Merge branch 'for-linus' of git://
* 'for-linus' of git:// ktest: Add STOP_TEST_AFTER to stop the test after a period of time ktest: Monitor kernel while running of user tests ktest: Fix bug where the test would not end after failure ktest: Add BISECT_FILES to run git bisect on paths ktest: Add BISECT_SKIP ktest: Add manual bisect ktest: Handle kernels before make oldnoconfig ktest: Start failure timeout on panic too ktest: Print logfile name on failure
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ $default{"POWEROFF_ON_SUCCESS"} = 0;
$default{"BUILD_OPTIONS"} = "";
$default{"BISECT_SLEEP_TIME"} = 60; # sleep time between bisects
$default{"CLEAR_LOG"} = 0;
$default{"BISECT_MANUAL"} = 0;
$default{"BISECT_SKIP"} = 1;
$default{"SUCCESS_LINE"} = "login:";
$default{"BOOTED_TIMEOUT"} = 1;
$default{"DIE_ON_FAILURE"} = 1;
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ $default{"SCP_TO_TARGET"} = "scp \$SRC_FILE \$SSH_USER\@\$MACHINE:\$DST_FILE";
$default{"REBOOT"} = "ssh \$SSH_USER\@\$MACHINE reboot";
$default{"STOP_AFTER_SUCCESS"} = 10;
$default{"STOP_AFTER_FAILURE"} = 60;
$default{"STOP_TEST_AFTER"} = 600;
$default{"LOCALVERSION"} = "-test";
my $ktest_config;
@ -81,6 +84,8 @@ my $addconfig;
my $in_bisect = 0;
my $bisect_bad = "";
my $reverse_bisect;
my $bisect_manual;
my $bisect_skip;
my $in_patchcheck = 0;
my $run_test;
my $redirect;
@ -98,6 +103,7 @@ my $console;
my $success_line;
my $stop_after_success;
my $stop_after_failure;
my $stop_test_after;
my $build_target;
my $target_image;
my $localversion;
@ -462,6 +468,10 @@ sub dodie {
if (defined($opt{"LOG_FILE"})) {
print " See $opt{LOG_FILE} for more info.\n";
die @_, "\n";
@ -760,8 +770,10 @@ sub monitor {
my $success_start;
my $failure_start;
my $monitor_start = time;
my $done = 0;
for (;;) {
while (!$done) {
if ($booted) {
$line = wait_for_input($monitor_fp, $booted_timeout);
@ -796,7 +808,7 @@ sub monitor {
if ($full_line =~ /call trace:/i) {
if (!$skip_call_trace) {
if (!$bug && !$skip_call_trace) {
$bug = 1;
$failure_start = time;
@ -816,12 +828,19 @@ sub monitor {
if ($full_line =~ /Kernel panic -/) {
$failure_start = time;
$bug = 1;
if ($line =~ /\n/) {
$full_line = "";
if ($stop_test_after > 0 && !$booted && !$bug) {
if (time - $monitor_start > $stop_test_after) {
$done = 1;
@ -925,6 +944,18 @@ sub check_buildlog {
return 1;
sub make_oldconfig {
my ($defconfig) = @_;
if (!run_command "$defconfig $make oldnoconfig") {
# Perhaps oldnoconfig doesn't exist in this version of the kernel
# try a yes '' | oldconfig
doprint "oldnoconfig failed, trying yes '' | make oldconfig\n";
run_command "yes '' | $defconfig $make oldconfig" or
dodie "failed make config oldconfig";
sub build {
my ($type) = @_;
my $defconfig = "";
@ -970,8 +1001,12 @@ sub build {
$defconfig = "KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG=$minconfig";
run_command "$defconfig $make $type" or
dodie "failed make config";
if ($type eq "oldnoconfig") {
make_oldconfig $defconfig;
} else {
run_command "$defconfig $make $type" or
dodie "failed make config";
$redirect = "$buildlog";
if (!run_command "$make $build_options") {
@ -1025,6 +1060,21 @@ sub get_version {
doprint "$version\n";
sub answer_bisect {
for (;;) {
doprint "Pass or fail? [p/f]";
my $ans = <STDIN>;
chomp $ans;
if ($ans eq "p" || $ans eq "P") {
return 1;
} elsif ($ans eq "f" || $ans eq "F") {
return 0;
} else {
print "Please answer 'P' or 'F'\n";
sub child_run_test {
my $failed = 0;
@ -1070,6 +1120,7 @@ sub do_run_test {
# we are not guaranteed to get a full line
$full_line .= $line;
doprint $line;
if ($full_line =~ /call trace:/i) {
$bug = 1;
@ -1086,6 +1137,19 @@ sub do_run_test {
} while (!$child_done && !$bug);
if ($bug) {
my $failure_start = time;
my $now;
do {
$line = wait_for_input($monitor_fp, 1);
if (defined($line)) {
doprint $line;
$now = time;
if ($now - $failure_start >= $stop_after_failure) {
} while (defined($line));
doprint "Detected kernel crash!\n";
# kill the child with extreme prejudice
kill 9, $child_pid;
@ -1131,7 +1195,15 @@ sub run_git_bisect {
return 1;
# returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
sub bisect_reboot {
doprint "Reboot and sleep $bisect_sleep_time seconds\n";
wait_for_monitor $bisect_sleep_time;
# returns 1 on success, 0 on failure, -1 on skip
sub run_bisect_test {
my ($type, $buildtype) = @_;
@ -1145,6 +1217,10 @@ sub run_bisect_test {
build $buildtype or $failed = 1;
if ($type ne "build") {
if ($failed && $bisect_skip) {
$in_bisect = 0;
return -1;
dodie "Failed on build" if $failed;
# Now boot the box
@ -1156,6 +1232,12 @@ sub run_bisect_test {
monitor or $failed = 1;
if ($type ne "boot") {
if ($failed && $bisect_skip) {
$in_bisect = 0;
return -1;
dodie "Failed on boot" if $failed;
do_run_test or $failed = 1;
@ -1168,11 +1250,7 @@ sub run_bisect_test {
# reboot the box to a good kernel
if ($type ne "build") {
doprint "Reboot and sleep $bisect_sleep_time seconds\n";
wait_for_monitor $bisect_sleep_time;
} else {
$result = 1;
@ -1193,16 +1271,22 @@ sub run_bisect {
my $ret = run_bisect_test $type, $buildtype;
if ($bisect_manual) {
$ret = answer_bisect;
# Are we looking for where it worked, not failed?
if ($reverse_bisect) {
$ret = !$ret;
if ($ret) {
if ($ret > 0) {
return "good";
} else {
} elsif ($ret == 0) {
return "bad";
} elsif ($bisect_skip) {
doprint "HIT A BAD COMMIT ... SKIPPING\n";
return "skip";
@ -1220,6 +1304,13 @@ sub bisect {
my $type = $opt{"BISECT_TYPE[$i]"};
my $start = $opt{"BISECT_START[$i]"};
my $replay = $opt{"BISECT_REPLAY[$i]"};
my $start_files = $opt{"BISECT_FILES[$i]"};
if (defined($start_files)) {
$start_files = " -- " . $start_files;
} else {
$start_files = "";
# convert to true sha1's
$good = get_sha1($good);
@ -1273,7 +1364,7 @@ sub bisect {
die "Failed to checkout $head";
run_command "git bisect start" or
run_command "git bisect start$start_files" or
dodie "could not start bisect";
run_command "git bisect good $good" or
@ -1390,9 +1481,7 @@ sub create_config {
# exit;
run_command "$make oldnoconfig" or
dodie "failed make config oldconfig";
make_oldconfig "";
sub compare_configs {
@ -1505,7 +1594,9 @@ sub run_config_bisect {
$ret = run_config_bisect_test $type;
if ($bisect_manual) {
$ret = answer_bisect;
if ($ret) {
process_passed %current_config;
return 0;
@ -1536,7 +1627,13 @@ sub run_config_bisect {
$half = int($#start_list / 2);
} while ($half > 0);
# we found a single config, try it again
# we found a single config, try it again unless we are running manually
if ($bisect_manual) {
process_failed $start_list[0];
return 1;
my @tophalf = @start_list[0 .. 0];
$ret = run_config_bisect_test $type;
@ -1594,8 +1691,7 @@ sub config_bisect {
# Now run oldconfig with the minconfig (and addconfigs)
run_command "$defconfig $make oldnoconfig" or
dodie "failed make config oldconfig";
make_oldconfig $defconfig;
# check to see what we lost (or gained)
open (IN, $output_config)
@ -1907,6 +2003,8 @@ for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opt{"NUM_TESTS"}; $i++) {
$poweroff_after_halt = set_test_option("POWEROFF_AFTER_HALT", $i);
$sleep_time = set_test_option("SLEEP_TIME", $i);
$bisect_sleep_time = set_test_option("BISECT_SLEEP_TIME", $i);
$bisect_manual = set_test_option("BISECT_MANUAL", $i);
$bisect_skip = set_test_option("BISECT_SKIP", $i);
$store_failures = set_test_option("STORE_FAILURES", $i);
$timeout = set_test_option("TIMEOUT", $i);
$booted_timeout = set_test_option("BOOTED_TIMEOUT", $i);
@ -1914,6 +2012,7 @@ for (my $i = 1; $i <= $opt{"NUM_TESTS"}; $i++) {
$success_line = set_test_option("SUCCESS_LINE", $i);
$stop_after_success = set_test_option("STOP_AFTER_SUCCESS", $i);
$stop_after_failure = set_test_option("STOP_AFTER_FAILURE", $i);
$stop_test_after = set_test_option("STOP_TEST_AFTER", $i);
$build_target = set_test_option("BUILD_TARGET", $i);
$ssh_exec = set_test_option("SSH_EXEC", $i);
$scp_to_target = set_test_option("SCP_TO_TARGET", $i);
@ -306,6 +306,14 @@
# (default 60)
# In case the console constantly fills the screen, having
# a specified time to stop the test if it never succeeds nor fails
# is recommended.
# Note: this is ignored if a success or failure is detected.
# (in seconds)
# (default 600, -1 is to never stop)
# Stop testing if a build fails. If set, the script will end if
# a failure is detected, otherwise it will save off the .config,
# dmesg and bootlog in a directory called
@ -519,6 +527,24 @@
# git bisect good, git bisect bad, and running the git bisect replay
# if the BISECT_REPLAY is set.
# BISECT_SKIP = 1 (optional, default 0)
# If BISECT_TYPE is set to test but the build fails, ktest will
# simply fail the test and end their. You could use BISECT_REPLAY
# and BISECT_START to resume after you found a new starting point,
# or you could set BISECT_SKIP to 1. If BISECT_SKIP is set to 1,
# when something other than the BISECT_TYPE fails, will
# run "git bisect skip" and try again.
# BISECT_FILES = <path> (optional, default undefined)
# To just run the git bisect on a specific path, set BISECT_FILES.
# For example:
# BISECT_FILES = arch/x86 kernel/time
# Will run the bisect with "git bisect start -- arch/x86 kernel/time"
# BISECT_REVERSE = 1 (optional, default 0)
# In those strange instances where it was broken forever
@ -528,6 +554,15 @@
# With BISECT_REVERSE = 1, The test will consider failures as
# good, and success as bad.
# BISECT_MANUAL = 1 (optional, default 0)
# In case there's a problem with automating the bisect for
# whatever reason. (Can't reboot, want to inspect each iteration)
# Doing a BISECT_MANUAL will have the test wait for you to
# tell it if the test passed or failed after each iteration.
# This is basicall the same as running git bisect yourself
# but ktest will rebuild and install the kernel for you.
# BISECT_CHECK = 1 (optional, default 0)
# Just to be sure the good is good and bad is bad, setting
@ -613,10 +648,17 @@
# CONFIG_BISECT is the config that failed to boot
# If BISECT_MANUAL is set, it will pause between iterations.
# This is useful to use just just for the config bisect.
# If you set it to build, it will run the bisect and you can
# control what happens in between iterations. It will ask you if
# the test succeeded or not and continue the config bisect.
# Example:
# TEST_TYPE = config_bisect
# CONFIG_BISECT = /home/test/¢onfig-bad
# MIN_CONFIG = /home/test/config-min
Reference in New Issue
Block a user