0 /* 0x3c */
.long 0 /* 0x40 */
.long 0 /* 0x44 */
.long 0 /* 0x48 */
.long 0 /* 0x4c */
.long 0 /* 0x50 */
.long 0 /* 0x54 */
.long 0 /* 0x58 */
.long 0 /* 0x5c */
.long 0 /* 0x60 */
.long 0 /* 0x64 */
.long 0 /* 0x68 */
.long 0 /* 0x6c */
.long 0 /* 0x70 */
.long 0 /* 0x74 */
.long 0 /* 0x78 */
.long 0 /* 0x7c */
.long 0 /* 0x80 */
.long 0 /* 0x84 */
.long 0 /* 0x88 */
.long 0 /* 0x8c */
.long 0 /* 0x90 */
.long 0 /* 0x94 */
.long 0 /* 0x98 */
.long 0 /* 0x9c */
.long 0 /* 0xa0 */
.long 0 /* 0xa4 */
.long 0 /* 0xa8 */
.long 0 /* 0xac */
.long 0 /* 0xb0 */
.long 0 /* 0xb4 */
.long 0 /* 0xb8 */
.long 0 /* 0xbc */
.long 0 /* 0xc0 */
.long 0 /* 0xc4 */
.long 0 /* 0xc8 */
.long 0 /* 0xcc */
.long 0 /* 0xd0 */
.long 0 /* 0xd4 */
.long 0 /* 0xd8 */
.long 0 /* 0xdc */
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
.long .kvmppc_h_cede - hcall_ r e a l _ t a b l e
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
.long 0 /* 0xe4 */
.long 0 /* 0xe8 */
.long 0 /* 0xec */
.long 0 /* 0xf0 */
.long 0 /* 0xf4 */
.long 0 /* 0xf8 */
.long 0 /* 0xfc */
.long 0 /* 0x100 */
.long 0 /* 0x104 */
.long 0 /* 0x108 */
.long 0 /* 0x10c */
.long 0 /* 0x110 */
.long 0 /* 0x114 */
.long 0 /* 0x118 */
.long 0 /* 0x11c */
.long 0 /* 0x120 */
.long .kvmppc_h_bulk_remove - hcall_ r e a l _ t a b l e
hcall_real_table_end :
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
ignore_hdec :
mr r4 ,r9
b f a s t _ g u e s t _ r e t u r n
bounce_ext_interrupt :
mr r4 ,r9
mtspr S P R N _ S R R 0 ,r10
mtspr S P R N _ S R R 1 ,r11
li r10 ,B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ E X T E R N A L
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
li r11 ,( M S R _ M E < < 1 ) | 1 / * s y n t h e s i z e M S R _ S F | M S R _ M E * /
rotldi r11 ,r11 ,6 3
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
b f a s t _ g u e s t _ r e t u r n
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
_ GLOBAL( k v m p p c _ h _ s e t _ d a b r )
std r4 ,V C P U _ D A B R ( r3 )
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
/* Work around P7 bug where DABR can get corrupted on mtspr */
1 : mtspr S P R N _ D A B R ,r4
mfspr r5 , S P R N _ D A B R
cmpd r4 , r5
bne 1 b
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
li r3 ,0
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
_ GLOBAL( k v m p p c _ h _ c e d e )
ori r11 ,r11 ,M S R _ E E
std r11 ,V C P U _ M S R ( r3 )
li r0 ,1
stb r0 ,V C P U _ C E D E D ( r3 )
sync / * o r d e r s e t t i n g c e d e d v s . t e s t i n g p r o d d e d * /
lbz r5 ,V C P U _ P R O D D E D ( r3 )
cmpwi r5 ,0
2012-08-06 00:03:28 +00:00
bne k v m _ c e d e _ p r o d d e d
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
li r0 ,0 / * s e t t r a p t o 0 t o s a y h c a l l i s h a n d l e d * /
stw r0 ,V C P U _ T R A P ( r3 )
li r0 ,H _ S U C C E S S
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
std r0 ,V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 ) ( r3 )
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
2012-08-06 00:03:28 +00:00
b k v m _ c e d e _ e x i t / * j u s t s e n d i t u p t o h o s t o n 9 7 0 * /
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F C L R ( C P U _ F T R _ A R C H _ 2 0 6 )
/ *
* Set o u r b i t i n t h e b i t m a s k o f n a p p i n g t h r e a d s u n l e s s a l l t h e
* other t h r e a d s a r e a l r e a d y n a p p i n g , i n w h i c h c a s e w e s e n d t h i s
* up t o t h e h o s t .
* /
ld r5 ,H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C O R E ( r13 )
lwz r6 ,V C P U _ P T I D ( r3 )
lwz r8 ,V C O R E _ E N T R Y _ E X I T ( r5 )
clrldi r8 ,r8 ,5 6
li r0 ,1
sld r0 ,r0 ,r6
addi r6 ,r5 ,V C O R E _ N A P P I N G _ T H R E A D S
31 : lwarx r4 ,0 ,r6
or r4 ,r4 ,r0
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
PPC_ P O P C N T W ( R 7 ,R 4 )
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
cmpw r7 ,r8
2012-08-06 00:03:28 +00:00
bge k v m _ c e d e _ e x i t
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
stwcx. r4 ,0 ,r6
bne 3 1 b
li r0 ,1
stb r0 ,H S T A T E _ N A P P I N G ( r13 )
/* order napping_threads update vs testing entry_exit_count */
mr r4 ,r3
lwz r7 ,V C O R E _ E N T R Y _ E X I T ( r5 )
cmpwi r7 ,0 x10 0
bge 3 3 f / * a n o t h e r t h r e a d a l r e a d y e x i t i n g * /
/ *
* Although n o t s p e c i f i c a l l y r e q u i r e d b y t h e a r c h i t e c t u r e , P O W E R 7
* preserves t h e f o l l o w i n g r e g i s t e r s i n n a p m o d e , e v e n i f a n S M T m o d e
* switch o c c u r s : S L B e n t r i e s , P U R R , S P U R R , A M O R , U A M O R , A M R , S P R G 0 - 3 ,
* DAR, D S I S R , D A B R , D A B R X , D S C R , P M C x , M M C R x , S I A R , S D A R .
* /
/* Save non-volatile GPRs */
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
std r14 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 4 ) ( r3 )
std r15 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 5 ) ( r3 )
std r16 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 6 ) ( r3 )
std r17 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 7 ) ( r3 )
std r18 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 8 ) ( r3 )
std r19 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 9 ) ( r3 )
std r20 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 0 ) ( r3 )
std r21 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 1 ) ( r3 )
std r22 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 2 ) ( r3 )
std r23 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 3 ) ( r3 )
std r24 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 4 ) ( r3 )
std r25 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 5 ) ( r3 )
std r26 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 6 ) ( r3 )
std r27 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 7 ) ( r3 )
std r28 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 8 ) ( r3 )
std r29 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 9 ) ( r3 )
std r30 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 0 ) ( r3 )
std r31 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 1 ) ( r3 )
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
/* save FP state */
bl . k v m p p c _ s a v e _ f p
/ *
* Take a n a p u n t i l a d e c r e m e n t e r o r e x t e r n a l i n t e r r u p t o c c u r s ,
* with P E C E 1 ( w a k e o n d e c r ) a n d P E C E 0 ( w a k e o n e x t e r n a l ) s e t i n L P C R
* /
2012-02-03 00:54:17 +00:00
li r0 ,1
stb r0 ,H S T A T E _ H W T H R E A D _ R E Q ( r13 )
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
mfspr r5 ,S P R N _ L P C R
ori r5 ,r5 ,L P C R _ P E C E 0 | L P C R _ P E C E 1
mtspr S P R N _ L P C R ,r5
li r0 , 0
std r0 , H S T A T E _ S C R A T C H 0 ( r13 )
ld r0 , H S T A T E _ S C R A T C H 0 ( r13 )
1 : cmpd r0 , r0
bne 1 b
b .
kvm_end_cede :
/* Woken by external or decrementer interrupt */
ld r1 , H S T A T E _ H O S T _ R 1 ( r13 )
/* load up FP state */
bl k v m p p c _ l o a d _ f p
/* Load NV GPRS */
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
ld r14 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 4 ) ( r4 )
ld r15 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 5 ) ( r4 )
ld r16 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 6 ) ( r4 )
ld r17 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 7 ) ( r4 )
ld r18 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 8 ) ( r4 )
ld r19 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 1 9 ) ( r4 )
ld r20 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 0 ) ( r4 )
ld r21 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 1 ) ( r4 )
ld r22 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 2 ) ( r4 )
ld r23 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 3 ) ( r4 )
ld r24 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 4 ) ( r4 )
ld r25 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 5 ) ( r4 )
ld r26 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 6 ) ( r4 )
ld r27 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 7 ) ( r4 )
ld r28 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 8 ) ( r4 )
ld r29 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 2 9 ) ( r4 )
ld r30 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 0 ) ( r4 )
ld r31 , V C P U _ G P R ( R 3 1 ) ( r4 )
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
/* clear our bit in vcore->napping_threads */
33 : ld r5 ,H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C O R E ( r13 )
lwz r3 ,V C P U _ P T I D ( r4 )
li r0 ,1
sld r0 ,r0 ,r3
addi r6 ,r5 ,V C O R E _ N A P P I N G _ T H R E A D S
32 : lwarx r7 ,0 ,r6
andc r7 ,r7 ,r0
stwcx. r7 ,0 ,r6
bne 3 2 b
li r0 ,0
stb r0 ,H S T A T E _ N A P P I N G ( r13 )
/* see if any other thread is already exiting */
lwz r0 ,V C O R E _ E N T R Y _ E X I T ( r5 )
cmpwi r0 ,0 x10 0
blt k v m p p c _ c e d e _ r e e n t r y / * i f n o t g o b a c k t o g u e s t * /
/* some threads are exiting, so go to the guest exit path */
b h c a l l _ r e a l _ f a l l b a c k
/* cede when already previously prodded case */
2012-08-06 00:03:28 +00:00
kvm_cede_prodded :
li r0 ,0
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
stb r0 ,V C P U _ P R O D D E D ( r3 )
sync / * o r d e r t e s t i n g p r o d d e d v s . c l e a r i n g c e d e d * /
stb r0 ,V C P U _ C E D E D ( r3 )
li r3 ,H _ S U C C E S S
/* we've ceded but we want to give control to the host */
2012-08-06 00:03:28 +00:00
kvm_cede_exit :
li r3 ,H _ T O O _ H A R D
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Handle guest-caused machine checks on POWER7 without panicking
Currently, if a machine check interrupt happens while we are in the
guest, we exit the guest and call the host's machine check handler,
which tends to cause the host to panic. Some machine checks can be
triggered by the guest; for example, if the guest creates two entries
in the SLB that map the same effective address, and then accesses that
effective address, the CPU will take a machine check interrupt.
To handle this better, when a machine check happens inside the guest,
we call a new function, kvmppc_realmode_machine_check(), while still in
real mode before exiting the guest. On POWER7, it handles the cases
that the guest can trigger, either by flushing and reloading the SLB,
or by flushing the TLB, and then it delivers the machine check interrupt
directly to the guest without going back to the host. On POWER7, the
OPAL firmware patches the machine check interrupt vector so that it
gets control first, and it leaves behind its analysis of the situation
in a structure pointed to by the opal_mc_evt field of the paca. The
kvmppc_realmode_machine_check() function looks at this, and if OPAL
reports that there was no error, or that it has handled the error, we
also go straight back to the guest with a machine check. We have to
deliver a machine check to the guest since the machine check interrupt
might have trashed valid values in SRR0/1.
If the machine check is one we can't handle in real mode, and one that
OPAL hasn't already handled, or on PPC970, we exit the guest and call
the host's machine check handler. We do this by jumping to the
machine_check_fwnmi label, rather than absolute address 0x200, because
we don't want to re-execute OPAL's handler on POWER7. On PPC970, the
two are equivalent because address 0x200 just contains a branch.
Then, if the host machine check handler decides that the system can
continue executing, kvmppc_handle_exit() delivers a machine check
interrupt to the guest -- once again to let the guest know that SRR0/1
have been modified.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
[agraf: fix checkpatch warnings]
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2012-11-23 22:37:50 +00:00
/* Try to handle a machine check in real mode */
machine_check_realmode :
mr r3 , r9 / * g e t v c p u p o i n t e r * /
bl . k v m p p c _ r e a l m o d e _ m a c h i n e _ c h e c k
cmpdi r3 , 0 / * c o n t i n u e e x i t i n g f r o m g u e s t ? * /
ld r9 , H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C P U ( r13 )
li r12 , B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ M A C H I N E _ C H E C K
beq m c _ c o n t
/* If not, deliver a machine check. SRR0/1 are already set */
li r10 , B O O K 3 S _ I N T E R R U P T _ M A C H I N E _ C H E C K
li r11 , ( M S R _ M E < < 1 ) | 1 / * s y n t h e s i z e M S R _ S F | M S R _ M E * /
rotldi r11 , r11 , 6 3
b f a s t _ i n t e r r u p t _ c _ r e t u r n
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
secondary_too_late :
ld r5 ,H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C O R E ( r13 )
13 : lbz r3 ,V C O R E _ I N _ G U E S T ( r5 )
cmpwi r3 ,0
bne 1 3 b
ld r11 ,P A C A _ S L B S H A D O W P T R ( r13 )
ld r5 ,S L B S H A D O W _ S A V E A R E A ( r11 )
ld r6 ,S L B S H A D O W _ S A V E A R E A + 8 ( r11 )
andis. r7 ,r5 ,S L B _ E S I D _ V @h
beq 1 f
slbmte r6 ,r5
1 : addi r11 ,r11 ,1 6
secondary_nap :
2012-10-15 01:16:14 +00:00
/* Clear our vcpu pointer so we don't come back in early */
li r0 , 0
std r0 , H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C P U ( r13 )
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
/* Clear any pending IPI - assume we're a secondary thread */
ld r5 , H S T A T E _ X I C S _ P H Y S ( r13 )
li r7 , X I C S _ X I R R
lwzcix r3 , r5 , r7 / * a c k a n y p e n d i n g i n t e r r u p t * /
rlwinm. r0 , r3 , 0 , 0 x f f f f f f / * a n y p e n d i n g ? * /
beq 3 7 f
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
li r0 , 0 x f f
li r6 , X I C S _ Q I R R
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
stbcix r0 , r5 , r6 / * c l e a r t h e I P I * /
stwcix r3 , r5 , r7 / * E O I i t * /
37 : sync
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
/* increment the nap count and then go to nap mode */
ld r4 , H S T A T E _ K V M _ V C O R E ( r13 )
addi r4 , r4 , V C O R E _ N A P _ C O U N T
lwsync / * m a k e p r e v i o u s u p d a t e s v i s i b l e * /
51 : lwarx r3 , 0 , r4
addi r3 , r3 , 1
stwcx. r3 , 0 , r4
bne 5 1 b
2012-02-03 00:54:17 +00:00
kvm_no_guest :
li r0 , K V M _ H W T H R E A D _ I N _ N A P
stb r0 , H S T A T E _ H W T H R E A D _ S T A T E ( r13 )
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
li r3 , L P C R _ P E C E 0
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
mfspr r4 , S P R N _ L P C R
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
rlwimi r4 , r3 , 0 , L P C R _ P E C E 0 | L P C R _ P E C E 1
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
mtspr S P R N _ L P C R , r4
KVM: PPC: Implement H_CEDE hcall for book3s_hv in real-mode code
With a KVM guest operating in SMT4 mode (i.e. 4 hardware threads per
core), whenever a CPU goes idle, we have to pull all the other
hardware threads in the core out of the guest, because the H_CEDE
hcall is handled in the kernel. This is inefficient.
This adds code to book3s_hv_rmhandlers.S to handle the H_CEDE hcall
in real mode. When a guest vcpu does an H_CEDE hcall, we now only
exit to the kernel if all the other vcpus in the same core are also
idle. Otherwise we mark this vcpu as napping, save state that could
be lost in nap mode (mainly GPRs and FPRs), and execute the nap
instruction. When the thread wakes up, because of a decrementer or
external interrupt, we come back in at kvm_start_guest (from the
system reset interrupt vector), find the `napping' flag set in the
paca, and go to the resume path.
This has some other ramifications. First, when starting a core, we
now start all the threads, both those that are immediately runnable and
those that are idle. This is so that we don't have to pull all the
threads out of the guest when an idle thread gets a decrementer interrupt
and wants to start running. In fact the idle threads will all start
with the H_CEDE hcall returning; being idle they will just do another
H_CEDE immediately and go to nap mode.
This required some changes to kvmppc_run_core() and kvmppc_run_vcpu().
These functions have been restructured to make them simpler and clearer.
We introduce a level of indirection in the wait queue that gets woken
when external and decrementer interrupts get generated for a vcpu, so
that we can have the 4 vcpus in a vcore using the same wait queue.
We need this because the 4 vcpus are being handled by one thread.
Secondly, when we need to exit from the guest to the kernel, we now
have to generate an IPI for any napping threads, because an HDEC
interrupt doesn't wake up a napping thread.
Thirdly, we now need to be able to handle virtual external interrupts
and decrementer interrupts becoming pending while a thread is napping,
and deliver those interrupts to the guest when the thread wakes.
This is done in kvmppc_cede_reentry, just before fast_guest_return.
Finally, since we are not using the generic kvm_vcpu_block for book3s_hv,
and hence not calling kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable, we can remove the #ifdef
from kvm_arch_vcpu_runnable.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-07-23 17:42:46 +10:00
KVM: PPC: Allow book3s_hv guests to use SMT processor modes
This lifts the restriction that book3s_hv guests can only run one
hardware thread per core, and allows them to use up to 4 threads
per core on POWER7. The host still has to run single-threaded.
This capability is advertised to qemu through a new KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT
capability. The return value of the ioctl querying this capability
is the number of vcpus per virtual CPU core (vcore), currently 4.
To use this, the host kernel should be booted with all threads
active, and then all the secondary threads should be offlined.
This will put the secondary threads into nap mode. KVM will then
wake them from nap mode and use them for running guest code (while
they are still offline). To wake the secondary threads, we send
them an IPI using a new xics_wake_cpu() function, implemented in
arch/powerpc/sysdev/xics/icp-native.c. In other words, at this stage
we assume that the platform has a XICS interrupt controller and
we are using icp-native.c to drive it. Since the woken thread will
need to acknowledge and clear the IPI, we also export the base
physical address of the XICS registers using kvmppc_set_xics_phys()
for use in the low-level KVM book3s code.
When a vcpu is created, it is assigned to a virtual CPU core.
The vcore number is obtained by dividing the vcpu number by the
number of threads per core in the host. This number is exported
to userspace via the KVM_CAP_PPC_SMT capability. If qemu wishes
to run the guest in single-threaded mode, it should make all vcpu
numbers be multiples of the number of threads per core.
We distinguish three states of a vcpu: runnable (i.e., ready to execute
the guest), blocked (that is, idle), and busy in host. We currently
implement a policy that the vcore can run only when all its threads
are runnable or blocked. This way, if a vcpu needs to execute elsewhere
in the kernel or in qemu, it can do so without being starved of CPU
by the other vcpus.
When a vcore starts to run, it executes in the context of one of the
vcpu threads. The other vcpu threads all go to sleep and stay asleep
until something happens requiring the vcpu thread to return to qemu,
or to wake up to run the vcore (this can happen when another vcpu
thread goes from busy in host state to blocked).
It can happen that a vcpu goes from blocked to runnable state (e.g.
because of an interrupt), and the vcore it belongs to is already
running. In that case it can start to run immediately as long as
the none of the vcpus in the vcore have started to exit the guest.
We send the next free thread in the vcore an IPI to get it to start
to execute the guest. It synchronizes with the other threads via
the vcore->entry_exit_count field to make sure that it doesn't go
into the guest if the other vcpus are exiting by the time that it
is ready to actually enter the guest.
Note that there is no fixed relationship between the hardware thread
number and the vcpu number. Hardware threads are assigned to vcpus
as they become runnable, so we will always use the lower-numbered
hardware threads in preference to higher-numbered threads if not all
the vcpus in the vcore are runnable, regardless of which vcpus are
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:23:08 +00:00
std r0 , H S T A T E _ S C R A T C H 0 ( r13 )
ld r0 , H S T A T E _ S C R A T C H 0 ( r13 )
1 : cmpd r0 , r0
bne 1 b
b .
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/ *
* Save a w a y F P , V M X a n d V S X r e g i s t e r s .
* r3 = v c p u p o i n t e r
2011-06-29 00:22:05 +00:00
* /
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
_ GLOBAL( k v m p p c _ s a v e _ f p )
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
mfmsr r5
ori r8 ,r5 ,M S R _ F P
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
# ifdef C O N F I G _ A L T I V E C
oris r8 ,r8 ,M S R _ V E C @h
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A L T I V E C )
# endif
# ifdef C O N F I G _ V S X
oris r8 ,r8 ,M S R _ V S X @h
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ V S X )
# endif
mtmsrd r8
# ifdef C O N F I G _ V S X
reg = 0
.rept 32
li r6 ,r e g * 1 6 + V C P U _ V S R S
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
STXVD2 X ( r e g ,R 6 ,R 3 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
reg = r e g + 1
FTR_ S E C T I O N _ E L S E
# endif
reg = 0
.rept 32
stfd r e g ,r e g * 8 + V C P U _ F P R S ( r3 )
reg = r e g + 1
# ifdef C O N F I G _ V S X
ALT_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ E N D _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ V S X )
# endif
mffs f r0
stfd f r0 ,V C P U _ F P S C R ( r3 )
# ifdef C O N F I G _ A L T I V E C
reg = 0
.rept 32
li r6 ,r e g * 1 6 + V C P U _ V R S
stvx r e g ,r6 ,r3
reg = r e g + 1
mfvscr v r0
li r6 ,V C P U _ V S C R
stvx v r0 ,r6 ,r3
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A L T I V E C )
# endif
mfspr r6 ,S P R N _ V R S A V E
stw r6 ,V C P U _ V R S A V E ( r3 )
2012-03-02 01:38:23 +00:00
mtmsrd r5
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
/ *
* Load u p F P , V M X a n d V S X r e g i s t e r s
* r4 = v c p u p o i n t e r
* /
.globl kvmppc_load_fp
kvmppc_load_fp :
mfmsr r9
ori r8 ,r9 ,M S R _ F P
# ifdef C O N F I G _ A L T I V E C
oris r8 ,r8 ,M S R _ V E C @h
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A L T I V E C )
# endif
# ifdef C O N F I G _ V S X
oris r8 ,r8 ,M S R _ V S X @h
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ V S X )
# endif
mtmsrd r8
lfd f r0 ,V C P U _ F P S C R ( r4 )
MTFSF_ L ( f r0 )
# ifdef C O N F I G _ V S X
reg = 0
.rept 32
li r7 ,r e g * 1 6 + V C P U _ V S R S
2012-06-25 13:33:10 +00:00
LXVD2 X ( r e g ,R 7 ,R 4 )
KVM: PPC: Add support for Book3S processors in hypervisor mode
This adds support for KVM running on 64-bit Book 3S processors,
specifically POWER7, in hypervisor mode. Using hypervisor mode means
that the guest can use the processor's supervisor mode. That means
that the guest can execute privileged instructions and access privileged
registers itself without trapping to the host. This gives excellent
performance, but does mean that KVM cannot emulate a processor
architecture other than the one that the hardware implements.
This code assumes that the guest is running paravirtualized using the
PAPR (Power Architecture Platform Requirements) interface, which is the
interface that IBM's PowerVM hypervisor uses. That means that existing
Linux distributions that run on IBM pSeries machines will also run
under KVM without modification. In order to communicate the PAPR
hypercalls to qemu, this adds a new KVM_EXIT_PAPR_HCALL exit code
to include/linux/kvm.h.
Currently the choice between book3s_hv support and book3s_pr support
(i.e. the existing code, which runs the guest in user mode) has to be
made at kernel configuration time, so a given kernel binary can only
do one or the other.
This new book3s_hv code doesn't support MMIO emulation at present.
Since we are running paravirtualized guests, this isn't a serious
With the guest running in supervisor mode, most exceptions go straight
to the guest. We will never get data or instruction storage or segment
interrupts, alignment interrupts, decrementer interrupts, program
interrupts, single-step interrupts, etc., coming to the hypervisor from
the guest. Therefore this introduces a new KVMTEST_NONHV macro for the
exception entry path so that we don't have to do the KVM test on entry
to those exception handlers.
We do however get hypervisor decrementer, hypervisor data storage,
hypervisor instruction storage, and hypervisor emulation assist
interrupts, so we have to handle those.
In hypervisor mode, real-mode accesses can access all of RAM, not just
a limited amount. Therefore we put all the guest state in the vcpu.arch
and use the shadow_vcpu in the PACA only for temporary scratch space.
We allocate the vcpu with kzalloc rather than vzalloc, and we don't use
anything in the kvmppc_vcpu_book3s struct, so we don't allocate it.
We don't have a shared page with the guest, but we still need a
kvm_vcpu_arch_shared struct to store the values of various registers,
so we include one in the vcpu_arch struct.
The POWER7 processor has a restriction that all threads in a core have
to be in the same partition. MMU-on kernel code counts as a partition
(partition 0), so we have to do a partition switch on every entry to and
exit from the guest. At present we require the host and guest to run
in single-thread mode because of this hardware restriction.
This code allocates a hashed page table for the guest and initializes
it with HPTEs for the guest's Virtual Real Memory Area (VRMA). We
require that the guest memory is allocated using 16MB huge pages, in
order to simplify the low-level memory management. This also means that
we can get away without tracking paging activity in the host for now,
since huge pages can't be paged or swapped.
This also adds a few new exports needed by the book3s_hv code.
Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Graf <agraf@suse.de>
2011-06-29 00:21:34 +00:00
reg = r e g + 1
FTR_ S E C T I O N _ E L S E
# endif
reg = 0
.rept 32
lfd r e g ,r e g * 8 + V C P U _ F P R S ( r4 )
reg = r e g + 1
# ifdef C O N F I G _ V S X
ALT_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ E N D _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ V S X )
# endif
# ifdef C O N F I G _ A L T I V E C
li r7 ,V C P U _ V S C R
lvx v r0 ,r7 ,r4
mtvscr v r0
reg = 0
.rept 32
li r7 ,r e g * 1 6 + V C P U _ V R S
lvx r e g ,r7 ,r4
reg = r e g + 1
END_ F T R _ S E C T I O N _ I F S E T ( C P U _ F T R _ A L T I V E C )
# endif
lwz r7 ,V C P U _ V R S A V E ( r4 )
mtspr S P R N _ V R S A V E ,r7