It's possible to hit a race condition if interrupts are generated on a GPIO pin when the IRQ line in question is being disabled. If the interrupt is freed, bcm2835_gpio_irq_disable() is called which disables the event generation sources (edge, level). If an event occurred between the last disabling of hard IRQs and the write to the event source registers, a bit would be set in the GPIO event detect register (GPEDSn) which goes unacknowledged by bcm2835_gpio_irq_handler() so Linux complains loudly. There is no per-GPIO mask register, so when disabling GPIO interrupts write 1 to the relevant bit in GPEDSn to clear out any stale events. Signed-off-by: Jonathan Bell <> Acked-by: Stephen Warren <> Signed-off-by: Linus Walleij <>