Implement trigger-on for abbreviations

trigger-on enables abbreviations to trigger only on "entry" (anything
which closes a token, like space) or only on "exec" (typically enter key).
This commit is contained in:
ridiculousfish 2022-10-16 14:32:25 -07:00
parent 7118cb1ae1
commit c51a1f1f60
9 changed files with 123 additions and 55 deletions

@ -18,21 +18,11 @@ bool abbreviation_t::matches_position(abbrs_position_t position) const {
return this->position == abbrs_position_t::anywhere || this->position == position;
bool abbreviation_t::matches_phase(abbrs_phase_t phase) const {
switch (phase) {
case abbrs_phase_t::noisy:
return !this->is_quiet;
case abbrs_phase_t::quiet:
return this->is_quiet;
case abbrs_phase_t::any:
return true;
bool abbreviation_t::matches_phases(abbrs_phases_t p) const { return bool(this->phases & p); }
bool abbreviation_t::matches(const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t position,
abbrs_phase_t phase) const {
if (!this->matches_position(position) || !this->matches_phase(phase)) {
abbrs_phases_t phases) const {
if (!this->matches_position(position) || !this->matches_phases(phases)) {
return false;
if (this->is_regex()) {
@ -48,12 +38,12 @@ acquired_lock<abbrs_set_t> abbrs_get_set() {
abbrs_replacer_list_t abbrs_set_t::match(const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t position,
abbrs_phase_t phase) const {
abbrs_phases_t phases) const {
abbrs_replacer_list_t result{};
// Later abbreviations take precedence so walk backwards.
for (auto it = abbrs_.rbegin(); it != abbrs_.rend(); ++it) {
const abbreviation_t &abbr = *it;
if (abbr.matches(token, position, phase)) {
if (abbr.matches(token, position, phases)) {
result.push_back(abbrs_replacer_t{abbr.replacement, abbr.replacement_is_function,
@ -62,9 +52,9 @@ abbrs_replacer_list_t abbrs_set_t::match(const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t
bool abbrs_set_t::has_match(const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t position,
abbrs_phase_t phase) const {
abbrs_phases_t phases) const {
for (const auto &abbr : abbrs_) {
if (abbr.matches(token, position, phase)) {
if (abbr.matches(token, position, phases)) {
return true;

@ -20,11 +20,24 @@ enum class abbrs_position_t : uint8_t {
/// Describes a phase of expansion.
enum class abbrs_phase_t : uint8_t {
noisy, // expand noisy abbreviations, which visibly replace their tokens.
quiet, // expand quiet abbreviations, which do not visibly replace their tokens.
any, // phase is ignored - useful for syntax highlighting.
enum abbrs_phase_t : uint8_t {
// Expands "on space" immediately after the user types it.
abbrs_phase_entry = 1 << 0,
// Expands "on enter" before submitting the command to be executed.
abbrs_phase_exec = 1 << 1,
// Expands "quietly" after submitting the command. This is incompatible with the other
// phases.
abbrs_phase_quiet = 1 << 2,
// Default set of phases.
abbrs_phases_default = abbrs_phase_entry | abbrs_phase_exec,
// All phases.
abbrs_phases_all = abbrs_phase_entry | abbrs_phase_exec | abbrs_phase_quiet,
using abbrs_phases_t = uint8_t;
struct abbreviation_t {
// Abbreviation name. This is unique within the abbreviation set.
@ -55,15 +68,14 @@ struct abbreviation_t {
/// Mark if we came from a universal variable.
bool from_universal{};
/// Whether this abbrevation is quiet. Noisy abbreviations visibly replace their tokens in the
/// command line any history, quiet ones do not (unless expansion results in a syntax error).
bool is_quiet{false};
/// Set of phases in which this abbreviation expands.
abbrs_phases_t phases{abbrs_phases_default};
// \return true if this is a regex abbreviation.
bool is_regex() const { return this->regex.has_value(); }
// \return true if we match a token at a given position in a given phase.
bool matches(const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t position, abbrs_phase_t phase) const;
// \return true if we match a token at a given position in a given set of phases.
bool matches(const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t position, abbrs_phases_t phases) const;
// Construct from a name, a key which matches a token, a replacement token, a position, and
// whether we are derived from a universal variable.
@ -77,8 +89,8 @@ struct abbreviation_t {
// \return if we expand in a given position.
bool matches_position(abbrs_position_t position) const;
// \return if we expand in a given phase.
bool matches_phase(abbrs_phase_t phase) const;
// \return if we expand in a given set of phases.
bool matches_phases(abbrs_phases_t p) const;
/// The result of an abbreviation expansion.
@ -118,10 +130,10 @@ class abbrs_set_t {
/// \return the list of replacers for an input token, in priority order.
/// The \p position is given to describe where the token was found.
abbrs_replacer_list_t match(const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t position,
abbrs_phase_t phase) const;
abbrs_phases_t phases) const;
/// \return whether we would have at least one replacer for a given token.
bool has_match(const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t position, abbrs_phase_t phase) const;
bool has_match(const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t position, abbrs_phases_t phases) const;
/// Add an abbreviation. Any abbreviation with the same name is replaced.
void add(abbreviation_t &&abbr);
@ -158,8 +170,8 @@ acquired_lock<abbrs_set_t> abbrs_get_set();
/// \return the list of replacers for an input token, in priority order, using the global set.
/// The \p position is given to describe where the token was found.
inline abbrs_replacer_list_t abbrs_match(const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t position,
abbrs_phase_t phase) {
return abbrs_get_set()->match(token, position, phase);
abbrs_phases_t phases) {
return abbrs_get_set()->match(token, position, phases);

@ -41,13 +41,14 @@ struct abbr_options_t {
bool function{};
maybe_t<wcstring> regex_pattern;
maybe_t<abbrs_position_t> position{};
maybe_t<abbrs_phases_t> phases{};
maybe_t<wcstring> set_cursor_indicator{};
bool quiet{};
wcstring_list_t args;
bool validate(io_streams_t &streams) {
const bool quiet = (phases.value_or(0) & abbrs_phase_quiet);
// Duplicate options?
wcstring_list_t cmds;
if (add) cmds.push_back(L"add");
@ -83,6 +84,9 @@ struct abbr_options_t {
if (!add && quiet) {
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: --quiet option requires --add\n"), CMD);
return false;
} else if (!add && phases.has_value()) {
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: --trigger-on option requires --add\n"), CMD);
return false;
if (!add && set_cursor_indicator.has_value()) {
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: --set-cursor option requires --add\n"), CMD);
@ -96,6 +100,11 @@ struct abbr_options_t {
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: --set-cursor argument cannot be empty\n"), CMD);
return false;
if (quiet && (*phases & ~abbrs_phase_quiet) != 0) {
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Cannot use --quiet with --trigger-on\n"), CMD);
return false;
return true;
@ -120,8 +129,16 @@ static int abbr_show(const abbr_options_t &, io_streams_t &streams) {
if (abbr.is_quiet) {
if (abbr.phases != abbrs_phases_default) {
if (abbr.phases & abbrs_phase_entry) {
comps.push_back(L"--trigger-on entry");
if (abbr.phases & abbrs_phase_exec) {
comps.push_back(L"--trigger-on exec");
if (abbr.phases & abbrs_phase_quiet) {
if (abbr.replacement_is_function) {
@ -262,7 +279,7 @@ static int abbr_add(const abbr_options_t &opts, io_streams_t &streams) {
abbr.regex = std::move(regex);
abbr.replacement_is_function = opts.function;
abbr.set_cursor_indicator = opts.set_cursor_indicator;
abbr.is_quiet = opts.quiet;
abbr.phases = opts.phases.value_or(abbrs_phases_default);
@ -300,6 +317,7 @@ maybe_t<int> builtin_abbr(parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams, const wchar_t
static const struct woption long_options[] = {{L"add", no_argument, 'a'},
{L"position", required_argument, 'p'},
{L"regex", required_argument, REGEX_SHORT},
{L"trigger-on", required_argument, 't'},
{L"quiet", no_argument, QUIET_SHORT},
{L"set-cursor", required_argument, 'C'},
{L"function", no_argument, 'f'},
@ -344,8 +362,8 @@ maybe_t<int> builtin_abbr(parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams, const wchar_t
} else if (!wcscmp(w.woptarg, L"anywhere")) {
opts.position = abbrs_position_t::anywhere;
} else {
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Invalid position '%ls'\nPosition must be "
L"one of: command, anywhere.\n"),
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Invalid position '%ls'\n"
L"Position must be one of: command, anywhere.\n"),
CMD, w.woptarg);
@ -360,8 +378,23 @@ maybe_t<int> builtin_abbr(parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams, const wchar_t
opts.regex_pattern = w.woptarg;
case 't': {
abbrs_phases_t phases = opts.phases.value_or(0);
if (!wcscmp(w.woptarg, L"entry")) {
phases |= abbrs_phase_entry;
} else if (!wcscmp(w.woptarg, L"exec")) {
phases |= abbrs_phase_exec;
} else {
streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Invalid --trigger-on '%ls'\n"
L"Must be one of: entry, exec.\n"),
CMD, w.woptarg);
opts.phases = phases;
opts.quiet = true;
opts.phases = opts.phases.value_or(0) | abbrs_phase_quiet;
case 'C': {

@ -2481,7 +2481,7 @@ static void test_abbreviations() {
// Helper to expand an abbreviation, enforcing we have no more than one result.
auto abbr_expand_1 = [](const wcstring &token, abbrs_position_t pos) -> maybe_t<wcstring> {
auto result = abbrs_match(token, pos, abbrs_phase_t::any);
auto result = abbrs_match(token, pos, abbrs_phases_all);
if (result.size() > 1) {
err(L"abbreviation expansion for %ls returned more than 1 result", token.c_str());
@ -2507,7 +2507,7 @@ static void test_abbreviations() {
auto expand_abbreviation_in_command = [](const wcstring &cmdline,
size_t cursor_pos) -> maybe_t<wcstring> {
if (auto replacement = reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(
cmdline, cursor_pos, abbrs_phase_t::noisy, parser_t::principal_parser())) {
cmdline, cursor_pos, abbrs_phases_default, parser_t::principal_parser())) {
wcstring cmdline_expanded = cmdline;
std::vector<highlight_spec_t> colors{cmdline_expanded.size()};
apply_edit(&cmdline_expanded, &colors, edit_t{replacement->range, replacement->text});

@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ static bool command_is_valid(const wcstring &cmd, enum statement_decoration_t de
// Abbreviations
if (!is_valid && abbreviation_ok)
is_valid = abbrs_get_set()->has_match(cmd, abbrs_position_t::command, abbrs_phase_t::any);
is_valid = abbrs_get_set()->has_match(cmd, abbrs_position_t::command, abbrs_phases_default);
// Regular commands
if (!is_valid && command_ok) is_valid = path_get_path(cmd, vars).has_value();

@ -792,8 +792,9 @@ class reader_data_t : public std::enable_shared_from_this<reader_data_t> {
/// Do what we need to do whenever our pager selection changes.
void pager_selection_changed();
/// Expand abbreviations at the current cursor position, minus backtrack_amt.
bool expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(size_t cursor_backtrack, abbrs_phase_t phase);
/// Expand abbreviations in the given phases at the current cursor position, minus
/// cursor_backtrack.
bool expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(size_t cursor_backtrack, abbrs_phases_t phases);
/// \return true if the command line has changed and repainting is needed. If \p colors is not
/// null, then also return true if the colors have changed.
@ -1453,7 +1454,7 @@ static std::vector<positioned_token_t> extract_tokens(const wcstring &str) {
/// cursor. \return the replacement. This does NOT inspect the current reader data.
maybe_t<abbrs_replacement_t> reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(const wcstring &cmdline,
size_t cursor_pos,
abbrs_phase_t phase,
abbrs_phases_t phases,
parser_t &parser) {
// Find the token containing the cursor. Usually users edit from the end, so walk backwards.
const auto tokens = extract_tokens(cmdline);
@ -1468,7 +1469,7 @@ maybe_t<abbrs_replacement_t> reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(const wcstring
iter->is_cmd ? abbrs_position_t::command : abbrs_position_t::anywhere;
wcstring token_str = cmdline.substr(range.start, range.length);
auto replacers = abbrs_match(token_str, position, phase);
auto replacers = abbrs_match(token_str, position, phases);
for (const auto &replacer : replacers) {
if (auto replacement = expand_replacer(range, token_str, replacer, parser)) {
return replacement;
@ -1480,7 +1481,7 @@ maybe_t<abbrs_replacement_t> reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(const wcstring
/// Expand abbreviations at the current cursor position, minus the given cursor backtrack. This may
/// change the command line but does NOT repaint it. This is to allow the caller to coalesce
/// repaints.
bool reader_data_t::expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(size_t cursor_backtrack, abbrs_phase_t phase) {
bool reader_data_t::expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(size_t cursor_backtrack, abbrs_phases_t phases) {
bool result = false;
editable_line_t *el = active_edit_line();
@ -1488,7 +1489,7 @@ bool reader_data_t::expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(size_t cursor_backtrack, abbrs
// Try expanding abbreviations.
size_t cursor_pos = el->position() - std::min(el->position(), cursor_backtrack);
if (auto replacement = reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(el->text(), cursor_pos, phase,
if (auto replacement = reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(el->text(), cursor_pos, phases,
this->parser())) {
push_edit(el, edit_t{replacement->range, std::move(replacement->text)});
update_buff_pos(el, replacement->cursor);
@ -1517,7 +1518,7 @@ static bool expand_quiet_abbreviations(wcstring *inout_str, parser_t &parser) {
abbrs_position_t position =
pt.is_cmd ? abbrs_position_t::command : abbrs_position_t::anywhere;
auto replacers = abbrs_match(token, position, abbrs_phase_t::quiet);
auto replacers = abbrs_match(token, position, abbrs_phase_quiet);
for (const auto &replacer : replacers) {
const auto replacement = expand_replacer(orig_range, token, replacer, parser);
if (replacement && replacement->text != token) {
@ -4230,7 +4231,7 @@ void reader_data_t::handle_readline_command(readline_cmd_t c, readline_loop_stat
case rl::expand_abbr: {
if (expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(1, abbrs_phase_t::noisy)) {
if (expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(1, abbrs_phase_entry)) {
} else {
@ -4328,9 +4329,9 @@ parser_test_error_bits_t reader_data_t::expand_for_execute(wcstring *to_exec) {
if (test_res & PARSER_TEST_ERROR) return test_res;
// Noisy abbreviations at the cursor.
// Exec abbreviations at the cursor.
// Note we want to expand abbreviations even if incomplete.
if (expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(0, abbrs_phase_t::noisy)) {
if (expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(0, abbrs_phase_exec)) {
// Trigger syntax highlighting as we are likely about to execute this command.
if (conf.syntax_check_ok) {

@ -267,11 +267,11 @@ wcstring combine_command_and_autosuggestion(const wcstring &cmdline,
/// Expand at most one abbreviation at the given cursor position, updating the position if the
/// abbreviation wants to move the cursor. Use the parser to run any abbreviations which want
/// function calls. \return none if no abbreviations were expanded, otherwise the resulting edit.
enum class abbrs_phase_t : uint8_t;
using abbrs_phases_t = uint8_t;
struct abbrs_replacement_t;
maybe_t<abbrs_replacement_t> reader_expand_abbreviation_at_cursor(const wcstring &cmdline,
size_t cursor_pos,
abbrs_phase_t phase,
abbrs_phases_t phases,
parser_t &parser);
/// Apply a completion string. Exposed for testing only.

@ -168,8 +168,23 @@ abbr --add bogus --position never stuff
abbr --add bogus --position anywhere --position command stuff
# CHECKERR: abbr: Cannot specify multiple positions
abbr --add --trigger-on derp zzxjoanw stuff
# CHECKERR: abbr: Invalid --trigger-on 'derp'
# CHECKERR: Must be one of: entry, exec.
abbr --add --trigger-on entry --quiet zzxjoanw stuff
# CHECKERR: abbr: Cannot use --quiet with --trigger-on
abbr --add --quiet --trigger-on exec zzxjoanw stuff
# CHECKERR: abbr: Cannot use --quiet with --trigger-on
abbr --add quiet-abbr --quiet foo1
abbr --add loud-abbr foo2
abbr --show
# CHECK: abbr -a -- quiet-abbr --quiet foo1
# CHECK: abbr -a -- loud-abbr foo2
abbr --add loud-abbr foo2
abbr --show
# CHECK: abbr -a -- quiet-abbr --quiet foo1
# CHECK: abbr -a -- loud-abbr foo2

@ -160,3 +160,20 @@ sendline(r"""abbr LLL --position anywhere --set-cursor !HERE! '!HERE! | less'"""
send(r"""echo LLL derp?""")
expect_str(r"echo derp | less ")
# Test trigger-on.
sendline(r"""abbr --erase (abbr --list) """)
sendline(r"""abbr --add entry-only --position anywhere --trigger-on entry 'worked1'""")
sendline(r"""abbr --add exec-only --position anywhere --trigger-on exec 'worked2'""")
sendline(r"echo entry-only") # should not trigger, no space
sendline(r"echo entry-only ") # should trigger, there is a space
sendline(r"echo exec-only") # should trigger, no space
sendline(r"echo exec-only ") # should not trigger, there is a space