12 KiB
Version 0.7.5
- fix for dodge maximized in multi-screen environment
- when copying default layouts make sure they are writable in the destination
- new protocol to communicate between applets and Latte in order to inform them when they are in a Latte panel/dock and when they dont want any change in their main icon behavior.
Version 0.7.4
- new improved image patterns for edit mode
- support v0.8 layout files in order to not break compatibility
- use an svg file for Latte trademark in settings window instead of a font
- fix for multi-screen environments
- fix parabolic effect in some corner cases
- import v0.6 launchers to v0.7 only once
- improve bouncing anchoring
Version 0.7.3
- support RTL languages
- fix crash occuring from badges
- improve shadow behavior and calculations for corner cases
- support "nomad systray" and "kdeconnect sms" in Latte heuristics
- expand applets when clicked at neutral areas
- shrink a bit the task number
- support Fitt's Law in more corner cases
- execute Latte at the same time between different users
- ignore X11 signals that are sent with no reason (e.g. Firefox 57 upstream bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1389953)
- take into account the applets shadow size for mask calculations
Version 0.7.2
- fix crashes introduced with qt 5.9.2 when the user hovers the dock
- highly improve the attention bouncing animation
- fix coloring for shortcut badges
- various fixes for animations and glitches
- hide internal tasks separator at the edges
- improvements for window manager !compositing window state
- fix small issues with title tooltips
- pass kde review process
- move source to kde infrastructure
- more translations from kde localization teams
Version 0.7.1
- added “New” button in Layouts manager
- “Close” window from context menu was moved in the end
- provide always valid task geometries, fixes any lamb minimize/unminimize effect issues
- improve scroll wheel behavior, it is only used to show and activate windows and not minimizing them
- fix issue with Firefox 55 that was blocking the dock from showing
- improve combination or previews and highlight effect. (the user can now highlight windows from their previews)
- provide a previewsDelay which can be used from advanced users to lower the delay between showing previews or highlighting windows. Be careful, very low values dont provide correct previews. 150ms is by default the lowest value that is taken into account. The value must be added in the Latte plasmoid general settings in any layout file
- show correct icon when a single window is removed
- allow for 1px substitutions for applet sizes when in advanced mode and the user has disabled to automatic shrinking… This way for example you can have a Latte panel with size of 29px.
- Behavior for show background only for maximized windows now respects the applets shadows settings… concerning visibility, color, size etc…
- fix a crash when changing layouts from settings combobox
Version 0.7.0
- wayland tech preview
- dynamic layouts, different layouts per activities
- new layouts editor
- support copy, remove, presets, import, export for layouts
- basic/advanced mode for configuration window
- windows go below visibility mode
- title tooltips
- change dock offset, panel transparency, applets shadow, panel shadow
- dynamic background, show background only for maximized windows
- separators everywhere as applets and one special internal separator for tasks
- audio streams indicator, increase/decrease/mute volume
- different launchers groups, unique/global/layout to sync launchers between docks
- support applets that can fill all the free space of the dock
- support plasma taskmanagers in order to replace Latte plasmoid
- libunity support for progress indicators and counters
- global shortcuts for activating tasks,showing app launcher, show the hidden dock
- an all new dbus interface to show tasks counters
- a community thunderbird plugin using the new latte dbus interface
- switch completely to plasma libtaskmanager for launchers and tasks
- improve color handling for window different states
- add Widgets through the context menu
- places support from Plasma 5.10
- a special Latte spacer that its size can be set in pixels or in percentage according to the current Latte icon size
- active window indicator for window previews
- copy dock support, fantastic feature for multi-screen environments
- remember last active window in a tasks group and use the mouse wheel to cycle through a tasks group
- restart Latte in case of a crash
- overlay over plasma applets such as forlderview in order to provide correct parabolic effect (bug: showing problematic animations for icon sizes smaller of 64px)
- provide our own build-in active applet indicator in case the user wants to have uniformity across its docks
- move the lock button from the drag area into the tooltip
- disable automatic icon size shrinking when a plasma taskmanager is used
- improvements for parabolic effect and various animations
- support import/export for layout independently and for the full configuration
- support automatic and manual importing from v0.6 architecture
- version 0.7 contains around 700 new commits comparing with the v0.6.x branch
- various small or big improvements/bug fixes etc
Version 0.6.0
fix #344, edit mode still active when I change the session
fix #330, Visibility doesn't load when switch to session
fix coloring for tasks group indicator
fix #331, set onAllDesktops early in the process
fix #336, launcher action a bit earlier
fix #334, block dropping internal launchers on dock
fix #333, restore previous functionality
update list of contributors
various improvements for task tooltips
Version 0.5.98 Beta
fix #323, a better fix for hover effect crashes
fix #323, preserve compatibility with plasma 5.8
fix #323, TaskManagerBackend groupDialog
fix #316, [Crash] Exporting settings and trying to open directory of the file
fix #308, Always visible option does not work for side-set dock on unusual multi screen setup
fix #292, workaround for KF5.32 empty mask
fix #298, default add launchers in taskmanager
fix #285, expanded to false for applets
fix #262, dont hide preview window for buffer init
fix #282, fix removal animation
fix #281, enable/disable auto decrease applets size
fix #277, use normal dock window from tweaks
fix #275, top dock gains priority for AlwaysVisible
fix #272, expose alternative session in menu
fix #270, enable blur for panel background
fix #258, protect removal phase
fix #215, support a modifier action
fix #266, expose middle click actions of libtask
fix #260, hide tooltips if dock becomes hidden
fix #264, introduce lastValidSourceName
fix #256, Dodging/Layering Issues
fixes for no compositing automatic icon size
fix #259, user can set distance between applets
fix #257, crash alternative session & !compositing
fix crash deleting visibilityManager
fix restore config for raiseOnDesktop/ActivityChange
fix #246, Incorrect/inconsistent behaviour when switching virtual desktops
fix #250, workaround hovering issue for applets
fix #235, set icon for docks differently
fix #248, option to shring thick margins to minimum
fix #102, show apps menu with Super key
fix #204, improve Latte clicking signaling
fix #217, adaptive applet size based on screen
fix #238, disable/enable raise dock temporary
fix #233, support autostart through tweaks page
fix #126, improve behavior for auto positioning
fix #226, add applets correctly in Fill mode
fix #194, the user can enable a solid background
fix #191, use percentage to calculate panel size
fix #188, fix launchers behavior for Plasma>=5.9
fix #218, reenable garbage collect and trim cache
fix #214, comment new multi-screen behavior
fix #216, fix glitch for none animations
fix right edge positioning
fix typo for LeftEdge
fix spacing at screen combo box
fix #208, crash on exit through quit button
fix #198, flag ByPassWindowManagerHint
fix #12,multi-screen support
support always on primary case
drop dock primary screen behavior from plasma
fix setting a dock's screen for config window
fix config window positioning in multi-screens
fix #116, update screen in screengeometry changes
fix memory leak
fix #197, add/remove task animation
fix applets centering with new rendering
fix #195, new direct rendering mechanism
fix #187, counter for actions blockHiding
fix #183, parentIndex wrong initialization in ToolTipDelegate2
fix #186, drop shadowedImage and use Latte IconItem
fix #185, changes for previews broke hover behavior
fix #178, fix grid layout for group tasks
fix #177, protect containment clearZoom in previews
fix #176, dont hide tooltip when hovering same task
fix #174, account screen size for the debug window
fix #172, disable hidpi scaling
fix #171, use lock file instead of QSharedMemory
fix #171, allow only one instance for Latte app
fix #48, Support Alternatives from the Context Menu
fix #164, Dodge Active is broken for windows on all desktops
fix #116, remove QueuedConnection
fix #116, endless showing loop at startup
fix #139, Un-hide Latte at desktop and activity changes
fix #116, add protections in multi-screen
fix #159, show correct previews for windows
fix #133, dodge active window when switching desktop
fix #141, dodge decoration
fix #136, load visibility with a timer in startup
fix #136, clean autoHidden
fix #155, fix availableScreenRect of latte corona
fix #42, latte icon shown correctly in ksysguard
fix #154, crash on screenGeometry change
fix #153, improve tasks progress visuals
fix #148, improve tooltips focus
fix #118, support dragging a file at windows group
fix #138, import new tooltips from plasma 5.9
fix #127, saving layouts in justify normal state
fix #118, raise window for hovering files over task
fix #128, reimplement the panel draw
fix #103, fixes in calculations and orchestration
fix #125, fix calculations for dock geometry
fix #119, improve animations heuristics
fix restoring splitters on startup
fix #92, improve more three layouts for Fill
fix issues with new maxLength
fix Wrong license version
fix #94, --debug must be set for debugging messages
fix #93, masking updated correctly on config win
fix #96, fix right click for systray
fix #88, protect launchers from adding icon info
fix #80, Dock do not dodge Spotify
fix #74, hide settings button from plasmoid tooltip
fix #85, removing Dock crashes Latte
fix #84, closing Latte cleans config file
fix two serious crashes from config window
improved readability of CMakeLists
removing intltool dependence and locale scripts improved
#98, added about dialog
support maxLength through config win and container
rename Latte's configuration files #81
#199, AbstractWindowInterface is now a shared resource
#199, QQuickWindowSystem replacement of WindowSystem
avoid overlaping
improvements to no compositing
added multi screen support
added a lot information into debug window
added support for alternative session
added, #205 backup and restore
adedd, #224 Added option to add spacers applets
added german translation
added zh_TW translations
Version 0.5.91 Alpha
- fix #54, dock is shown when applet needs attention
- fix #65, stop bouncing animation in hidden state
- fix #66, many automatic size issues
- fix #51, protect add task animation more
- fix #76, Latte should not allow removing all dock
- The task tooltip now shows all the borders
- INSTALLATION file added with instructions for Kubuntu and Arch Linux
- Update README.md
- Added rpm package for openSUSE
- Added spanish translation
- Translation strings improved #70
Version 0.5.90 Alpha
- First released